I'm not sure exactly either to be honest. My post was fairly reasonable. : PThen I do not quite understand why you, specifically were called out here. I did not know what you wrote on Era.
I'm not sure exactly either to be honest. My post was fairly reasonable. : PThen I do not quite understand why you, specifically were called out here. I did not know what you wrote on Era.
Never heard of the guy before and I gotta say these comics are horrible. Free speech and all but I draw the line at Holocaust Denial, I visited concentration camps and talked to survivors many years ago. We went to Auschwitz with school around 2002.
Now do we have to cancel Hot Pockets over it? Of course not! They replied to 1 comic with 1 word and I'm sure the person tweeting it had no idea about his other work just like I did before today.
Combat sports have weight divisions separated by about 5kg.Like how dumb are they? If you are born with a dick and balls you SHOULD NOT be allowed to compete against a real woman born with a vagina in combat type sports. It's common fucking sense and a dam safety issue.
The Rogan thread perfectly demonstrates the bubble that certain people exist within. The comments that imply that Sanders backing him will suddenly legitimise Rogan are beyond hilarious - the guy has 7.3 million subscribers on YouTube alone. I think he might already be relevant guys.
hey guys, Joe Rogan is the same as the Grand Wizard of the KKK! same exact thing!JDSN
3 minutes ago
Lets get that nice fella David Duke silence and your browns better shut the fuck up!SoZetaSlow said:
Yup, this and the whole ableist shit going on in left twitter recently is really showing how few leftists who claim to be allies truly give a shit about marginalised groups.
It's okay to be glad Rogan endorsed Bernie, I know I am. But Bernie signal boosting him is something people are more than valid in being mad about.
We just had a huge blowup not long ago concerning the sexual abuse between men (usually coaches or related staffers) and women in sports:Combat sports have weight divisions separated by about 5kg.
Even kids sports have age groups.
Supposedly because even 'minor' differences like those can have massive impacts on physical capabilities, fairness, safety, etc.
But yeah, women can compete with men.
Fuckin morons.
7 of 9... nope
Soto of Mine... yep
kind of hypocritical given TLBB supports a woman who regularly over the course of her decade long career stanned for rapistsTheLostBigBoss
The Fallen
1 minute ago
No I get it, I'm actually thinking and using my brain instead of spitting out mindless dribble because you clearly can't fucking read.DeadlyVirus said:
You don't get it do you? If you're gonna go the route of "this person is endorsing Bernie, therefore I won't vote for him", then that's how Trump wins
FZY in my previous post is now banned for having the wrong opinion:
But if he's blocked, how did you...?
Kirblar is drunk posting again:
Only post links if you've performed an exhaustive study on whether or not the source is problematic or problematic-adjacent:
Apparently Rogan is a terrorist to some:
AKA, I have no proof of my claims:
And that's up to page 10 so far.
Also Ketkat is posting in that thread. Didn't they disappear after the whole trans thing a few months back?
You know, REEE ought to put posters preferred pronouns under their member tags. I'm surprised that is not a feature already.![]()
As mentioned in the farms, Morrigan is calling Bronson Lee a liar.
i looked up the term, it basically means "random". so all this is just another way to ignore someone's opinion and assert that they are just "randomly" doing this to troll you. so it's example 10,000 in "Ways to pretend other people aren't actually saying the things they said".Stochastic Terror/ist/ism really is the new buzzword now. I keep hearing it and have never before until the last year or so, and well, it really only started to be searched for in that time frame. The left needs to label types of thoughtcrime so they can make it illegal.
i looked up the term, it basically means "random". so all this is just another way to ignore someone's opinion and assert that they are just "randomly" doing this to troll you. so it's example 10,000 in "Ways to pretend other people aren't actually saying the things they said".
calling them a terrorist bc they are suicide bombing your mind tho, lol, new heights of hysteria
I made it to about page 4 and I realized that about 80% of that community has to be joke accounts potentially making Era the greatest website ever.
I can't imagine that the people posting in that Joe Rogan thread are serious. Are they serious? It feels like some sort of cringe performance art. I can honestly imagine that whole website being a mass organized Andy Kaufman-esque ruse.
Imagine being so out to lunch as a whole that this scenario is more believable than what the reality is.
You have much to learn young Padawan.I can't imagine that the people posting in that Joe Rogan thread are serious. Are they serious?
Honest to God, the state of that thread.... un-fucking believable.
The best bit is how it conclusively demonstrates how performative their wokeness is. They don't care about achieving anything, its all about posturing and rhetoric, and ego.
Day 3 on Resetera, and I stumbled upon this post:
Sony's PS4 exclusive Horizon: Zero Dawn is coming to PC this year, sources tell Kotaku.
Everyone putting their games on PC means that PC is going to kill consoles. But Timmy Tim is killing PC Gaming. So when PC dies all that’s left is mobile gaming. If that happens ResetERA dies, which means Evilore wins. Truly the end of times. WAKE UP SHEEPLEwww.resetera.com
So if PC gaming diesEviLore wins and we kill ResetERA?
Thank you Phil for saving the internet.![]()
PC gaming will continue to thrive, and NeoGAF supports PC gaming and PC gamers 100%.
Over 4,000 online now at GAF and growing every day, and only 9,600 at Reset. Sinking ship.
Why would you have to do some grand announcement that you are leaving an Internet forum? Seems a bit pretentious.
That place is cancer. Dude was banned for just saying he liked Rogan who is probably the most accepting and least racist or bigoted personally out there and he’s painted as the opposite. The guy accepts everybody.
They are so mentally ill and focused on pushing agendas that they can’t grasp or even attempt to understand his trans MMA or weightlifting arguments. He’s so right about it, I don’t even think there is a valid counter argument. He’s actually one of the stronger advocates out there for the trans community. He’s just sane about it.
when you are holding up John McCain's Islamaphobia as an example of a good standard to live up to in order to support your trans agendaNepenthe
When the music hits, you feel no pain.
10 minutes ago
And another goddamn thing.
Even John racist-ass McCain had the testicular fortitude to tell one of his own potential constituents to her face to shut up and sit down in regards to calling Obama a Muslim.
He is the standard y'all are insisting Democrats cannot and should not live up to.
It is clown shoes for real.
The mods don’t just buy into it, they push it. Mass delusion is never good, and they promote mass delusion on that site, it’s all they do. They don’t live in the real world.Yep. They don't care what your actually views on policy and social issues are. They only care what the prevailing narrative and groupthink is. They are a cult and borderline dangerous how many people they indoctrinate. The mods buy into it and they also need to appease it to retain power/userbase.
Yep. They don't care what your actually views on policy and social issues are. They only care what the prevailing narrative and groupthink is. They are a cult and borderline dangerous how many people they indoctrinate. The mods buy into it and they also need to appease it to retain power/userbase.
You just don't understand ERA likeThe mods don’t just buy into it, they push it. Mass delusion is never good, and they promote mass delusion on that site, it’s all they do. They don’t live in the real world.
It’s funny how trans people have become the #1 protected demographic among woke types being that I think far less people in this country hate trans people than they hate specific races or religions. Most people don’t give a shit one way or another about trans people. Well, most people don’t give a shit about race either anymore, but being anti black or Jewish is a deep seeded thing that goes back decades and/or centuries. The trans community doesn’t have that kinda history of hatred, most people kinda just look the other way and have the attitude of “as long as you aren’t bothering me, I don’t give a shit.”
It’s weird how the trans protectionism has overtaken that of anything else including race and religion when hatred for those things goes way deeper, and is way stronger.
it is a symptom of their unexamined white supremacy. trans is the only identity where a white man can still be seen as oppressed. they can still dominate and center everything around their existence.TransRightsOverAllOtherRights
A few broken orbital sockets are a small price to pay for trans representation you bigot!!!Like how dumb are they? If you are born with a dick and balls you SHOULD NOT be allowed to compete against a real woman born with a vagina in combat type sports. It's common fucking sense and a dam safety issue.
Let's see how this calm, not-overly aggressive thread goes.
Shut the fuck up about how you won't be "bullied" to just vote for the Democrat no matter who: Trump threatens to cut funding to Cali over Abortion
"VIDEOGAME FORUM"Let's see how this calm, not-overly aggressive thread goes.
Shut the fuck up about how you won't be "bullied" to just vote for the Democrat no matter who: Trump threatens to cut funding to Cali over Abortion
Sorry you got diagnosed with cancerit is a symptom of their unexamined white supremacy. trans is the only identity where a white man can still be seen as oppressed. they can still dominate and center everything around their existence.
thus the millions of POC in poverty whose lives would be changed by M4A need to stand in line and wait. Medicare 4 All is useless unless the gov't pay so that children can be put on puberty blockers.
it fucking pisses me off tbh. i found out i have cancer 2 years ago, and im hanging on to a job for health insurance. seeing all these privileged dickheads, most of whom probably don't even live here, hijack the conversation, is actively making me hate the movement.
Insane. Most innocuous post ever and he’s gone. Someone reach out to that poor fella and tell him he’s welcome here.Banned for wrong think
thanks yeah it fucking sucks. luckily i have a rare blood cancer that can be treated by just having blood taken out. 500ccs every 2 months. counting my prayers that i don't have to take any medicine.Sorry you got diagnosed with cancerare you doing ok?
that's fine, it doesn't matter. we just need to move the needle. i've heard Dems promise health care for the masses going on 30 years now. i remember being in middle school hearing the Clintons go on and on about giving people health care. i tried getting Obamacare before i got my current job and it was unaffordable. ideally i would like it so that if i lost my job, i would be able to get my treatment without going into debt. the details of what it is, what they call it, all that i don't care about. i just want health care. Medicare is already a thing and M4A is popular so that seems to be the best shot at introducing some kind of reform.MFA is no cure all.
Dude is a transphobe and a major both Sider with an easily impressionable audience. He has had very questionable quests on his show including Milo.
He's a necessary evil for sure. I'm not happy about Bernie advertising him, but I totally understand why he would. His endorsement is bigger than most and if this means winning more people over to Bernie in the general over Trump than so be it.He's also the biggest podcast in the world by a LARGE margin.
Here's something that people on Era don't understand. Whoever ends up being president will be serving the ENTIRE nation, not just the progressives. That means the transphobes, the racists, the straight-up Nazis, etc. Trump is an anomaly that actively hates the majority of his constituents. Bernie would not be that. He's not going to talk about removing human rights from bigots like so many on Era want. Some jackass in the deep south addicted to screaming the n word and the most progressive person in LA are the same to him in that he wants to help both.
If the baseline for whoever should get the nomination is "not bannable on Era", either no one would get it or whoever does would get 20k votes maximum. People are largely not that progressive and the fact so many are addicted to push away imperfect allies is why they never will be.
He's a necessary evil for sure. I'm not happy about Bernie advertising him, but I totally understand why he would. His endorsement is bigger than most and if this means winning more people over to Bernie in the general over Trump than so be it.
I'm glad to hear that I wish you the best.thanks yeah it fucking sucks. luckily i have a rare blood cancer that can be treated by just having blood taken out. 500ccs every 2 months. counting my prayers that i don't have to take any medicine.
that's fine, it doesn't matter. we just need to move the needle. i've heard Dems promise health care for the masses going on 30 years now. i remember being in middle school hearing the Clintons go on and on about giving people health care. i tried getting Obamacare before i got my current job and it was unaffordable. ideally i would like it so that if i lost my job, i would be able to get my treatment without going into debt. the details of what it is, what they call it, all that i don't care about. i just want health care. Medicare is already a thing and M4A is popular so that seems to be the best shot at introducing some kind of reform.
Rogan / Sanders thread is locked.
Don't rush art.One hour later.. still locked.
He's a necessary evil for sure. I'm not happy about Bernie advertising him, but I totally understand why he would. His endorsement is bigger than most and if this means winning more people over to Bernie in the general over Trump than so be it.