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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Remember Solar Puffin? Heeee's Back!


Is Tinder the problem? Or is it a platform that for over 4 years 1000's of girls have told you directly or indirectly that you have no game and/or are unfuckable and you need to step up your game?


Yesterday I came across something really interesting.

Mostly because of how it relates to forums and how people who claim special privileges/protection/immunity from punishment based on victim status can negatively affect your forum.

Does anyone here remember an old forum called SomethingAwful? There are a ton of images that I will not post here so click the link to see them.

It's a pretty long read. But it goes over the downfall of the SomethingAwful forum and how it was accelerated due to what I can only describe as unfiltered narcissism.

I'll try to summarize it. However I encourage you to read through the thread yourself. My crappy summary can't get everything across and you'll have a better idea of things if you read through it yourself.

1. The site runs on really old software and has been declining for years. Subforums that were active are either ghost towns or have significantly reduced activity compared to the past.

2. Numerous controversies leading to high turnover rate for mods. Specifically mentioned is a mod who decided to permaban many people for politically incorrect behaviour ("wrong thought" and usage of words like "fag" and "retard").

3. Said moderator who previously "defended progressive values" and had a long history of doing so was later dogpiled in a trans thread (this sounds familiar, doesn't it?).

4. In recent times SomethingAwful has "become extremely orientated towards Social Justice causes over the last few years.". Moderation has become significantly more harsh and has tried to crank down on any politically incorrect content and humour. This includes searching through old archives looking for such content to remove and ban people for.

5. A culture was created where by people look for things to report to the mods until said offenders are banned off of the forum. The subforum dedicated to talking to moderators was filled with people asking for even more harsher moderation (why does this sound so familiar? Almost like this has been seen somewhere else before). Included is the deletion of old articles and content on the site when brought to attention by diggers.

6. SA has a subforum called FYAD (Fuck You and Die) which is described as a shitposting forum with loose rules that is "was always understood to be an integral part of the site's identity that produced some very funny content, FYAD tended to keep to itself and was the last bastion of the kind of off the wall edgy posting that old SA was defined by. ".

7. This subforum has recently been targeted by "wokeposters" and the trans community on SA. They demanded that the subforum be permanently closed or subject to strict moderation.

8. However all of these bans and new rules were not enough. Demands to delete FYAD continued and the mods doubled down on harsher moderation, not wanting to delete the subforum.

9. Things become more and more heated from this point, posters "started demanding that a secretive ban list be acted upon and that the forum be purged for like the 40th time in a week, with some of the mods egging them on. ".

10. If a trans person gets banned other trans posters complain to get their ban removed. Trans posters being banned for any reason are taken as proof of how bigoted the forum is. The admin team yields whenever these complaints are made.

11. After more stuff like "Beer4theBeergod was a mod for the Traditional Games forum and had to get on his hands and knees to beg for forgiveness despite some crusader attempting to doxx him: " and issues with FYAD popping up Lowtax enters the trans forum to "try and argue the case for FYAD's continued existance: ".

12. This is the critical point which I'll put in quotes again.

13. Lowtax bans a trans person and the rest rise up against him. Another mod unbans the person and at this point it is complete open season on Lowtax. Lowtax demods two people associated with FYAD and talks about being opposed to free speech in an attempt to placate the mob but it doesn't work. At this point it's made clear that being trans gives you special protection on the site to the point that bans are constantly removed if the banned user is trans. Anyone with relation to anyone who's said something that can be interpreted as "transphobic" is permed instantly. Trans thread is hidden from view from guests (registered users only).

14. Just quoting this part "Finally (really this time!) Lowtax makes a move that blackens his name among the LGBT+ users (mostly T honestly), on his livestream for New Year's Eve he makes comments about how badly the trans thread has been treating him and how vicious some elements of the trans community can be in general. He tries to defend himself as a trans ally by talking about how he's wanked off to trans porn. He ends the video by going on a banning spree on CSPAM. "

15. The SA Patreon account loses almost a thousand dollars from this and posters start talking about how Lowtax needs to give up ownership of the site or else they leave. Lowtax attempts to defend himself but to not avail he is seemingly smeared by his userbase and users who speak against the mob are punished.

16. Lowtax turns over decision making to the people posting in the mods and admins thread.

I'm going to quote the ending paragraph because it's pretty good.

This whole event reminds me of what happened at Resetera with the trans summit thread. Trans and other posters on the site say it's filled with Nazis and bigots, and how the mods are shit and aren't doing enough. Constant calls for stricter moderation and banning of humour or any unapproved speech, eventually boiling to the point where a prominent Trans poster gets banned for doing something they shouldn't and all hell breaking loose as a result.

With the mods immediately walking back their supposed unanimous decision making them look spineless as a result while also prostrating themselves before the mob and demodding supposed bigots when called for. At this point the person is unbanned and the posters realize that they can shit on the moderation and make them do whatever from that point on.

That’s horrifying. I’m glad EviLore EviLore pulled this place back from that direction, which is was clearly crashing towards before the split.


Neighbours from Hell
He will take care of logistics :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy:

These people seem to just discount what words actually mean, redefine them in their heads then use them as they have mor than two syllables and sound important. By 'logsitics' I assume he means logging into renew the XF license and the SSL certificate, while chucking a bit of cash to the paid positions on that turdhole. Logistics actually means something and is used for efficiencies mainly. The guy runs a forum with supported addons via a 3rd party. Fucking hell, I think Evilore was running a forum aged 15 or something daft. Oh well, anything to stick CEO on your linkedIn right..... :rolleyes::rolleyes:


As for the traffic. It doesn't equal engagement really. Think of all the traffic that the site gets from links at Polygon, Kotaku, Kiwi, KiA2, here (ironically), Reeratakes. The metrics you can actually see are the screencaps that show posts on the first page being 50 minutes old at certain times (instead of 'a moment ago' even six months back), the member count staying round the same, threads burning out quicker etc. This models the supposition that most people now prefer to view the ramblings of the inmates, post less (for x number of reasons), and just use it for entertainmen/lulz
That’s exactly what people do when they have an agenda. They will use any argument to fit that agenda. Including discredit definitions of words or make up definitions of their own. What did someone say the other day “accusations are evidence” 😑 that’s factually wrong, but that doesn’t matter when you have an agenda, you live in your own made up reality.

Their dislike for Colin who is a normal, nice guy who isn’t even really all that controversial is not the least bit surprising, I see some of the nuts on twitter calling for Colin to be physically assaulted. All to prove how woke they are and to try and fit in somewhere they’ll finally be accepted as the awkward outcasts they are.


Remember Solar Puffin? Heeee's Back!


Is Tinder the problem? Or is it a platform that for over 4 years 1000's of girls have told you directly or indirectly that you have no game and/or are unfuckable and you need to step up your game?

lmao he’s now throwing shade at “less attractive” matches he’s getting....who still won’t date him.


I swear to god these people have no idea what they're doing. They are alienating themselves from society and social norms in a attempt to be more progressive in their eyes. This entire continent is practically headed to some kind of weird future pseudo civil war where we don't directly fight each other to death outside but continue to form sides and divide everybody up into groups so we all hate each other and try to ruin each others lives through accusations and internet drama. I mean, I feel like we're already there but like, where does it goes from here? More of this?

What deeply disturbs me is that most people I know IRL would consider themselves left and actively think that everybody on their side of the fence is "right in the mind" and has good intentions when that is obviously not the case. Not enough people out there quite understand how far some people will go to defend their values, even if it is at the expense of innocents.

This whole thing has changed who I am too. Before all of this nonsense, I was pretty supportive of the LBGTQ community and the Left and honestly didn't really care who you wanted to be. But now it's different. Now that I've seen what (some) of these people can be like when given authority and power over others and it's forced me to now re-consider who I talk to and who I give respect to. Not saying I'm going to go crazy and scream at these people in public but if I ever get a slight sense that this person is talking completely out of their ass and spouting the same Era nonsense I read online about Nazi's, White Males, etc etc, then they will be given the cold shoulder from me and I will refuse to further converse with this person any further unless it's job related or something similar where I have no choice.

That is what this stupid fucking website has done to me. It has forced me to filter these people out rather than support their vision because they crossed too many lines and went too far too many times. Unbelievable.
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Hey Neogaf, I'm about to show you something really interesting.


We got two moderators wearing the same Rose Tico avatar, in a thread whining about Polish culture not being "diverse enough".

The jokes right themselves at this point, or George Lucas was a prophet. SJW's are the new "clone army".

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Hey Neogaf, I'm about to show you something really interesting.


We got two moderators wearing the same Rose Tico avatar, in a thread whining about Polish culture not being "diverse enough".

Imagine a TV show set in ancient China and they have a bunch of black dudes in it, a Pakistani playing the princess, a white guy as a ninja, and Indian woman playing a Celtic druid for some reason, and so on.

As a book reader I don't care that The Witcher TV show is diverse, I love it. If they had stayed true to the books and kept it based in (edit: a world inspired by .....) medieval Poland with their homogeneous population that would have been fine too.

A slight annoyance I have is that many shows, The Witcher included, go overboard with diversity to the point in which it feels like heavy, heavy tokenism. Which to me seems even more insulting, basically self gratifying pandering by the producers.
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What typically makes for a more racist person generally? Someone who doesn't acknowledge or care about skin color and just looks at people as people... or those who obsess over it?
Depends on the context.

Look at Reset's reaction to Terry Gilliam.

Terry doesn't want to be blamed for having white skin whereas Resetera do. Both are technically "obsessed" over their skin color, but only the other side (Resetera) wants to say being white is a negative thing.
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And now coming hot off the presses, yet another example of how diversity continues to fail.


Sorry Neogaf. Looks like we're all going to have to register our races in our profiles before you're allowed to use a gif.

But say, what happens if I use a gif of a non-human animal? Or a cartoon character? I don't identify as a rabbit, does this make me racist?

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Neighbours from Hell
Depends on the context.

Look at Reset's reaction to Terry Gilliam.

Terry doesn't want to be blamed for having white skin whereas Resetera do. Both are technically "obsessed" over their skin color, but only the other side (Resetera) wants to say being white is a negative thing.
Generally though,if the goal is equality then skin color shouldn’t matter. Being color blind is the exact type of progress that people have always wanted.

Communities like RE are doing so much more harm for goals of less racism that they claim to want. Because they don’t actually want less racism. They want scores evened.
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And now coming hot off the presses, yet another example of how diversity continues to fail.


Sorry Neogaf. Looks like we're all going to have to register our races in our profiles before you're allowed to use a gif.

But say, what happens if I use a gif of a non-human animal? Or a cartoon character? I don't identify as a rabbit, does this make me racist?

Who the hell confuses ramen with pho?


Nepenthe goes full asshole in the Black Gif thread

I wont screencap his entire post because it's mostly drivel but read what he has to say in the ending.


This is how a "diverse" forum interacts with its users. By referring to its members by their skin color/race first and immediately assigning guilt to people ("you can use our gifs, but you guys are still awful").

He also uses a video game as an example of learning a new country. Too bad for Mr.Nepenthe here, Libraries exist for a reason. Why does he refuse to use one? If you ever want to teach someone world history, a 3 second video of a person laughing or doing something silly is not a good educational tool.

But Resetera is too dumb to understand this, and would prefer they dumb down everyone so no one can think for themselves.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Imagine being a moderator posting something so indignant and then locking the thread before anyone can respond. Petty as fuck and you just know she's now got a list of people who posted GIF reactions in that thread. Those posts will be their "prior severe infractions" when they are inevitably perma-banned for some other nonsense.
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Nepenthe goes full asshole in the Black Gif thread

I wont screencap his entire post because it's mostly drivel but read what he has to say in the ending.


This is how a "diverse" forum interacts with its users. By referring to its members by their skin color/race first and immediately assigning guilt to people ("you can use our gifs, but you guys are still awful").

He also uses a video game as an example of learning a new country. Too bad for Mr.Nepenthe here, Libraries exist for a reason. Why does he refuse to use one? If you ever want to teach someone world history, a 3 second video of a person laughing or doing something silly is not a good educational tool.

But Resetera is too dumb to understand this, and would prefer they dumb down everyone so no one can think for themselves.
Applying to be a staff member? On the right track I bet


Neighbours from Hell
And now coming hot off the presses, yet another example of how diversity continues to fail.


Sorry Neogaf. Looks like we're all going to have to register our races in our profiles before you're allowed to use a gif.

But say, what happens if I use a gif of a non-human animal? Or a cartoon character? I don't identify as a rabbit, does this make me racist?

Early frontrunner for dumbest article of 2020.


The Tribe Has Spoken
And now coming hot off the presses, yet another example of how diversity continues to fail.


Sorry Neogaf. Looks like we're all going to have to register our races in our profiles before you're allowed to use a gif.

But say, what happens if I use a gif of a non-human animal? Or a cartoon character? I don't identify as a rabbit, does this make me racist?

This is hilarious to me because for the last 6-12 months, if I search for “(anything) gif”, Google always makes sure that the first page is filled with black people gifs, women and Asian people with the occasional whitey thrown in. I’m not even joking. It’s clearly intentional and a directive from head office. “Muh diversity” and all that.

Before that time, it would just give you the most popular and/or most relevant search results.

So, how am I supposed to stop using black people gifs if Google keeps bombarding me with them.



And now coming hot off the presses, yet another example of how diversity continues to fail.


Sorry Neogaf. Looks like we're all going to have to register our races in our profiles before you're allowed to use a gif.

But say, what happens if I use a gif of a non-human animal? Or a cartoon character? I don't identify as a rabbit, does this make me racist?


lmao the funniest thing in that thread is how even the black era and sjw members are like nah this is too much and too woke, but nepenthe still specifically calls out the “white folks” in her reply.

essentially just giving all black people a pat on the head, telling them to shut up and she’ll be outraged on their behalf cause they’re too stupid to know when whitey is insulting them 😂
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Kagey K

Nepenthe goes full asshole in the Black Gif thread

I wont screencap his entire post because it's mostly drivel but read what he has to say in the ending.


This is how a "diverse" forum interacts with its users. By referring to its members by their skin color/race first and immediately assigning guilt to people ("you can use our gifs, but you guys are still awful").

He also uses a video game as an example of learning a new country. Too bad for Mr.Nepenthe here, Libraries exist for a reason. Why does he refuse to use one? If you ever want to teach someone world history, a 3 second video of a person laughing or doing something silly is not a good educational tool.

But Resetera is too dumb to understand this, and would prefer they dumb down everyone so no one can think for themselves.



And people wonder why I'm terrified of open borders.

Resetters openly admit they left their countries that were "full of violence" to come live in other ones that are more "safer/more prosperous" without actually questioning why such a gap exists?

Now imagine what happens when all immigration restrictions go out the window and as PeskyToaster says "we shouldn't discriminate"? Is it not logical to assume that there's a chance the USA and Canada will radically transform into something different?

In Canada's case, I am actually weary of the fact we'll have an 80% population that wasn't even born here. That is no longer a nation, that's just a bulk of land made up of foreign enclaves.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Nepenthe goes full asshole in the Black Gif thread

I wont screencap his entire post because it's mostly drivel but read what he has to say in the ending.


This is how a "diverse" forum interacts with its users. By referring to its members by their skin color/race first and immediately assigning guilt to people ("you can use our gifs, but you guys are still awful").

He also uses a video game as an example of learning a new country. Too bad for Mr.Nepenthe here, Libraries exist for a reason. Why does he refuse to use one? If you ever want to teach someone world history, a 3 second video of a person laughing or doing something silly is not a good educational tool.

But Resetera is too dumb to understand this, and would prefer they dumb down everyone so no one can think for themselves.

Imagine giving a shit about the color of a person in a gif someone posts. Hahaha. God damn most of the posters and all of the mods cannot function in society. Our tax dollars pay so they can eat and have roofs over their heads.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
This is hilarious to me because for the last 6-12 months, if I search for “(anything) gif”, Google always makes sure that the first page is filled with black people gifs, women and Asian people with the occasional whitey thrown in. I’m not even joking. It’s clearly intentional and a directive from head office. “Muh diversity” and all that.

I thought you were joking. I tested it with "dancing gif". First page was all PoC or cartoons. I think one white kid. Had to scroll down two pages for this beauty



The Tribe Has Spoken
I thought you were joking. I tested it with "dancing gif". First page was all PoC or cartoons. I think one white kid. Had to scroll down two pages for this beauty

Nah man, no joke. It’s full blown indoctrination, dictator shit now.

I’ve never been a racist all my life, but you know, I’m thinking of trying it out.

I always buck trends.


And now coming hot off the presses, yet another example of how diversity continues to fail.

Sorry Neogaf. Looks like we're all going to have to register our races in our profiles before you're allowed to use a gif.

But say, what happens if I use a gif of a non-human animal? Or a cartoon character? I don't identify as a rabbit, does this make me racist?


No, makes you a speciest ... ;)
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Right on time, any form of immigration control is now "racist".


This is the stuff that puts me on the edge of my seat. The topic of immigration is suddenly "taboo" even though it's literally going to have the largest impact on any nation.

Just take a look at Resetera as direct proof that none of this diversity utopia exists. It always boils down to chaos and infighting.
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Gold Member
Right on time, any form of immigration control is now "racist".


This is the stuff that puts me on the edge of my seat. The topic of immigration is suddenly "taboo" even though it's literally going to have the largest impact on any nation.

Just take a look at Resetera as direct proof that none of this diversity utopia exists. It always boils down to chaos and infighting.
Canada takes in the most refugees? Really? Pretty sure all those war torn countries take in desperate people by the millions.

As for the articles in the Re thread, of course it makes sense Canada's economy does well. Lots of resources, stable government, right by the US, and most of the immigrants coming over have assets, skills and stability. There's zero caravans of poor unskilled people coming over. We're surrounded by the US and oceans.
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Fucking entitled crybabies. Witcher 3 is authentically Polish and Slavic, not complying with the American obsession of diversity doesn't make it racist.

They don't complain when Japanese games have homogenous casts. They wouldn't complain if an African development team made a game with all black people.

I love how white people are all grouped into one and Polish people who if anything, face quite a bit of racism themselves in the West, are somehow in cohoots with upholding American institutional racism.

Putting white people in ancient Egypt is racism but putting black people in Slavic culture is diversity! Dumbasses.
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"It (Xenblade X) has issues with little girls."

I guess it's safe to assume Dark Cloud is a pedophile. Xenoblade X had one teenage girl. To be so obsessed with her to say 'the game has a problem with little girls' is alarming.


Gold Member
Fucking entitled crybabies. Witcher 3 is authentically Polish and Slavic, not complying with the American obsession of diversity doesn't make it racist.

They don't complain when Japanese games have homogenous casts. They wouldn't complain if an African development team made a game with all black people.

I love how white people are all grouped into one and Polish people who if anything, face quite a bit of racism themselves in the West, are somehow in cohoots with upholding American institutional racism.

Putting white people in ancient Egypt is racism but putting black people in Slavic culture is diversity! Dumbasses.
That's the American way.

The US makes racial claims based off whites, blacks and every in between based on American standards where all of them live in the same country. They don't think about countries.

So Poles, Swedes, South Africans, Canadians and Americans living in Yukon or Alaska, and those groups of retired Brits living in South Asia are somehow all the same because they all have white skin.

The funny thing is Americans and Canadians have similar heritage from centuries ago. It's basically tons of Brits, French and Germans coming over. So even though all of them are white, their European roots are different. And depending where you live, there's more or less French or German heritage, while English has dominated.

Yet even with these historical roots, all whites are clumped together.

Have fun trying to convince any whites in Quebec they are the same as all other whites.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Never forget guys, the goal is EQUITY, not equality.

And for equity to be achieved, everyone needs to be segregated and given specific treatment based on their racial/gender/etc. traits.

This is why its such an awful, horrific, ideological goal. Its implementation requires what it ostensibly stands to end.
That's the American way.

The US makes racial claims based off whites, blacks and every in between based on American standards where all of them live in the same country. They don't think about countries.

So Poles, Swedes, South Africans, Canadians and Americans living in Yukon or Alaska, and those groups of retired Brits living in South Asia are somehow all the same because they all have white skin.

The funny thing is Americans and Canadians have similar heritage from centuries ago. It's basically tons of Brits, French and Germans coming over. So even though all of them are white, their European roots are different. And depending where you live, there's more or less French or German heritage, while English has dominated.

Yet even with these historical roots, all whites are clumped together.

Have fun trying to convince any whites in Quebec they are the same as all other whites.

We are not the same in QUÉBEC!

We are a English/French/Native American breed with the worst part of the 3!
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Nepenthe goes full asshole in the Black Gif thread

I wont screencap his entire post because it's mostly drivel but read what he has to say in the ending.


This is how a "diverse" forum interacts with its users. By referring to its members by their skin color/race first and immediately assigning guilt to people ("you can use our gifs, but you guys are still awful").

He also uses a video game as an example of learning a new country. Too bad for Mr.Nepenthe here, Libraries exist for a reason. Why does he refuse to use one? If you ever want to teach someone world history, a 3 second video of a person laughing or doing something silly is not a good educational tool.

But Resetera is too dumb to understand this, and would prefer they dumb down everyone so no one can think for themselves.
Nepenthe being a mod is legit reason enough to dismiss ERA entirely. They defended racist and violent lyrics, has defended excessive violence against an old white woman, abused their mod powers to defend their friend who committed a potentially deadly crime somehow giving a BAC test through the internet in the process, and just makes a clown of themselves on the regular like in the post in that thread and being so butthurt about it as to close the thread before they too could get rightfully clowned by the asylum turned against them.

Nepenthe needs to go find a place free from the evil white race, so they could be at peace, and live in squalor so that they can't even get news about them. The REE withdrawal might kill them, but it's what must be done to become truly pure!
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That’s horrifying. I’m glad EviLore EviLore pulled this place back from that direction, which is was clearly crashing towards before the split.
I was on SA in its prime but lowtax had alot of personal issues and the last i heard he was addicted to painkillers with back issues

When the Gaf split happened he saw the sorts of people that were looking for a home and basically told them to fuck off...this stance appears to of been eroded over time
and the purple haired social justice warriors appear to be winning

the leper colony used to be pretty funny to read though but i think its moved more towards what reee is
but it does show who requested the ban
would love to see a ree version of this (the guy is lowtax)
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What mental illness is that?
No way I’m reading all that. They have waaaay too much time on their hands.
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