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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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what is the deal with this?


is this some irony poisoned contrarian or something? why is this your avatar?

fighting the good fight against toxic gamers by ironically being a jerk? is this some reference i don't understand?
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Love it.

Incels are bad.
Then self awareness kicks in and they realize that they are incels by definition.

Call a guy who is married with children an "involuntary celibate" and hope that it sticks.
If that fails just pretend to be asexual. :)

He's not just married with children, the guy is good looking no doubt (shit nasal voice though). I mean in what fucking world does a guy like Peterson struggle to get laid ? In what world do you live in Morrigan ? Peterson is the posterboy of an husbando, which is mostly why he's so easy to sell as a great fatherly figure to all his fans. :ROFLMAO:
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"Dog-whistle" AKA let me show you how fucking paranoid I am.

Era, you have a life span now of about 10 months. "Alt-Right" don't need to do a single thing. Your paranoia will ban everyone except the most unhinged.

It's really funny when you intentionally use coded language just to fuck with them.





What post got him perma'd?

That tweet is funny. He is inadvertently admitting that he believes the best candidate for any job is always a white man. Which is obviously not true.

Seems I was wrong about the perm but the post was this one for the ban.

Was originally duration pending. Difficult to keep up with his hi-jinks as he is verified member (of nothing).

Highly entertaining though.
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Well it only took a few posts before TERF started being thrown around

They love that they have found a loophole to be able to use a transphobic word in a misogynistic way, becuse they really do hate women there. A woman can't JUST be a transphobe/say something transphobic (According to them) she MUST be labeled a TERF.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
They love that they have found a loophole to be able to use a transphobic word in a misogynistic way, becuse they really do hate women there. A woman can't JUST be a transphobe/say something transphobic (According to them) she MUST be labeled a TERF.

For an idealogy that wants to fight loaded, bigoted words and terms, they sure do come up with their own on the daily. Then they go hard on them.


It's especially strange to proclaim all female transphobes (and even devs of an app they don't know the gender) are radical feminists. It's like many erans have some problem with feminism in fact.
Era should ban more people, it's a proof they are infiltrated by incel gamers from the alt-right.
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Well it only took a few posts before TERF started being thrown around

I still don't fully understand all these buzz words. A TERF is a woman who stands for woman's rights but DOES NOT agree with trans women being given access to or included in all women things? Like a woman who doesn't want trans women to be able to beat the shit out of them in a boxing match would be considered a TERF?


It's especially strange to proclaim all female transphobes (and even devs of an app they don't know the gender) are radical feminists. It's like many erans have some problem with feminism in fact.
Era should ban more people, it's a proof they are infiltrated by incel gamers from the alt-right.

tbh it’s gonna be hilarious when the trannies alienate themselves from every group and force an unholy alliance between the feminists and conservatives


That's basically becoming the situation in parts of the UK on this stuff from what I've seen. Hell, Brexit's victory was a whole set of unholy temporary alliances in a lot of ways which has primed things for further ones.

One of the Labour spokesperson for womens issues or something is trans (in the finest ResetERA.com way of attacking women on Twitter/etc. regularly) and it caused an in-party backlash especially since they used supposed transphobic comments as the reason to get the prior woman removed. So the Tories probably could do some anti-trans stuff and see a section of Labour just sit on its hands in response rather than actively oppose it.


Serious question. Who are they rooting for to be nominated to run for the Democratic Party? Is there a consensus over there on who would be ideal?

I was banned over there like three weeks ago right after the Warren/Sanders sexism fight and Hillary going after Bernie and there was a bit of a civil war. It seemed like the majority of users were pro-Bernie but the majority of hardcore PoliEra posters (who generally were the insufferable Clintonites here in 2016) supported Warren.

No idea if they are still supporting Warren now that she’s dropped like a rock in the polls over those last three weeks.

They live in denial about everything else though so I wouldn’t be shocked.


tbh it’s gonna be hilarious when the trannies alienate themselves from every group and force an unholy alliance between the feminists and conservatives

When the Trans trenders alienete themselves from every group including the O.G. "T"s in LGBQT who already hate them.


I still don't fully understand all these buzz words. A TERF is a woman who stands for woman's rights but DOES NOT agree with trans women being given access to or included in all women things? Like a woman who doesn't want trans women to be able to beat the shit out of them in a boxing match would be considered a TERF?

Basically there are feminist that believe transwomen dont experience the same problems or at least dont come from the same lived experiences as biological women.

Many trans activists / allies take issue with that stance because they dont believe in any differentiation between a biological woman and a transwoman. I suppose its a carry on from the idea that feminity and gender are inherently sexless, that just because you weren't born with female genitalia doesnt mean you cant be a woman.

Its basically coddling people to believe reaffirm what they want to feel vs a biological reality.


This makes no fucking sense. Even for Resetera standards.
Do Warren supports feel attacked? Is that it?
they were bernie supporters for most of last year. then a switch flipped and they dont want a old white male in office. but its clear warren isnt getting any steam.
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so if im reading this correctly (as im outside the US) you have one idiot who is the president but not as big as an idiot as the democrats who are tripping over themselves and being bigger idiots

i would love to have optional voting like you do as our elections in aus are quite often who is the lesser of two shits


I still don't fully understand all these buzz words. A TERF is a woman who stands for woman's rights but DOES NOT agree with trans women being given access to or included in all women things? Like a woman who doesn't want trans women to be able to beat the shit out of them in a boxing match would be considered a TERF?
Basically there are feminist that believe transwomen dont experience the same problems or at least dont come from the same lived experiences as biological women.

Many trans activists / allies take issue with that stance because they dont believe in any differentiation between a biological woman and a transwoman. I suppose its a carry on from the idea that feminity and gender are inherently sexless, that just because you weren't born with female genitalia doesnt mean you cant be a woman.

Its basically coddling people to believe reaffirm what they want to feel vs a biological reality.
Those are not TERFs though, those are the people who get labelled as TERFs.
If you want to see what actual TERFs are like (ones who don't mind labelling themselves that), take a look at r/gendercritical. They're quite a hateful bunch. From what I gather they hate transwomen because they're men who are now women, and they hate men.


Those are not TERFs though, those are the people who get labelled as TERFs.
If you want to see what actual TERFs are like (ones who don't mind labelling themselves that), take a look at r/gendercritical. They're quite a hateful bunch. From what I gather they hate transwomen because they're men who are now women, and they hate men.

How hardline you are is irrelevant; they are still considered TERFs.

The whole thing is batshit insane anyway, any discrimination faced by a biological woman is not going to be the same as that faced by someone who is transgender and vice versa.

Its the equivalent of a biological woman saying she faces the same sort of discrimination as someone who is trans. They dont.

Discrimination facing woman and those who are trans are two different issues.
this is too stupid/unhinged to be taken at face value, even by reset standards. what thread was this? surely there's something else to this, surely....

You probably won't answer since it's a little bit shameful but what was the alt-account you used on Resetera ? You were banned for using one.
A handful of reasonable posters in that "here's proof that Amber lied and Johnny Depp was abused" soul-searching thread. This post caught my attention. I feel like their message holds true for a lot of internet conversation.


Wonder how long until they are banned.

EDIT: aaaaand then there's stuff like this :goog_rofl:


In what world is feminism judged by how they treat men who want to be women? Every movement, every ideology, every religion is just as much defined by what it excludes and the reasons for doing so. This nonsensical "if you exclude us, you're a bigot" thinking runs contrary to the safe space concept they champion on the regular.

I guess I shouldn't be searching for a logical explanation when there is none.
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Gold Member

I wonder if some were too worried about forum reputation to vote for any kind of cheese pizzas. 🐻 :messenger_face_screaming:
Start a troll thread about how pepperoni has its origins in the slave trade as a way to preserve meat to feed the captives that doubles as the very chains that bind them! That'll throw 'em for a loop!


Gold Member
I still don't fully understand all these buzz words. A TERF is a woman who stands for woman's rights but DOES NOT agree with trans women being given access to or included in all women things? Like a woman who doesn't want trans women to be able to beat the shit out of them in a boxing match would be considered a TERF?

Yep, the larpers come up with sexist and misogynistic language for women. Ironic.


It’s because men have Trojan Horsed feminism, through the trans movement. Men can be women and if you don’t agree 100% then you are the enemy.

Male Feminism is the modern form, Radical Feminism is what they called it in the 70s, when it was based on women’s historic biological roles. Modern feminism has turned “radical” from a description of gender unity to a slur.

Ironically most of the TERF name calling seems to come from mtf activists attacking biological women. The existence of real women is a threat to the trans fantasy.
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