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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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They shit on their beliefs so often that I would say it’s more about power than politics itself that they’re interested in.

They just simply like to bully others because they are fucked up inside. They won’t change, it’s the only satisfaction they get in life.
Certainly seems that way. Neogaf is the new way forward. Hopefully more posters protest that place, bring quality open discussion here.
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Is there really a distinction between Nazis and your modern day conservative? I’d argue therr isn’t, when lining up their respective platforms. Blood and soil. Extreme nationalism. Fealty to the corporations. Hyper militaristic. Have you ever visited Breitbart? Its comments sections read like what you’d find Stormfront.

Dammit! How did I miss out on all this!?

It's so wild to me that a year from now Trump could likely be leaving the White House. Could be due to impeachment or could be due to being voted out. Both are at least a possibility. At the very least he will be gone in 5 years. Yet we are making straight faced comparisons to Nazis.

History Lesson: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_of_the_Long_Knives
(I thought people were all about using the Internet to educate themselves these days?)

The Nuremberg Laws were enacted about a year later and that's when the persecution really kicked into gear with things like Hitler declaring a nationwide boycott of Jewish businesses etc. Non-Aryans were excluded from legal professions and civil service. Books considered un-German were destroyed in huge public book burnings.

History Lesson 2: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Laws
(Using Wikipedia as a source should be fine here there is no doubt that these events took place)

Is America even close to going down this route in the next year before the next election?
In the next 5 years even before Trump for sure will have to step down?
It is extremely unrealistic.

Is it possible that in the next few years we will see many millions of non-whites fleeing the USA into Canada and Mexico and beyond as the conservatives implement policies that make living conditions unbearable? Is it possible that a few years later we will hear disturbing stories from the US about concentration camps and the like?

I know people like to make the concentration camp claims for the situation on the US border but that seems again to be a dishonest comparison as the Nazi camps were absolutely NOT populated by "non-Aryan" and "un-German" people who were coming from all over the world to try and get into Nazi Germany. These camps were populated by many people who had tried so hard to flee Nazi Germany. The comparison could be seen as fucking insulting to be honest.

We rightfully take umbrage with people who try to deny or play down the holocaust. Similarly, we take offence at people who legitimately think that what happened back in those days was fine or justified. You try to rewrite the history of 1930s and 40s Germany and people will rightly call you out on your bullshit.

Yet, there are still pockets of the internet, like ResetEra, and people who post online, like "DrClarke", who seem to not mind the complete denial and rewriting of history so long as it suits their agenda.

"Is there really a distinction between Nazis and your modern day conservative?"

That is a fucking INSANE jumping off point.
I mean, you'd need to be completely uneducated and ignorant to even think that it's a valid question.
Yet, here we are.


Ah, man. The racist, bigoted, misogynist DrClarke was banned? That's too bad. I was having so much fun with his ignorant ass. You can't tolerate the intolerant though. "Bye bitch"

Hey Tyler it's DrClarke, just borrowing my friend's account real quick (but you can delete it, he doesn't care). Firstly, cute thing you did there with the ban message. Secondly, just for clarification are you seriously okay with the way NeoGaf is right now? There will be a Man in the High Castle is actually a documentary | OT thread by the end of the week (if there isn't one already). Is the site's moral grotesqueity supposed to be your revenge against the "sjw" who scorned you? Good grief. No offense but be honest, if you heard of someone else doing that, wouldn't you think that it's the most pathetic and predicatble thing ever?

As a fellow human being, if you're not seeing a therapist already, I urge you to consider it.


advanced basic bitch
Dr,Clarke banned? I disagree vehemently with this ban. The guy was just having a discussion and was making argument not vile attack. Can we get our skin a little thicker?
He wasn't interested in actually discussing anything. When you're opening with all conservatives are nazis this isn't someone who is looking for a discussion. I'm all for criticism of anything. That wasn't his goal though. He came in to stir some shit based on his ignorance and bigotry.
He wasn't interested in actually discussing anything. When you're opening with all conservatives are nazis this isn't someone who is looking for a discussion. I'm all for criticism of anything. That wasn't his goal though. He came in to stir some shit based on his ignorance and bigotry.
This is the kind of post we see on resetera!

He was discussing, he wasnt interested to have the same opinion than you. He was saying some crazy shit but he got corrected right away. He maybe stirred some shit but sometime if no shit get stirred we change into an echochamber.

I'm against this ban.

sorry for my english I speak french
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Dr,Clarke banned? I disagree vehemently with this ban. The guy was just having a discussion and was making argument not vile attack. Can we get our skin a little thicker?



advanced basic bitch
This is the kind of post we see on resetera!

He was discussing, he wasnt interested to have the same opinion than you. He was saying some crazy shit but he got corrected right away. He maybe stirred some shit but sometime if no shit get stirred we change into an echochamber.

I'm against this ban.

sorry for my english I speak french
You're right that he got corrected right away because he was an ignorant bigot. What was he discussing? He was saying everyone right of him were nazis as an objective fact. He never backed down no matter how much he was proven wrong. There are plenty of left-leaning people on this forum. They just aren't authoritarian types. Great discussions are had all the time here between actually diverse people. You know the type of diversity that sits between someone's ears.


This is the kind of post we see on resetera!

He was discussing, he wasnt interested to have the same opinion than you. He was saying some crazy shit but he got corrected right away. He maybe stirred some shit but sometime if no shit get stirred we change into an echochamber.

I'm against this ban.

sorry for my english I speak french
Je suis d’accord.

DrClarke seemed wacky as fuck, but everything he said struck me as being honest discourse that was being countered by similarly honest discourse. on that basis, I’d rather not see us issue bans for opinions that are defended and defensible, as wrong-headed as they may be.

Kev Kev

Is there really a distinction between Nazis and your modern day conservative? I’d argue therr isn’t, when lining up their respective platforms.

id normally disagree with banning. id much rather let members take out the trash and kick their ass around for a while. even if theyre a troll

but once someone starts comparing to hitler or nazis.... like, you just cant argue with such stupidity and youre doing the forum a favor by saving space from such ignorance. its like a principal for me, once someone starts bringing up nazi germany and hitler, then the conversation has run its course and its over. this mother fucker opened with that shit lol
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id normally disagree with banning. id much rather let members take out the trash and kick their ass around for a while. even if theyre a troll

but once someone starts comparing to hitler or nazis.... like, you just cant argue with such stupidity and youre doing the forum a favor by saving space from such ignorance. its like a principal for me, once someone starts bringing up nazi germany and hitler, then the conversation has run its course and its over. this mother fucker opened with that shit lol

There is a rule about the number of post on a forum it takes before a reference to Nazi came up. Its just a natural tendency.

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Kev Kev

There is a rule about the number of post on a forum it takes before a reference to Nazi came up. Its just a natural tendency.

in any conversation, online, in person whatever. once hitler and nazis come up, that signals the end of the conversation as a comparison to that usually comes back to a terrible argument


Gold Member
Dr,Clarke banned? I disagree vehemently with this ban. The guy was just having a discussion and was making argument not vile attack. Can we get our skin a little thicker?

The guy signed up to a forum about videogames. This is their posting history:

21 posts. Most in this thread about reset. 2 about a trans/black actor and 2 in the hot asian girls thread. 1 in a microsfot thread. They were just upping their post count before going to shriek out in Politics. Mods made a call the people who have been here a while can see a mile off. The user is best back on 4ch, or in the reset discords crying about how unfair things are.
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Dr,Clarke banned? I disagree vehemently with this ban. The guy was just having a discussion and was making argument not vile attack. Can we get our skin a little thicker?

I disagree.

When your starting point in a discussion begins with "is there really a distinction between Nazis and your modern day conservative" then I think it's clear the person is trolling and not interested in any kind of good faith conversation.

Upon being called out there was a blatantly obvious goalpost shifting with "are you denying Breitbart is a curator of white supremacist propaganda".

That's strike two as far as I am concerned.

The thing is, at this point it would actually be better for this person to take the L and then just sign up with a new username somewhere down the line and try behaving in a sensible manner.

As it stood they completely demolished their own credibility and reputation so spectacularly that it's difficult to see how they would recover. Then they just started doubling down on the idiocy. This is blatant trolling and does deserve the ban. Probably for their own good too.

Coming in and accusing people who are clearly not Nazis of being Nazis has to be banworthy.

So let's maybe put it in a gaming context.
If a user on here joins up and posts "is there really a distinction between adults who like Nintendo and pedos" do you think that's bannable?
Then they shift the goalposts and say "are you denying that Nintendo games are aimed at kids"? Shifting the goalpost and doubling down on a profoundly stupid view is also bannable surely?

The forum has conservative members. You can disagree with them and debate them.
Saying they are all Nazis? That's got to be a ban.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The people on ERA are deluded in their viewpoints on left and right wing, to the point that a very left wing person like myself would be permabanned if they knew all my views because I dislike a lot of elements of feminism especially modern day feminism, because I think their racial politics are fucked up on multiple levels, because I hold people of other races accountable for their own problematic viewpoints and actions. They have no sense of accountability for women and minorities except within the hierarchy of oppression. They first proved this by supporting the toxic behavior of Jessica Price, and have only descended farther and farther since that point.

I don't pass the purity test. To them I'm a racist and a sexist, and because of that I must be right wing, despite holding the concrete beliefs of the left wing. I just don't play the identity politics, microaggression bullshit game like they do.

Jessica Price thread was where I got my first short ban for arguing a bit too passionately. I probably should have seen the writing on the wall for where the mood of the forum was headed at that point, but oh well.

Je suis d’accord.

DrClarke seemed wacky as fuck, but everything he said struck me as being honest discourse that was being countered by similarly honest discourse. on that basis, I’d rather not see us issue bans for opinions that are defended and defensible, as wrong-headed as they may be.

Agreed. I'm generally not in favor of banning anyone outside of truly egregious cases. I've surely said a lot of dumb shit over the years, too, but I've always learned a lot and had the opportunity to change my mind about certain things (for the better, I think) after being exposed to other viewpoints and really thinking about them.
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Darkness no more

I got this warning for making the mildly amusing "there are no trump threads on page 1" thread.

"Acknowledge Warning: User warned: Creating a topic with the intention of trolling"

Just fuckin ban me. I'm tired of this sterile ass place.
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I got banned when tht colored hair, twat, seeking patreon money made her abusive claims about her ex boyfriend and he committed suicide (rip). All I said was "everybody is judging and running to persecute her ex boyfriend without knowing the facts and thts not right" I said politely "let all the evidence surface first" but of course I was labeled, attacked and then banned.

Site is disgusting with its views and dictatorship bs.
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Can’t Git Gud
I got banned when tht colored hair, twat, seeking patreon money made her abusive claims about her ex boyfriend and he committed suicide (rip). All I said was "everybody is judging and running to persecute her ex boyfriend without knowing the facts and thts not right" I said politely "let all the evidence surface first" but of course I was labeled, attacked and then banned.

Site is disgusting with its views and dictatorship bs.
I got banned from giantbomb for saying the same thing in chat during live stream. Yes - they banned premium member from posting or chatting forever with no possibility of restoring posting abilities. Like if I killed the guy myself lol
Still this ban killed the conversation, Evilore banned him for the nazi comparaison? If you are not compared to a Nazi on the Internet you are not on the Internet. Maybe grow a little more skin.
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I got banned from giantbomb for saying the same thing in chat during live stream. Yes - they banned premium member from posting or chatting forever with no possibility of restoring posting abilities. Like if I killed the guy myself lol

Smfh thts the sensitive ass, snowflake society we live in now but if your on the status quo side you can be rabbid animals and it's ok🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
Still this ban killed the conversation, Evilore banned him for the nazi comparaison? If you are not compared to a Nazi on the Internet you are not on the Internet. Maybe grow a little more skin.
He claimed someone who is wearing a MAGA hat is indistinguishable from someone who helped the Nazis wage war. I am pretty sure he was not interested in discussing, but was merely trolling.


Still this ban killed the conversation, Evilore banned him for the nazi comparaison? If you are not compared to a Nazi on the Internet you are not on the Internet. Maybe grow a little more skin.
Or, how about this. Stop using the Natzi comparisons right out of the starting gate? It’s indicative of lazy thinking and a weak mind.

“Everybody’s doing it” is hardly an excuse for a sloppy thought process.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
He claimed someone who is wearing a MAGA hat is indistinguishable from someone who helped the Nazis wage war. I am pretty sure he was not interested in discussing, but was merely trolling.

I feel like the person was probably arguing what they believed, however ridiculous it was. A warning or a shorter ban would have let him or her know the Nazi comparison is not appropriate. Oh well, I know this thread isn't a summit on moderation policies, so I'll shut up about it now.


Gold Member

Tried searching for his account here but couldn’t find it. I’m sure ProfessorLobo used to post here.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Tried searching for his account here but couldn’t find it. I’m sure ProfessorLobo used to post here.

Here's his last post here. Banned for something.


Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Tried searching for his account here but couldn’t find it. I’m sure ProfessorLobo used to post here.

Unlikely, I would think. I actually checked the Bans page and it does go back far enough!

P ProfessorLobo Oct 28, 2018PermanentYou have no reason to be here running round shrieking alt-right, it's highly childish. This is what you do in your actual free time?


Gold Member
While normally I would suggest keeping Drclarke around, that guy is clearly just here for a fight given the recent account and what he says. A month ban might cool him off though and not allow him to crawl back to Reee and say "hey, they are just like us!!!" because he never would have made it past post #2 over there had he done the same thing. Anyway, just my .02.
While normally I would suggest keeping Drclarke around, that guy is clearly just here for a fight given the recent account and what he says. A month ban might cool him off though and not allow him to crawl back to Reee and say "hey, they are just like us!!!" because he never would have made it past post #2 over there had he done the same thing. Anyway, just my .02.
No ...pretty sure he was a troll account
The post history says it all.

Once he got to the magic number you would probably get a "fuck you evilore" thread

Reee trolls u gotta be better than that:)

Kev Kev

No ...pretty sure he was a troll account
The post history says it all.

Once he got to the magic number you would probably get a "fuck you evilore" thread

Reee trolls u gotta be better than that:)
agreed. i hate to sound like im just accusing everyone who has a differetn opinion of being a troll but... come onnnn... new account, post history like that, spouting weird shit like he was. it was fucking obvious.

theres another in this thread who im suspecting as well. wont name them but they have low post count and seem to be saying things just to push buttons, but at least they arent being obvious about it so i can respect that game and im not gonna throw the T word at em. but drclark was just too easy to spot


Unconfirmed Member
Watching them come to terms with the fixing of star wars is absolutely hilarious.


agreed. i hate to sound like im just accusing everyone who has a differetn opinion of being a troll but... come onnnn... new account, post history like that, spouting weird shit like he was. it was fucking obvious.

theres another in this thread who im suspecting as well. wont name them but they have low post count and seem to be saying things just to push buttons, but at least they arent being obvious about it so i can respect that game and im not gonna throw the T word at em. but drclark was just too easy to spot
This is coming dangerously close to the way we used to shit on juniors which, really, was toxic as fuck and not conducive to growing a community.

Kev Kev

This is coming dangerously close to the way we used to shit on juniors which, really, was toxic as fuck and not conducive to growing a community.

whatever then unban and let us shit kick him around, i dont care either way. but im not gonna cry for him when he does get banned, this place obviously isnt turning into era anytime soon if thats what youre getting at.
Please tell me when I will have enough post to say what I really think.

By the way I would like a "strategy game/wargame" thread, I'll post all the time in this thread.
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whatever then unban and let us shit kick him around, i dont care either way. but im not gonna cry for him when he does get banned, this place obviously isnt turning into era anytime soon if thats what youre getting at.
well, era did lift their methods (ban baiting, dog piling, dunking on the graves of the banned) from us.

I just choose to believe we’ve moved on from that horseshit.


This is coming dangerously close to the way we used to shit on juniors which, really, was toxic as fuck and not conducive to growing a community.
No. It's obvious when those guys sign up and make a B line directly to this topic to antagonise people. Big difference. I for one always sign up for a forum then go straight to the topic that talks about another one. He was just another in a long line this year doing exactly the same thing.


No. It's obvious when those guys sign up and make a B line directly to this topic to antagonise people. Big difference. I for one always sign up for a forum then go straight to the topic that talks about another one. He was just another in a long line this year doing exactly the same thing.
Sure, it happens, and will continue to happen. But it’s also entirely possible that people lurk, get a feel for things, then chime in about things that matter to them.

The point I’m trying to make is that being this mistrustful and paranoid of people with differing opinions is exactly the reason Resetera is such a shithole. The way DrClarke was treated is uncomfortably reminiscent of the way the other idiots bemoan “bad actors” who “argue in bad faith” solely on the basis that these “trolls” have positions with which the hive disagrees. If we don’t give people who at least appear to be earnestly engaging a chance, we’ll just end up building a different sort of bubble.


The Tribe Has Spoken
Sure, it happens, and will continue to happen. But it’s also entirely possible that people lurk, get a feel for things, then chime in about things that matter to them.

The point I’m trying to make is that being this mistrustful and paranoid of people with differing opinions is exactly the reason Resetera is such a shithole. The way DrClarke was treated is uncomfortably reminiscent of the way the other idiots bemoan “bad actors” who “argue in bad faith” solely on the basis that these “trolls” have positions with which the hive disagrees. If we don’t give people who at least appear to be earnestly engaging a chance, we’ll just end up building a different sort of bubble.
I honestly find it completely tiresome and illogical when people attempt to equate us to REEE. We are nothing like them. Nothing.

He was given ample time to proffer his thoughts, which is more than you would get over on ResetEra. It just so happens that his thoughts were bigoted and/or not coming from an honest position.

Why, in your mind, should we allow someone to continue being a part of this community who professes the opinion that all people who vote Republican are Nazis? What value is he adding here?


I honestly find it completely tiresome and illogical when people attempt to equate us to REEE. We are nothing like them. Nothing.

He was given ample time to proffer his thoughts, which is more than you would get over on ResetEra. It just so happens that his thoughts were bigoted and/or not coming from an honest position.

Why, in your mind, should we allow someone to continue being a part of this community who professes the opinion that all people who vote Republican are Nazis? What value is he adding here?
We want to believe that we’re nothing like them, and I don’t think we’re there at this point, but the way you describe the DrClarke situation is eerily similar to ResetEra behaviour. We shouldn’t quantify value based on the level to which we agree—that’s a page right out of their authoritarian playbook.
This is coming dangerously close to the way we used to shit on juniors which, really, was toxic as fuck and not conducive to growing a community.
No, I view it more like when people call out astroturfers and console warriors and shills. It's okay to call out users who are only here to troll or to spew propaganda. I think you are being a bit naive. Such people obviously exist in great numbers on the modern internet. Nothing wrong calling a driveby troll what they are.

If you want to stand up for accounts that seem to come back only to battle in Politics board on a videogame forum, cool, but I think it only opens a window for people to poison conversations and sow arguments. As the forum has recovered from the 2017 blowup, it seems like a certain political bent is determined to stick around GAF and call us alt-right Nazi sympathizers (or whatever else the fashionable insult might be). This is a game forum. It's not that it's offensive per se, it's just not the sort of brainlet we should have on a videogame forum. They follow a pattern, even caught the nickname "NPC".

Users who return to GAF to baselessly throw around accusations of Nazis around every corner aren't contributing to the community, change my mind.
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