And if this person is committing these fallacies because they are too naive to know how reasoned debate works?
GAF's track record in that regard speaks for itself (or writes for itself

?). You and I have both gone at lengthy arguments that did not result in a mutual understanding and yet... here we are. Users who engage in the conversation and are willing to learn do just fine here. Naivety is no excuse. Or do you think if someone showed up posting swastikas and white supremacist screed that we should give them the same benefit of the doubt?
"Oh, they're probably just too naive to know how reasoned debate works. They think racial supremacy is the way forward, when it's actually the way backward. Let's patiently debate them".
This is, of course, the generous take on it. Truthfully, GAF has no obligation to host naive posters who can't debate properly. It's not like GAF is forcing them into these conversations. They are charging in voluntarily, rhetoric blazing. That's why I made the "must be this tall to ride" comment. Nothing is stifling them except the 50 posts/1 month minimum rule. Once that height requirement is met, anyone can ride on the politics board and state their opinion. They'll catch a lot of blowback if their argument sucks or if they're being vitriolic, and they'll catch a lot of lengthy replies if they wrote something thought-provoking or worthy of discussion.
You're trying to make it sound like we're turning away hungry orphans who just want to eat a meal and learn from GAF's wisdom.
If you are unwilling to educate belligerent noobs then so be it, and of course not 100% will see it your way, so I understand if you don't want to expend the effort if you think the payoff isn't worth it.
I am not unwilling to educate belligerent noobs, you are pulling the topic away to something unrelated. As I stated above, there is a threshhold for everything, and if someone specifically comes to GAF to call us alt-righters or to claim such-and-such political bloc is full of nazis, my expectations are going to be very low for that poster.
I think my own posting history as a long-winded and argumentative (or patient and longsuffering, however one chooses to spin it) debate participant on all three GAF boards shows where I stand: I spend time on GAF because I think the payoff is worth it, and I clearly "expend the effort" based on those convictions. Of course, just because I participate in the community a lot does not mean I have any more right to set the tone than a brand-new users. When a brand-new user sets the tone as "lol Nazis around every corner Orange Man Bad" then I will respond to that tone accordingly: by not taking it seriously. At that point, it's not just the content of the user's post that concerns me. It is the implications about their capacity to engage in a future conversation with me like a reasoned debater (a goal you mentioned earlier).
To draw a comparison, I don't give money to every person who holds up a sign. I don't stop and engage in debate with every fanatic on the streetcorner holding a religious or political signpost. And that shouldn't imply anything about me other than I didn't want to engage with those people. Internet socialization operates in much the same way.