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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Neo Member
The twitter account exposes the complete lunacy of that place. However I must agree that we should not lower ourselves to mocking or degrading people on purpose, as some sort of "revenge".
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The Tribe Has Spoken
I'm having a deja vu here. I'm pretty sure I've seen before the posts above.


Bullet Club



I like how the 'Takes account is called "alt-right" when all it's doing is pointing out sheer hypocracy.
So it's alright for them to comment on tweets and other forums' posts but when it's done to them it's bad?




That tweet though


lmaooooo this is the very real result of an echo chamber.

I can tell you from now, if anyone brings up anything relating to trans people while I’m trying to enjoy the game of the generation, they’re getting a finger in the eye.

And just so people are prepared, the unhinged on Era will be shitting on this game the minute it comes out (without having played it obviously) since it won’t be political enough for them.


Hey, Era. Stop being a (self-admitted incel) hate forum and this thread wouldn't exist. Laughing at sad self-loathing bigots is to much fun.

Everything is dialed up to 11 on REE, you can't just insult someone by calling them a virgin there. They must be an INCEL!!!!
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That tweet though


It's kind of sad that they don't understand why people would not only laugh at this comment but also talk about it elsewhere.

There is an intersection of issues here that some of these folks need to understand.

First is a profound lack of knowledge about how big budget, ambitious, videogames are made. On a gaming site.
Second is a misplaced idea that videogames should be a vehicle for political messaging.
Third is the fact that anyone looking to point out the awfulness of this post runs the risk of being banned from the site.

The Witcher 3 apparently cost 81 million dollars to make over a period of 3.5 years. With some 1500 people being involved in development.
Given that Cyberpunk 2077 is an even more ambitious project the game will be designed to be as appealing as possible to as many gamers as possible.
Nobody wants to put tens of millions of dollars, and probably millions of man hours, into a project that is just going to do "OK" in terms of sales and popularity.
So, yes, CDProjeckt is absolutely just trying to make a cool game.

In almost any form of mainstream entertainment the projects with the biggest budgets will tend to be more aimed at a mainstream audience and will try to be as politically neutral as they can be.
This is because politics are divisive usually and what the creators of this content want is to get as many customers as possible. Nobody is putting 10s of millions of dollars into a project and also saying "don't worry about making the money back, just make sure our ideology gets pushed".
Usually entertainment that deals with specific societal issues is on a smaller budget with a narrower scope that allows for a more divisive product.
Entertainment that just wants to tell one side of a story tends to be even more niche.
Cyberpunk 2077 is not intended as an agenda pushing project for a small audience of gamers.
Sure, it could be but you'd be out of your damn mind to suggest that it SHOULD be.

In my mind the points I have made above are perfectly reasonable.
I think the post was a pretty bad take that misunderstands the nature of big budget game development and the need for people to see return on investments of that scale. A silly suggestion that a game should pander to a particular audience rather than just be a cool game.
However, on the website where this opinion was posted I would not be able to respond to this without risking an extensive ban.
In effect this discussion is not allowed unless my opinion is "I agree, representation is more important than cool games".
User Banned - dismissing concerns about representation.

The fact of the matter is that, since discussion is not allowed on the platform on which this totally idiotic take was posted, the points will have to be discussed elsewhere if they are ever to be discussed at all. That's why you have threads like this. That's why you are being pointed at and laughed at elsewhere on the internet.

I would have been more than happy to take the issue up with that user over there.
Yes, a developer COULD make a game about trans issues. A game with a small budget and small scope to match it's small audience.
To suggest that they SHOULD do that as opposed to making "a cool game set in a cyberpunk universe" is dumb.
Now maybe I would not have been banned for that but it's definitely a risk you take.
Personally, I am happier keeping my fake POC, fake asexual and fake trans ResetEra user accounts safe and active for now. :)
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LOL love these lazy commie bastards.


Today at 7:07 AM
Bitch Pudding said:
Earth #1 polluting country is a communist one,
Surely you can't be this naive
Do you also believe the nazis were socialists?
dUdE are you So NaIve!!! SoMeThInG aBoUT NaZiS!!! *

like LOL thinking the Peoples Republic of China, governed by the Communist Party of China, and responsible for 30% of global pollution, is some kind of Communist country.

*i love this tactic of not having a real response but just calling someone stupid. like we don't have a response other than, "you are an idiot if you think this thing that is literally true is literally true."
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advanced basic bitch
LOL love these lazy commie bastards.

dUdE are you So NaIve!!! SoMeThInG aBoUT NaZiS!!! *

like LOL thinking the Peoples Republic of China, governed by the Communist Party of China, and responsible for 30% of global pollution, is some kind of Communist country.

*i love this tactic of not having a real response but just calling someone stupid. like we don't have a response other than, "you are an idiot if you think this thing that is literally true is literally true."
I can't tell if shugga is trolling or not. If not he's MASSIVELY stupid.

It's Hilarious that because Ricky speaks the truth he's trash and it's his fault the ratings are down, but it truth it was the best part of it.
How could what he said he the reason? That would mean people knew before hand what he was gonna say. And what he said is the most trending thing on the internet right now.

They must be confusing what they want to be the truth vs what the truth is.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Decided to browse a little over lunch, they're becoming oddly puritan in some ways. Like make up your minds.


lmaooooo this is the very real result of an echo chamber.

I can tell you from now, if anyone brings up anything relating to trans people while I’m trying to enjoy the game of the generation, they’re getting a finger in the eye.

And just so people are prepared, the unhinged on Era will be shitting on this game the minute it comes out (without having played it obviously) since it won’t be political enough for them.

I really hope their only idea of "trans inclusiveness" is just letting you graft a comically oversized dong on literally any character you create. Just a pound and a half of skin flute flopping around with exaggerated physics in every cutscene.

And then literally never comment on it.


Gold Member

They're at it again going after smaller indie studios.

Just can't help themselves.

Someone chimes in and explains why it's not as simple as it might seem in a well written and educational post:


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God Enel


They're at it again going after smaller indie studios.

Just can't help themselves.

Someone chimes in and explains why it's not as simple as it might seem in a well written and educational post:



I never understood the reason why you have to choose? I loved it back during D2 that the mage is a woman and you didn’t have to choose your hero.
What’s the point?


Did the ricky gervais thing make these poor little mangirls get strokes?

The usual suspects did,

They don't know how to parse "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" not that hypocrisy is a concept they are aware of.
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Gold Member

They're at it again going after smaller indie studios.

Just can't help themselves.

Someone chimes in and explains why it's not as simple as it might seem in a well written and educational post:




Christ. You can always tell them from the avatar. Every. Fucking. Time.

Dude spends God knows how much time to make an informed post with pics and shit. Countered with a tweet, silenced with “you’re wrong, she’s right”, and banned for “misogyny” when he finds out the author of the tweet made game character models in a simpler era when turning a male character into a female one was easier and less time-consuming.

You can’t make this shit up.



They're at it again going after smaller indie studios.

Just can't help themselves.

Someone chimes in and explains why it's not as simple as it might seem in a well written and educational post:



Of course.

They are the "toxic gamers" that they are always going on about.

This indie developer is expressing wrongthink!? Get em!

I think it's always pretty silly for complete amateurs to get heated up when going into the more detailed elements of game development.
Not every game is the same. Not every developer has the same process.

This idea that it's just no big deal to add character models and designs etc to a game is just false.
Sure, maybe some people will overstate how much work it actually involves but it's going to be a case by case thing.

Should Sekiro have a playable female protagonist? Death Stranding? God of War?
Why not? It's so easy and cheap to add them.

They keep quoting this lady from Twitter who is a character designer and writer apparently. Don't know to what extent she has worked in gaming but she can't be doing that well if she is fucking e-begging with that "Ko-fi" bullshit.

How about this? Since making games with female characters is so fucking easy how about, instead of begging for money for your shitty Twitter posts, you just go ahead and make the game that you want to see.

Listen up game devs! Let some twat who has 13k followers but somehow can't seem to get more than 100 likes on 99% of her tweets tell you what's best for your game to reach the biggest audience.

Battlestate Games (the developer) latest Youtube video:

445,879 views since January 1st. 36k likes. 475 dislikes.

3,408 comments. Mostly in Russian. Doesn't seem to be any "put women in the game" engagement in the comments so obviously the reach of ResetEra doesn't extend that far.

These people are completely fucking clueless when it comes to videogames.
Maybe that's why they always have to inject their shitty politics into everything and ban people for a month when they show up with an actual, educated, informed and reasonable opinion.


ResetEra is like <1% of the gaming audience. Maybe 1%. Their reach ISN'T that far. Most people who are on ResetEra are just as privileged as the people who they say IS privileged. They just have a louder voice because they're basically all from Twitter.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

They're at it again going after smaller indie studios.

Just can't help themselves.

Someone chimes in and explains why it's not as simple as it might seem in a well written and educational post:


Anyone have any luck finding his socials or a way to contact him? Not much turned up when I checked. We need the GAF underground railroad on this one.


Gold Member
Is this 'dude, you're wrong, she is right' a new meme?
It puts a wrong think poster on the defensive, gets them to double down, and adds ban fodder. They baited that guy and he fell for it. God forbid contesting some rando tweet from a woman means you are a woman hating incel racist nazi!



how to fight male toxicity: be a Male who spends his days threatening "fuckers" who "need another kick in the balls" for having a different opinion than you.

threatening male coded violence is totally fine as long as you have a crying little girl as your avatar.
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It puts a wrong think poster on the defensive, gets them to double down, and adds ban fodder. They baited that guy and he fell for it. God forbid contesting some rando tweet from a woman means you are a woman hating incel racist nazi!

Should have just called them a clown and said No and moved on.


Gold Member
Should have just called them a clown and said No and moved on.
Then they would ban you for cross forum drama!

If he just dropped out they would get him for drive by posting (despite all his posts).

Once that target is on your back the only defense is complete apologetic submission and even then it rarely works unless you are a protected class. We know he isn't one because he writes coherently and can demonstrate work and effort instead of apathetic whining.


What’s the connection to people being mad about Rey being a Mary Sue and female leads? Goku has been called a Mary Sue for decades. Luke was borderline one too except he gets his ass kicked in Empire.

Imagine how cool it would’ve been if Disney had the balls to let her get the shit kicked out of her or chopped in half like Maul and come back as a half bodied floaty Jedi in RoS. Then it would be a fight between those who liked a “realistic” portrayal of struggling to overcome opposition vs those who think the other side is jerking off to violence against women
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