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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Caroline Flak dies. One member thinks he can score some Reee points by calling her out as an abuser and accusing her (wrongfully) of being a pedo. Backfired as the rest of Reee do the ‘innocent until proven guilty because she’s a woman’ thing (in reference to the assault). It’s a rollercoaster.

RIP to Caroline though.

Between this, and the emergence of the new detals about the Amber Heard/Johnny Depp saga, 'Era should be ashamed that they encourage cancel culture to such a high degree, and even more so for the utter lack of humility when they're proven wrong.

RIP to Caroline Flack. A genuine tragedy.


Gold Member

Hang on, if she DOESN'T like the change put on the counter for her to get, and she DOESN'T like putting it in their hand either, just how exactly are folks supposed to pass change back and forth with her? Get a POC to be the intermediary for you? Jesus, working with this woman must be insufferable. I can imagine it now. She probably has fingernails 5 inches long and can barely pick up anything anyway which is why this is such a triggering experience for her.


Hang on, if she DOESN'T like the change put on the counter for her to get, and she DOESN'T like putting it in their hand either, just how exactly are folks supposed to pass change back and forth with her? Get a POC to be the intermediary for you? Jesus, working with this woman must be insufferable. I can imagine it now. She probably has fingernails 5 inches long and can barely pick up anything anyway which is why this is such a triggering experience for her.
She's only happy when she's angry at white people for even existing.

Son Tofu

I remember being taught in sociology classes that there was a difference between interpersonal racism (which retard era likes to promote) and institutional racism.

Jim Crow laws? Institutional racism
Black guy saying he hates white people because of their 'whytness'? Interpersonal racism.

The fact that people no longer seem to understand the difference between the two is downright terrifying.

There is no such thing as reverse racism. It's just plain ol' racism.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Guess what happened to the member who called out Nepenthe?

Poodlestrike, ResetERA mod

So poodlestrike is, unsurprisingly, one of those people that just say shit they think people want to hear. They conversed in a manner one way here on the more moderate GAF, now they're full-blown blue hair Koolaid drinker on Ree.

I mean, one could already tell they're a pretty dim bulb if you followed what they posted on the Ree to date, so them not having an actual informed opinion of their own seems natural.


And people are still dumb enough to post over there with shit like that

You can have all the good people you want over there but if they are sitting back and simply ignoring this shit then they are just as bad imo

He deliberately ignored context and tried to draw an embarrassing equivalence between someone needlessly mentioning a bit of racial trivia that had zero relevance to the anecdote they were sharing and someone relating her encounter with a white customer who made an assumption based on her race. Was Nepenthe’s read of the encounter valid? Maybe not. Could she have overreacted? Perhaps. The room for misinterpretation, though, was awfully narrow. I’m inclined to agree that the customer’s comments were fueled by a belief in unproven racial stereotypes. This guy’s charge of a double standard was unfounded. He was gaslighting Nepenthe.
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Son Tofu

He deliberately ignored context and tried to draw an embarrassing equivalence between someone needlessly mentioning a bit of racial trivia that had zero relevance to the anecdote they were sharing and someone relating her encounter with a white customer who made an assumption based on her race. Was Nepenthe’s read of the encounter valid? Maybe not. Could she have overreacted? Perhaps. The room for misinterpretation, though, was awfully narrow. I’m inclined to agree that the customer’s comments were fueled by a belief in unproven racial stereotypes. This guy’s charge of a double standard was unfounded. He was gaslighting Nepenthe.
That's if you even trust her retelling of it at all.


Exactly, their post history is full of elaborate self-serving fairy tales.

While that may be the case, it isn’t material to whether or not that guy deserved his ban for questioning why she wasn’t banned for mentioning the customer’s race while another user was. He was deliberately ignoring context and justifying racism.
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Gold Member
While that may be the case, it isn’t material to whether or not that guy deserved his ban for questioning why she wasn’t banned for mentioning the customer’s race while another user was. He was deliberately ignoring context and justifying racism.
What are you on about? Some girl
(who might be a POC herself) says " a black man told me I have a nice bootie" how does that in any way sound racist? It is SEXIST though. And nepenthe drops race AND gender of her "assailant" as if it matters AT ALL in a retail nightmare thread. It just goes to show she sees racism and sexism in EVERYTHING, totally unaware that maybe sometimes people are just dicks.


What are you on about? Some girl
(who might be a POC herself) says " a black man told me I have a nice bootie" how does that in any way sound racist? It is SEXIST though. And nepenthe drops race AND gender of her "assailant" as if it matters AT ALL in a retail nightmare thread. It just goes to show she sees racism and sexism in EVERYTHING, totally unaware that maybe sometimes people are just dicks.

The man’s race had zero relevance to her anecdote, thus its mention was for the clear purpose of lending emphasis to a racist preconception about black men. Anyone who reads above a 3rd grade level should be able to see the clear differences between the two posts. That he sought to quibble over it highlights a problematic view on race, was a clear instance of gaslighting, and is why he was banned. What is so hard to grasp?


While that may be the case, it isn’t material to whether or not that guy deserved his ban for questioning why she wasn’t banned for mentioning the customer’s race while another user was. He was deliberately ignoring context and justifying racism.

Maybe they were familiar with previous posts by the mod regarding their hate towards white people?

There are plenty of them on the site, just have a look.

Even this thread should have had them de-modded but instead numerous people were banned for not being happy with the content.

Have a look through it.


Wheres that post of hers about buying some mexican food and the staff was rude racist or whatever and she was totally going to kick the guys ass but got her food comped.

She's absolutely full of shit.

Thick creamy shit.

I cracked up at the part about them about to "move furniture". Especially as a hobbit in a fursuit.

Edit: For clarity, this is them from their very own profile they share online.

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I really try not to judge people over crap like.....any of that. Words are just words, you're free to type whatever you like so long as you aren't actively hurting other people. But I clicked that link above and came to this line:

"There's a small halal restaurant across the street from my old capoeira gym "

....and couldn't help but think "ugh, one of THOSE guys".
Capoeria people are truly annoying to be around, they just never shut the fuck up about how awesome capoeria is and how they could beat up every buff person on the planet despite never having been in a real fight, and just....ugh.


There is no reverse racism here, just plain racism.

He deliberately ignored context and tried to draw an embarrassing equivalence between someone needlessly mentioning a bit of racial trivia that had zero relevance to the anecdote they were sharing and someone relating her encounter with a white customer who made an assumption based on her race. Was Nepenthe’s read of the encounter valid? Maybe not. Could she have overreacted? Perhaps. The room for misinterpretation, though, was awfully narrow. I’m inclined to agree that the customer’s comments were fueled by a belief in unproven racial stereotypes. This guy’s charge of a double standard was unfounded. He was gaslighting Nepenthe.
There is no context. It is not racist to say the race of your sexual harasser, unless you explicitly make it out as something unique to said race. There was nothing racist about Nepenthe's scenario either, they made it about race because 1) they make everything about race and 2) they themselves are extremely racist against white people. I've worked in customer service, their experience is far from race specific.

What are you on about? Some girl
(who might be a POC herself) says " a black man told me I have a nice bootie" how does that in any way sound racist? It is SEXIST though. And nepenthe drops race AND gender of her "assailant" as if it matters AT ALL in a retail nightmare thread. It just goes to show she sees racism and sexism in EVERYTHING, totally unaware that maybe sometimes people are just dicks.
Doing ding ding!

The man’s race had zero relevance to her anecdote, thus its mention was for the clear purpose of lending emphasis to a racist preconception about black men. Anyone who reads above a 3rd grade level should be able to see the clear differences between the two posts. That he sought to quibble over it highlights a problematic view on race, was a clear instance of gaslighting, and is why he was banned. What is so hard to grasp?
She identified her harasser, black men can be harassers even though many don't want to admit it. Nothing racist about it. I can say with 100% certainty that that same post but with the word "black" changed to "white" gets zero moderation despite it being a white man bearing no relevance other than to the deluded who want to twist any perceived ill done by a white person as some further abuse of their privilege.

Imagine defending Nepenthe of all users. There are several solid black mods on REE, one that got tossed out for no good reason for way less than the large list of offenses by Nepenthe. Her not being perm'd is a giant red flag, her being a mod is a bull's horns piercing your chest. There is no justifying her being a staff member.
He deliberately ignored context and tried to draw an embarrassing equivalence between someone needlessly mentioning a bit of racial trivia that had zero relevance to the anecdote they were sharing and someone relating her encounter with a white customer who made an assumption based on her race. Was Nepenthe’s read of the encounter valid? Maybe not. Could she have overreacted? Perhaps. The room for misinterpretation, though, was awfully narrow. I’m inclined to agree that the customer’s comments were fueled by a belief in unproven racial stereotypes. This guy’s charge of a double standard was unfounded. He was gaslighting Nepenthe.
On a gaming forum.........


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The man’s race had zero relevance to her anecdote, thus its mention was for the clear purpose of lending emphasis to a racist preconception about black men. Anyone who reads above a 3rd grade level should be able to see the clear differences between the two posts. That he sought to quibble over it highlights a problematic view on race, was a clear instance of gaslighting, and is why he was banned. What is so hard to grasp?

#1. You're wrong and missing the obvious, which I am not sure how that's possible when it's so clear
#2. It is unintentionally hilarious and ironic that you're passive aggressively suggesting the person you're replying to is stupid


There is no reverse racism here, just plain racism.

There is no context. It is not racist to say the race of your sexual harasser, unless you explicitly make it out as something unique to said race. There was nothing racist about Nepenthe's scenario either, they made it about race because 1) they make everything about race and 2) they themselves are extremely racist against white people. I've worked in customer service, their experience is far from race specific.

Doing ding ding!

She identified her harasser, black men can be harassers even though many don't want to admit it. Nothing racist about it. I can say with 100% certainty that that same post but with the word "black" changed to "white" gets zero moderation despite it being a white man bearing no relevance other than to the deluded who want to twist any perceived ill done by a white person as some further abuse of their privilege.

Imagine defending Nepenthe of all users. There are several solid black mods on REE, one that got tossed out for no good reason for way less than the large list of offenses by Nepenthe. Her not being perm'd is a giant red flag, her being a mod is a bull's horns piercing your chest. There is no justifying her being a staff member.

LOL. All men can be harassers. What was the purpose of mentioning that he’s black, if not to isolate his race and intimate its role in her harassment. Were the alleged harasser white, would she mention his race when recounting the story? No, of course she wouldn’t. Is there a historical pattern of mentioning the race of someone who’s black when sharing these kind of experiences? Yes, there is. Is that the context with which the decision to ban one user who mentioned race and give a pass to another who did the same? Yes. Where is the confusion?


LOL. All men can be harassers. What was the purpose of mentioning that he’s black, if not to isolate his race and intimate its role in her harassment. Were the alleged harasser white, would she mention his race when recounting the story? No, of course she wouldn’t. Is there a historical pattern of mentioning the race of someone who’s black when sharing these kind of experiences? Yes, there is. Is that the context with which the decision to ban one user who mentioned race and give a pass to another who did the same? Yes. Where is the confusion?
The race of the perpetrator is a fact of what happened, you assume it's for racist intent but that is just that, an assumption. People mention tons of things that could be considered irrelevant when talking about an experience they had. You also assume she wouldn't mention that her perpetrator was white if such was the case, when there is no reason to assume she wouldn't. Do you even know her race? If a black woman said that a white man said she had a nice booty, would you say that is relevant? I wouldn't, but they are likely to mention the man's race, and just like with any harassed women mentioning their harassers race you need more than just that to assume racist malice.

One poster, the one banned, brought up race without explicit malice, and did not infer that his harassment was unique to his race. Nepenthe explicitly blamed his race/white people for something that has nothing to do with race(being rude to service workers).

Do you see the difference?
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This is why screen capping is so important, they hide, delete and edit so much incriminating stuff there just to keep up the progressive narrative. See it, cap it, share it.

Shit, I wanted to see if anyone else there pointed out the inconsistencies between his version of events and what was reported.


What in the hell would compel this person to go online, to fuckin resetera of all places, and post about this situation. I just...everytime I think this place can't surprise me anymore something like this comes along.

Something doesn't add up in the post to begin with. It reeks of a weak troll attempt on a local news story ...

Oh no, maybe not?

Maybe they're are actually unhinged?

I don't follow anime but maybe it was just LARPing or something. (Should he actually be married and not some random news article)
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Edit: For clarity, this is them from their very own profile they share online.
Just to note, and take this with a grain of whatever as I have had only heard this second hand as I'm not a furry degenerate, those are not necessarily Nepenthe's fursuits or whatever. She does commissions for them, and apparently has a bit of a reputation as... let's say being misleading in what she's promised customers.

That said, she is a furry too. I know there are people who do the suits but aren't into it, they just like making the stuff. It's good money too from what I've seen. Maybe not enough to pay off a seven year loan at seven percent, but decent enough.


Just to note, and take this with a grain of whatever as I have had only heard this second hand as I'm not a furry degenerate, those are not necessarily Nepenthe's fursuits or whatever. She does commissions for them, and apparently has a bit of a reputation as... let's say being misleading in what she's promised customers.

That said, she is a furry too. I know there are people who do the suits but aren't into it, they just like making the stuff. It's good money too from what I've seen. Maybe not enough to pay off a seven year loan at seven percent, but decent enough.

Just pops up under the username with a quick Google.

Same backgrounds/ height/ door in most pics.

It's just hilarious they play the tough guy and proudly display those images whilst also claiming to be be some martial arts expert.


Gold Member
The man’s race had zero relevance to her anecdote, thus its mention was for the clear purpose of lending emphasis to a racist preconception about black men. Anyone who reads above a 3rd grade level should be able to see the clear differences between the two posts. That he sought to quibble over it highlights a problematic view on race, was a clear instance of gaslighting, and is why he was banned. What is so hard to grasp?
Hang on, are you saying that you hold a racist belief that ONLY black men would comment on a womans posterior?

I will have you know that ALL men love some junk in the trunk!

And really, that she said 'black man' is just the dog whistle your type needs. It could have been 'old man', 'asian man', 'hispanic man', really, anything EXCEPT 'white man' and the result would have been the same. So take a step back and consider how YOU injected all these horrible racist meanings into her comment yet deliberately took them OUT of what nepenthe said just to fit your preconceived narrative.

Now take your blue pill like a good little zealot or take the red and join us :)


I know there are people who do the suits but aren't into it, they just like making the stuff.

Yep, you'll find that in a lot of crafts. I have a friend that takes costume commissions (cosplay, fursuits, plays, whathaveyou) as a hobby just to challenge herself and learn new techniques. The money isn't bad either.


I dunno guys, I just have to say, I think the majority or Era posters are normal folks who avoid the hardcore SJW scene that rightfully earns its share of mocking scorn to a point. If you ignore those Era topics, or furthermore judiciously use the ignore feature, you can chat and generally stay under the radar and have a positive experience. But, the way this thread continually day in and day out mocks and reposts and wallows in the worst of Resetera, I've come to think there's just something unhealthy in it. Like, who gives a fuck, we know how stupid some of these people are, why do we need to constantly refresh it and reassure ourselves about it? There are plenty of people here at GAF I've already put on ignore over the last few months because no forum is going to have a monopoly on idiots. Ignore and move on folks, Ignore and move on.
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Where the fuck did the term “reverse racism” come from anyway? That’s like saying reverse murder or reverse rape. Racism is racism. Throwing a reverse in there implies it’s something defined differently based on your identity.

It's a term you use against a mob of people who claim '[group of people] can't be racist, that's impossible' when [group of people] say or do something implicitly racist. But its obviously a bullshit term, so who knows. Maybe it's gaslighting.
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