Each time Bayonetta 2 being ported to other platforms is mentioned, Nintendo most hardened fanatics turns into defensive mode. Imagine how shitty your life must be to cling so hard to a mediocre exclusive game from 2014 (that bombed twice). Imagine thinking Nintendo care about Bayonetta 2 as much as they care about Zelda and Mario...

Imagine taking Kamiya seriously over business matters.
I'm not sure of many things in life, but when it comes to Atlus or Sega as a whole, I'm in the know and as some of you know, I'm not a liar.
Bayonetta 2 will be ported to other systems soon. PC is a sure thing, the rest was supposedly in talk 6 months ago. Sega wants it to happen, Nintendo don't care that much about Bayo 2 exclusivity anymore, they might even use the chance to promote Bayo 3 to a larger pool of players. Only unhinged fanboys think Nintendo cares that much about it.
I never mentioned it before because I didn't realize the weird obsession some had over that game in particular and the situation surrounding it. It's not like we're speaking about some key exclusive for Nintendo or some multi-million seller. Like I said, Bayonetta 2 never sold great and Nintendo willing to invest in Bayo 3 doesn't mean much. People are weird.
So yeah, "Mazi", if you ever read that : Stop acting like an agressive desperate, let it go, because it's bound to happen soon.
Bonus : SMTV might also go multiplatforms. By the look of things, it will be either multiplatforms from the get go or a temporary exclusive for the Switch. The game was in dev hell, but things looks slightly better now. It will still take sometimes before the game release.
You can all quote me on that later.