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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Lol, "hate speech".

Fuck Trudeau. Shouldn't he arrest himself for literally dressing up as one?


Jesus Christ. I never saw the version that pans down. Dude when way beyond black face and did up his whole body.


Gold Member
Jesus Christ. I never saw the version that pans down. Dude when way beyond black face and did up his whole body.
He responded with literally one quick apology speech and disappeared never talking about it again.

And this is Canada's left leaning saviour for acceptance and anti-discrimination.

His big Arabian Nights dress up was a good one too. Turban and all. Guy was eve creepily groping a woman.
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As for the people who are 30 and under and supposedly suffering, if all the young people want to change, don't nag us older people for better conditions. We aren;t going to be around forever. We're all going to retire and die at some point, which means the young people will take over the jobs.

In that case, instead of whining, go get a job that changes the world.... science and tech, energy, chemistry etc.... Any job that can create better use of materials. Brush up your math and science skills and skip the history and anthropology classes. If saving trees, and reducing CO2 gas emmissions are that important, memorizing every Shakespeare play isn't going to help. Instead, learn how to modify seeds so trees grow faster or something.

Or have fun being loud at people telling everyone to stop buying stuff and live like Fred Flintstone. Good luck. You'll have a better chance with the above career focus on environmentalism improvements But the thing is most young people are lazy fucks and prefer to whine and sit on their ass on Snapchat.

Unfortunately we are preaching to the choir here as the Young People don't really want to do it themselves, which is pretty terrible.

I would say the Middle Classes (Millenials in particular) cause more problems than the Rich people (in my personal opinion of couse), as they want to copy the Upper Classes whilst whining about pretty petty stuff that neither the Rich or Poor/Working Class care about. (Representation of Minorities, Hard Done by Refugees, etc) The parents of the middle classes have likely didn't have to struggle in the 80s/90s and have pretty much gave their children an otherwise comfortable life, but for some reason this generation think that hopping onto these Crisis's will make them look and feel better about themselves but not really going all in to help others and understanding why they happened in the first place.

I personally don't believe the masses are going to try and help improve themselves because it is easier to use blame than to take into account their own inaction, but what we can do is try and make the changes on our end and hopefully it can influence others into doing the same.

Being kind to others, making a living and being the best you can be on a professional level (which is indeed hard), Volunteering to help good causes (I did this for awhile for a Community Band) and doing your bit for the Environment can go a long way for personal growth, satisfaction and well-being, but I don't think the First World Countries are the main problem in regards to Climate Change. The ones clamouring for that change should be talking to India/China about it. (good luck with that though)

What is funny is that scientific irrigation is being looked into by the Generation X people who are now reaping benefits from better Crop Growth/retention and using that as a case for improving the Climate with profits being a nice bonus incentive for doing it.

You are right about this generation of kids/young adults being lazy, it's just amazing how they go from job to job, not considering building up their skill-set, nor their reputation and think they deserve something out of it. That is not how life works and it will seriously bite them in the arse when they get to their 30s/40s when future potential employers look into what they achieved in their life so far.

Social Media doesn't account for anything when it comes to trying to improve or show their true life values and it will come to haunt them in the future, which is why I "never" show off my social media activities at work or even at home as I use it for personal use (and it doesn't reflect on me truly as an individual).

Currently, they are going to blame everyone and everything including the Rich, but regarding the Rich in particular, half of those actually worked hard to get to where they are today, and tend to have a unique political view on things that the Youth won't recognise or even hate.

Edit: Talking from a UK perspective as well, but understand if there are differences between UK and US. :)

As for Mortgages. It's disheartening when you have over £14K and still can't get a decently priced home over here as you are still not considered trustworthy to buy a house. :/
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Gold Member
Unfortunately we are preaching to the choir here as the Young People don't really want to do it themselves, which is pretty terrible.

I would say the Middle Classes (Millenials in particular) cause more problems than the Rich people (in my personal opinion of couse), as they want to copy the Upper Classes whilst whining about pretty petty stuff that neither the Rich or Poor/Working Class care about. (Representation of Minorities, Hard Done by Refugees, etc) The parents of the middle classes have likely didn't have to struggle in the 80s/90s and have pretty much gave their children an otherwise comfortable life, but for some reason this generation think that hopping onto these Crisis's will make them look and feel better about themselves but not really going all in to help others and understanding why they happened in the first place.

I personally don't believe the masses are going to try and help improve themselves because it is easier to use blame than to take into account their own inaction, but what we can do is try and make the changes on our end and hopefully it can influence others into doing the same.

Being kind to others, making a living and being the best you can be on a professional level (which is indeed hard), Volunteering to help good causes (I did this for awhile for a Community Band) and doing your bit for the Environment can go a long way for personal growth, satisfaction and well-being, but I don't think the First World Countries are the main problem in regards to Climate Change. The ones clamouring for that change should be talking to India/China about it. (good luck with that though)

What is funny is that scientific irrigation is being looked into by the Generation X people who are now reaping benefits from better Crop Growth/retention and using that as a case for improving the Climate with profits being a nice bonus incentive for doing it.

You are right about this generation of kids/young adults being lazy, it's just amazing how they go from job to job, not considering building up their skill-set, nor their reputation and think they deserve something out of it. That is not how life works and it will seriously bite them in the arse when they get to their 30s/40s when future potential employers look into what they achieved in their life so far.

Social Media doesn't account for anything when it comes to trying to improve or show their true life values and it will come to haunt them in the future, which is why I "never" show off my social media activities at work or even at home as I use it for personal use (and it doesn't reflect on me truly as an individual).

Currently, they are going to blame everyone and everything including the Rich, but regarding the Rich in particular, half of those actually worked hard to get to where they are today, and tend to have a unique political view on things that the Youth won't recognise or even hate.

Edit: Talking from a UK perspective as well, but understand if there are differences between UK and US. :)

Millenneals is all about me, me, me and spending. All about instant gratification.

I'm in my 40s so it's not like I'm an old geezer. But when it came to university, and then everyone getting a job, you start from the bottom, and if you're lucky have enough money lying around to go on vacation.

Now, everyone in their 20s is going to the tropics twice a year, somehow have enough money to lease a BMW, and rents. Or they got approved for a mortgage so they can cram into a condo downtown whining it's small. iPhones, eating out every day, Starbuck runs in the afternoon where the number of cups, lids and stir sticks they've used in life must be in the 1,000s.

It's like money grows on trees.

Hey Milleneals, don't blame me why you're broke or cant get approved for a decent mortgage. You are obviously making enough money to afford luxuries and monthly payments for your new SUV, so the money is there.

If cost of living and climate woes are that bad, buy more modest homes and cars. Or take the bus.

And if climate woes are THAT bad, why are you working in our office doing marketing shit whose purpose is to sell people more shit than they need at the highest price that reaps in the most profits? Why didn't you take environmental studies in college and become an ecologist?
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Millenneals is all about me, me, me and spending. All about instant gratification.

I'm in my 40s so it's not like I'm an old geezer. But when it came to university, and then everyone getting a job, you start from the bottom, and if you're lucky have enough money lying around to go on vacation.

Now, everyone in their 20s is going to the tropics twice a year, somehow have enough money to lease a BMW, and rents. Or they got approved for a mortgage so they can cram into a condo downtown whining it's small. iPhones, eating out every day, Starbuck runs in the afternoon where the number of cups, lids and stir sticks they've used in life must be in the 1,000s.

It's like money grows on trees.

Hey Milleneals, don't blame me why you're broke or cant get approved for a decent mortgage. You are obviously making enough money to afford luxuries and monthly payments for your new SUV, so the money is there.

If cost of living and climate woes are that bad, buy more modest homes and cars. Or take the bus.

And if climate woes are THAT bad, why are you working in our office doing marketing shit whose purpose is to sell people more shit than they need at the highest price that reaps in the most profits? Why didn't you take environmental studies in college and become an ecologist?

I feel like I am in your Generation when it comes to priorities. I actually got a Smartphone back in 2016 for £600 (I was worried about paying that much) but I still use it to this day and use a low Contract to offset it.

I worked hard despite the low wage and thankfully paid off my Car in 2014 (It's a low range Car but it cost a lot!), went on low budget holidays once a year and give Board Money to Parents, so I live within my means....however I am trying to get another job in Accountancy (practising it in College via Student Loan), go to the Gym on a Local Contract (as it is cheaper) and rarely drink Coffee (I buy Bottled Water in Batches at £1.30 per 12 bottles). When you explained all that to me, I sometimes wonder how in the hell can my own generation even afford all of that on a crappy wage!!! I only eat out with Family once a month on a budget of between £80 to £100! :LOL:

I mean...good on them I guess if they wish to spend that much money but holy crap man....I honestly don't know how they do all that!?!?! Do they use Credit Cards thinking they will never have to pay it back or something!?!?! (I don't use Credit Cards as I know it can ruin a lot of people)

The last part is simple...they can't afford it! :LOL: Or....they probably would look like hypocrites as they couldn't live that lifestyle of BMWs and drinking enough Coffee to kill off the Trees of South America. :LOL:


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."

Millenneals is all about me, me, me and spending. All about instant gratification.

I'm in my 40s so it's not like I'm an old geezer. But when it came to university, and then everyone getting a job, you start from the bottom, and if you're lucky have enough money lying around to go on vacation.

Now, everyone in their 20s is going to the tropics twice a year, somehow have enough money to lease a BMW, and rents. Or they got approved for a mortgage so they can cram into a condo downtown whining it's small. iPhones, eating out every day, Starbuck runs in the afternoon where the number of cups, lids and stir sticks they've used in life must be in the 1,000s.

It's like money grows on trees.

Hey Milleneals, don't blame me why you're broke or cant get approved for a decent mortgage. You are obviously making enough money to afford luxuries and monthly payments for your new SUV, so the money is there.

If cost of living and climate woes are that bad, buy more modest homes and cars. Or take the bus.

And if climate woes are THAT bad, why are you working in our office doing marketing shit whose purpose is to sell people more shit than they need at the highest price that reaps in the most profits? Why didn't you take environmental studies in college and become an ecologist?

I know what you're talking about, but it's really confirmation bias. What you are describing is more common with affluent, young millenials in major cities.

But the older half? Nah, complete opposite. We entered the job market during the great recession. I'm a software engineer so I kept my job but for a few years it was basically flat. Even took a pay cut the first year to avoid layoffs. We tend to save money. Personally we wed in a courthouse, didn't get rings, and got a house instead. Also Caribbean cruises are cheap.

But again it's a subset of a subset. Most millenials live in bumfuck nowhere and live frugally.
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Gold Member
I know what you're talking about, but it's really confirmation bias. What you are describing is more common with affluent, young millenials in major cities.

But the older half? Nah, complete opposite. We entered the job market during the great recession. I'm a software engineer so I kept my job but for a few years it was basically flat. Even took a pay cut the first year to avoid layoffs. We tend to save money. Personally we wed in a courthouse, didn't get rings, and got a house instead. Also Caribbean cruises are cheap.

But again it's a subset of a subset. Most millenials live in bumfuck nowhere and live frugally.
Fair point. I'm coming from life time living in Toronto where there's high prices and high paying jobs.

I truly wonder what Joe Blow Millennial living in Iowa or Saskatchewan is doing all day.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Fair point. I'm coming from life time living in Toronto where there's high prices and high paying jobs.

I truly wonder what Joe Blow Millennial living in Iowa or Saskatchewan is doing all day.

I mean it definitely is a thing though.

My thoughts on generations - there's a big divide between:
1. Older millenials through gen X
2. Young millenials, gen Z and beyond

With politics specifically. Boomers are Republican heavy. #1 are Democratic, Independents, and Rockefeller/HW Bush Republicans. #2 are Democratic socialists. We will be the annoying boomers to them in a decade lol.
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But the older half? Nah, complete opposite. We entered the job market during the great recession. I'm a software engineer so I kept my job but for a few years it was basically flat. Even took a pay cut the first year to avoid layoffs.

This lines up with an article I read that said there's this entire subset of Millennials that never learned to job hop because they were unable to. So they camped out in whatever job they did get. Younger Millennials entering the market had an advantage that the older ones have not caught onto.



When the lesson you're learning actually ISN'T the one you're being graded on.


Update post: He was petty and vindictive before, now he also looks like a right cunt.



Darkness no more
Anytime in college someone wasn’t pulling their weight we told them right away and told them they’d be cut from the team if they weren’t going to do anything. That always straightened people up. Part of team projects is dealing with shit like that. You don’t just ignore issues the whole time then cry to the professor at the very end.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Xaszatm is NOT a troll and I'm legitimately starting to worry about him. Mental health Era is worth fucking nothing, so I hope he gets the real help he needs.

Literally the opposite is true: The 'darkest figures' were using the internet from the very beginning.

What ruined the internet is the masses/normies who make it into a safespace, devoid of fun and differing opinions. But 'muh alt-right!!1' 🤦‍♀️


What ruined the internet is the masses/normies who make it into a safespace, devoid of fun and differing opinions.

So true. When I first got the internet is was at work and only 4 of us were deemed valuable to have it (4 Separate paid AOL accounts). It was an escape from the mind numbing conversations about Cats/kids/being offended/sports that you'd have to put up with otherwise.

Because you were not getting this quality content that ever made sense to the normies but was hilarious at the time.



Gold Member
Anytime in college someone wasn’t pulling their weight we told them right away and told them they’d be cut from the team if they weren’t going to do anything. That always straightened people up. Part of team projects is dealing with shit like that. You don’t just ignore issues the whole time then cry to the professor at the very end.

Yep, people like that aren’t leaders, they’re complainers, projecting.
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I don't like the "artistic freedom" argument in general because that could theoretically be argued for developers doing problematic content.

Wanna take bets that he's talking about mature themes, politically incorrect content and boobs? 🤦‍♀️🐧


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Anytime in college someone wasn’t pulling their weight we told them right away and told them they’d be cut from the team if they weren’t going to do anything. That always straightened people up. Part of team projects is dealing with shit like that. You don’t just ignore issues the whole time then cry to the professor at the very end.

I was a CS major. Had no time to waste on lazy or stupid people. As soon as they were a problem I went to the professor and got the problem fixed. I was going into debt on this education for christ's sake, not going to let some stupid lazy asshole ruin that for me.

I carried this mindset into the professional world. I earn a ton of money (in my opinion) at a young age and am already a technical team lead. Stupid and lazy? You're fired.



I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Xaszatm is NOT a troll and I'm legitimately starting to worry about him. Mental health Era is worth fucking nothing, so I hope he gets the real help he needs.
This might sound cruel, but I can't really feel sympathy for him. He joined a forum that openly calls for the death of anyone Republican and even at times tried to dox right wingers and show up at their homes. Now when the Democrats reveal their true form and attack the very white people who make up their own coalition, he starts shedding tears and is in shock "how could this happen to me?!?!"

There's a quote from the movie Wargames and it went like this: "The only winning move, is to not play".

The SJW Ouroboros is just an out of control virus or cancer at this point that only wishes to consume everything but give nothing back in return. The only solution is to run as far away from the cancer and hope it depletes it's only food source.
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Also, don't forget the average age of Reset is people in their 30s.

I'm still in my mid 20s but I always exercise extreme caution and skepticism towards everything in life. It's only when you're still a teenager do you have an excuse to not have your life in order, especially if your education system sucks. But being 30 years old is equal to being on this earth for three decades. Why are you still acting like a helpless child instead of a knowledgeable adult who should be teaching younger generations?
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Kagey K

Also, don't forget the average age of Reset is people in their 30s.

I'm still in my mid 20s but I always exercise extreme caution and skepticism towards everything in life. It's only when you're still a teenager do you have an excuse to not have your life in order, especially if your education system sucks. But being 30 years old is equal to being on this earth for three decades. Why are you still acting like a helpless child instead of a knowledgeable adult who should be teaching younger generations?
I spent most of my 30s acting like a kid to relate to my younger children at the time.

Now that I’m in my 40s and one kid is a teen and the other is almost there, I’m feeling a little confused.

If I’m honest.

Literally the opposite is true: The 'darkest figures' were using the internet from the very beginning.

What ruined the internet is the masses/normies who make it into a safespace, devoid of fun and differing opinions. But 'muh alt-right!!1' 🤦‍♀️

The removal of anonymity ruined the internet.

Back when Big_schlong_tom69 was calling someone a fag, it was just the internet.

Now when Laura Ahern of South Shields, England, throws a hissy fit over someone looking at her funny, it becomes national news and the pitch-forks come out.

Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame and unfortunately, it has moved from "do stupid thing, get 15 minutes of fame on TV" to "Be outraged at the drop of a hat to have your 15 minutes of fame on an internet news site"

Man, what I wouldn't give to go back to the internet before the masses/normies turned up. Not to sound like an edgy-angsty-non-conforming teenager, but the masses ruin everything. It pisses me off.
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The removal of anonymity ruined the internet.

Back when Big_schlong_tom69 was calling someone a fag, it was just the internet.

Man, what I wouldn't give to go back to the internet before the masses/normies turned up. Not to sound like an edgy-angsty-non-conforming teenager, but the masses ruin everything. It pisses me off.

I clearly remember the normies arriving and being puzzled that "Holy shit, they think this is real life". It's where there was a noticeable "keyboard warrior" trend, "You would not dare say that to my face, I'm really fucking hard and important" rage, rage, rage as you could tell that being textually challenged without being able to physically intimidate someone was something they had not had to deal with before.
Now you have a subset of the Normies constantly looking to be offended as you say or all the other shit they bring in such quantity that they are the internet weirdos that have gathered a gaggle of clapping seals to validate them.

"Holy shit, they think this is real life".
I clearly remember the normies arriving and being puzzled that "Holy shit, they think this is real life". It's where there was a noticeable "keyboard warrior" trend, "You would not dare say that to my face, I'm really fucking hard and important" rage, rage, rage as you could tell that being textually challenged without being able to physically intimidate someone was something they had not had to deal with before.
Now you have a subset of the Normies constantly looking to be offended as you say or all the other shit they bring in such quantity that they are the internet weirdos that have gathered a gaggle of clapping seals to validate them.

"Holy shit, they think this is real life".
Yeah somewhere along the line people failed to learn the lesson of keeping your internet persona and your real-life persona separate. Of course, social-media platforms that allow one to loudly proclaim your identity online didn't help one bit.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Yeah somewhere along the line people failed to learn the lesson of keeping your internet persona and your real-life persona separate. Of course, social-media platforms that allow one to loudly proclaim your identity online didn't help one bit.
It all comes down to this. It separates the intelligent from the idiot, in all honesty.

I saw it coming from a mile away and subsequently kept real life me off the internet. I guess that puts me in the ‘intelligent’ bracket.

It’s probably easier if you don’t need to seek validation wherever you can get it.



I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure Xaszatm is NOT a troll and I'm legitimately starting to worry about him. Mental health Era is worth fucking nothing, so I hope he gets the real help he needs.
Yeah, he should stop visiting that place. Some people have already recommended him to seek medical help.



Literally the opposite is true: The 'darkest figures' were using the internet from the very beginning.

What ruined the internet is the masses/normies who make it into a safespace, devoid of fun and differing opinions. But 'muh alt-right!!1' 🤦‍♀️
Or what we call 'phone posters'. They ruin everything

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah somewhere along the line people failed to learn the lesson of keeping your internet persona and your real-life persona separate. Of course, social-media platforms that allow one to loudly proclaim your identity online didn't help one bit.

It's 100% smartphones and social media that did us in. It was a lot easier to separate your real life from your online life when you had to sit down at a computer and sort of "login" to check what was going on. The Internet being with you at all times made it feel more real than real life for many people. You see it wherever you go. People just zombie staring into their phones while endlessly scrolling through Twitter or some other trash. I've especially noticed it since having kids and going to parks, play areas, etc. with them. So many other parents will just ignore their kids while they're playing and choose to instead be consumed by their phones, looking miserable and almost dead inside. It's as if some of them prefer the "Internet reality" to what's going in right in front of them. Perhaps they feel like they are part of something bigger--some kind of great social movement--when they are online, and that is more exciting than their mundane every day lives?

It's something we're going to have to figure out as a society.
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THEY HAVE 11 topics on the first page about STAR WARS..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The absolute soy and neckbearding is astounding! Like wtf is wrong with these "people" my god.
These are "adult" men who pay $1,000 to get a light up toy from Disney. The biggest media corporation ever, then turn around and proclaim to be commuinists and anarchists.
LMFAO the absoulute LARP.
I clearly remember the normies arriving and being puzzled that "Holy shit, they think this is real life". It's where there was a noticeable "keyboard warrior" trend, "You would not dare say that to my face, I'm really fucking hard and important" rage, rage, rage as you could tell that being textually challenged without being able to physically intimidate someone was something they had not had to deal with before.
Now you have a subset of the Normies constantly looking to be offended as you say or all the other shit they bring in such quantity that they are the internet weirdos that have gathered a gaggle of clapping seals to validate them.

"Holy shit, they think this is real life".

1995-2005 - "Don't believe anything you read on the internet, it's all made up"


Gold Member
THEY HAVE 11 topics on the first page about STAR WARS..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
The absolute soy and neckbearding is astounding! Like wtf is wrong with these "people" my god.
These are "adult" men who pay $1,000 to get a light up toy from Disney. The biggest media corporation ever, then turn around and proclaim to be commuinists and anarchists.
LMFAO the absoulute LARP.
Where's that clip of Lucas saying Star Wars is meant for kids when you need it?

Amazing that people take the franchise so seriously. I'm sure they'd consider it more realistic and important than Schindler's List.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Found it.

Absolutely spot on. I first discovered the original trilogy at 6 or so, but I quickly fell in love them. I still like Star Wars quite a bit, but I imagine most of that is nostalgia.

It should be for kids first and foremost, just like Pokémon, but of course that doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it as well. It's the crazy obsession that you see from adult "geeks" that is so awful.


Where's that clip of Lucas saying Star Wars is meant for kids when you need it?

Amazing that people take the franchise so seriously. I'm sure they'd consider it more realistic and important than Schindler's List.

The buzz seems to be that ROS isn't actually that good. I'll be seeing it before most people, maybe I should leave spoiler free impressions after I've seen it just to watch them absolutely melt the fuck down that it isn't the greatest SW movie ever.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The buzz seems to be that ROS isn't actually that good. I'll be seeing it before most people, maybe I should leave spoiler free impressions after I've seen it just to watch them absolutely melt the fuck down that it isn't the greatest SW movie ever.

I've got tickets for a Saturday showing, but my expectations couldn't be lower at this point. I'm hoping that JJ somehow figures out a way to salvage this mess of a trilogy and make it all feel worth it in the end, but boy is that a challenging thing to pull off in a runtime of 2.5 hours.
I've got tickets for a Saturday showing, but my expectations couldn't be lower at this point. I'm hoping that JJ somehow figures out a way to salvage this mess of a trilogy and make it all feel worth it in the end, but boy is that a challenging thing to pull off in a runtime of 2.5 hours.

The first two stank on purpose so that the third would look amazing by comparison. That way they have buy-in for another trilogy (after the next Avengers trilogy) and that gravy train keeps-on-a-rollin'


The first two stank on purpose so that the third would look amazing by comparison. That way they have buy-in for another trilogy (after the next Avengers trilogy) and that gravy train keeps-on-a-rollin'

Come on, that's not how it works, the third movie will retroactively make the two before it amazing.


Gold Member
Absolutely spot on. I first discovered the original trilogy at 6 or so, but I quickly fell in love them. I still like Star Wars quite a bit, but I imagine most of that is nostalgia.

It should be for kids first and foremost, just like Pokémon, but of course that doesn't mean adults can't enjoy it as well. It's the crazy obsession that you see from adult "geeks" that is so awful.
Like everyone growing up, I watched SW too. The movies were fun and at the time there weren't any high budget space movies with tons of alien characters and puppetry and comedy. It was basically SW for that. Or you went for the more serious Alien movies, or the draconian Star Trek kinds of space age storytelling where everyone acts like a robot and wears dry cleaned uniforms every minute.

But even then as a kid, SW was fun, but not something to consider like it's holy grail films. It's a big show for families to have fun. Even when I watched them with my siblings, a lot of the stuff we were like...... "this is stupid". Like Ewoks and cheesy puppetry. So even as kids we could see how childish this was, and we were kids!

I'd rather watch Alien 1 and 2 over the chopsocky SW stuff. No doubt some of the battle scenes are epic like Death Star runs and Battle of Hoth.

But I never knew until I got older that some people went ape shit for those first 3 movies.
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Darkness no more
I'm seeing Star Wars @ 5pm on Thursday. It's the first possible showing in my area. I don't expect much from it. I'm going because my friend is a huge Star Wars fan. I watched the first 6 movies for the first time right before Force Awakens came out, so I'm not a massive fan. I liked the original trilogy. The prequels had an alright story but everything else sucked. The new movies are pretty mediocre.


Gold Member
I'm seeing Star Wars @ 5pm on Thursday. It's the first possible showing in my area. I don't expect much from it. I'm going because my friend is a huge Star Wars fan. I watched the first 6 movies for the first time right before Force Awakens came out, so I'm not a massive fan. I liked the original trilogy. The prequels had an alright story but everything else sucked. The new movies are pretty mediocre.
When I saw Force Awakens I was thinking is this a new movie or a remake of the old ones?

- Empire wants to kill planets
- Rebels counter by targeting big huge base
- Rebels blow up reactor core thing by flying in with X-wing fighters
- The end

I thought I watched the same thing like 40 years ago.
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Darkness no more
When I saw Force Awakens I was thinking is this a new movie or a remake of the old ones?

- Empire wants to kill planets
- Rebels counter by targeting big huge base
- Rebels blow up reactor core thing by flying in with X-wing fighters
- The end

I thought I watched the same thing like 40 years ago.

I thought Force Awakens was a fun movie. Having just watched the original trilogy for the first time right before seeing it I had the same impression as you did. With regards to the story it felt the same as the previous movie I had just watched.
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