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Excelsiorlief really finding the bad black people and shaming them for being black wrong, as all good allies do:


Today at 12:51 PM
Sly Chimera said:
I always liked this guys story

How One Man Convinced 200 Ku Klux Klan Members To Give Up Their Robes
One by one, Daryl Davis has befriended KKK members over the past 30 years. The more they got to know the African-American musician, the more they realized the Klan was not for them.
My favorutie part is when he showed up to plea for mercy his friend, who he claims to have saved, who got arrested in Charlottesville for being a violent white supremacist.

Daryl Davis has stronger negative feelings about BLM than the KKK
this black man worked for 30 years and converted 200 kkk members, yet white Canadian trans ally Ex has to shame him for having the wrong feelings. sorry Daryl, you shouldn't have made that one slip up while working to enlighten people for 30 years. it just proves Excelsior cares more about BLM than you.
are they really an allie if they constantly want you to surrender your humanity
lol "constantly want you to surrender your humanity". what does that mean? does it mean anything? honest question here like are you being kept in a cage and forced to eat out of a bowl or something? seriously, in what way does this phrase any sense?
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The Pleasure

Gold Member
Don't let @brap 's Nintendo memes and tranny fetish fool you into thinking we're akin to 4chan.

I love the Civil War handlebar mustache. Much historical poncho.


Excelsiorlief really finding the bad black people and shaming them for being black wrong, as all good allies do:

this black man worked for 30 years and converted 200 kkk members, yet white Canadian trans ally Ex has to shame him for having the wrong feelings. sorry Daryl, you shouldn't have made that one slip up while working to enlighten people for 30 years. it just proves Excelsior cares more about BLM than you.

lol "constantly want you to surrender your humanity". what does that mean? does it mean anything? honest question here like are you being kept in a cage and forced to eat out of a bowl or something? seriously, in what way does this phrase any sense?

"My favorutie part is when he showed up to plea for mercy his friend, who he claims to have saved, who got arrested in Charlottesville for being a violent white supremacist.

Daryl Davis has stronger negative feelings about BLM than the KKK"

I'll have to look into this but if that's true that dudes a complete and utter moron. Obviously he didn't change his friends heart if he has to rescue him for well...being a racist asshole?


i mean that is 1 out of 200. which is a .5% failure rate. that's not bad. doesn't make him a moron. dude had success 99.5% of the time, that's pretty good.

but that's how they think. it's not that this guy changed the mind of 199 kkk members. it's that he failed with one. and should be punished forever and called an idiot for that. to me, that is shortsighted and idiotic.
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KimiNewt said:
This thread shows why a dent won't be made with these bigots. Ya'll are too proud and angry to talk to people, even if they are pieces of shit.

"These people aren't worth saving" - man, with the environment some of these people grew up it's no wonder that they turned out racist.
You'd likely be racist if you grew up there. Most of you aren't magically liberal and saying that everyone should get a grip is like saying poor people should pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Sometimes you have to extend a helping hand to people even if it seems like they don't deserve it-- there might be something decent inside. Maybe not, but at least you tried.

[User Banned (3 month): inflammatory generalizations surrounding bigotry]

Truth told in a forceful manner.. can't allow that.

Trigonometrize said:
The reason I'm avoiding the point is because I can try to illustrate my thinking but if I directly try to answer your question it'll come off as virtue signaling.

I stand by my pathetic comment in the context of a narrow subset of people, more narrow than my original comment implied: people that shirk the responsibility of engaging with bigots because they're sick of doing it (fine on its own), but then ALSO run in the other direction of calling bigots out with vitriol are pathetic. Why? Because it reveals you were either disingenuous about acknowledging the validity of the science in the first place or more concerned with getting a short-term emotional catharsis of calling someone out then letting the white liberals talking to the racists play out and produce better outcomes.

I think that both those scenarios rise to the level of pathetic. But not all that come out and so no thanks, I'm not interested are pathetic.

[User Banned (3 Months): Dismissing and antagonising minority members and perspectives in regards to bigotry.]

Trig flew too close to the sun for most of the thread, but this is a weird post to put the ban in. Where is he/she wrong?

Also, amazed Cokie Bear escaped without a ban (yet).

Son Tofu

I’m pretty curious how many of these people actually have experienced this violence and danger that they claim. All these people talk about all these people actively wanting to murder them and dangerous to even leave their house. The concept that if they talk to someone with a Maga hat that they’ll be brutally murdered holds no basis in reality.
The answer is never. Those people more than likely never leave their houses.


Gold Member
I literally immediately stop taking seriously anyone who overuses and misuses the word literally.

Most people don’t care about trans folk, and the ones that do don’t want them dead, just find them gross. Probably less than a tenth of a percentage of anti trans people in this country want trans people dead. Talk about living in a paranoid bubble.

Kleptomaniacs take things literaly


Neighbours from Hell
Excelsiorlief really finding the bad black people and shaming them for being black wrong, as all good allies do:

this black man worked for 30 years and converted 200 kkk members, yet white Canadian trans ally Ex has to shame him for having the wrong feelings. sorry Daryl, you shouldn't have made that one slip up while working to enlighten people for 30 years. it just proves Excelsior cares more about BLM than you.

lol "constantly want you to surrender your humanity". what does that mean? does it mean anything? honest question here like are you being kept in a cage and forced to eat out of a bowl or something? seriously, in what way does this phrase any sense?
It shows you those people don’t actually care about equality and minorities, they care about conformity. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, woman, trans, gay, whatever. If you aren’t full in on their moronic extreme ideologies, you’re evil. It’s not and never has had anything to do with equality and making the world a better place for different demographics.


That’s a pretty good analogy where they're just trying to get you talk enough so that they can find some technical violation of a broken taillight to ban you for months

Also: does Slayven not realize the singular of allies is ally?

“This thread is why i say i don't believe in allies, are they really an allie if they constantly want you to surrender your humanity cause it is the quickest way to order? Not peace, but order, an order that benefits everyone but the marginalized.”

Slayven is honestly the stupidest mod I've ever seen. He can't get through a sentence without a spelling mistake. He just can't.


It shows you those people don’t actually care about equality and minorities, they care about conformity. It doesn’t matter if you’re black, woman, trans, gay, whatever. If you aren’t full in on their moronic extreme ideologies, you’re evil. It’s not and never has had anything to do with equality and making the world a better place for different demographics.
it is just ironic, this white "woman" sitting in Canada, calling herself a minority, looking down on a black man who lives in the US and has personally converted 200 kkk members. a man who put his physical body in harms way for 30 years and this keyboard warrior who doesn't even live in this country is giving him shit for it. in a thread about a scientific study that proves his life's work. you can't make this stuff up.
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Neighbours from Hell
it is just ironic, this white "woman" sitting in Canada, calling herself a minority, looking down on a black man who lives in the US and has personally converted 200 kkk members. a man who put his physical body in harms way for 30 years and this keyboard warrior who doesn't even live in this country is giving him shit for it. in a thread about a scientific study that proves his life's work. you can't make this stuff up.
That's called narcissism.


Slayven has a GAF account from back in 2004 with over 120k posts to its name. No, I think he's in his 30s at least.
acts underage but is a man in his 30s lol dude is a total manbaby.

Slayven is hilarious. ultimate S+ rank SJW exxxtreme. i almost grabbed that avatar as a joke. lol little Rose Tico with her arms crossed, looking so mad. he does know that she left the slave kids to rot in their cells?

true 🖤 hero
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What did these idiots think was going to happen? a R majority was going to vote against the sitting R president???
Kiddies first politics apparently.
They are so fucking salty and mad.
Get fucked.


lol @ "microscopic win". try subatomic. maybe smaller. this is a "win" on the planck scale.

Trump is going to troll these people about his acquittal regardless of if it happens that day or the next. if the "win" is him not getting to say something in the SOTU, perhaps you've never met a loudmouth, goes by the name of Donald J. Trump...

hold onto that "win" with all your might :messenger_grinning_sweat:
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i like how the "problem" is the internet making it too easy for people to share their opinions

yes this "problem" that the ordinary every day person can have a say. "if only the government would just decide who the experts are, let them talk, and deplatorm the rest of us!"

like are these people actually for democracy? or is that all a line of bullshit? cos it smells like shit.

most of the time it sounds like they openly wish for their own benevolent dictator, to rule over the uninformed savages. they worship the altar of power they are just mad they don't control it.
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Son Tofu

i like how the "problem" is the internet making it too easy for people to share their opinions

yes this "problem" that the ordinary every day person can have a say. "if only the government would just decide who the experts are, let them talk, and deplatorm the rest of us!"

like are these people actually for democracy? or is that all a line of bullshit? cos it smells like shit.

most of the time it sounds like they openly wish for their own benevolent dictator, to rule over the uninformed savages. they worship the altar of power they are just mad they don't control it.
Ultimately that's what it is. The don't want anyone to have any other opinion besides the one they have. And they want their opinion to have authoritarian enforcement.
Why is it that any opinion that disagrees with their opinion is 'uninformed'? They seem to think that theirs is the only opinion that matters. What's worse, 90% if their talking points are lifted directly from MSNBC.
I like you not just because of your opinion, but also because of your user name. Alas I tried to find a pic of Tofu from RE2 with the Super Saiyan ki aura for you to use as an avatar, but unfortunately I couldn't find anything.


Excelsiorlief really finding the bad black people and shaming them for being black wrong, as all good allies do:

this black man worked for 30 years and converted 200 kkk members, yet white Canadian trans ally Ex has to shame him for having the wrong feelings. sorry Daryl, you shouldn't have made that one slip up while working to enlighten people for 30 years. it just proves Excelsior cares more about BLM than you.

lol "constantly want you to surrender your humanity". what does that mean? does it mean anything? honest question here like are you being kept in a cage and forced to eat out of a bowl or something? seriously, in what way does this phrase any sense?

Spreadsheet is a white Canadian?

What’s their victim badge? Are they trans? Gay? Female?

Why are they at the top of the totem pole?
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