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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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The Pleasure

Gold Member


Gold Member
That WItcher 3 thread is self fulfilling. If anything it strengthens what CDPR said :messenger_tears_of_joy:

As I understand it, the two relevant quotes are:

We had become so absorbed with hitting these issues that are absolutely at the forefront of Polish consciousness, that we didn't have time to address the issues that are bigger in other countries.

Travis Currit, who was one of the team responsible for translating The Witcher 3 to English, suggested that for those living in more racially diverse areas, the lack of representation feels far more pronounced. He went on to say that while Poland is relatively "homogeneous" in terms of race, CD Projekt Red drew inspiration from the tensions that existed between the various cultures coexisting in the country.

So, the development team adapted what they could from the novels and mirrored those struggles in the game. Novigrad being gdansk. But ultimately what they are saying is they narrowed the focus of the controversy to somethign contextual to the origin of the IP. Let's take something closer to home, let's take the film '71, or the songs 'Old Derrys Walls' or 'Erin go Bragh'. These refer to different time periods but all set against the backdrop of troubles in Ireland. Their narrow focus would be to bring to light the conflict between crown and church, the population would be pretty homogeneous at these times as well. Fifty shades of white as the developer said. Making that type of creative work true to its origin source is respectful of the original circumstances. The priority is not to show that culturally England and Ireland are diverse today. The point is to show that despite the racial and ethnic prevalence of the people, the identity and flashpoint of war was purely down to religion and unionisation.

Redania, Temeria, Nilfgaard, Skellige were all adapted and used to metaphorically mirror the different shades of white in Poland but the diversity of origin. That's what was important to them. It wasn't meant to be targeted at a particular time period. It brought the various timelines together and converged with an adaptation that could identify with today's Poland contextualised.

The above wasn't a priority for the creatives of the Netflix show, because, with respect, they care more about visually representing what they perceive as a perfect integrated society. Indeed, I'd actually contest what they portray is 'aspirational' rather than reality in most countries. But as long as the high street has different coloured faces on, it means we're fully integrated :rolleyes: On the flip side, why have the shows creators completely abandoned the backdrop of the Polish/original political climate the books are written against?

This is what annoyos me the most, the point the guy was making wasn't difficult to understand, yet they would all sooner act like ignorant ten year olds - unable to grasp the actual point, so they can become outraged.


Darkness no more

What mental illness is that?

Running that thread must be the most important thing he has going on in life.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Fucking entitled crybabies. Witcher 3 is authentically Polish and Slavic, not complying with the American obsession of diversity doesn't make it racist.

They don't complain when Japanese games have homogenous casts. They wouldn't complain if an African development team made a game with all black people.

I love how white people are all grouped into one and Polish people who if anything, face quite a bit of racism themselves in the West, are somehow in cohoots with upholding American institutional racism.

Putting white people in ancient Egypt is racism but putting black people in Slavic culture is diversity! Dumbasses.

I'm really concerned about how they're erasing all the different ethnic groups of white people and homogenising them into a white blob. A group consisting of a german a frensh and an italian is a diverse group, but if you just bundle them up into a white blob you can say it is not diverse. It's refreshing to see a fantasy based on slavic traditions.


Gold Member
That WItcher 3 thread is self fulfilling. If anything it strengthens what CDPR said :messenger_tears_of_joy:

I agree with a lot of what you said. Era simply can not allow the idea that there are differences between white cultures that can be just as dynamic, contentious, and historically valid as the white vs POC drama they have created. It was great to see Polish voices speak out that Poles simply don't have the slavery based ethnic relationship that the US does, theirs is more about cultural and governmental oppression based on the Soviet occupation, and then see Americans "amerisplain" about how that was all wrong and it IS just all about skin tone. I also liked how The Witcher is "a part of the world" now and it isn't cultural appropriation to mine it for basic ideas and ignore all the uncomfortable cultural parts. But flip the script and it is a story about Wakanda with an all black cast and suddenly it is sacrosanct. Sigh.... I don't expect white (or latin) folks in my medieval (for lack of a better term) Japanese or Chinese epics. If anyone made a good sub-Saharan African or Indian medieval epic I wouldn't expect or complain about a lack of white folks in that either.

But of course the goal isn't about visible skin diversity in games. It isn't about diversity in the coding teams either. It's about blackmailing game companies to have to hire POC writers and "Creatives" because that is the job all the ERA bellyachers want. They don't want to take the financial risk to front their own ethnic dev team. They don't want to put in the multi-year solo effort to make a POC version of Stardew Valley or whatever. They want to get hired into a pre-existing major company just to sit in a room and say "MOAR brown folx!!"


I'm really concerned about how they're erasing all the different ethnic groups of white people and homogenising them into a white blob. A group consisting of a german a frensh and an italian is a diverse group, but if you just bundle them up into a white blob you can say it is not diverse. It's refreshing to see a fantasy based on slavic traditions.

Exactly. I'm Greek, as if I play Witcher and think " oh this is my cultural heritage, these are my people". There's a huge difference between Poles and Greeks. Whiteness is an extremely broad classification with lots of different appearances and cultures.

It seems as if every other racial group have their own indigenous culture and history but whites are a homogenous mass whose heritage belongs to everyone.
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Exactly. I'm Greek, as if I play Witcher and think " oh this is my cultural heritage, these are my people". There's a huge difference between Poles and Greeks. Whiteness is an extremely broad classification with lots of different appearances and cultures.

It seems as if every other racial group have their own indigenous culture and history but whites are a homogenous mass whose heritage belongs to everyone.
Not to mention that Greeks, Syrians, Balkans, and Sicilians weren’t considered white until early 20th Century. Greeks then labeled “white” by the ancestors of those who see everyone from Europe as white now.
The OP there kind of highlights why it's not worth the hassle to be an ally and you are actually better off just keeping yourself to yourself.

"Be an ally but not too much because that's bad. Not to little either because that's bad. Support the community but don't participate too much in the community."

Hm. How about I keep my mouth shut instead and look for other problems to devote my time to?
Plenty of starving people in the world. Plenty of homeless. Plenty of kids going without clothes, education etc etc. Animals. The environment. None of them would ever complain that I am doing to much or that my donations are "overpowering".

One of the other things I find a bit odd is that while you expected to be an ally of particular communities you will still be berated for participating in and supporting your own interests.

For example I agree with adding representation in gaming. I agree that there should be games out there that appeal to everyone and that the community should be welcoming. As a straight dude though if some developer wanted to make a game with some super hot sexualized women in it then hell yeah I am interested.

In their community though I would be applauded for wanting the former and banned for wanting the latter. In reality it's a "why not both" scenario for me.

The final one is how they deal with women, non-white people and trans people who go against their worldview. Suddenly there is no support. Suddenly they don't want to be an ally. It's bullshit.

"We'll support marginalized identities cos we are such benevolent white people BUT if one of those minorities has an opinion we don't like them fuck them, no support."

Their "allyship" is entirely conditional on the people they are "supporting" staying in line and not going against the ideology.

They aren't helping marginalized communities. They are USING them.
I am a very homosexual man, and I want nothing to do with the community.

God Enel

EviLore EviLore just posts shit and talks like a real person, as opposed to some shadowy cabal. At the risk of sounding like a sycophant, I maintain that this is the best spot on the internet today.

mans I hope he keeps it that way. I’m actually happy to see mods posting shit from time to time and I think they should do it more often here. It gives them personality :)


Gold Member
Exactly. I'm Greek, as if I play Witcher and think " oh this is my cultural heritage, these are my people". There's a huge difference between Poles and Greeks. Whiteness is an extremely broad classification with lots of different appearances and cultures.

It seems as if every other racial group have their own indigenous culture and history but whites are a homogenous mass whose heritage belongs to everyone.

It’s almost as if, now here me out, that it’s ... racism.


The dumbest thing in that thread is them acting like having fantasy elements means that anything and everything goes, which is ludicrous. You can have a story based around a certain region at a point in history and only the diversity found within that time period, and have fantasy elements. They are not mutually exclusive, fantasy has long been used to tell stories about real cultures and people. It's just a framing, something to make it more appealing and widespread.

Someone should go ask them why Wakanda has no one of Latino descent despite Black Panther having fantasy elements.



It’s like there is a similar thread to this posted daily. Some pearl clutches realizing that the age old problems that plagued humanity for thousands of years won’t be solved in the next decade and we should throw our hands up and scream about it

It’s like there is a similar thread to this posted daily. Some pearl clutches realizing that the age old problems that plagued humanity for thousands of years won’t be solved in the next decade and we should throw our hands up and scream about it

OP of that thread is right, though.

Climate change will cause misery and war. After the big clash, only the worst assholes will rule the remaining people.




I like how the 'Takes account is called "alt-right" when all it's doing is pointing out sheer hypocracy.



It’s like there is a similar thread to this posted daily. Some pearl clutches realizing that the age old problems that plagued humanity for thousands of years won’t be solved in the next decade and we should throw our hands up and scream about it

The OP’s of these threads, as well as all of our favourite posters who live in Etcetera and are there to simply virtue signal, are clinically depressed. This is why everything seems doom and gloom to them. It’s much easier to say “fuck it, the worlds gonna end and everyone is unhappy so I might as well lay in my own shit and rot” than forcing yourself to be better.




I like how the 'Takes account is called "alt-right" when all it's doing is pointing out sheer hypocrisy.

Look at all the hate readers outing themselves. :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Climate change will cause misery and war. After the big clash, only the worst assholes will rule the remaining people.
the thing is, misery and war are already happening, starvation is already happening, all the problems people are so scared of, they are already happening. the worst assholes also already rule the remaining people. climate change is already happening. all of this is already happening. they have happened in every generation of humans. what's more, there are other people who have realized it, there always have been. you are not alone.

if you want to do something about starvation, do it. there are already systems and organizations put in place, you can volunteer your time, you can donate food, work at a food kitchen, etc. there are ways to do good in the world, practical things anyone can do. the air is dirty? poisonous? then don't drive a car and use public transportation instead.

this is a thing everyone could do, but most people would rather just keep the convenience of having a car and doing that. most people don't take personal responsibility, so they are attracted to these larger doomsday scenarios. it gives meaning to their lives. most of these people do not believe in God and must take His place in saving the world from certain apocalypse, based on the scriptures of Wisened Men. a big part of the appeal is being a Savior yourself, there is a tremendous amount of narcissism in insisting that your generation will be the last on Earth. it is a secular corporate ritual of public flagellation they perform for the whole human race, thinking they are somehow steering the corporate ship into some glorious undefined utopia. if this was medieval times, it would be people going from town to town whipping themselves and chanting, now, it's people telling us the world is over because someone made a critical video about their favorite space movie. if this was medieval times, we would be dying of plague and starvation, and without public sewage or running water, so every day i thank god i was born in the 20th century.

nihilist consumerism is a dead end ethos. when you consume something, you are not satiated forever. you have to consume again. this is a fact of life, you can't just eat once and have that be it, you must eat again, you must find something once organic and feed on it's life force. consumerism is a destructive force. here we have Hyper Consumers, the same people that spend all day celebrating billion dollar movies and hyping up consumption of every type of product, and at the same time they have this tremendous guilt, because they are the biggest cheerleaders of the problem, living in the worst country for the problem. Hollywood is one of the worst industries for environmental pollution, so it is in actor's interest to publicly put on this facade of caring for the planet. if they are truly caring for the planet then they must have huge insecurity about themselves. they have to project it outwards, thus the whole annoyingly online social justice movement.

if these people quit beating their chest and doomsaying and actually did something good for a chance then maybe things wouldn't look so bad.
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the thing is, misery and war are already happening, starvation is already happening, all the problems people are so scared of, they are already happening.

They're not happening in Europe and the USA. Plus despite hardships, living in Africa and southeast asia is possible atm. That will change.
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