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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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advanced basic bitch
what good would “receipts” do for someone that - like a President who rejected reports of the anemic turnout at his inauguration, which was starkly visible in photographs - only listens to alternative facts? I also don’t recall saying anything racist.
Your assumptions amuse me. And " white liberals" is racist. Not to mention you find Asian women ugly. So yes your racism and bigotry is clear to see. Go home kid your mommy is calling.
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I guess I’m not sure what “receipts” he’s looking for? We know Republicans deny climate change. We know Trump has overturned EPA regulations that policed how companies dispose of waste. We know Republicans have tried and, thankfully, failed to overturn the Affordable Care Act. When one starts asking for a granular rundown of the “receipts,” it becomes evident they aren’t coming from a place of good faith.



advanced basic bitch
I guess I’m not sure what “receipts” he’s looking for? We know Republicans deny climate change. We know Trump has overturned EPA regulations that policed how companies dispose of waste. We know Republicans have tried and, thankfully, failed to overturn the Affordable Care Act. When one starts asking for a granular rundown of the “receipts,” it becomes evident they aren’t coming from a place of good faith.
Apoligies if I wasn't clear enough. You've said so much bullshit its hard to keep up. Recipts for literally anything you're saying would be a good start. Your the one condemning a huge amount of people based on your feelings. So the burden of proof is on you. Saying well "trump this and trump that" doesn't work by the way. That's called guilt by association which is a logical fallacy. They teach you that in high school. Besides all that I'm sure we would be much more willing to listen to you if not for your racism.


Your assumptions amuse me. And " white liberals" is racist. Not to mention you find Asian women ugly. So yes your racism and bigotry is clear to see. Go home kid your mommy is calling.

what did I say that was racist? I made an observation passive support of the status quo.


advanced basic bitch
what did I say that was racist? I made an observation passive support of the status quo.
I'm sorry you can't see your racism. Even though it's spelled out for you. It's not suprising considering all the other bullshit you've spouted. Considering your far left nature I'm sure you've deluded yourself into not seeing it. You're probably the type of person who calls himself a male feminist and an ally as well.
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Neighbours from Hell
You’re right - I am “demonizing” half of the country, though I would argue a lot more are guilty of the intolerable conditions this country has wrought abroad and internally, because of either active support of an unconscionable status quo or tacit defense of said system becauae of complacency and a lack of having any skin in the game (white liberals, faux progressives, et. al.). I disagree that most Republicans are “good people,” and their platform of corporate fealty, environmental terrorism, militaristic chauvinism and racial hierarchy testifies to how opposite of “good” they are.

You are looking at the world through a very negative dirty lens. I'm not sure what specific things you are referring to in this post, but most people period are good people. Republican, democrat, in between. The far majority of people in this country all want the same stuff by and large. A decent enough job, a roof over their heads, a decent enough car, a family, have some fun now and again, a good looking spouse that they love. Most people don't want others to suffer, will help their fellow man/woman when they need a hand. Will help someone off the ground if they are passing by, spot someone a dollar if they need it. Whether they are gay, trans, straight or whatever. Most people are decent people. I see it everyday when I'm out and about.

You either don't know people very well or are judging people by very rigid or unrealistic standards. I mean if you want to be overly critical technically you can say all humans are not good dating back to primitive humans being that tribes butchered other tribes and fought for land and raped and pillaged and killed and stole, and conquered. But at that juncture, what is even the point of analyzing anything at all?


You’re right - I am “demonizing” half of the country, though I would argue a lot more are guilty of the intolerable conditions this country has wrought abroad and internally, because of either active support of an unconscionable status quo or tacit defense of said system becauae of complacency and a lack of having any skin in the game (white liberals, faux progressives, et. al.). I disagree that most Republicans are “good people,” and their platform of corporate fealty, environmental terrorism, militaristic chauvinism and racial hierarchy testifies to how opposite of “good” they are.

Just curious, do you know someone named FiestyBoots? I think you two would get along like an asylum on fire 💙


I'm sorry you can't see your racism. Even though it's spelled out for you. It's not suprising considering all the other bullshit you've spouted. Considering your far left nature I'm sure you've deluded yourself into not seeing it. You're probably the type of person who calls himself a male feminist and an ally as well.
LOL, I’m not a fan of the #metoo movement, so I’m probably not a good spokesperson for male feminists.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You are looking at the world through a very negative dirty lens.

Critical theory as applied to social studies rots people's minds and turns them into bitter messes.

You’re right - I am “demonizing” half of the country, though I would argue a lot more are guilty of the intolerable conditions this country has wrought abroad and internally, because of either active support of an unconscionable status quo or tacit defense of said system becauae of complacency and a lack of having any skin in the game (white liberals, faux progressives, et. al.). I disagree that most Republicans are “good people,” and their platform of corporate fealty, environmental terrorism, militaristic chauvinism and racial hierarchy testifies to how opposite of “good” they are.

Would you be first in line to upend you and your family's entire lives for the chance of saving people you've never met?
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
No. But he would be first in line to force you to do it. Hypocrites, all of them.

100%. Trying to shame other people into doing something that they probably wouldn't be willing to do themselves.

I think most people just have a complete lack of meaning in their lives and try to fill it with revolutionary causes they latch onto online. It's easier to join a cause when your battle grounds are Twitter and forums like this.
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Would you be first in line to upend you and your family's entire lives for the chance of saving people you've never met?

Surrendering certain luxuries I enjoy thanks to living in the US? Accepting higher taxation if it meant greater access to healthcare for those who presently can’t afford it? Ceding the roads to a robust infrastructural initiative aimed at weaning us off cars and transitioning to high quality mass transit systems that would greatly reduce carbon emissions? Yeah, there’s a lot I would gladly give up if it resulted in a markedly improved standard of living for those living under the heel of our current status quo. Without question.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Surrendering certain luxuries I enjoy thanks to living in the US? Accepting higher taxation if it meant greater access to healthcare for those who presently can’t afford it? Ceding the roads to a robust infrastructural initiative aimed at weaning us off cars and transitioning to high quality mass transit systems that would greatly reduce carbon emissions? Yeah, there’s a lot I would gladly give up if it resulted in a markedly improved standard of living for those living under the heel of our current status quo. Without question.

"Certain luxuries." The devil is in the details, right? You want a revolution, but you don't want things to get *too* uncomfortable for you.

For the record, I'm right there with you when it comes to supporting higher taxes for greater healthcare access for everyone and more investment in infrastructure and public transit.
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Surrendering certain luxuries I enjoy thanks to living in the US? Accepting higher taxation if it meant greater access to healthcare for those who presently can’t afford it? Ceding the roads to a robust infrastructural initiative aimed at weaning us off cars and transitioning to high quality mass transit systems that would greatly reduce carbon emissions? Yeah, there’s a lot I would gladly give up if it resulted in a markedly improved standard of living for those living under the heel of our current status quo. Without question.

Start today. Right now, narcissist. Don't wait for Government coercion. Donate half of your wealth to someone, today! Be the example that you claim you are to the rest of us Natzis.


Gold Member
Mass Transit? lol

Unless you live and work downtown, or have a perfect storm commute where it's a long distance, but the transit is with few stops, the starting station is close to home and the final station is right by work, taking transit is a waste of time. And if you live in a place which requires waiting for the the bus in winter is a laugh.

Unless you have a lucky mass transit route which makes it faster than car, taking transit you are probably wasting a good hour or more per day just waiting around. Add it all up, and you will probably waste years of time of your life waiting at bus stops and subway stations surrounded like sardines vs. a driver.

You also can't car pool, or bring many things with you. Many people who drive (like me) also parlay the commute by buying things on the way home so it kills two birds with one stone.

Don't think any bus rider is carrying a laptop bag, groceries, case of pop or beer and dry cleaning all at once.
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Surrendering certain luxuries I enjoy thanks to living in the US? Accepting higher taxation if it meant greater access to healthcare for those who presently can’t afford it? Ceding the roads to a robust infrastructural initiative aimed at weaning us off cars and transitioning to high quality mass transit systems that would greatly reduce carbon emissions? Yeah, there’s a lot I would gladly give up if it resulted in a markedly improved standard of living for those living under the heel of our current status quo. Without question.
You could just DO this instead of 'waiting' for Bernie or Warren to make it some law. Whats the point of waiting? Just go be a good person and donate 50% of everything you own to charities.


Hipster Princess
the difference between Nazism and white supremacy is a discussion that begs pedantry. Their aim is, again, not qualitatively different. Trying to argue otherwise is disingenuous, imo.

Imagine trying to argue that being conservative means your end goal is at all times to want the eradication of all none white peoples yet having the audacity to call others disingenuous.
It was posted and dismissed as "Alt right propaganda". then Cerim made a crocodile tears post about it being a difficult time in his life he didnt want to revisit or some such bullshit. Reetards lapped it up.

The article itself was never posted. Queen of Hunting said to google it, but she never threw out the article.

Cerium posted articles relating to the man in question after he was arrested, but he never actually posted the initial complaint and court case article, which the would-be gay cannibal won on.


Many people who drive (like me) also parlay the commute by buying things on the way home so it kills two birds with one stone.
I did this, I had a 90 minute commute to work by car. I then changed it up on the way home to hit every single blockbuster, independent video/game store and anywhere that sold new/ used games. It was a lot of research and just hunting to find them all. I'd make a route that would his 4-5 of them per day so they only got visited once a week. Only added about 1/2 extra to the journey time anyway. I made a shitload of money on Ebay selling the mass amount of stuff I'd get in a week.


Gold Member
I did this, I had a 90 minute commute to work by car. I then changed it up on the way home to hit every single blockbuster, independent video/game store and anywhere that sold new/ used games. It was a lot of research and just hunting to find them all. I'd make a route that would his 4-5 of them per day so they only got visited once a week. Only added about 1/2 extra to the journey time anyway. I made a shitload of money on Ebay selling the mass amount of stuff I'd get in a week.
For me, it's a really easy drive.

My work isn't far away and I can hit all of these on the way home in almost a straight line...... two grocery stores, drug store (beside one of the grocery stores), dry cleaner, a shit load of places to grab dinner, bank, gas station, Walmart. If I need to errands, I try to cram them all into one drive home.

Only place that is out of the way is if I want to hit a Costco.

Anyone taking the bus or subway for an hour home, good luck doing any of these regularly on the ride home with exception of hitting an ATM which are everywhere.
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Anyone taking the bus or subway for an hour home, good luck doing any of these regularly on the ride home with exception of hitting an ATM which are everywhere.

I tried that, you're right does not work. Getting in and out of stations and the distance to where you want to go from the station exit kills it. one food or ATM stop is the most that realistic.


Gold Member
I tried that, you're right does not work. Getting in and out of stations and the distance to where you want to go from the station exit kills it. one food or ATM stop is the most that realistic.
That's the mass transit routine.

I took the bus AND subway double transit commute to university downtown. about an hour and a half. I didn't have to worry about things like hitting a Walmart or dry cleaning, but 99% of people just make mad dashes home. And that included me. At most I'd spend 30 seconds buying an ink stained Toronto Sun paper to see what the hockey and baseball boxscores were from the night before.

Only a small number care for hanging out for dinner downtown, or chilling out with a snack and coffee in one of those subway station cafes - even if it means missing the next bus or train...... I wonder if that small bakery in Islington Station is still there? lol

Almost everyone tries to get home ASAP because they know the ride is already going to take forever.
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Im pretty sure even Malcolm X right now would be like "now hold up, white folks arent THAT bad". Would prolly b banned there.


Unconfirmed Member
The Nazis didn't allow opposition.

Every time people cry foul that Trump is Hitler, someone needs to explain how did we just have an impeachment circuit? Why were there midterm elections last year?
That is not what the Nazis were about. All these people would have been dead already if there was a Nazi Party in control of the U.S.


Now look at the current U.S Senate (the highest authority in the country), and Republicans just barely edge out.

A man shitposting ramblings on twitter is totally the same thing as being Hitler!



My yappy little dog is annoying my neighbor while I just leave it outside and don't have to hear its constant barking while I'm not home. But "I'm" the victim here.

Bonus points for "When he was originally transitioning to being a permanent inside dog", so doublespeak for just kicking a dog outside that's used to living inside then...


Im pretty sure even Malcolm X right now would be like "now hold up, white folks arent THAT bad". Would prolly b banned there.
When he came back from Africa, Malcom X recanted or toned down many of his prior views and opposed many of the more extreme ones his former followers had picked up while he was away. He very likely would been considered a "race traitor" by the 30+ year old white men who dominate ResetERA.com. One of the conspiracy theories about his killing having been orchestrated from within the Nation was that they knew how effective Malcom was and they were afraid of what he'd do to the movement they had taken over from him. Especially as he became troubled about ideas like black supremacy for simply black supremacy's sake.

He would not have been cancelled though, as cancel culture is absolutely not a thing. Period. End of.
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My yappy little dog is annoying my neighbor while I just leave it outside and don't have to hear its constant barking while I'm not home. But "I'm" the victim here.

Bonus points for "When he was originally transitioning to being a permanent inside dog", so doublespeak for just kicking a dog outside that's used to living inside then...

ngl, I'd absolutely go John Wick on the neighbor if I reasonably thought he murdered my dog. The OP is an irresponsible owner, but that's not as bad as the owner in this story. Fuck him assuming it's true.




The people on ERA are deluded in their viewpoints on left and right wing, to the point that a very left wing person like myself would be permabanned if they knew all my views because I dislike a lot of elements of feminism especially modern day feminism, because I think their racial politics are fucked up on multiple levels, because I hold people of other races accountable for their own problematic viewpoints and actions. They have no sense of accountability for women and minorities except within the hierarchy of oppression. They first proved this by supporting the toxic behavior of Jessica Price, and have only descended farther and farther since that point.

I don't pass the purity test. To them I'm a racist and a sexist, and because of that I must be right wing, despite holding the concrete beliefs of the left wing. I just don't play the identity politics, microaggression bullshit game like they do.
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I've had enough of resetera, that place must be modded by children. Ive copped 3 seperate bans, all were for the most piss weak reasons. It's the Babysitters club over there

1. I said Ronda Rouseys flippant comment on LGBT was ignorant but ultimately irrelevant or not noteworthy enough for outrage

BAN "you are supporting homophobia, you are being homophobic"

2. I said content providers were locking in more exclusivity deals, which directly results in more people resorting to piracy

BAN "you are supporting online piracy"

3. Just yesterday I supported a trans man in a movie role. Supported LGBT casting. Largely positive comment. But flippantly used the word tranny in my sentance. I edited out said "slur" after being called on it. Even explained my intentions. Not good enough...

BAN "transphobia, you are being transphobic"

I'm left as they come but that joint is washed with sandy vaginas and brainwashed cretins. Their expectations are ludicrously high for a casual discussion board
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advanced basic bitch
Ah, man. The racist, bigoted, misogynist DrClarke was banned? That's too bad. I was having so much fun with his ignorant ass. You can't tolerate the intolerant though. "Bye bitch"
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Welcome to the ‘alt-rights’ :messenger_grinning_squinting:
If only they knew who they were trying to dictate to! Politics is part of my job FFS.

Look, I understand gaming discussion and politics beefs are intrinsically linked for some reason but who do reseteras mods think they are dictating the discourse so harshly, heavily ? What is the end goal in mind?

As far as I can see their terrible choice in mods want to stifle views that they don't personally like. That is not moderation at all but the complete opposite of moderation.

I won't be dictated to by some resetera cretin, Gaming is entertainment for me not a political movement.
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Gold Member
If only they knew who they were trying to dictate to! Politics is part of my job FFS.

Look, I understand gaming discussion and politics beefs are intrinsically linked for some reason but who do reseteras mods think they are dictating the discourse so harshly, heavily ? What is the goal in mind?

As far as I can see their terrible choice in mods want to stifle views that they don't personally like. That is not moderation at a but the complete opposite of moderation.

I won't be dictated to by some resetera cretin, fuck them all.

They shit on their beliefs so often that I would say it’s more about power than politics itself that they’re interested in.

They just simply like to bully others because they are fucked up inside. They won’t change, it’s the only satisfaction they get in life.
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