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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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The crazy train continues rolling, lookout! What next, white people cant collect Japanese swords?

I wonder how many of them supported for Beta Beto O'Rourke, a white-as-mayo guy who made up a nickname to sound Hispanic.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Remember, when 'Super AIDS 2.0' pops up, and these people get angry cause [Insert President] doesnt dump 40 Gajillion dollars into helping them cause they decide to dump dirty loads into one another in bath houses and/or orgies....
Dont come crying to me or make me sit through some god damn oscar award winning snooze fest/fundraiser etc..


Motherfuckers want a get out of jail free card cause they cant make a baby?

You get ZERO sympathy from me.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Remember, when 'Super AIDS 2.0' pops up, and these people get angry cause [Insert President] doesnt dump 40 Gajillion dollars into helping them cause they decide to dump dirty loads into one another in bath houses and/or orgies....
Dont come crying to me or make me sit through some god damn oscar award winning snooze fest/fundraiser etc..


Motherfuckers want a get out of jail free card cause they cant make a baby?

You get ZERO sympathy from me.

Eh, well, that's the danger with living life for sexual gratification, gay or straight. If you're not part of the gay community they're not really affecting you or your chances to contract something, so not a big deal I think. Sounds like they all consciously opted into their STD risks.


Remember, when 'Super AIDS 2.0' pops up, and these people get angry cause [Insert President] doesnt dump 40 Gajillion dollars into helping them cause they decide to dump dirty loads into one another in bath houses and/or orgies....
Dont come crying to me or make me sit through some god damn oscar award winning snooze fest/fundraiser etc..


Motherfuckers want a get out of jail free card cause they cant make a baby?

You get ZERO sympathy from me.

Back in the day when Aids was seen as the "Gay disease" there was an actual observation made and excluding non sexual infection cases it was prevalent among gay men. Then the gay community screamed homophobia of course.

But the fact is;

Hetro vaginal interourse has a less than 1% infection rate. I'm sure there's a lot of women not admitting they took it up the arse, even when that HIV+ result rolled in.


White people shouldn't be allowed to join Resetera.
*white men unless they're FtM trans

To them white men are the devil. Most other men are usually okay, as are white women. Some of them will pull out their "white women voted for Trump" image from time to time, but white women are still a mostly protected class there.


*white men unless they're FtM trans

To them white men are the devil. Most other men are usually okay, as are white women. Some of them will pull out their "white women voted for Trump" image from time to time, but white women are still a mostly protected class there.

Well, there recently have been a power showdown which clearly demonstrated that on ERA, trans people are the highest in the pecking order. As in, being trans beats being black gay. After that the picture of what beats what is as muddy as ever, the only obvious thing is that, all other factors being the same, non-white beats white, woman beats man, and a person with non-traditional sexual preferences beats a person with traditional ones.


Eh, well, that's the danger with living life for sexual gratification, gay or straight. If you're not part of the gay community they're not really affecting you or your chances to contract something, so not a big deal I think. Sounds like they all consciously opted into their STD risks.
Gay or straight - taking risks and saying "antibiotics will cure everything" is an easy way to super bacterias, which already exist, to spread even further and faster.
Super syphylis and gonorhea will eat your dicks faster than you want it to 🤷🏻‍♂️
And eventually it will reach you. Not as a S(uper)STD, but as any other (super) bacteria based illness.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Gay or straight - taking risks and saying "antibiotics will cure everything" is an easy way to super bacterias, which already exist, to spread even further and faster.
Super syphylis and gonorhea will eat your dicks faster than you want it to 🤷🏻‍♂️
And eventually it will reach you. Not as a S(uper)STD, but as any other (super) bacteria based illness.



Well, there recently have been a power showdown which clearly demonstrated that on ERA, trans people are the highest in the pecking order. As in, being trans beats being black gay. After that the picture of what beats what is as muddy as ever, the only obvious thing is that, all other factors being the same, non-white beats white, woman beats man, and a person with non-traditional sexual preferences beats a person with traditional ones.
When they find the black(priority minority), MtF trans woman, asexual that is romantically attracted to only other black MtF asexual trans women, they will have found their Queen and overlord, who should take over as owner from Cerium(who will still have to pay for the upkeep but receive none of the income from REE).

In other words, all hail FeistyBoots!


(FB is probably white I'm just meme'ing)
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The crazy train continues rolling, lookout! What next, white people cant collect Japanese swords?

Goes on REEEE to try to throw his parents under the bus for some woke points and the thread ends up backfiring on him. I love it.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Do you actually socialise with them? Because I have. Plenty. They can say the nastiest, most feral shit ever.

They are not a protected species. They can be made fun of like everyone else.

Yes, Eddie Murphy’s calming down since he had children is well documented. It’s why he was basically making Disney movies for a time.

There are contemporary comedians making jokes that would make Eddie Murphy blush. Just because he’s gone softcock, doesn’t mean everybody has.

When it comes to insulting people, the two gay guys I know are in class all of their own. They're fucking mean, but it's funny.

I don't know too much about Murphy, he was ahead of my time but I went back and watched some of his old material. I think he was just a newly wealthy party animal back in the day. He still seems like he likes to have a good time, just not raging coke party times.


Goes on REEEE to try to throw his parents under the bus for some woke points and the thread ends up backfiring on him. I love it.

lol yepppp.

In that thread, inguef (who you all know is a cuck sjw) straight up asked the op “why are you visiting your parents if they voted for trump?”

another member jumps in and says “cause they’re his parents” to which the cuck responds “there are limits.”

I wonder what delusional plane of existence inguef the cuck exists on that he would think people are willing to break up their families to show support to degenerate filth like himself?

tip: when you see a member suggest something like this, check their post count. Guaranteed to be 10k + posts.

khanimus, shugga, exeelcisorlef, inguef etc etc -these ferals legit make me sick. Wouldnt piss on them if they were on fire.


advanced basic bitch
Something I've noticed over there... when they refer to their significant others they always us the term "partner" Are they afraid to gender their "partners"? Will they get banned if the say boyfriend or girlfriend?


Read this for entertainment,

and also check the fucking ban a few posts down. They really are the godlike productions of the gaming world, possibly even crazier!!
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this 1 dude got banned for being optimistic that racism would be gone 165 years from now in a space series about creating a collective and trying to expand civilization in space. no current day politics should stay away from fantasy worlds. and people who want them are not here for the games.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Something I've noticed over there... when they refer to their significant others they always us the term "partner" Are they afraid to gender their "partners"? Will they get banned if the say boyfriend or girlfriend?

I've heard that outside of REEE, but honestly have no idea where that trend came from. Like, if I call my girlfriend my "partner", I'm pretty sure that's code for "she pegs me, and I'm too scared to say no."


To them, a world where they can't cry racism or sexism at people isn't one they want to live in. They'll continue to make up anything to hold onto victimhood.

There are definitely still issues to be tackled, some major some minor, but they definitely exaggerate to the point that they act like racism is worse now than a decade or two ago. Some replied saying that ME is just 160 years in the future, as if it that's a small span of time. Even in past ages that's a vast amount of time, and modern society is moving at a much faster pace than at any point in history before it.


I've heard that outside of REEE, but honestly have no idea where that trend came from. Like, if I call my girlfriend my "partner", I'm pretty sure that's code for "she pegs me, and I'm too scared to say no."
Outside of sentimental talk about your spouse in which you refer to them as your life partner, using partner like that just sounds weird compared to spouse or significant other.


Something I've noticed over there... when they refer to their significant others they always us the term "partner" Are they afraid to gender their "partners"? Will they get banned if the say boyfriend or girlfriend?

They will claim it's to respect people by not gendering something, but if that's the gender their partner is, then some one else shouldn't be offended by it. But it's REEEEE after all, they don't know how to do anything but be offended. And you know what, normally I wouldn't say something like that, but after the thread of people who are offended their are people who are happy, I've had it with their bullshit.


Gold Member
Outside of sentimental talk about your spouse in which you refer to them as your life partner, using partner like that just sounds weird compared to spouse or significant other.

Agreed. It sounds like a straight person trying to mask as a potential gay person. I'm sure it originated as a way to provide cover so no one had to out themselves unnecessarily but these days I consider it virtue signalling though I'm sure some folks use it unconsciously.


The Tribe Has Spoken
I've heard that outside of REEE, but honestly have no idea where that trend came from. Like, if I call my girlfriend my "partner", I'm pretty sure that's code for "she pegs me, and I'm too scared to say no."
Outside of sentimental talk about your spouse in which you refer to them as your life partner, using partner like that just sounds weird compared to spouse or significant other.
Many years ago, I used “my partner” for a period of time in reference to my girlfriends. Keep in mind that this was BEFORE sjws were a thing and it was actually quite a common phrase for couples to use at the time. I just found using “my girlfriend” all the time felt juvenile.

But yeah, it’s been co-opted by SJWs nowadays to show people how pathetic and woke they are.

I wonder if one of these dudes said “This is my partner” and you responded “Oh? This is your girlfriend?”, if they would get agitated and correct you?

I’d love to try out that experiment, except these people don’t exist in real life and normal places.


Neighbours from Hell
It’s funny you mention that, I was watching a true crime episode the other night and they were interviewing the family of a guy who got murdered and you know it always says at the bottom when they’re talking like “John, the victim’s son” or “Susan, the victim’s wife.”

But in this episode the wife of the murdered guy was on screen it kept saying “partner” but when they referred to the murdered man they referred to him as husband.

It’s just something I took a mental note of why they didn’t refer to her as his Wife if they referred to him as her husband. And they also said she was a widow so they were married. It was definitely deliberate and I wondered if it was some SJW related reason.

Never heard of this before, I thought partner was only used without marriage typically.
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Many years ago, I used “my partner” for a period of time in reference to my girlfriends. Keep in mind that this was BEFORE sjws were a thing and it was actually quite a common phrase for couples to use at the time. I just found using “my girlfriend” all the time felt juvenile.

But yeah, it’s been co-opted by SJWs nowadays to show people how pathetic and woke they are.

I wonder if one of these dudes said “This is my partner” and you responded “Oh? This is your girlfriend?”, if they would get agitated and correct you?

I’d love to try out that experiment, except these people don’t exist in real life and normal places.

Same. Girlfriend sounds juvenile so what are you supposed to call someone who isn’t your spouse yet? “Hi, this is my de facto”?
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