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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I, for one, am happy to see transwackadoodle Ketkat back to posting in force, it'd been a long time without him/her/it and we were all the lesser for it.


apparently the absolute worst case scenario when you confront someone's wife about her husband cheating on her is that they get divorced later on. no violent outbursts! no threats! no consequences at all! Ketkat has discounted any consequences because they don't exist!

so yeah, just go hog wild, sticking your nose into other peoples' affairs. like literally!

just remember to use the right pronoun as you destroy a family!
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Hold your shitty memes, we should find out soon if I'm telling the truth or not. 🤷‍♀️

Alright I'll play, define "soon". What your timeline? Being in the know and all.

FYI I wouldnt mind at all more people playing Bayo 2, I'd love to check it out on my Pro actually looooooooooool, just think you're full of it
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this thread is hilarious. this guy got a job but hasn't worked since November. rather than take a hint, he wants to destroy his boss's marriage out of some idiotic sense of revenge.

I feel like this has to be completely made up. It's also exposing ketkat for the piece of shit that she is


I feel like this has to be completely made up. It's also exposing ketkat for the piece of shit that she is

It's all plausible right up until he catches the guy getting his dick sucked. He jumps the shark right there.

If the boss isn't a complete dumbass and isn't keeping those texts and pics from that girl on his phone any accusation can be dismissed as a disgruntled ex employee making up shit. Case closed.
Goodnight sweet Harrier


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nah he sounds like a bigot

the teenage girl is an idiot. you don't blanket call millions of people hatemongers. its like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater because someone pinched you.
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nah he sounds like a bigot

the teenage girl is an idiot. you don't blanket call millions of people hatemongers. its like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater because someone pinched you.
Its routinely done with every other religion Christianity the most (piss christ for example) but it seems to only produce problems in the west when its done against islam and if you think this double standard is worth defending.. well you are on your own.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
nah he sounds like a bigot

the teenage girl is an idiot. you don't blanket call millions of people hatemongers. its like yelling "fire" in a crowded theater because someone pinched you.

Damnit Phonepunk. We are supposed to be a circle jerk, echo chamber group. Stop with this dissenting opinion shit. It's off script. Era lukers might start believing we actually have discussion with people of different opinions. That might not compute for them.

Sarcasm naturally ;)
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No surprise that someone who brown nosed their way into the REE mod discord also supports doing so for relationship they know nothing about and could easily be doing more harm than good for, especially for the children involved.

My parents were neglectful crack addicts, though not physically abusive or directly mentally abusive, and it was sometimes possible that my sister and I could have been taken away. We fought against that every time, and while I wonder if my life would have turned out better if I had been taken away, maybe gotten a foster home, I do not regret fighting tooth and nail to stay with my parents. That KetKat just makes a judgement call that these children would be better off with separated parents, with zero knowledge of the big picture, is the height of ignorance and pettiness. They're a shitty person, and that they apparently work for some kind of social services is very alarming.


Goodnight sweet Harrier


Wow, all french forums/fb groups I've seen speaking about this story would have about 95% members banned if they converted to resetera moderation (including support groups of LFI, our radical left party, full of people who usually defend minorities).
But, as Era concluded around page 2 of the thread that we are a racist country (because someone knowing someone in Quebec told them so :messenger_sunglasses:) it's probably logical.

Out of that seems they haven't computed it's just a classical harassment story out of the religious spin, man try to hit on girl, girl isn't interested as she's lesbian, he insults her and call friends to join the harassment, at some point some harassers add "Allah will make her burn in hell" to their rape threats, she reacts with a video attacking religion, they repost the video (which was on instagram, for her small number of subscribers and her harassers, not a political statement for a worldwide audience*) on twitter and get hundreds more people attacking her not knowing the context.
That's a pattern normal people (and even more feminists) usually recognize, making them side with the victim.

* Taysan should explain them some people confuse internet and intranet, :)
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YES, in the context of LGBT rights, ISLAM IS A MONOLITH.

Mainstream Sunni/Shia Islam at least. If you see Muslims in progressive places like the the US or whatever that aren't AT BEST a big bucket of microagressions towards gay people (and they aren't following a niche branch of Islam that accepts gay people, which DO exist), then they're directly defying the doctrine which once again is the literal word of god and they'd be considered no better than apostates in 99.9% of the Muslim world.

Do I think it's impossible to modernize? Nah, in fact I see it as an inevitability. It's not like Islam wasn't the least shitty Abrahamic religion while the Arab world was making great gains in science and whatnot. But that was a long time ago and Christianity has long-since unfucked itself (not everywhere of course, but in general). All that said, all these idiot progressives that think mainstream Islam as it currently exists is in any way compatible with progressive values are just enabling it to be shitty for so much longer.

Just call it what it is; a religion with hateful values that have no place in modern society. You want to point out the positives and the rich culture that's associated with it? Sure, but until it stops taking the story of Lot as a reason to bash gay people and sees apostasy as some crazy crime worthy of death, it's going to keep being rightfully attacked.
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Arf a french new poster explained Erans our tradition of being irreverant about religions, and that people criticizing islam tend to be a bit more threatened than muslims here (like 15 famous deaths of cartoonists in 2015 show)... and got perma banned after 2 posts in the thread.

They already have their France expert, the one who mention Quebec in every post.
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Dog-whistle is rapidly gaining ground in the buzzword Olympics I’ve noticed. Wonder if it will ever eclipse historical gold medalists like bigot, nazi or alt-right?

"Dog-whistle" AKA let me show you how fucking paranoid I am.

Era, you have a life span now of about 10 months. "Alt-Right" don't need to do a single thing. Your paranoia will ban everyone except the most unhinged.


Plague Doctor

Gold Member
"Republicans are a death cult."


Didn't they literally have back to back threads where they celebrated a man getting terminal cancer and then another thread where they talked about all the times they wished violence and worse on swaths of people? Didn't the moderation let these unbashed violent threads continue as they ban people for weeks for using the wrong pronouns? Republicans can be and are many times, shits (especially the Evangelical Right), but the death cult is Era and the mods allow it. At what point do they acknowledge they are the ones loudly talking about violence and horrible circumstances on people of opposing political beliefs?
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Didn't they literally have back to back threads where they celebrated a man getting terminal cancer and then another thread where they talked about all the times they wished violence and worse on swaths of people? Didn't the moderation let these unbashed violent threads continue as they ban people for weeks for using the wrong pronouns? Republicans can be and are many times, shits (especially the Evangelical Right), but the death cult is Era and the mods allow it. At what point do they acknowledge they are the ones loudly talking about violence and horrible circumstances on people of opposing political beliefs?

The replies in this thread are on one hand funny and another just sad. They are exactly what they are accusing the other side to be in so many of the replies and are completely incapable of seeing it apparently.


I mean holy shit, you just described your forum Aaronrules


And this guy has been watching CNN/MSNBC the whole time while hanging out on ERA so unlike the people who only watch FOX I'm sure he has an unbiased opinion and has not been radicalized.

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Atomic Odin

lol they have some of the most vocal pro-corporate media cocksuckers ive ever seen.

$250 is cheap! that school PTA should bow down in gratefulness!

These people suck disney's cock so much just because they have got their precious MCU and Stat wars, its nauseating. On one hand they hate billionaires, mega corporations, capitalism yet fall over one another to celebrate billion dollar comapnies make more and more money in box office threads. Anyone who does not toe the line with disney worship and dares to question their growing monopoly gets dogpiled immediately. Bunch of hypocrites.


No fuckin way that post is real. I refuse to believe someone unironically said all that. My brain can't compute it.

It's normal language for them though I guess no one even blinked an eye at it, they all must have understood it instantly like second nature.

I guess that member has like 175 posts but I can't make an account there, wanted to see what other stuff they have said should be funny if nothing else.
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A thread about free games takes an unexpected turn and becomes one about "white supremacy":


How is it possible to "whitewash" medieval central European history? Meanwhile a user called grosbard takes one for the team:


Don't worry, I'm sure a sensible moderator will enter the thread soon to put a stop to the libelous accusations about a games dev being alt-right. Oh...




Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
A thread about free games takes an unexpected turn and becomes one about "white supremacy":


How is it possible to "whitewash" medieval central European history? Meanwhile a user called grosbard takes one for the team:


Don't worry, I'm sure a sensible moderator will enter the thread soon to put a stop to the libelous accusations about a games dev being alt-right. Oh...


How much of a hateful loser do you need to be that it's a conditioned response to go check someone's Twitter follows for Problematic Figures and use that to ascribe guilt by association? These people are in positions of power. Never ceases to amaze.


Islamophobia is maybe the dumbest thing that the left shouts about. Fear and hatred of religion is extremely justified by the oceans of evidence of their violence and oppression, and the very real threat that they pose still today. Christianity at the least has made progress in modernizing itself, which is why Islam gets more heat for not doing so, for harboring extremists.

Even today, in the strongest nation in the world, being openly atheist would doom any presidential bid. It is terrifying the grip that such harmful ideology still has in the modern age.


Gold Member
Islamophobia is maybe the dumbest thing that the left shouts about. Fear and hatred of religion is extremely justified by the oceans of evidence of their violence and oppression, and the very real threat that they pose still today. Christianity at the least has made progress in modernizing itself, which is why Islam gets more heat for not doing so, for harboring extremists.

Even today, in the strongest nation in the world, being openly atheist would doom any presidential bid. It is terrifying the grip that such harmful ideology still has in the modern age.

If Islam were the past and Nazi’s were rising up today they would no doubt be shouting out Naziphobia


The Tribe Has Spoken
A thread about free games takes an unexpected turn and becomes one about "white supremacy":


How is it possible to "whitewash" medieval central European history? Meanwhile a user called grosbard takes one for the team:


Don't worry, I'm sure a sensible moderator will enter the thread soon to put a stop to the libelous accusations about a games dev being alt-right. Oh...


Someone explain to me how Jordan Peterson, a father, is an incel. Wouldn’t having had sex with a woman at some point disqualify you from being an incel? I can’t keep up with these crazy fuckwits.


All this hand-wringing over on Era about the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard story, and the realization that perhaps the accused aren't always guilty, and that we should always wait for the full facts to emerge before making judgement....

...and yet not one person over there has been able to draw the parrallels between what happened to Depp, and what happened here with Evilore in 2017 🤷‍♂️


Can someone explain what the fuck a Dog Whistle even is anymore?

From my understanding its saying something that may upset people and make them come running in, like a dog? So are the mods dogs now?
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If Islam were the past and Nazi’s were rising up today they would no doubt be shouting out Naziphobia
I love how those people here in Germany are completely clueless how to react when their fugitives from islamic countries started to attack jewish people again and again.

It's kind of like that "islam is right about women" meme.


Someone explain to me how Jordan Peterson, a father, is an incel. Wouldn’t having had sex with a woman at some point disqualify you from being an incel? I can’t keep up with these crazy fuckwits.

Incel, nazi, fascist, alt-right...these words no longer contain their original meanings, they are simply general insults for people the left don't like. It's like the word "bastard". That word no longer literally means an illegitimate child, it's just a general insult (unless used in GoT). Still, the journey of the word "incel" from actually meaning something quite specific to just being thrown around as a general insult has been remarkably quick. That word only came into being a year or two ago!
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Can someone explain what the fuck a Dog Whistle even is anymore?

From my understanding its saying something that may upset people and make them come running in, like a dog? So are the mods dogs now?

A dog whistle in politics is winking to a group of people in your base with coded language that they can understand without endorsing them or their ideas explicitly.

A dog whistle, per how they use it, is essentially mentally ill mind-reading of someone’s disingenuous intentions hidden within otherwise innocuous message board posts. It’s used as justification for ostracizing and banning people who hold positions that stray in any way from their accepted groupthink, or people they dislike.
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