It's kind of sad that they don't understand why people would not only laugh at this comment but also talk about it elsewhere.
There is an intersection of issues here that some of these folks need to understand.
First is a profound lack of knowledge about how big budget, ambitious, videogames are made. On a gaming site.
Second is a misplaced idea that videogames should be a vehicle for political messaging.
Third is the fact that anyone looking to point out the awfulness of this post runs the risk of being banned from the site.
The Witcher 3 apparently cost 81 million dollars to make over a period of 3.5 years. With some 1500 people being involved in development.
Given that Cyberpunk 2077 is an even more ambitious project the game will be designed to be as appealing as possible to as many gamers as possible.
Nobody wants to put tens of millions of dollars, and probably millions of man hours, into a project that is just going to do "OK" in terms of sales and popularity.
So, yes, CDProjeckt is absolutely just trying to make a cool game.
In almost any form of mainstream entertainment the projects with the biggest budgets will tend to be more aimed at a mainstream audience and will try to be as politically neutral as they can be.
This is because politics are divisive usually and what the creators of this content want is to get as many customers as possible. Nobody is putting 10s of millions of dollars into a project and also saying "don't worry about making the money back, just make sure our ideology gets pushed".
Usually entertainment that deals with specific societal issues is on a smaller budget with a narrower scope that allows for a more divisive product.
Entertainment that just wants to tell one side of a story tends to be even more niche.
Cyberpunk 2077 is not intended as an agenda pushing project for a small audience of gamers.
Sure, it could be but you'd be out of your damn mind to suggest that it SHOULD be.
In my mind the points I have made above are perfectly reasonable.
I think the post was a pretty bad take that misunderstands the nature of big budget game development and the need for people to see return on investments of that scale. A silly suggestion that a game should pander to a particular audience rather than just be a cool game.
However, on the website where this opinion was posted I would not be able to respond to this without risking an extensive ban.
In effect this discussion is not allowed unless my opinion is "I agree, representation is more important than cool games".
User Banned - dismissing concerns about representation.
The fact of the matter is that, since discussion is not allowed on the platform on which this totally idiotic take was posted, the points will have to be discussed elsewhere if they are ever to be discussed at all. That's why you have threads like this. That's why you are being pointed at and laughed at elsewhere on the internet.
I would have been more than happy to take the issue up with that user over there.
Yes, a developer COULD make a game about trans issues. A game with a small budget and small scope to match it's small audience.
To suggest that they SHOULD do that as opposed to making "a cool game set in a cyberpunk universe" is dumb.
Now maybe I would not have been banned for that but it's definitely a risk you take.
Personally, I am happier keeping my fake POC, fake asexual and fake trans ResetEra user accounts safe and active for now.