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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I mean if they are going to call Joe Rogan racist how do they get away with stanning Justin Trudeau? They use the excuse that Justin has changed and has done lots for the country but they cant acknowledge that 1. Joe Rogan isnt racist and 2. He does alot for the community, he stated in a recent podcast he lives trans people, he has trans people on his show, he has minorities on his show as well giving tons of people exposure because he is a big name etc yet they can still get away with calling one racist and letting another one pass, so stupid.


I mean if they are going to call Joe Rogan racist how do they get away with stanning Justin Trudeau? They use the excuse that Justin has changed and has done lots for the country but they cant acknowledge that 1. Joe Rogan isnt racist and 2. He does alot for the community, he stated in a recent podcast he lives trans people, he has trans people on his show, he has minorities on his show as well giving tons of people exposure because he is a big name etc yet they can still get away with calling one racist and letting another one pass, so stupid.

If you keep trying to apply logic to Resetera you are going to go insane. Just laugh at the hypocrisy and move on.
If you keep trying to apply logic to Resetera you are going to go insane. Just laugh at the hypocrisy and move on.
Have multiple threads about white males being pieces of shit with pages and pages of unlocked pages of hatred based on accusations.

Depp thread that has actual evidence of a straight white male telling the truth...locked
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
by white males.

They are the good white males on Era. The only good ones. Sometimes they even look down on some minorities because they know better than minorities. Infact, they had a thread to let us know they do just this.

And if you disagree with the fact they can look down on minorities for voting a certain way or holding bad views, well... that's racism and you are banned.
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Gold Member
I mean if they are going to call Joe Rogan racist how do they get away with stanning Justin Trudeau? They use the excuse that Justin has changed and has done lots for the country but they cant acknowledge that 1. Joe Rogan isnt racist and 2. He does alot for the community, he stated in a recent podcast he lives trans people, he has trans people on his show, he has minorities on his show as well giving tons of people exposure because he is a big name etc yet they can still get away with calling one racist and letting another one pass, so stupid.
It's pretty simple, really. Rogan has an inclusive diverse guest list. If reee allowed discussion of him, it would lead to actual discussion, free exchange of ideas, and might actually deradicalize some reee posters.

That simply can not be allowed!


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Shouldn’t people be more scared of the Coronavirus than Trump and Brexit right now? I mean the former can actually kill even if it’s a small chance.



Oh shit excel spreadsheet is going up against the blacks in this thread. I love watching these battles - you never quite know who’s going to play their victim card at the crucial moment and have the other side banned.

spreadsheet vs asexual & black jviggy, supermanisdead and apahrmd. A battle for the ages. I’ve seen spreadsheet go up against groups of people, clearly outnumbered, only for the group to be entirely banned for dismissing trans issues.

let’s see how this main event pans out

Plague Doctor

Gold Member

Oh shit excel spreadsheet is going up against the blacks in this thread. I love watching these battles - you never quite know who’s going to play their victim card at the crucial moment and have the other side banned.

spreadsheet vs asexual & black jviggy, supermanisdead and apahrmd. A battle for the ages. I’ve seen spreadsheet go up against groups of people, clearly outnumbered, only for the group to be entirely banned for dismissing trans issues.

let’s see how this main event pans out

It's amazing how a Canadian is allowed by the mods to troll and antagonize nearly all American political threads and the US era members allow this to happen. Isn't this what they call a 'bad faith actor' and this one is white and going against American Women of Color politicians as well. Hmmmmm.....
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Oh shit excel spreadsheet is going up against the blacks in this thread. I love watching these battles - you never quite know who’s going to play their victim card at the crucial moment and have the other side banned.

spreadsheet vs asexual & black jviggy, supermanisdead and apahrmd. A battle for the ages. I’ve seen spreadsheet go up against groups of people, clearly outnumbered, only for the group to be entirely banned for dismissing trans issues.

let’s see how this main event pans out
Excel has that belt for a reason. 42,500 and 0 against the ban hammer

The Fireman

Neo Member
The #JusticeForJohnnyDepp thread is amazing.



Just saw on a discord server that some guy was a sexist on a Reset server and the person calling him out got a 2 months ban.
And the other guy walks free because it seems he is gay. So get out of jail card to be a sexist.
I will try to find the post.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community

“That's why facts and evidences are always important. It's easy to make false accusations and cause permanent damage to that person.”

Can someone please respond to this post and let them know that ‘accusations are evidence’?

The fact the Criminal Process exists is a triumph for humankind. Justice is a rough business, but it's become our business a society to commit to the ideal of justice. Institutions, however, are not perfect and a constant struggle for improvement is always required.

I just can't understand the obsession of the nuLeft to return to the days of lynching people - just because the tree is a social network and the rope a post doesn't change the fact these people are being publicly lynched.
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Gold Member

wtf? We should convict without proof and evidence?? I can't even.....


Actually makes perfect sense coming from there, come to think of it. Justice depends on being able to provide a compelling model that strongly evidences the accused committed the crime. As a byproduct of this, there will be cases where this is not enough evidence to convince impartial parties. But it prevents prejudice creeping into convictions. They speak very highly and always focus on the balancing compromises but never offer alternatives and solutions. So let's see if they are able to come up with a fair system that protects the accused as well as empowers the victim.


Plague Doctor

Gold Member

Innocence until proven guilty is a dangerous ideology?

This has been the backbone of the legal system in most nations for centuries. Does this person want people to be assumed guilty and treated as such (like the Spanish Inquisition, Nazi Germany, etc)? Does this person know what kind of hellscape of injustice that is? Especially for the poor and the marginalized they claim to support.

What the fuck is going on with this 'gaming forum'? These people are legit monsters.
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For Rera activist generation "innocent until proven guilty" is only associated to the defense of Wenstein and other #metoo targets (or "evil alt-righters" like the gamergaters who dare mention the FBI found no proof of harassment to present themselves as innocents). As they don't think further than what their twitter feed present as actualities they can't see the real implications.

It's the same if you mention books like Farenheit 451 or Animal Farm. They are for them just an argument their ideological enemies sometimes use, so they are likely to completely ignore their content and label the book with whoever quote it as something they should condemn (seriously, I remember some message on rera labelling Farenheit 451 as an alt-right book).


(ps : I was exagerating a bit, only a small minority go as far as not realising implications of rejecting "innocent until proven guilty" like reactions show, and as well found back the thread where someone labelled F451 as alt-right and most opposed him/them. Still there are some completely accultured types on Rera who are so much in an "us vs them" mentality they are likely to go that far)


A fun thing is cat avatar is only getting a 3 days ban, while in other threads people usually get a month + for "downplaying [racism/sexism]" by saying they are waiting for proof.
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Weinstein, Cosby... Exactly what I was saying, they are unable to extract themselves from current context (or consider more important causes than cancelling some celebrities) to realize the merits of innocent until proven guilty. They don't even seem to realize the first victims of being considered guilty until proof were found of their innocence were minority members in famous cases like the Central Park Five.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
"Wait for the facts" is a dog whistle huh? So we should run our courts on hearsay? Lol. Damn that Shugga guy might be the dumbest motherfucker I've encountered on the web in the past decade.


advanced basic bitch

Today in the "this didn't happen" category we got a guy who claims to have deactivated his facebook account for *checks notes* friends with shitty opinions and spreading right wing propaganda. Sure you did buddy. You're not trying to virtue signal at all. You had no idea how to unfollow people for their "shitty opinions" I totally believe you.


What is it with cat avatars and dumb takes.
Excuuuuse me?!


Link between dumb takes and cat avatars confirmed! :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Just joking, here's the full quote:

I like Jim Sterling. I think he’s a good writer. His reviews are dishonest. He didn’t finish either Survive or NeverDead and proceeded to spread false information on top of accusing both games for repeat offenses that only appear once at the start of games.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
innocent until proven guilty a "dangerous ideology"


When I think far right, fascist regimes that terrorize their most marginalized citizens, my immediate thought goes to fair trials on the presumption of innocence of the defendant.

In the whole of history, the state has terrorized people by needing to prove their case beyond a shadow of a doubt to a jury of one's peers.

Yep... that's a dangerous precedent and a dog whistle for... something. You are right, ResetEra. Mob rule and lynching based on popular sentiment without evidence and examination is better.

ResetEra is fucking unhinged and a dystopian nightmare.
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That Amber Heard / Depp thread is amazing, along with Juicy Smollet.

Red Mercury going full ass hat defending the actions of dog pile and punish at first accusation; double down when proven wrong and never let anyone question the narrative. What a pack of absolute psychos, this is the reason cancel culture is so dangerous. They'll ruin lives at the drop of a hat to feed their ego but have no accountability nor even will to take a measured response to any situation. They are just purely reactionary.
The #JusticeForJohnnyDepp thread is amazing.


RedMercury is top 3 most insufferable individuals on that site, he might even be #1. Just a constant stream of mod ass-licking, ERA caping, virtue-signaling. A complete asshat.
Also, it just dawned on me that the Retro Translator for Goemon 3 that Resetera got mad about just deleted his twitter account yesterday. I'd say shame on Resetera and Hardcore Gaming 101 for unfairly dog piling him, but i don't think they have shame. Looks like i'll be looking elsewhere for good Gaming Books.
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