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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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This is just speculation on my part, but I'm almost positive that Icemonk191 is one of the trolls my friends was talking about in the TransEra discord. They're just so damn aggressive (including to established "allies" on Era) and read like a strawman half the time that it's hard to believe they're real.

At the same time, there are even crazier posters that most assuredly ARE real, so I guess I'm not committing to that just yet. I also don't actually know who's in that discord beyond Fiestyboots, so I could be waaaaaaaay off.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Today in Total Fucking Insanity, care of ResetEra Takes:






This forum, in general, seems a lot more lively lately. Resetera seems to be pissing off people daily and sending them back here. But yeah the locked threads are seemingly increasing daily. The threads over there are pretty predictable every day.

Fuck trump/conservatives
We heart Star Wars
Fuck da police
Fuck capitalism
Fuck trump some more

Am I missing anything?
Fuck gaymers

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I'm somehow never disappointed. Not a day seems to go by anymore without some sort of thread that goes off the rails immediately.


Gold Member
They’re releasing a new Wonder Woman trailer today, so prepare for another Gal Gadot Era hate thread where the anti-semites call her a baby killer for being a personal trainer in her two years of mandatory IDF service.

Ironic coming from a place pro third trimester exodus.


I'm somehow never disappointed. Not a day seems to go by anymore without some sort of thread that goes off the rails immediately.
They are in desperate need of another summit. Speaking of which, whens the next Gaf summit with mods and the mentally ill members?


Gold Member
I wonder how they would react to a sex workers appreciation topic? "Booked a session with this top class escort this weekend, 11/10 would do again. Share your sex worker stories here".

"I just booked a session with Maria Mint. She sucks at Mario Kart...but not at other things."

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Today in Total Fucking Insanity, care of ResetEra Takes:





It's really just as Douglas Murray pointed out in his book: that one of the current impossible and deranging demands is that a woman should feel free to be as sexy and sexual as she pleases, but for men to sexualize her in any way must not be allowed.

I wonder how they would react to a sex workers appreciation topic? "Booked a session with this top class escort this weekend, 11/10 would do again. Share your sex worker stories here".

Poorly, because that would be sexualizing her. Now, if a sex worker made a topic about how she loves being an escort and making money from dumb horny men, then that would be celebrated.
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"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
All two week bans. So in two weeks each and every one of them will most likely return and just not joke around anymore rather then not posting there.

You should work something out with Era staff so that when they ban a normal person for a stupid reason it sends them a link to check out GAF again.

2 weeks to think long and hard


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
It's really just as Douglas Murray pointed out in his book: that one of the current impossible and deranging demands is that a woman should feel free to be as sexy and sexual as she pleases, but for men to sexualize her in any way must not be allowed.

Poorly, because that would be sexualizing her. Now, if a sex worker made a topic about how she loves being an escort and making money from dumb horny men, then that would be celebrated.

The whole objectification thing is bullshit. Her name isn't sasha grey. That's her porn name that she's leveraging to do things after porn. She wants people to recognize her porn name history, otherwise she'd go by Marina.


They're in complete meltdown.

Joe Biden says something reasonable for once and Reset isn't having any of it. They want their Single Party state ruled by a popular vote dictatorship.
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Winter John

You can whine all you want about the terminology of the thread title but you're absolutely deflecting.
Do you think an attack is warranted on an indie developer for not having black people voice black characters?


Response from the developer explaining what happened. An apology if you will.

Pointing out that the thread title was total clickbait bullshit was highlighting something that was obvious to anyone who bothered to actually read the comments that were posted. Now, I know you pride warriors only have one default position which is to automatically go into ragemode the second your puppet button is pushed, but normal people actually take the time to look into these things before commenting, which is what I did. Looking at that thread on Resetera it was obvious that there was no harrassment campaign as the title claimed. Most of the posters were being very reasonable. The majority consensus was it was an unfortunate situation, but understandable. There were no calls to attack or harass the dev.

After I pointed out the reality of the situation you jumped in and using all the intellectual prowess at your disposal said well, uh, it might not be true, but so what, i'm going to invent this scenario and then if this scenario which I've just invented comes true then I'm like going to totes come back and like quote you and then you'll be all totes devastated and shit.

Then to make it even worse for yourself you decided to accuse me of whining and deflection, after I said that you ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Son, telling you that you ain't too bright isn't whining or deflection. It's just pointing out a fact. Like water is wet.

Now you've come back with your puppet rage meter on 10, all fired up on your hyperbole. Attacks. The developer wasn't attacked. Jesus. They got some mild criticism and responded to it. That's it. That's all that happened. A whole lot of nothing. I know, I know, in your world EVERY FUCKING THING IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY SERIOUS AND YOU MUST BE ON YOUR GUARD AGAINST THEM LIBRULS AT ALL TIMES, but son, the thing is in the real world, normal people don't act or think like you do. When something happens or a claim is made, reasonable people look into the situation, find out the facts, see what's going on and then form an opinion based on those facts. That's what normal, rational, reasonable people do. I get that's not what happens in your world where EVERYTHING IS EXTREMELY SERIOUS AND EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ACT OR LOOK OR THINK LIKE ME IS THE ENEMY AND THEY ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE JUST WAITING FOR ANY OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE ME LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK, but son, everytime you and the rest of the rage puppets throw your shit fits and temper tantrums over nonsense like this your low state of mind shines like a beacon.


Neighbours from Hell
“Getting rid of” anyone who doesn’t believe in your crazy way of thinking by the masses is far more Nazi-like than anything they cry Nazi over,


They're in complete meltdown.

Joe Biden says something reasonable for once and Reset isn't having any of it. They want their Single Party state ruled by a popular vote dictatorship.

He’s full of shit, and doesn’t mean a word he says, but this is exactly why Biden is leading his field by a comfortable amount.

Trying to appeal to groups of people like Resetera, is why the others are losing.


Gold Member
Today in Total Fucking Insanity, care of ResetEra Takes:




Reeeeeeee Mods:
please do not reduce sex workers to their past work
Sounds like a group of pink haired retards like to move the goal posts.

Considering SJW and blue haired mods there like to lambaste anyone from politicians, celebs, to a random person on Twitter about old tweets or something they did when they were 20 years old, you'd think porn stars would also be wide open (literally) for eternal shaming too.

Who knew mangirls and ugly mods would be heroic saviours of hotties who got jizzed on their face for a pay cheque. You'd think hotties would be the very people they are against, since they get attention for looks and doing stupid shit for money.
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This forum, in general, seems a lot more lively lately. Resetera seems to be pissing off people daily and sending them back here. But yeah the locked threads are seemingly increasing daily. The threads over there are pretty predictable every day.

Fuck trump/conservatives
We heart Star Wars
Fuck da police
Fuck capitalism, except when it comes to Nintendo and Naughty Dogs.
Fuck trump some more

Am I missing anything?

Fixed that for you.
Slayven, holy shit! There's a name I haven't heard in years.

Is he, she, they, still white, black, Asian and European, while working, not working in America, Europe and China simultaneously?

Are they also a skinny Mexican and a 400lb liberal white mental case on benefits, disability while being a billionaire philanphropist playboy billionare SJW edge-lord misogynist? :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy: :messenger_tears_of_joy:

What a tosser.
Also, it's not the first time they've wanted to scream the n-word at people. Hell, it came from a mod.

"How come you never hear about the increase in hate crimes?"

Is he retarded? That's one of the main things news outlets love to push. Doesn't matter if they're real or fake it's gonna be plastered everywhere.


Pointing out that the thread title was total clickbait bullshit was highlighting something that was obvious to anyone who bothered to actually read the comments that were posted. Now, I know you pride warriors only have one default position which is to automatically go into ragemode the second your puppet button is pushed, but normal people actually take the time to look into these things before commenting, which is what I did. Looking at that thread on Resetera it was obvious that there was no harrassment campaign as the title claimed. Most of the posters were being very reasonable. The majority consensus was it was an unfortunate situation, but understandable. There were no calls to attack or harass the dev.

After I pointed out the reality of the situation you jumped in and using all the intellectual prowess at your disposal said well, uh, it might not be true, but so what, i'm going to invent this scenario and then if this scenario which I've just invented comes true then I'm like going to totes come back and like quote you and then you'll be all totes devastated and shit.

Then to make it even worse for yourself you decided to accuse me of whining and deflection, after I said that you ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Son, telling you that you ain't too bright isn't whining or deflection. It's just pointing out a fact. Like water is wet.

Now you've come back with your puppet rage meter on 10, all fired up on your hyperbole. Attacks. The developer wasn't attacked. Jesus. They got some mild criticism and responded to it. That's it. That's all that happened. A whole lot of nothing. I know, I know, in your world EVERY FUCKING THING IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY SERIOUS AND YOU MUST BE ON YOUR GUARD AGAINST THEM LIBRULS AT ALL TIMES, but son, the thing is in the real world, normal people don't act or think like you do. When something happens or a claim is made, reasonable people look into the situation, find out the facts, see what's going on and then form an opinion based on those facts. That's what normal, rational, reasonable people do. I get that's not what happens in your world where EVERYTHING IS EXTREMELY SERIOUS AND EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ACT OR LOOK OR THINK LIKE ME IS THE ENEMY AND THEY ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE JUST WAITING FOR ANY OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE ME LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK, but son, everytime you and the rest of the rage puppets throw your shit fits and temper tantrums over nonsense like this your low state of mind shines like a beacon.

Neither does personal insults.

You went into that thread with the intention to give out so don't be sour because someone responded.


Gold Member
Today in Total Fucking Insanity, care of ResetEra Takes:





People forget that these are some of the same mods who before the Switch launch tried to censor and control the narrative over Nintendo firing a Treehouse employee they caught turning Nintendo-themed tricks on Patreon. Instead of allowing the truth to be told, these people banned anyone saying what really happened and, along with their PR firm Kotaku, tried to rewrite the "truth" by blaming GamerGate for getting her fired instead of it being her fucking for money with a Nintendo-themed hooker name.


People forget that these are some of the same mods who before the Switch launch tried to censor and control the narrative over Nintendo firing a Treehouse employee they caught turning Nintendo-themed tricks on Patreon. Instead of allowing the truth to be told, these people banned anyone saying what really happened and, along with their PR firm Kotaku, tried to rewrite the "truth" by blaming GamerGate for getting her fired instead of it being her fucking for money with a Nintendo-themed hooker name.

One of the absolute greatest "Congratulations you've just played yourself" moments of all time between the Kotaku article being posted and the "Oh fucking shit we can't walk this back" within an hour. The nothing wrong with someone having a part time job damage control was Hilarious.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member

Of course they don’t like the new GB trailer.

Well ofcourse not. Fandom movies weren't refined into acceptable art until 2008 for the ResetEra Cult. Everything before that is problematic. Anything referencing or paying homage to anything pre 2008 is also problematic and needs to be corrected. The corrected version of GB already came out in 2016 and this is a step back as it tries to be a spiritual successor to the older movies and ignores the 2016 correction.
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The will die on a hill for that 2016 ghostbusters movie for "reasons" The trailer for the new one looks amazing. I got chills at the reveal.

It’s fucking incredible to me people can’t get passed the stupid “controversy” of the female recasting and appreciate the movie for what it is: utter dogshit. I didn’t mind any of the casting in that movie one bit, what I minded was its complete lack of subtlety or respect for the tone of the originals. It took an all time classic which derives most of its humor from quips and relatable, human reactions to what’s happening and turned it into a Three Stooges movie.

But if you didn’t like it you’re just an incel 🙄
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
One of the absolute greatest "Congratulations you've just played yourself" moments of all time between the Kotaku article being posted and the "Oh fucking shit we can't walk this back" within an hour. The nothing wrong with someone having a part time job damage control was Hilarious.

I believe it was a bunch of vague talk about how Nintendo allows "moonlighting" for everyone else, so firing her was unfair. The exact nature of her "moonlighting" was absolutely not allowed to be mentioned at all, of course.
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Neo Member
I can't post over there anymore, everyone is looking for something to attack everyone else with. Don't cross your I's and T's and they will tear you apart. What makes it worse is the biggest offender for being offended is a big faker, he's pretending to he something he's not to earn victim points, others know about it and him but noone is saying anything because of the outage it will cause.

I'm so fricking done with that place. My mental health went to a bad place because of how negative and controlled everything is, you always feel like you're 1 step away from being dogpiled or banned.



Of course they don’t like the new GB trailer.
biggest complaint over there seems to be about the kids. "why make it about the kids"? then again this goes with Era's anti-children, anti-family stance so it makes sense. also look at this BOLD prediction LOL

35 minutes ago
Daffy Duck said:
Looks great!

I especially loved the footage of the original film they were watching.

I suspect that weirdly this film will receive a lot of hate from those that loved the Ghostbusters reboot because it's not got an all female cast in it, which is weird considering how it went down with the reboot.
I can guarantee you no one from this movie is going to get harassed of social media... before you get carried away with this hot take of yours
silly rabbit you know that only WOMEN get harassed on social media! never happens to anyone else!


advanced basic bitch
I can't post over there anymore, everyone is looking for something to attack everyone else with. Don't cross your I's and T's and they will tear you apart. What makes it worse is the biggest offender for being offended is a big faker, he's pretending to he something he's not to earn victim points, others know about it and him but noone is saying anything because of the outage it will cause.

I'm so fricking done with that place. My mental health went to a bad place because of how negative and controlled everything is, you always feel like you're 1 step away from being dogpiled or banned.
Welcome. It's really not an inclusive forum at all. They hate everything and anyone who dares think outside a narrow world view that doesn't hold up in real life.


I don't like it either *shrugs*

Ghostbusters: Kids is not a particularly good direction for a sequel we've waited 30 years for.


it’s not quite my favorite way to go but I appreciate that they are spenglers and it’s an actual plot point and not a generic recast. I also like the rest of the crew being involved. Im confident they will be used in a meaningful way unlike the other movie.
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