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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I love how those people here in Germany are completely clueless how to react when their fugitives from islamic countries started to attack jewish people again and again.

It's kind of like that "islam is right about women" meme.

They should have asked the question "Do you believe the Holocaust really happened, or is it just a Jewish conspiracy?" to every "refugee" arriving from North Africa and the Middle East. I suspect they wouldn't have liked most of the answers. It's crazy that they never gave this so much as a second thought back in 2015.

That MENA figure. I believe a "yikes" is in order...


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So, what do you all think? Would a 20/80 split between normal people/far-left identitarians be an accurate representation of ResetEra users (as indicated by the answer to the above survey)? I believe there have been other, similar surveys in the past which showed that even most people on Era don't care about these issues, but I can't recall the exact figures right now.

Bullet Club

So, what do you all think? Would a 20/80 split between normal people/far-left identitarians be an accurate representation of ResetEra users (as indicated by the answer to the above survey)? I believe there have been other, similar surveys in the past which showed that even most people on Era don't care about these issues, but I can't recall the exact figures right now.
When having a publicly seen opinion/vote: "I deeply care about this issue!"

When having a hidden opinion/vote: "Meh, I don't really care about this issue because it doesn't directly affect me."


Can someone explain what the fuck a Dog Whistle even is anymore?

From my understanding its saying something that may upset people and make them come running in, like a dog? So are the mods dogs now?

The term "dog whistle" is used when there is a person you don't like whom you really, really want to call a racist, the only problem being that they haven't actually said or done anything that is racist, so you take something non-racist that they have said and say it's a "dog whistle" with some secret, racist meaning and...viola!...you can now freely call them a racist with a clear conscience.

It's great fun, you should give it a try sometime!

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Here's one that always fucked with me. I hear it often on Era.

"They are literally killing us in the street!"

Who? When did this happen? Did I miss mass homicides driven by hate crimes in the news cycle? I am pretty sure that is ratings gold for the vultures in news networks and social media, as fucked up as it is.

Here's the thing: if this happened where there was a constant and system neofasc hate murders, I am first on fucking line to condemn it and join the crusade. That's fucked up. Any murder driven by hate and prejudice is scum. BUT WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN IN VOLUME? What are they citing?

It's reading like morbid delusion they heard someone say on social media, accepted it as gospel, attributed to people they don't like, and ran with it.

If anyone has a link to serial homicides in public proven to be coordinate racist and/or political attacks, post the links. I am totally willing to take them serious and join that fight.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Any time a trans person is killed IT MUST ONLY be because they are trans. Correlation equels causation to them, forget about context.

Right so they are taking unfortunate and isolated incidents that end in homicide, removing the facts of the case, and spinning it into their narrative? There is no coordination, no trend, and nothing to suggest there is a concerted effort anyone is "killing them in the streets"? That's what I thought. One person losing their life because of the bigotry of human trash is one too many, but capitalizing on their passing to push a incindary narrative that has no evidence is just... fucked up.
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Right so they are taking unfortunate and isolated incidents that end in homicide, removing the facts of the case, and spinning it into their narrative? There is no coordination, no trend, and nothing to suggest there is a concerted effort anyone is "killing them in the streets"? That's what I thought. One person losing their life because of the bigotry of human trash is one too many, but capitalizing on their passing to push a incindary narrative that has no evidence is just... fucked up.

There's a lot of trans people that dies in Mexico, let's ignore that lots of people are killed in Mexico but add them to out trans death stats anyway.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
There's a lot of trans people that dies in Mexico, let's ignore that lots of people are killed in Mexico but add them to out trans death stats anyway.

Damn. Mexico has a lot of problems between that, trafficking, kidnappings, and cartel murders. It's really sad what the citizen go through. Anyways I am derailing this.


Here's one that always fucked with me. I hear it often on Era.

"They are literally killing us in the street!"

Who? When did this happen? Did I miss mass homicides driven by hate crimes in the news cycle? I am pretty sure that is ratings gold for the vultures in news networks and social media, as fucked up as it is.

Here's the thing: if this happened where there was a constant and system neofasc hate murders, I am first on fucking line to condemn it and join the crusade. That's fucked up. Any murder driven by hate and prejudice is scum. BUT WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN IN VOLUME? What are they citing?

It's reading like morbid delusion they heard someone say on social media, accepted it as gospel, attributed to people they don't like, and ran with it.

If anyone has a link to serial homicides in public proven to be coordinate racist and/or political attacks, post the links. I am totally willing to take them serious and join that fight.

That's one of the key features of "intersectionality".
It allows you to appropriate the suffering of others (who are actually suffering) because they belong to the same broad group as you.
Essentially they are trying to create the impression that they are suffering without experiencing the actual real hardships.

So let's say there is a series of killings of black, trans, sex workers. This is objectively a terrible thing. The motivations behind the killings are not even relevant to whether or not we condemn them. It's bad. Shit, it's WAY worse than bad.

On Planet SJW though a pudgy, white, trans-woman living at mommy and daddy's house and supported by money gained from e-begging can leverage that into "WE are being killed". A very real crime happening to real people in some dangerous, but distant, part of the world becomes part of their "intersectional" identity.

Now that can be put to work in all kinds of ways. A few extra bucks from e-begging maybe. The ability to bully other people online and then hide behind "people are killing us so you better just shut up". Etc etc.

It's disgusting but how do you criticize it?
You can't deny that trans people are being killed. That's a fact.
You can't deny in some cases that the killing may indeed have a bigoted motivation. That's a fact too.

In the end they are just taking the existence of real victims and using it for some kind of social leverage or kudos in the own various communities that they are part of. It's shameless.


Here's one that always fucked with me. I hear it often on Era.

"They are literally killing us in the street!"

Who? When did this happen? Did I miss mass homicides driven by hate crimes in the news cycle? I am pretty sure that is ratings gold for the vultures in news networks and social media, as fucked up as it is.

Here's the thing: if this happened where there was a constant and system neofasc hate murders, I am first on fucking line to condemn it and join the crusade. That's fucked up. Any murder driven by hate and prejudice is scum. BUT WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN IN VOLUME? What are they citing?

It's reading like morbid delusion they heard someone say on social media, accepted it as gospel, attributed to people they don't like, and ran with it.

If anyone has a link to serial homicides in public proven to be coordinate racist and/or political attacks, post the links. I am totally willing to take them serious and join that fight.
Oh yeah “they LITERALLY want us dead” like I have not seen a single thing indicating this. Not from Trump not from his administration. Hell I have never even seen a right winger actually argue for that. Not a single youtuber. So far the only people saying this seems to be the activists themselves projecting. It’s like the entire thing exists in their mind.

they seem to equate not calling them a pronoun with “LITERALLY wanting us dead”. when in reality it is just misusing a word. As if when you say “he” instead of “her” it kills somebody
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Darkness no more
A thread about free games takes an unexpected turn and becomes one about "white supremacy":


How is it possible to "whitewash" medieval central European history? Meanwhile a user called grosbard takes one for the team:


Don't worry, I'm sure a sensible moderator will enter the thread soon to put a stop to the libelous accusations about a games dev being alt-right. Oh...


I follow Jack on Twitter. I'm don't even really know who he is. Sometimes he posts funny stuff about current news. I guess I've been alt-right this whole time and just haven't realized it. :messenger_dizzy:
I enjoyed much-beloved and recently self-outed UK television personality Philip Schofield being denounced as a 'massive fucking cunt' because he once allowed Boris Johnson to take a selfie with him.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Here's one that always fucked with me. I hear it often on Era.

"They are literally killing us in the street!"

Who? When did this happen? Did I miss mass homicides driven by hate crimes in the news cycle? I am pretty sure that is ratings gold for the vultures in news networks and social media, as fucked up as it is.

Here's the thing: if this happened where there was a constant and system neofasc hate murders, I am first on fucking line to condemn it and join the crusade. That's fucked up. Any murder driven by hate and prejudice is scum. BUT WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN IN VOLUME? What are they citing?

It's reading like morbid delusion they heard someone say on social media, accepted it as gospel, attributed to people they don't like, and ran with it.

If anyone has a link to serial homicides in public proven to be coordinate racist and/or political attacks, post the links. I am totally willing to take them serious and join that fight.
Imagine having to explain to a black person during the 30-40's that you stated something along the lines of "they are killing us in the streets"......like.....what.....
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Incels are bad.
the constant shaming of incels is merely unexamined male toxicity. since males have taken over feminism (via trans) the operating mode is Male Feminism, and they ironically thus use many toxic male stereotypes in order to make their point. Male Feminism typically also contains Male Toxicity. note how much of Male Feminism is just about men calling other men pussies who "live in their mother's basements". if there was a desire for men to see women as real people, rather than props to be used to judge a man's worth, it's thrown out the window with these cheap shots.

the women join in, of course, but all the "incels" and "virgins" name calling is really no different than the kind of shit an alpha jock would say. it's actually anti-feminist (but only to outdated "radical feminism" which defined women biologically). it's a way to shame men by insinuating they are not virile and don't conform to some standard of machismo. these "feminists" are reinforcing outdated toxic male stereotypes and they don't even know it. a wolf in sheep's clothing or whatever.
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the constant shaming of incels is merely unexamined male toxicity. since males have taken over feminism (via trans) the operating mode is Male Feminism, and they ironically thus use many toxic male stereotypes in order to make their point. Male Feminism typically also contains Male Toxicity. note how much of Male Feminism is just about men calling other men pussies who "live in their mother's basements". if there was a desire for men to see women as real people, rather than props to be used to judge a man's worth, it's thrown out the window with these cheap shots.

the women join in, of course, but all the "incels" and "virgins" name calling is really no different than the kind of shit an alpha jock would say. it's actually anti-feminist (but only to outdated "radical feminism" which defined women biologically). it's a way to shame men by insinuating they are not virile and don't conform to some standard of machismo. these "feminists" are reinforcing outdated toxic male stereotypes and they don't even know it. a wolf in sheep's clothing or whatever.
It would blow thier narrative if they recognised that a guy can be mysoginistic AND still get laid.
Here's one that always fucked with me. I hear it often on Era.

"They are literally killing us in the street!"

Who? When did this happen? Did I miss mass homicides driven by hate crimes in the news cycle? I am pretty sure that is ratings gold for the vultures in news networks and social media, as fucked up as it is.

Here's the thing: if this happened where there was a constant and system neofasc hate murders, I am first on fucking line to condemn it and join the crusade. That's fucked up. Any murder driven by hate and prejudice is scum. BUT WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN IN VOLUME? What are they citing?

It's reading like morbid delusion they heard someone say on social media, accepted it as gospel, attributed to people they don't like, and ran with it.

If anyone has a link to serial homicides in public proven to be coordinate racist and/or political attacks, post the links. I am totally willing to take them serious and join that fight.

Don't forget that misgendering them is also literally the same as murder.


A thread about free games takes an unexpected turn and becomes one about "white supremacy":


How is it possible to "whitewash" medieval central European history? Meanwhile a user called grosbard takes one for the team:


Don't worry, I'm sure a sensible moderator will enter the thread soon to put a stop to the libelous accusations about a games dev being alt-right. Oh...


Don't all these morons follow Trump on twitter? Making them all 2nd hand fascist Nazis? See I can play dumb fucking games too, you complete fucking idiots.
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Gold Member
Goddamn the stellar jobs report for Jan is messing with them. They just can't be happy about anything! At least a few can sort out their TDS instead of just assuming it is all minimum wage hell jobs (despite the report specifically saying wages rose). Though I did love this gem about not being 'blind sheep'. Is that what you think????


Neighbours from Hell
Lol at Jordan Peterson being a “racist incel” I guarantee none of them have ever heard him speak about anything. But if you paint an agenda confidently and matter of fact-ly, people may believe it’s true.


So.... here’s to my first post at GAF. Figured I might as well quit lurking/reading and actually join the community in a constructive way.

Quick & dirty backstory: Found out there is such thing as a gaming enthusiast forum (other than IGN, or some crap like NintendoLife, etc.) circa 2017 (NeoGAF). Spent a half year in “approval limbo”. Once the great migration to ERA happened, I too migrated, unaware of what the actual culture was like. Spent my first 4 months there solely in the gaming section for the high-speed flow of gaming news. Eventually started poking around in off topic, but dared not post. I always felt compelled to give a counter argument to the masses there, even if in the slightest way so as to avoid ban. Eventually I posted. Long-story short: was perma-banned maybe 6 months ago for a few extremely innocuous posts, where I made the dumb decision to admit I was a registered republican. Some douches like “RedMercury” , etc. pounced on me from all sides and I was perma‘d before I knew it.

Went to check back in on NeoGAF, and lo’ and behold.... I was finally approved!!! I’m not a big poster, more of a reader, so have spent the past year here just reading & giving likes to posts I like (mainly in the politics section). Shout out to “Cunth” ”DeepEnigma” & others LOL.

Either way, HEY EVERYONE! Figured the ERA thread would be where I would make my first post, b/c quite frankly, the reason I really like this place is for all the reasons I DON’T like the other.

It’s refreshing to see that there’s ‘normal’ conversations here where two sides can have an actual debate. If you don’t like, Fine! Move on. No need to ‘cancel’ someone or immedate drop a ‘fuck ‘em’ (the use of the F-word over there for that exact reason is ridiculous).

Either way, want to build up to 100 so I can start posting in Politics. Will visit gaming for some fun too, but noticed there’s not a big Nintendo base here. It’s always fun to partake in Ninty hype when there is some to be had. One thing I admire is that GAF has a dedicated politics section. That would be damn near impossible @ ERA, since they have infused politics into EVERYTHING lol.

Cheers to constructive dialogue, critical thinking, common sense, personal liberty, et. al. It’s nice to know that can still exist on the internet, when the *perception* (not reality) is that each internet community ‘bubble’ is actually much smaller than it appears to be.


Either way, want to build up to 100 so I can start posting in Politics. Will visit gaming for some fun too, but noticed there’s not a big Nintendo base here. It’s always fun to partake in Ninty hype when there is some to be had.
Help it by posting there!


That's one of the key features of "intersectionality".
It allows you to appropriate the suffering of others (who are actually suffering) because they belong to the same broad group as you.
Essentially they are trying to create the impression that they are suffering without experiencing the actual real hardships.

So let's say there is a series of killings of black, trans, sex workers. This is objectively a terrible thing. The motivations behind the killings are not even relevant to whether or not we condemn them. It's bad. Shit, it's WAY worse than bad.

On Planet SJW though a pudgy, white, trans-woman living at mommy and daddy's house and supported by money gained from e-begging can leverage that into "WE are being killed". A very real crime happening to real people in some dangerous, but distant, part of the world becomes part of their "intersectional" identity.

Now that can be put to work in all kinds of ways. A few extra bucks from e-begging maybe. The ability to bully other people online and then hide behind "people are killing us so you better just shut up". Etc etc.

It's disgusting but how do you criticize it?
You can't deny that trans people are being killed. That's a fact.
You can't deny in some cases that the killing may indeed have a bigoted motivation. That's a fact too.

In the end they are just taking the existence of real victims and using it for some kind of social leverage or kudos in the own various communities that they are part of. It's shameless.
It's actually worse than that and worse than mere appropriation tends to be. Their actions actively discourage efforts to focus assistance on those who are suffering to encourage the needless benefit of those who are in actuality, quite privileged. Being, in general, white Anglo-Americans in their 30s.

If you are trans and not Brazilian (which has an actual problem with trans-focused murders and has for some time, only recently getting over their own gay-focused murder issues) you have a lower chance of being murdered than the population in general in nearly ever other state on the planet.

If you are in America or a Commonwealth nation, are trans and WHITE your chances of being murdered are lower than that of every demographic subgroup one can form. Including that of straight white males. Straight white males are murdered like a hundred times more than trans people of any gender or race or sexual orientation. It's bigger than that for trans people who are white. Trans people who are white and do not work in the actual real world sex industry are statistically practically invincible.

I don't want this to be seen as a "straight white males" are suffering post because cacs should be murdered at all times for any reason a marginalized person feels obviously, but I'm referencing it to point out that the most privileged group to ever exist, the straight white male, is more at risk of being totally randomly or targeted for murder than white translesbians ever are. According to the statistics of pro-trans-privileges groups in the West that is, I also want to note, because I am deliberately cherry picking statistics from groups that have incentive to not downplay these but report them on the higher end of estimates.

Of course, individual situations will vary. I'm sure that Ketkat is definitely a serious target because snitches get stitches.


Gold Member
So.... here’s to my first post at GAF. Figured I might as well quit lurking/reading and actually join the community in a constructive way.

Quick & dirty backstory: Found out there is such thing as a gaming enthusiast forum (other than IGN, or some crap like NintendoLife, etc.) circa 2017 (NeoGAF). Spent a half year in “approval limbo”. Once the great migration to ERA happened, I too migrated, unaware of what the actual culture was like. Spent my first 4 months there solely in the gaming section for the high-speed flow of gaming news. Eventually started poking around in off topic, but dared not post. I always felt compelled to give a counter argument to the masses there, even if in the slightest way so as to avoid ban. Eventually I posted. Long-story short: was perma-banned maybe 6 months ago for a few extremely innocuous posts, where I made the dumb decision to admit I was a registered republican. Some douches like “RedMercury” , etc. pounced on me from all sides and I was perma‘d before I knew it.

Went to check back in on NeoGAF, and lo’ and behold.... I was finally approved!!! I’m not a big poster, more of a reader, so have spent the past year here just reading & giving likes to posts I like (mainly in the politics section). Shout out to “Cunth” ”DeepEnigma” & others LOL.

Either way, HEY EVERYONE! Figured the ERA thread would be where I would make my first post, b/c quite frankly, the reason I really like this place is for all the reasons I DON’T like the other.

It’s refreshing to see that there’s ‘normal’ conversations here where two sides can have an actual debate. If you don’t like, Fine! Move on. No need to ‘cancel’ someone or immedate drop a ‘fuck ‘em’ (the use of the F-word over there for that exact reason is ridiculous).

Either way, want to build up to 100 so I can start posting in Politics. Will visit gaming for some fun too, but noticed there’s not a big Nintendo base here. It’s always fun to partake in Ninty hype when there is some to be had. One thing I admire is that GAF has a dedicated politics section. That would be damn near impossible @ ERA, since they have infused politics into EVERYTHING lol.

Cheers to constructive dialogue, critical thinking, common sense, personal liberty, et. al. It’s nice to know that can still exist on the internet, when the *perception* (not reality) is that each internet community ‘bubble’ is actually much smaller than it appears to be.

So.... here’s to my first post at GAF. Figured I might as well quit lurking/reading and actually join the community in a constructive way.

Quick & dirty backstory: Found out there is such thing as a gaming enthusiast forum (other than IGN, or some crap like NintendoLife, etc.) circa 2017 (NeoGAF). Spent a half year in “approval limbo”. Once the great migration to ERA happened, I too migrated, unaware of what the actual culture was like. Spent my first 4 months there solely in the gaming section for the high-speed flow of gaming news. Eventually started poking around in off topic, but dared not post. I always felt compelled to give a counter argument to the masses there, even if in the slightest way so as to avoid ban. Eventually I posted. Long-story short: was perma-banned maybe 6 months ago for a few extremely innocuous posts, where I made the dumb decision to admit I was a registered republican. Some douches like “RedMercury” , etc. pounced on me from all sides and I was perma‘d before I knew it.

Went to check back in on NeoGAF, and lo’ and behold.... I was finally approved!!! I’m not a big poster, more of a reader, so have spent the past year here just reading & giving likes to posts I like (mainly in the politics section). Shout out to “Cunth” ”DeepEnigma” & others LOL.

Either way, HEY EVERYONE! Figured the ERA thread would be where I would make my first post, b/c quite frankly, the reason I really like this place is for all the reasons I DON’T like the other.

It’s refreshing to see that there’s ‘normal’ conversations here where two sides can have an actual debate. If you don’t like, Fine! Move on. No need to ‘cancel’ someone or immedate drop a ‘fuck ‘em’ (the use of the F-word over there for that exact reason is ridiculous).

Either way, want to build up to 100 so I can start posting in Politics. Will visit gaming for some fun too, but noticed there’s not a big Nintendo base here. It’s always fun to partake in Ninty hype when there is some to be had. One thing I admire is that GAF has a dedicated politics section. That would be damn near impossible @ ERA, since they have infused politics into EVERYTHING lol.

Cheers to constructive dialogue, critical thinking, common sense, personal liberty, et. al. It’s nice to know that can still exist on the internet, when the *perception* (not reality) is that each internet community ‘bubble’ is actually much smaller than it appears to be.
Welcome aboard

there are many type of people here and there are also many types of views and political affiliations....enjoy the freedom of being able to discuss whatever you like


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Oh he was permed a while back, however you can keep up with his savage takes on twitter.

From freelance games journalist to incident manager, this white man has seen it all.

What post got him perma'd?

That tweet is funny. He is inadvertently admitting that he believes the best candidate for any job is always a white man. Which is obviously not true.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

What does that mean in the context of a discussion? Inflammatory support? Is he a pain pill?

Some mod must really not like The Kid. They were probably looking for any reason at all to perma him and finally settled on just making shit up.
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