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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Neighbours from Hell
I figured it was satire but you can never be too sure these days. Someone on social media called me a Nazi yesterday for saying the OK sign isn't racist.

Something tells me the people who use that word the most are the people who likely know the least about European and Nazi Germany's history.

Sometimes I go back and forth as to whether or not I should not even take comments like that seriously enough to even bother and other times I want to get into a debate to expose their lack of knowledge and context as to what that word actually means and represents.


advanced basic bitch
I figured it was satire but you can never be too sure these days. Someone on social media called me a Nazi yesterday for saying the OK sign isn't racist.

Something tells me the people who use that word the most are the people who likely know the least about European and Nazi Germany's history.

Sometimes I go back and forth as to whether or not I should not even take comments like that seriously enough to even bother and other times I want to get into a debate to expose their lack of knowledge and context as to what that word actually means and represents.
It's really sad how many uneducated bigots are out there. I try to educate as many as I can but it's like talking to a brick wall on most occasions.


Neighbours from Hell
It's really sad how many uneducated bigots are out there. I try to educate as many as I can but it's like talking to a brick wall on most occasions.
These people act more like Nazis than the people they call Nazis.

They are trying to normalize the term "Nazi" and casually use it and do it repeatedly over and over and over again for your average normal and perfectly good person, knowing that if they do so eventually people will start to believe it and it'll become an accepted term. Something the Nazis did with propaganda to the Jews to gain favor and support amongst German people so they could start targeting and eradicating Jews without the feared negative public response. If the public starts to believe anyone who believes in biological sex or other issues is a "Nazi" then the public will become less sympathetic to them and thus would be less inclined to care if they get forced out of jobs, positions of power, even murdered, etc.

Same general premise and tactic, just on an obviously much smaller scale. It's a power play to try and eradicate anyone who disagrees with their crazy beliefs so they can run shit and enforce their insane policies that they only believe in because they are angry and pissed off at society. Coincidentally, once again much like Hitler and Goebbels and their hatred for Jews was born from.

You can't argue with angry people because angry people lack reason as they are driven by emotion not logic. And what they are doing is very damaging, "Nazi" is the worst word in the world to throw around casually and use, it's very dangerous, it would be like calling someone you disagree with a pedophile just for the hell of it.
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I want to say D DrClarke is a victim of Mass Media/Resetera brainwashing that has tried so hard to convince the public that Conservatives and Nazis are the same.
If that's the case, then I can forgive such ignorance. But if you do believe there is no difference in Hitler's Horrors vs a Hard working Indian immigrant wearing a MAGA hat then well... that's on you.

No, I really can’t say I find much qualitative difference between a misguided Indian donning a MAGA hat and the Ethiopians who fought for Hitler and Mussolini during the Axis’ push through the Mediterranean. I think there are certainly superficial differences between the two groups, the kind someone incapable of picking up on nuanced distinctions might miss, but their aims - the preservation and, ultimately, expansion of Anglo-Saxon supremacy - remain barely separate. The means to that end may differ somewhat, but the end is the same.
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I figured it was satire but you can never be too sure these days. Someone on social media called me a Nazi yesterday for saying the OK sign isn't racist.

Something tells me the people who use that word the most are the people who likely know the least about European and Nazi Germany's history.

Sometimes I go back and forth as to whether or not I should not even take comments like that seriously enough to even bother and other times I want to get into a debate to expose their lack of knowledge and context as to what that word actually means and represents.
Visit Breitbart, the leading “conservative” media outlet on the internet, and look at what its community routinely says about Hispanics and black people. Not too long ago the same site had a section specifically devoted to reporting “black crime,” not much different than a subforum on Stormfront that curates the same stories, before it was terminated because it was just a bit too blatant.
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Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
No, I really can’t say I find much qualitative difference between a misguided Indian donning a MAGA hat and the Ethiopians who fought for Hitler and Mussolini during the Axis’ push through the Mediterranean. I think there are certainly superficial differences between the two groups, the kind someone incapable of picking up on nuanced distinctions might miss, but their aims - the preservation and, ultimately, expansion of Anglo-Saxon supremacy - remain barely separate. The means to that end may differ somewhat, but the end is the same.
I don't quite know if it is appropriate to assign you any points for effort.


No, I really can’t say I find much qualitative difference between a misguided Indian donning a MAGA hat and the Ethiopians who fought for Hitler and Mussolini during their through the Mediterranean. I
Other than the fact Trump didn't kidnap people from foreign countries after invading them, and forcing them to swear allegiance to the Republican Party or they would surely be arrested/murdered?

DrClarke said:
the preservation and, ultimately, expansion of Anglo-Saxon supremacy - remain barely separate.
Based on what? I don't remember Trump ever saying you can't be a Conservative without saying one group of people is superior.

By the way, Nazi party membership was strictly tied to race/heritage. I really doubt a black person could have joined without being forcibly removed or killed for the same reasons Jews also weren't allowed to participate.

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Neighbours from Hell
Visit Breitbart, the leading “conservative” media outlet on the internet, and look at what its community routinely says about Hispanics and black people. Not too long ago the same site had a section specifically devoted to reporting “black crime,” not much different than a subforum on Stormfront that curates the same stories, before it was terminated because it was just a bit too blatant.

Read a book or watch a documentary to see the difference between Breitbart and Nazis. The equivalency is akin to saying someone who cat calls a girl on the street is no different than Ted Bundy.

Actually I take that back, it isn't. To scale, a cat caller is much closer to Ted Bundy than Brietbart is to Nazi Germany.
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Read a book or watch a documentary to see the difference between Breitbart and Nazis. The equivalency is akin to saying someone who cat calls a girl on the street is no different than Ted Bundy.

Actually I take that back, it isn't. To scale, a cat caller is much closer to Ted Bundy than Brietbart is to Nazi Germany.
Are you denying Breitbart is a curator of white supremacist propaganda?


Neighbours from Hell
Are you denying Breitbart is a curator of white supremacist propaganda?

Now you're moving the goal posts multiple times. First you likened Conservatives in general to Nazis. Then you brought up Breitbart specifically. And then you changed it to Breitbart merely spawning white supremacy. There is a difference between a "Nazi" and a "white supremacist."

If we keep going at this rate this argument will be whittled down to you just saying that Brietbart is mean. I don't read Breitbart, I've been to the site like once.
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advanced basic bitch
Now you're moving the goal posts multiple times. First you likened Conservatives in general to Nazis. Then you brought up Breitbart specifically. And then you changed it to Breitbart merely spawning white supremacy. There is a difference between a "Nazi" and a "white supremacist."

If we keep going at this rate this argument will be whittled down to you just saying that Brietbart is mean. I don't read Breitbart, I've been to the site like once.
But it's the "leading conservative site on the internet" lol. This guy knows dick.


Neighbours from Hell
the difference between Nazism and white supremacy is a discussion that begs pedantry. Their aim is, again, not qualitatively different. Trying to argue otherwise is disingenuous, imo.

And if you don't know the difference between a Nazi and a white supremacist, just some to name are:

The Nazis experimented on children. The Nazis murdered political opponents to gain power. The Nazis tried to also eradicate mentally and physically disabled, deformed, homosexuals, and even non-pure "Aryan" whites aside from just Jews. So they had white supremacist beliefs in their ideologies, but it was much more than that, most of the people who were killed and who died by their hand and in the war were white, and even more if you count Jews as "white" which many on the left do these days, it's why there's a lot of antisemitic beliefs amongst those on the left. They dislike that a lot of Jews are successful and have a lot of money and they see their skin color and it angers them. But that's a whole other topic of discussion.

So yeah, the Nazis were much more than just "white supremacists." And I only gave a select few examples there are much more. They were basically a virus that tried to kill everyone and everything to gain world domination. The closest thing you'll see today to them is probably ISIS.
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Now you're moving the goal posts multiple times. First you likened Conservatives in general to Nazis. Then you brought up Breitbart specifically. And then you changed it to Breitbart merely spawning white supremacy. There is a difference between a "Nazi" and a "white supremacist."

If we keep going at this rate this argument will be whittled down to you just saying that Brietbart is mean. I don't read Breitbart, I've been to the site like once.

the difference between Nazism and white supremacy is a discussion that begs pedantry. Their aim is, again, not qualitatively different. Trying to argue otherwise is disingenuous, imo.


Are you denying Breitbart is a curator of white supremacist propaganda?



Neighbours from Hell
the difference between Nazism and white supremacy is a discussion that begs pedantry. Their aim is, again, not qualitatively different. Trying to argue otherwise is disingenuous, imo.

Most people who generally believe that the white race is superior are not going to go out and try to commit mass genocide and eradicate large swaths of the human species. You don't see the difference?

And for the record, just like there's a difference there, there's a difference between being dumb and ignorant and being a white supremacist. From what I've seen of Breitbart, they can be ignorant at times, but I don't see them organizing any Klan meetings.


And if you don't know the difference between a Nazi and a white supremacist, just some to name are:

The Nazis experimented on children. The Nazis murdered political opponents to gain power. The Nazis tried to also eradicate mentally and physically disabled, deformed, homosexuals, and even non-pure "Aryan" whites aside from just Jews. So they had white supremacist beliefs in their ideologies, but it was much more than that, most of the people who were killed and who died by their hand and in the war were white, and even more if you count Jews as "white" which many on the left do these days, it's why there's a lot of antisemitic beliefs amongst those on the left. They dislike that a lot of Jews are successful and have a lot of money and they see their skin color and it angers them. But that's a whole other topic of discussion.

So yeah, the Nazis were much more than just "white supremacists." And I only gave a select few examples there are much more. They were basically a virus that tried to kill everyone and everything to gain world domination. The closest thing you'll see today to them is probably ISIS.
Again, it’s a matter of qualitative difference between “white supremacists” like Trumpists and Nazis. Every terrible thing you’ve attributed to Nazism has been practiced, in some form or fashion, by the Republican party. Whether it is outright discrimination that is still committed against vulnerable classes of all manner - gays, Muslims, black people, Hispanics - or it is policy shrouded in seemingly innocuous language that can be revealed to have purposefully harmful impact on those communities and others, the Republicans continue to prosecute an agenda that is directly tied to the same goals as Nazism. Remember, Hitler gleaned his ideas of racially pure world from what he observed of Jim Crow in the United States. That is a recorded fact.


Neighbours from Hell
Again, it’s a matter of qualitative difference between “white supremacists” like Trumpists and Nazis. Every terrible thing you’ve attributed to Nazism has been practiced, in some form or fashion, by the Republican party. Whether it is outright discrimination that is still committed against vulnerable classes of all manner - gays, Muslims, black people, Hispanics - or it is policy shrouded in seemingly innocuous language that can be revealed to have purposefully harmful impact on those communities and others, the Republicans continue to prosecute an agenda that is directly tied to the same goals as Nazism. Remember, Hitler gleaned his ideas of racially pure world from what he observed of Jim Crow in the United States. That is a recorded fact.
You’re just making stuff up. Most republicans just like most Democrats are normal everyday good people who don’t have hatred in their heart. Sure, some people have natural biases, sometimes subconsciously, we all do for many things in life and most aren’t born out of hatred and live and we learn as we evolve and change over time. There are a minority of nutjobs out there who are in the extremes, but neither have committed the acts that Nazis have. No one in this country, Trump included, have “the same goals” as the Nazis.

You’re demonizing like half the country by lumping in “Republicans” as one people. You can’t do that or you’re no better than the people you claim to dislike. You have to judge an individual as an individual. Everyone’s different and everyone believes different things.

And you’re jumping all over the place btw. I don’t even know what your point is anymore, or ever was for that matter,
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advanced basic bitch
Again, it’s a matter of qualitative difference between “white supremacists” like Trumpists and Nazis. Every terrible thing you’ve attributed to Nazism has been practiced, in some form or fashion, by the Republican party. Whether it is outright discrimination that is still committed against vulnerable classes of all manner - gays, Muslims, black people, Hispanics -
Again, it’s a matter of qualitative difference between “white supremacists” like Trumpists and Nazis. Every terrible thing you’ve attributed to Nazism has been practiced, in some form or fashion, by the Republican party. Whether it is outright discrimination that is still committed against vulnerable classes of all manner - gays, Muslims, black people, Hispanics - or it is policy shrouded in seemingly innocuous language that can be revealed to have purposefully harmful impact on those communities and others, the Republicans continue to prosecute an agenda that is directly tied to the same goals as Nazism. Remember, Hitler gleaned his ideas of racially pure world from what he observed of Jim Crow in the United States. That is a recorded fact.
Put Democrat in place of Republican in everything you just said and it makes as much sense.


advanced basic bitch
You’re just making stuff up. Most republicans just like most Democrats are normal everyday good people who don’t have hatred in their heart. Sure, some people have natural biases, sometimes subconsciously, we all do for many things in life and most aren’t born out of hatred and live and we learn as we evolve and change over time. There are a minority of nutjobs out there who are in the extremes, but neither have committed the acts that Nazis have. No one in this country, Trump included, have “the same goals” as the Nazis.

You’re demonizing like half the country by lumping in “Republicans” as one people. You can’t do that or you’re no better than the people you claim to dislike. You have to judge an individual as an individual. Everyone’s different and everyone believes different things.

And you’re jumping all over the place btw. I don’t even know what your point is anymore, or ever was for that matter,
Republican bad. His programming demands he keep saying it till someone believes it despite a lack of evidence.
Again, it’s a matter of qualitative difference between “white supremacists” like Trumpists and Nazis. Every terrible thing you’ve attributed to Nazism has been practiced, in some form or fashion, by the Republican party. Whether it is outright discrimination that is still committed against vulnerable classes of all manner - gays, Muslims, black people, Hispanics - or it is policy shrouded in seemingly innocuous language that can be revealed to have purposefully harmful impact on those communities and others, the Republicans continue to prosecute an agenda that is directly tied to the same goals as Nazism. Remember, Hitler gleaned his ideas of racially pure world from what he observed of Jim Crow in the United States. That is a recorded fact.
Sir or ma’am, you need to start living in reality.

As an example, Mariano Rivera is a Republican. He is not a Nazi nor someone trying to advance the White race. He is actually more conservative than many Republicans in today’s USA.

People like you are exactly why I always rolled my eyes when criticizing Obama or Trump for not “bringing the people together”.


Again, it’s a matter of qualitative difference between “white supremacists” like Trumpists and Nazis. Every terrible thing you’ve attributed to Nazism has been practiced, in some form or fashion, by the Republican party. Whether it is outright discrimination that is still committed against vulnerable classes of all manner - gays, Muslims, black people, Hispanics - or it is policy shrouded in seemingly innocuous language that can be revealed to have purposefully harmful impact on those communities and others, the Republicans continue to prosecute an agenda that is directly tied to the same goals as Nazism. Remember, Hitler gleaned his ideas of racially pure world from what he observed of Jim Crow in the United States. That is a recorded fact.
Lets pretend for a second this is all true. Trump is Hitler and America is a Totalitarian state.

Can you answer this for me: Why are MILLIONS of people illegally breaking into the country to come live in a "White Supremacist/Nazi" country? Last I checked, people are suppose to "flee" from racism, not run straight to the source. Do you disagree with this?
i should account suicide and create a topic posting this picture over there. i dont think it would last long before being locked, and id certainly get perma'd for it, but i really wonder how many users over there know these numbers

If you're going to account suicide, you should post the homophobic case against the owner of the forum that the majority of the Era userbase still don't know about:

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Neighbours from Hell
So since Republicans and Trump are the same as Nazis, I guess when Trump is out of office people are going to stumble upon hidden concentration camps deep in the forests of like Vermont and Maine? And I guess instead of Jews it’ll be full of trans people or people with blue hair... or something?


I figured it was satire but you can never be too sure these days. Someone on social media called me a Nazi yesterday for saying the OK sign isn't racist.

Something tells me the people who use that word the most are the people who likely know the least about European and Nazi Germany's history.

Sometimes I go back and forth as to whether or not I should not even take comments like that seriously enough to even bother and other times I want to get into a debate to expose their lack of knowledge and context as to what that word actually means and represents.
It's kinda amazing how quickly this has happened. I remember on oldGAF during the height of Milo being talked about, I was trying to make the point that people shouldn't call him a nazi because it dilutes the word and is honestly kind of insulting to the people who suffered under the real nazis (plus he was clearly just a troll). That feels so quaint now.


Neighbours from Hell
It's kinda amazing how quickly this has happened. I remember on oldGAF during the height of Milo being talked about, I was trying to make the point that people shouldn't call him a nazi because it dilutes the word and is honestly kind of insulting to the people who suffered under the real nazis (plus he was clearly just a troll). That feels so quaint now.
It’s dangerous. If you consider that the Nazis were murderers, genocidal, rapists, racists, bigots, child killers and torturers, they are all the worst things we consider in this world wrapped up in one, so to me calling someone a Nazi is worse than calling someone a pedophile. The Nazis were arguably the worst people to ever exist on our planet. And that term is just thrown around casually.

It’s ignorant, it shows a total lack of understanding of history and context and frankly, people.
So since Republicans and Trump are the same as Nazis, I guess when Trump is out of office people are going to stumble upon hidden concentration camps deep in the forests of like Vermont and Maine? And I guess instead of Jews it’ll be full of trans people or people with blue hair... or something?
Also, why a strong desire to eliminate your 2nd Amendment to the Hitler administration?


Neighbours from Hell
This is the sad truth. These idiots bleeting what they read on Twitter are being the most disgusting cunts imaginable in this fashion.

Just parasites.

Yeah, I'm sure holocaust survivors who suffered unimaginable horros love hearing that someone is a "Nazi" because they believe a person with a dick and without a uterus can get pregnant.


Jelly Belly
Have you done your anti-racist work for the day?
Always . Racism is the dumbest shit there is I known . I dont hold hate to peoplle anybody. Some people are just dumb . Hating people you haven never met is as slap in the face of humanity if yousk me. Unless its a shit person likd trump or something like that. He is s legit cunt if you aske me


If you're going to account suicide, you should post the homophobic case against the owner of the forum that the majority of the Era userbase still don't know about:

It was posted and dismissed as "Alt right propaganda". then Cerim made a crocodile tears post about it being a difficult time in his life he didnt want to revisit or some such bullshit. Reetards lapped it up.


Lets pretend for a second this is all true. Trump is Hitler and America is a Totalitarian state.

Can you answer this for me: Why are MILLIONS of people illegally breaking into the country to come live in a "White Supremacist/Nazi" country? Last I checked, people are suppose to "flee" from racism, not run straight to the source. Do you disagree with this?

Because of conditions in their countries that both Republicans and Democrats have deliberately engineered through neoliberal planning.


You’re just making stuff up. Most republicans just like most Democrats are normal everyday good people who don’t have hatred in their heart. Sure, some people have natural biases, sometimes subconsciously, we all do for many things in life and most aren’t born out of hatred and live and we learn as we evolve and change over time. There are a minority of nutjobs out there who are in the extremes, but neither have committed the acts that Nazis have. No one in this country, Trump included, have “the same goals” as the Nazis.

You’re demonizing like half the country by lumping in “Republicans” as one people. You can’t do that or you’re no better than the people you claim to dislike. You have to judge an individual as an individual. Everyone’s different and everyone believes different things.

And you’re jumping all over the place btw. I don’t even know what your point is anymore, or ever was for that matter,
You’re right - I am “demonizing” half of the country, though I would argue a lot more are guilty of the intolerable conditions this country has wrought abroad and internally, because of either active support of an unconscionable status quo or tacit defense of said system becauae of complacency and a lack of having any skin in the game (white liberals, faux progressives, et. al.). I disagree that most Republicans are “good people,” and their platform of corporate fealty, environmental terrorism, militaristic chauvinism and racial hierarchy testifies to how opposite of “good” they are.


advanced basic bitch
You’re right - I am “demonizing” half of the country, though I would argue a lot more are guilty of the intolerable conditions this country has wrought abroad and internally, because of either active support of an unconscionable status quo or tacit defense of said system becauae of complacency and a lack of having any skin in the game (white liberals, faux progressives, et. al.). I disagree that most Republicans are “good people,” and their platform of corporate fealty, environmental terrorism, militaristic chauvinism and racial hierarchy testifies to how opposite of “good” they are.
Still no receipts for anything you say. And its white liberals now to? So you're just an angry racist then?
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Because of conditions in their countries that both Republicans and Democrats have deliberately engineered through neoliberal planning.
So according to your own logic, it's much better to live next to "Nazis" (who are known for eradicating people) than it is for these people to stay behind in their own lands where they already control all levels of governments and thus can't complain about "systematic racism" holding them down?

I also like that you threw in "engineering". How come Republicans/Democrats never used this technology on much bigger and stronger countries like China or Russia and cause them to collapse? Why would they focus their energy on countries like Mexico or Somalia that, to my knowledge, never really acted as big players on the world stage?

This answer may shock you but if someone told me I must flee my home and go live in a far away nation that operates death camps, I wouldn't pack my suitcase and start travelling there unless you know? It was all bullshit.
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Still no receipts for anything you say. And its white liberals now to? So you're just an angry racist then?

what good would “receipts” do for someone that - like a President who rejected reports of the anemic turnout at his inauguration, which was starkly visible in photographs - only listens to alternative facts? I also don’t recall saying anything racist.
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what good would “receipts” do for someone that - like a President who rejected reports of the anemic turnout at his inauguration, which was starkly visible in photographs - only listens to alternative facts? I also don’t recall saying anything racist.
"You wouldn't listen to the truth even if I tried" isn't going to get you very far on GAF. If you don't present an argument, why should anyone bother?
what good would “receipts” do for someone that - like a President who rejected reports of the anemic turnout at his inauguration, which was starkly visible in photographs - only listens to alternative facts? I also don’t recall saying anything racist.
Bro, you do seem angry af. Why not go release that anger in the butt thread


"You wouldn't listen to the truth even if I tried" isn't going to get you very far on GAF. If you don't present an argument, why should anyone bother?

I guess I’m not sure what “receipts” he’s looking for? We know Republicans deny climate change. We know Trump has overturned EPA regulations that policed how companies dispose of waste. We know Republicans have tried and, thankfully, failed to overturn the Affordable Care Act. When one starts asking for a granular rundown of the “receipts,” it becomes evident they aren’t coming from a place of good faith.
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