Pointing out that the thread title was total clickbait bullshit was highlighting something that was obvious to anyone who bothered to actually read the comments that were posted. Now, I know you pride warriors only have one default position which is to automatically go into ragemode the second your puppet button is pushed, but normal people actually take the time to look into these things before commenting, which is what I did. Looking at that thread on Resetera it was obvious that there was no harrassment campaign as the title claimed. Most of the posters were being very reasonable. The majority consensus was it was an unfortunate situation, but understandable. There were no calls to attack or harass the dev.
After I pointed out the reality of the situation you jumped in and using all the intellectual prowess at your disposal said well, uh, it might not be true, but so what, i'm going to invent this scenario and then if this scenario which I've just invented comes true then I'm like going to totes come back and like quote you and then you'll be all totes devastated and shit.
Then to make it even worse for yourself you decided to accuse me of whining and deflection, after I said that you ain't the sharpest tool in the shed. Son, telling you that you ain't too bright isn't whining or deflection. It's just pointing out a fact. Like water is wet.
Now you've come back with your puppet rage meter on 10, all fired up on your hyperbole. Attacks. The developer wasn't attacked. Jesus. They got some mild criticism and responded to it. That's it. That's all that happened. A whole lot of nothing. I know, I know, in your world EVERY FUCKING THING IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT AND EXTREMELY SERIOUS AND YOU MUST BE ON YOUR GUARD AGAINST THEM LIBRULS AT ALL TIMES, but son, the thing is in the real world, normal people don't act or think like you do. When something happens or a claim is made, reasonable people look into the situation, find out the facts, see what's going on and then form an opinion based on those facts. That's what normal, rational, reasonable people do. I get that's not what happens in your world where EVERYTHING IS EXTREMELY SERIOUS AND EVERYONE WHO DOES NOT ACT OR LOOK OR THINK LIKE ME IS THE ENEMY AND THEY ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE JUST WAITING FOR ANY OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE ME LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK I MUST NOT LOOK WEAK, but son, everytime you and the rest of the rage puppets throw your shit fits and temper tantrums over nonsense like this your low state of mind shines like a beacon.