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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Stolen from KF.. I couldn't stop laughing at this.


This has to be fake. No way this is real.

I looked it up!

What is even funnier... (I guess) is that in JANUARY of 2019, that user posted this:



And caught a 3-day ban.

Almost *12* months later they typed the word midget and caught a 2 week ban for "history" or ableist language.

Jesus Herbert-Walker Texas Ranger Christ on a stick! Those people will literally find any reason to ban anyone. I wish they'd post who flagged that post to be reviewed too.
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He’s full of shit, and doesn’t mean a word he says, but this is exactly why Biden is leading his field by a comfortable amount.

Trying to appeal to groups of people like Resetera, is why the others are losing.

I'm not from the US, but from afar, it seems Biden is the democrat candidate that has the more chances against Trump.

From what I've seen, I like Warren's stances more, Biden is just bland, but more often than not, the candidate you like the most isn't the best practical choice.

I doubt any democrat can win against Trump, he'll do anything to win. The most surprising thing is that only a few republican want to challenge Trump 2020. More of them should try their luck.

I can't post over there anymore, everyone is looking for something to attack everyone else with. Don't cross your I's and T's and they will tear you apart. What makes it worse is the biggest offender for being offended is a big faker, he's pretending to he something he's not to earn victim points, others know about it and him but noone is saying anything because of the outage it will cause.

I'm so fricking done with that place. My mental health went to a bad place because of how negative and controlled everything is, you always feel like you're 1 step away from being dogpiled or banned.

Good decision. It's a serious problem : Resetera IS bad for your health and it's not a joke. This forum is the definition of a toxic place (the irony).

Who's your speaking about in the bolded though ? We want names.


Since that's a PC thread, does this also mean they'll ban people for bringing up female and male adapters?


REEEEEE, why did no one tell me PC gaming is so transphobic?!?!?!?!?1

I saw a post over there chiding someone for using “females” in a sentence...not for disparaging females or anything just that using female instead of women (wymyn?) or something just a mild yikes I guess?

I was actually reading aloud the conclusions of a clinical article in a meeting which included one of my (female) reports and actually kinda had an oh shit moment when I read such and such is “more prevalent in females.”

Of course being in a professional environment you are always a bit on your toes and watch what you say, but somehow that of all words infected my lexicon of words we don’t use unless we want to talk to HR? The mindset that everything is offensive and yikes really is a race to the bottom.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I saw a post over there chiding someone for using “females” in a sentence...not for disparaging females or anything just that using female instead of women (wymyn?) or something just a mild yikes I guess?

I was actually reading aloud the conclusions of a clinical article in a meeting which included one of my (female) reports and actually kinda had an oh shit moment when I read such and such is “more prevalent in females.”

Of course being in a professional environment you are always a bit on your toes and watch what you say, but somehow that of all words infected my lexicon of words we don’t use unless we want to talk to HR? The mindset that everything is offensive and yikes really is a race to the bottom.
Generally the rule is to go over the same sentence but insert it with "male" and see if it still sounds alright (barring differences in the sentence's context). For some people there can be an overemphasis on using females instead of women, but Reset takes it to the extreme. A certain subset of posters there think every usage of the word female is toxic and will obnoxiously try to correct you even if it doesn't sound right within the sentence mentioned.


Yup, agree totally. That’s why I tend to keep my political stuff on the down low here and don’t usually mention it.
I would encourage you to not keep your political stuff on the down low. The poligaf sticky thread says it best, if you feel like your viewpoint is underrepresented, then contribute in order to balance it out.

Some people might attack your views and challenge your beliefs, but you're still free to share.

Now that I'm nearly a year removed from visiting era regularly, the insanity stands out much more. Glad I left.

I recently got called out for my privilege by a friend because I would vote for a Trump economy over Biden, so the crazy is spreading.


Generally the rule is to go over the same sentence but insert it with "male" and see if it still sounds alright (barring differences in the sentence's context). For some people there can be an overemphasis on using females instead of women, but Reset takes it to the extreme. A certain subset of posters there think every usage of the word female is toxic and will obnoxiously try to correct you even if it doesn't sound right within the sentence mentioned.

It was describing a disease state that occurs in children and adults, women would’ve been inaccurate. But I still had a momentary feeling in my gut like I may have said something offensive because of just that, they made it sound like every instance is.


itll be sad to see John Boyega cancelled as an alt right agitator for holding WRONGTHINK over the "greatest Star Wars movie to ever be made".
wonder if any of the usual suspects are doing their part to handwave away the concerns of a minority actor...

19 minutes ago
Luke was a farmer, and Finn was an actual (trained from birth) solider, despite working in maintenance (see: the beginning of TFA). Worked for the baddies, of course, though. He actually had a more interesting and "exciting/prestigious" lifestyle/profession than Luke did.
you hear that, John! be happy with your prestigious career in the janitorial arts!

apparently working as a literal stormtrooper for space nazis is an "exciting prestigious" lifestyle. at least compared to those dirty FARMERS. stinking people trying to raise food. LOL
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Rapid Response Threadmaker
It was describing a disease state that occurs in children and adults, women would’ve been inaccurate. But I still had a momentary feeling in my gut like I may have said something offensive because of just that, they made it sound like every instance is.

"I get along with my male coworkers" and "I get along with my female coworkers". Saying "I get along with my men coworkers" sounds stupid and doesn't work. Same then with "I get along with my women coworkers".


LOL literally "what if they were white?"

11 minutes ago

im about to ask a very freaking loaded question

do you guys think Rose and Finn "b-plot" would better received if they weren't PoC characters?

because come on, Leia and Han's b plot on ESB it;s just as "useless" but nobody complains about it.
and no, you weird overly obsessed male with a Rey avatar, if Rose and Finn had both been white it would still be a SHIT sideplot.


Neighbours from Hell
I think all these bans is their version of a bunker mentality meltdown. What you see with a lot of insecure overly defensive people is when they get called out on their bullshit(because deep down they know it's bullshit but have gone on too long with their current act to dig themselves out) they dig in deeper and deeper. It's like when you see those blue checkmark people on Twitter who make a blatantly obvious bad take or something factually and provably false, and instead of just putting out the simple words "I was wrong, I'm sorry" they bunker down even further and go on a mass blocking spree.

I think RE mods likely know about this thread, the RE Takes account, and feel they're being "challenged" so now they're just in full meltdown, ban everyone mode. The sign of an unstable mind.

So here's the mod pushback ban for the day. Unlike the 3 day ban from yesterday, they just locked the thread without addressing any of the people complaining about the ban, lol

So here's the mod pushback ban for the day. Unlike the 3 day ban from yesterday, they just locked the thread without addressing any of the people complaining about the ban, lol
Dang, a black dude being silenced when he has a personal connection to the topic. ResetERA continues to chop away at their own virtue-demographics.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Stolen from KF.. I couldn't stop laughing at this.



This is exactly how all trans threads have gone on era for over a year. Virtually everyone in the old gaf userbase isn't against trans people. We may misuse some pronouns, but we're for transsexual rights. But on era, the most uncharitable interpretation is used to justify bans. Now that pandora's box is open, the same logic is applied in any thread. The quoted poster is using midget as an adjective to describe a computer part, which while isn't super common, it's a fair use. The thread has nothing to do with any social issues. And that's the interpretation they had. Insane.

There is so much baggage and microaggressions built into common sayings in English, so the whole forum is a minefield.
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Rapid Response Threadmaker

So here's the mod pushback ban for the day. Unlike the 3 day ban from yesterday, they just locked the thread without addressing any of the people complaining about the ban, lol
I did not realize it was possible to hire illiterate moderators.
Proof that the mods on that forum dont understand context and just see offensive words everywhere.

I assume a user or 2 reported this comment as well.

I am sure there are members there (and trolls) reporting posts left and right for the smallest of grievances. At some point they either start ignoring the reports, or act on them all, as there are probably just as many wackadoodles as they are bad actors. It brings me no small amount of joy to see them forced to confront this entirely self created problem they have.

Tolerance, lol.


Gold Member


I saw a post over there chiding someone for using “females” in a sentence...not for disparaging females or anything just that using female instead of women (wymyn?) or something just a mild yikes I guess?

I was actually reading aloud the conclusions of a clinical article in a meeting which included one of my (female) reports and actually kinda had an oh shit moment when I read such and such is “more prevalent in females.”

Of course being in a professional environment you are always a bit on your toes and watch what you say, but somehow that of all words infected my lexicon of words we don’t use unless we want to talk to HR? The mindset that everything is offensive and yikes really is a race to the bottom.
Please shut up, sit down and read this thread in its entirety:


So it seems mods aren't being consistent over that "midget" ban.

Haha 1 month bans for everyone!

Someone that replies this got a 1 month sexism ban:

“It happens because the majority of women are insecure about dating someone shorter than they are.

Never known a guy to care if a woman is taller than he is. The inverse is not true.”

Those mods there, my god.


Gold Member
Proof that the mods on that forum dont understand context and just see offensive words everywhere.

I assume a user or 2 reported this comment as well.
But according to Reeeee, the mods are appointed based on special demographics, which are supposed to mean the mod is more fit for the role because he can relate.

Who knew understanding context was all about ban hammers. lol


What I dont get is that the sheep there happily discuss their topic after half the posters in it get banned for bizarre reasons. Have some self respect.


But according to Reeeee, the mods are appointed based on special demographics, which are supposed to mean the mod is more fit for the role because he can relate.
No, it means the moderator is more knowledgeable about what harms that demographic group as all people of a demographic group are identical.

A moderator of tall or average height does not necessarily know that the use of the word "midget" makes midgets feel unsafe, a midget moderator thankfully does and can act swiftly and accordingly.

This is why more, newly empowered and unchecked, moderators are on the way shortly: https://www.resetera.com/threads/year-end-policy-updates-and-community-affairs.157629/post-27170419
We are actually looking for new members of the team at the moment. Both for perspective and also to help out with activity. We also take whether a new candidate could help with certain timezones into account at times. We've been actively discussing new candidates, so you should hopefully see some new faces on the team in the coming weeks. ^^
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Haha 1 month bans for everyone!

Someone that replies this got a 1 month sexism ban:

“It happens because the majority of women are insecure about dating someone shorter than they are.

Never known a guy to care if a woman is taller than he is. The inverse is not true.”

Those mods there, my god.


Shugga completely missing the point in his rush to reply to tell the person he's wrong and smash the report button at the same time.


Imagine that.

Wonder where he got mirtazapine from, cause that shit ain't for ADHD or aspergers.

It's a fucking anti depressant/anxiety medication that's common side effect is drowsiness so Dr's will prescribe it when you've got depression and sleep problems to try getting you sleeping without prescribing sleeping tablets.

Gon sound like fiestyboots here, but when I was taking it years ago could I fuck concentrate on it. Always fucking exhausted and constantly had a headache. In the end I had to change tablets cause I was going into work looking I'd had a heavy night drinking.


No fun allowed.



Its been confessions month has been running for years and this years topic has reached the end before the mods had a problem with it. Or more likely Static_Void went through and reported all the confessions he didn't like.

I just caught this, what a fucking gutless move. Although I'm sure ERA admins are shitting their pants right now considering how many of those confessions were straight up horrific and realizing "oh right, these are the people of THIS community".

I like to think me pointing out that "hey you guys realized that someone you post with here eats turds out of a public toilet?" might have set something in motion. There's so many awful confessions that paint that place in a horrible light considering how "woke" they consider themselves.
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