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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Stumbled upon this classic thread from Resetera users during the split: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/how-many-of-you-hate-niggers-though.1453152/

Man, really did show their true colors once they split.
But only the Alt Right stayed lol. Remember...


Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
pigeon banned!

[User banned (2 weeks): Ignoring the staff post with regards to trolling/sniping and metacommentary + pattern of trolling over multiple posts and threads]

Messofanego banned!

[User Banned (2 Weeks): Inflammatory commentary around rape and sexual assault.]

Kirblar banned!

[User banned (1 week): inflammatory whataboutism]

Soliloque of a Dogge banned!

[User Banned (1 week): metacommentary, ignoring the modpost]

They're all basically slaps on the wrists, but wondering if the forums will be more normal than usual with those REEEEtards cooling off for a week or two.

Amazing. Brings a tear to my eye.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
RedMercury is really something else. A prime example of Poe's Law if there ever was one. If I were to make a troll account on Resetera and act in a way to discredit them as much as I could, that's pretty much exactly what it would look like.

What's fucked up is that posters like this know how fucked up their arguments are and the shitty things they are advocating for, like mob rule and guilty until proven innocent. They have to soften the language and give it some legitimacy with their infamously derided "whataboutism". It's not like they are ignorant to it. But seriously, fuck the ocassional innocent people being lynched. The message matters more. There is acceptable collateral damage to these regressive woke fucks. I said it before... they aren't just fools for mockery, they are monsters who support awful methods at the core of their arguments.
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I see they are celebrating Rush Limbaugh having sever cancer. What a bunch of soy boy cucks. I mean I get that everyone doesn't like everyone. But actually celebrating that someone is going to go through hell and is most likely going to die soon is just all kinds of fucked up.
The hypocrisy that blatantly bursts through is astounding. Between this and the Kobie situation especially as far as recent examples. And there are already mods posting IN the thread that are just ignoring it all.


Gold Member
I see they are celebrating Rush Limbaugh having sever cancer. What a bunch of soy boy cucks. I mean I get that everyone doesn't like everyone. But actually celebrating that someone is going to go through hell and is most likely going to die soon is just all kinds of fucked up.

I think the worst was when Billy Graham died and all the hateful shitheads there were spamming celebratory posts because they confused him with a televangelist like Jimmy Swaggart.
Afro Republican Afro Republican this has to be your account, right?

The Hero said:
I am not from the US, and I think the best candidate should be Trump. He'll keep improving economy and avoid the socialist programs from Obama's Era. Besides, the country still needs some conservatism to fight all the nasty agendas of globalists, eurasians and big giants of entertainment like Hollywood and Netflix, who have been fighting to promote horrible things like abortion by pressing against some states.

[User banned (permanent): troll account]
The mods won't even put a one sentence communication in the OP, they must be smiling and laughing mat the thread.

Tells you the type of people there. I was going to post something but if the mods are greenlighting it, I'm sure any neutral view, not even just opposing, will receive a perm.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Empathetic, thoughtful, and always welcoming woke posters that are on the right side of history and inclusive to everyone are wishing cancer on a person for the crime of... wait for it.... having a different political opinion.

Remember, everyone who disagrees with them are the hateful ones and want death of people they disagree with.

That's the bullshit they push.

They are literally everything they claim to hate and that's why people (who are very liberal themselves) are fleeing them for the dangerous and totalitarian cult they are. I can't wait for these fraudulent, hateful fucks to be a cautionary footnote.
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impressive number of pages that thread is getting. first i checked, there were 4, now there are 7 lol.

it doesn't surprise me though, they are a violent hate mob, racist and misogynist themselves, just as much as anyone they would criticize. remember "punch a Nazi" is the creed they live by, they fetishize glorious battle against an evil foe. Human Extinction is the grand apocalypse they fantasize they will save us from, they hate trad families and children, they are in many ways anti social. they believe in nothing and thus have nothing to offer for the future. deconstructionism, Hyper Consumerism, via ritual violence, is their one and only God. the progressive activism is mostly a self-interested justification for these tendencies.

threads like these are mere bait for newbies and people that don't know the rules well enough. these rules are then abused by the prominent board narcs in order to shut down dissent and deplatform users they disagree with. mods that know better and should probably close these things agree with the OP or like them and allow widespread selective abuse. instead this will just be a 4Chan level dumpster fire, next to the thread making fun of Gwyneth Paltrow.
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If someone gets "Verified" they should be made to use their real name on the forum.
I think verified was for leaks, so they shouldn’t use their real name.
but when you put EA under your name and so become an official PR representative from EA, yes, they should be more transparent.


No, Amber Heard is the accuser and Johnny Depp is the accused. In the current era of MeToo, that makes Heard the victim/truth-teller and Depp the villain/liar. Believe victims is just a gentle way of saying trust accusers blindly and destroy the lives of the accused permanently. Depp is only now being spared after four years of public shaming because his legal team came into possession of smoking gun audio against Heard.

You people really are modern-day witch-burners and ResetEra's staff vigorously propagates it.

Edit: Just as an example, this was one of your moderators on the first page of the Neymar thread:

Yet the below user received a one month ban in the same topic for daring to speak out against the forum's dangerous mob mentality:

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I see they are celebrating Rush Limbaugh having sever cancer. What a bunch of soy boy cucks. I mean I get that everyone doesn't like everyone. But actually celebrating that someone is going to go through hell and is most likely going to die soon is just all kinds of fucked up.

Given how many posters on Era have wished death upon Trump, I’m surprised the FBI hasn’t raided the place yet.


That Rush thread is what happens when exceptionally evil people convince themselves of their virtue.
As soon as Bernie or Ginsburg drops they will pretend to give a shit about people again and demand that everyone else plays along or get banned, but the truth is that the only thing resetera cares about is cultivating a democrat voting block via censorship.
Same reason they pretended to give a shit about whistle blower protections to cover for the democrat impeachment coup.. but now laugh about assange.
Resetera as a whole is a worthless community compromised of liars, cowards, paid manipulators and vapid sheep.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads


Darkness no more

imagine this person having to live through the days where as a population we were hunter gatherers to survive

"should I hunt today? I dont know it's far and well Greg today madea really nasty remark about something that I didnt like....hmmm you know what Ill starve and die

God todays society is so bitch made its scary.

I like the ending where he refuses to move to Florida because Matt Gaetz is the representative of the area he’d have to move to. He’s letting politics dictate his employment and everything else in his life. Another person that need to stay off Era and the internet and get a dose of real life.


This guy has to be a troll...has to be

Stay classy EA.


I know someone who works with EA through another company, I'm tempted to show him this to kick start an investigation but nothing would like'y come of it.

Not to mention I just remembered EA made Battlefield V so yeah that's not likely going to result in anything, nvm.

imagine this person having to live through the days where as a population we were hunter gatherers to survive

"should I hunt today? I dont know it's far and well Greg today madea really nasty remark about something that I didnt like....hmmm you know what Ill starve and die

God todays society is so bitch made its scary.

Wow.. King Alamet is going for the REEEEE crown lately.. love the Ketkat avi too.
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