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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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I dunno guys, I just have to say, I think the majority or Era posters are normal folks who avoid the hardcore SJW scene that rightfully earns its share of mocking scorn to a point. If you ignore those Era topics, or furthermore judiciously use the ignore feature, you can chat and generally stay under the radar and have a positive experience. But, the way this thread continually day in and day out mocks and reposts and wallows in the worst of Resetera, I've come to think there's just something unhealthy in it. Like, who gives a fuck, we know how stupid some of these people are, why do we need to constantly refresh it and reassure ourselves about it? There are plenty of people here at GAF I've already put on ignore over the last few months because no forum is going to have a monopoly on idiots. Ignore and move on folks, Ignore and move on.

Honestly? It's better entertainment than I can buy. It's like a real time, living sitcom or parody skit, except it never turns off or ends on a cliffhanger.

The nuts over there are hilarious, and for reasons they can't even comprehend.

That's my reason, anyway.


Honestly? It's better entertainment than I can buy. It's like a real time, living sitcom or parody skit, except it never turns off or ends on a cliffhanger.

Yeah, I can understand that to a point. But still you are getting your 'entertainment' from real people who are, at best virtue signalling poseurs and at worst are people with seriously fucked up lives and worldviews. And you're ok with this? Just sitting on the sidelines of the colosseum as these wretches perform for you? It just feels dirty and base after a point to enjoy it doesn't it?


Yeah, I can understand that to a point. But still you are getting your 'entertainment' from real people who are, at best virtue signalling poseurs and at worst are people with seriously fucked up lives and worldviews. And you're ok with this? Just sitting on the sidelines of the colosseum as these wretches perform for you? It just feels dirty and base after a point to enjoy it doesn't it?
Some of us have been here for a long time, we watched a great forum get eaten up by assholes that turned gaf into cesspool. The scum then pulled a bullshit tactic of starting a new place after leaving this place burning in their wake.
I'm happy to watch that place eat itself alive trying to out victimhood each other with their woke bullshit. I'm in this thread because I remember many of the names mentioned in this thread pulling that same shit here, I'm happy that I can sit back and laugh at it.
Some of us have been here for a long time, we watched a great forum get eaten up by assholes that turned gaf into cesspool. The scum then pulled a bullshit tactic of starting a new place after leaving this place burning in their wake.
I'm happy to watch that place eat itself alive trying to out victimhood each other with their woke bullshit. I'm in this thread because I remember many of the names mentioned in this thread pulling that same shit here, I'm happy that I can sit back and laugh at it.
That’s what many seem to forget...the same bullshit and lies which turned this place to shit is repeating itself over there

you can only ignore or hide for so long....they are not a gaming forum..the start of the segregation is already starting ...the bans are increasing and the types of “I’m miserable” threads are increasing

you can sit there with your fingers in your ears saying everything is dandy but its not


I dunno guys, I just have to say, I think the majority or Era posters are normal folks who avoid the hardcore SJW scene that rightfully earns its share of mocking scorn to a point. If you ignore those Era topics, or furthermore judiciously use the ignore feature, you can chat and generally stay under the radar and have a positive experience. But, the way this thread continually day in and day out mocks and reposts and wallows in the worst of Resetera, I've come to think there's just something unhealthy in it. Like, who gives a fuck, we know how stupid some of these people are, why do we need to constantly refresh it and reassure ourselves about it? There are plenty of people here at GAF I've already put on ignore over the last few months because no forum is going to have a monopoly on idiots. Ignore and move on folks, Ignore and move on.

And yet by posting, lurking or even just giving that site views those same normal folks are enabling the wackos.

I won't fall for the rhetoric "they're just as bad", but after understanding what's going on with the moderation over there, just having an account on era it felt like I was normalizing their behavior.
Despite being mostly a lurker and having less than 200 posts over there, I asked my account to be deleted long before I discovered this thread.
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Yeah, I can understand that to a point. But still you are getting your 'entertainment' from real people who are, at best virtue signalling poseurs and at worst are people with seriously fucked up lives and worldviews. And you're ok with this? Just sitting on the sidelines of the colosseum as these wretches perform for you? It just feels dirty and base after a point to enjoy it doesn't it?

I am okay with it, mostly because a lot of jokes is just holding them accountable according to their own made up rules and purity tests. If anyone goes through that much effort trying to create group think, it's almost a duty for outside forces to check them on their ReePrivilidge.

As I said, it's pure, living entertainment. Like a reality show you get to participate in. I post over there too, not a ton, but it's fun mingling with the natives sometimes.

Just when I start to think maybe they aren't so bad, or maybe they're misunderstood.. Wham! A thread or a ban or something pops up to show just how deranged they are, and why it's all so funny. Finding bans that make zero sense is definitely a guilty pleasure. Who else will fight for the wrongly banned over there? Not anyone there, lest they too become the wrongly banned.
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LOL. All men can be harassers. What was the purpose of mentioning that he’s black, if not to isolate his race and intimate its role in her harassment. Were the alleged harasser white, would she mention his race when recounting the story? No, of course she wouldn’t. Is there a historical pattern of mentioning the race of someone who’s black when sharing these kind of experiences? Yes, there is. Is that the context with which the decision to ban one user who mentioned race and give a pass to another who did the same? Yes. Where is the confusion?


I dunno guys, I just have to say, I think the majority or Era posters are normal folks who avoid the hardcore SJW scene that rightfully earns its share of mocking scorn to a point. If you ignore those Era topics, or furthermore judiciously use the ignore feature, you can chat and generally stay under the radar and have a positive experience. But, the way this thread continually day in and day out mocks and reposts and wallows in the worst of Resetera, I've come to think there's just something unhealthy in it. Like, who gives a fuck, we know how stupid some of these people are, why do we need to constantly refresh it and reassure ourselves about it? There are plenty of people here at GAF I've already put on ignore over the last few months because no forum is going to have a monopoly on idiots. Ignore and move on folks, Ignore and move on.

I tried that method, an ignore list of hundreds of the extreme left that were never going to get banned, yet still got perm'd because to call any black person a racist is deemed to be racism there.

It was bearable in the beginning, but starting with the Jessica Price thread and devolving from there, with OTs crazies further and further aiming to scrub clean the "heathens" from gaming side, it became a true extremist echo chamber.
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It just feels dirty and base after a point to enjoy it doesn't it?
But that's the best type of enjoyment. Like when you've been rubbing one out over a porn site and holding that nut until you find the perfect vid to end the session and it's Spongbob getting a blowjob from Sandy and in that moment of post nut clarity you close that tab in disgust. That's what looking into the mouth of Ree feels like, and you'll always get your nut.


Gold Member
Nepenthe again :messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy::messenger_tears_of_joy: You know there was a prison guard who used to insult and spit and beat prisoners once. These prisoners got pissed and complained to the other guards. Nothing seemed to get done, but one by one these prisoners disappeared. Some died in suspicious circumstances, some got 'transferred' and were never seen again. After this, other prisoners didn't feel comfortable raising their issues as they knew they'd be treated unfairly, abused and eventually 'disappeared' themselves. After enough time, the prison warden promoted the guard, believing the lack of complaints was evidence that they were extremely competent, fair and the prisoners were happy with their life within the walls.

You met a shitty customer. People in retail meet them every day. If you're going to accuse them of racism - a fuckign terrible accusation - then you need more receipts that a 'fairly solid assumption'. What a fucking clown. Biggest racist on that site.



Where the fuck did the term “reverse racism” come from anyway? That’s like saying reverse murder or reverse rape. Racism is racism. Throwing a reverse in there implies it’s something defined differently based on your identity.

To resume :

Come from people having integrated this definition of racism :

Who, while defending the idea that racism can exist in all directions, search a different term to make it compatible with affermentioned redefinition of the term, instead of criticizing it.
It's a bit weird when people have the option to just use "racism" for its original meaning, and call "prejudice + power" systemic racism.


Neo Member
I dunno guys, I just have to say, I think the majority or Era posters are normal folks who avoid the hardcore SJW scene that rightfully earns its share of mocking scorn to a point. If you ignore those Era topics, or furthermore judiciously use the ignore feature, you can chat and generally stay under the radar and have a positive experience. But, the way this thread continually day in and day out mocks and reposts and wallows in the worst of Resetera, I've come to think there's just something unhealthy in it. Like, who gives a fuck, we know how stupid some of these people are, why do we need to constantly refresh it and reassure ourselves about it? There are plenty of people here at GAF I've already put on ignore over the last few months because no forum is going to have a monopoly on idiots. Ignore and move on folks, Ignore and move on.

One: The majority may be "normal" folk, but normal is still progressive as fuck.
Two :Then there's your absolute insane progressives that run the damned site.

Which leads to the main point, the gaming industry views that forum as some golden goose/collective voice. ERA has some ridiculous influence, they know it, and use its lop-sided views to influence (bully in a lot of cases) publishers/developers. ERA is not some melting pot of people, with different views on politics, social issues, economic issues, etc etc...and....most importantly...games. Its being filtered, by the day, into an extreme progressive leftist forum. Sure, people can participate (be "normal"), but they better not step out of line as they will 100% get banned. Not to mention a label attached to the ban mis-representing the persons character and intent.

Ultimately, I want that site to result in one of two outcomes:

1) Eat itself and no longer exist. The crazy progressive people running the show over there will most likely create a new site that is non-game related...as that's what they talk about anyway: non gaming related stuff. The "normal" progressive people, people who have progressive views, but are tolerable can -

2) Join a website that is moderated fairly. As in, the typical normal person can speak their mind without the fear of getting banned. Of course, act a fool, that's gonna happen anyway, but it should be deserved, not because someone likes a video game that was created by a developer that ERA hates.

At the end of the day, I want that site gone. They do not represent me, my views, or what I enjoy as a person who plays video games, but the industry looks to them as a collective voice for people who do play video games. Fuck that, especially when it seems the people running the show are off their rockers.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
One: The majority may be "normal" folk, but normal is still progressive as fuck.
Two :Then there's your absolute insane progressives that run the damned site.

Which leads to the main point, the gaming industry views that forum as some golden goose/collective voice. ERA has some ridiculous influence, they know it, and use its lop-sided views to influence (bully in a lot of cases) publishers/developers. ERA is not some melting pot of people, with different views on politics, social issues, economic issues, etc etc...and....most importantly...games. Its being filtered, by the day, into an extreme progressive leftist forum. Sure, people can participate (be "normal"), but they better not step out of line as they will 100% get banned. Not to mention a label attached to the ban mis-representing the persons character and intent.

Ultimately, I want that site to result in one of two outcomes:

1) Eat itself and no longer exist. The crazy progressive people running the show over there will most likely create a new site that is non-game related...as that's what they talk about anyway: non gaming related stuff. The "normal" progressive people, people who have progressive views, but are tolerable can -

2) Join a website that is moderated fairly. As in, the typical normal person can speak their mind without the fear of getting banned. Of course, act a fool, that's gonna happen anyway, but it should be deserved, not because someone likes a video game that was created by a developer that ERA hates.

At the end of the day, I want that site gone. They do not represent me, my views, or what I enjoy as a person who plays video games, but the industry looks to them as a collective voice for people who do play video games. Fuck that, especially when it seems the people running the show are off their rockers.

To add to your point.

Any group, community, or forum that has a ban list of people, personalities, companies, media, links, and topics that grows exponentially daily is a totalitarian hellscape that should be mocked to the point where it is discredited across the net.

Again lurkers, that is your fucking website. Your ban list of people and culture grows every day. That's what you support. Better hope your favorite game company, celebrity, etc doesn't say the wrong thing or talking about them is ban worthy on Era. It's getting to the point where it's just easier to list "sanctioned" topics. How very progressive of you...
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“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I dunno guys, I just have to say, I think the majority or Era posters are normal folks who avoid the hardcore SJW scene that rightfully earns its share of mocking scorn to a point. If you ignore those Era topics, or furthermore judiciously use the ignore feature, you can chat and generally stay under the radar and have a positive experience. But, the way this thread continually day in and day out mocks and reposts and wallows in the worst of Resetera, I've come to think there's just something unhealthy in it. Like, who gives a fuck, we know how stupid some of these people are, why do we need to constantly refresh it and reassure ourselves about it? There are plenty of people here at GAF I've already put on ignore over the last few months because no forum is going to have a monopoly on idiots. Ignore and move on folks, Ignore and move on.
This is a seriously amazing and accurate post. But I do expect it to be completely ignored and dismissed though sadly. The Era thread must go on cuz reasons. They are the sad and pathetic forum says the people who spend every day combing through the forum they claim to hate for content that they can link and complain about all while providing said forum clicks and revenue in the process lol
I dunno guys, I just have to say, I think the majority or Era posters are normal folks who avoid the hardcore SJW scene that rightfully earns its share of mocking scorn to a point. If you ignore those Era topics, or furthermore judiciously use the ignore feature, you can chat and generally stay under the radar and have a positive experience. But, the way this thread continually day in and day out mocks and reposts and wallows in the worst of Resetera, I've come to think there's just something unhealthy in it. Like, who gives a fuck, we know how stupid some of these people are, why do we need to constantly refresh it and reassure ourselves about it? There are plenty of people here at GAF I've already put on ignore over the last few months because no forum is going to have a monopoly on idiots. Ignore and move on folks, Ignore and move on.
I've been hearing these excuses since 2018. Sorry, it no longer holds. It's okay to call a cult a cult and to mock them for it. You're actually doing the "normal folks" a favor by hopefully snapping them out of the narcissistic feeding pool before more of them are drawn into the orbit of the psychopaths.

This is a seriously amazing and accurate post. But I do expect it to be completely ignored and dismissed though sadly. The Era thread must go on cuz reasons. They are the sad and pathetic forum says the people who spend every day combing through the forum they claim to hate for content that they can link and complain about all while providing said forum clicks and revenue in the process lol
You have been making excuses for ERA while throwing passive-aggressive shade at GAF for as long as I've seen you on the site, too. :goog_rofl:


Gold Member
I dunno guys, I just have to say, I think the majority or Era posters are normal folks who avoid the hardcore SJW scene that rightfully earns its share of mocking scorn to a point. If you ignore those Era topics, or furthermore judiciously use the ignore feature, you can chat and generally stay under the radar and have a positive experience. But, the way this thread continually day in and day out mocks and reposts and wallows in the worst of Resetera, I've come to think there's just something unhealthy in it. Like, who gives a fuck, we know how stupid some of these people are, why do we need to constantly refresh it and reassure ourselves about it? There are plenty of people here at GAF I've already put on ignore over the last few months because no forum is going to have a monopoly on idiots. Ignore and move on folks, Ignore and move on.
See, you're not wrong in principle. There's definitely valid people there, and this thread does look a little unhealthy at times.

In practice, though, Era is a toxic place and not at all fertile ground for discussion. No matter how many idiots you ignore, you're at constant risk of ban just for speaking your mind in a totally normal way. You don't need to be inflammatory, rude, sarcastic, hostile, or to actively derail topics to be banned. You will get banned because of reasons (BTW, "because of reasons" was one of old GAF's favorite mottos, and its overuse mysteriously went away with the people who used it a lot).

You can't have discussion without being free to express grounded, logic opinions.
You can't have discussion without being free to express opinions that clearly don't want to offend anyone.
You can't really have a discussion if you have to ignore hundreds of members of a community just to filter out some of the noise, have some peace of mind, and avoid being ban-baited.

You shouldn't have to ignore hundreds of members just so you don't actively hate the place.
You shouldn't be banned for enjoying sexualized character designs in video games.
You shouldn't be banned for not caring about someone else's opinion.
You shouldn't be banned for saying you'll buy a product even when there's some artificially created controversy about it in a single place on the Internet.

I could go on, but to put it short: you shouldn't be banned from a public forum for having an opinion that doesn't conform to the moderation team's and to that of a small, extremely vocal, incredibly toxic, group of people that clearly have more than a few loose screws, if they're not actively deranged.

How could video games developers more or less openly hate GAF but like Era, which is just as obnoxious? Because Era bans the "lazy devs rhetoric"? That's very, very little compensation when Era actively harasses devs for not conforming to their ideal vision of the world, makes mountains out of molehills, sees malice where there isn't (sombrero Mario? Dee Jay Diddy Kong?), try to dictate what should and shouldn't be in a product meant for public consumption, and make people who actually do stuff hate themselves and drop out of good work (see: the recent controversy about the fan translation of Goemon). They do all this while mocking people who denounce actual censorship, criticizing religion for being repressive and punitive, accusing their "enemies" of being "freethinkers" like it's a bad thing, and quoting the MGS2 speech about context like mantra for the world at large without realizing what they're doing in their bubble is exactly that.

Do you not see the absurdity of having to ignore half, possibly more, of a forum that big just to avoid the daily ban baits, which results in you not actually being able to discuss topics you might be interested in?
Do you not see how stupid it is to not be able to be ignorant about some topics because you'll get immediately accused of being "in bad faith" and "just asking questions"?
Do you not see the absurdity of being expected to have a certain background to join an apparently free, open community?
Do you not see that that place claims to want to be as "inclusive" as possible while openly professing to want to exclude whoever they want on a whim?
Do you not see how that place is founded on, and grounded in, pure hypocrisy? Do you not realize that they will actively rewrite posts and reasons for bans just to clean their hands of their own dirty behavior? Do you not see that dozens of threads there are locked because "we don't believe this can lead to constructive discussion" after barely a single page of replies, while "discussions" that incite hate and violence against certain groups of people get just locked temporarily when the amount of reports probably tips the amount of actual posts? Do you not see how quickly threads are abandoned or locked when facts emerge that contradict the general narrative?

You're right, maybe this thread here isn't the healthiest. It does reek of obsession at times. But the reason behind that is that in spite of all its promises, Era still hasn't delivered the dream community they left here to found, and it appears it never will because they're too busy not seeing what they're doing wrong and banning people left and right - oh, sorry: right and right. They ruined GAF from the inside, left it en masse but not before taking the time to post disgusting stuff, and set off on a high horse promising a better future and frantically bury any evidence that they ever were here. But they didn't deliver, and put up a cult-like place instead. There's plenty of reasons to mock them. That community is damaging people, workers, careers, fans, families, and the very sector of entertainment of which they claim to be the beacon.
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Any group, community, or forum that has a ban list of people, personalities, companies, media, links, and topics that grows exponentially daily is a totalitarian hellscape

Except the list isnt published, so users don't know what is or is not on it and anything can be added to it on the fly.

Massive EDIT!:

I forgot, asking for that list results in a ban. I'm not kidding.
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That Caroline Flack thread is a bed of hypocrisy, REE has long condemned older men getting with 16/17 year olds, and legality has never mattered a lick in those cases. Any discussion of the technical terms for attraction to teens being different, and that calling those attracted to older teens pedophiles was incorrect and a gross exaggeration was met with bans for "rationalizing the sexualization of minors" or w/e dumbfuck terms they thought of that day for their ban message.

Also rich that they have the nerve to talk about people having blood on their hands for Flack's death, when that entire forum has blood on it's hands for it's part in Etika's and Alec Holowka's suicides.
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Also lmao at them comparing her case of spousal abuse to Depp's, assaulting her partner with a lamp to the point of cops saying it looked like a murder scene...totally comparable to Depp slamming some cupboards, and no police or witness testimony to abuse by Depp.


I don’t think it feels bad or dirty to get entertainment out of that looney bin. They are all performative jackasses anyways. They are PERFORMING. Hence the entertainment.

If we were making fun of random people going about their daily lives in public IRL then I would feel guilty. It’s not. They arent obliviously going about their private daily routine. These people say this shit primarily to get reactions.

Random avatars on a message board that is mostly obsessed with corporate media? Lol. No. They do not deserve pity.

If you are really concerned with moving on then what are you doing in this thread why don’t YOU move on and leave us be?
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Yeah, I can understand that to a point. But still you are getting your 'entertainment' from real people who are, at best virtue signalling poseurs and at worst are people with seriously fucked up lives and worldviews. And you're ok with this? Just sitting on the sidelines of the colosseum as these wretches perform for you? It just feels dirty and base after a point to enjoy it doesn't it?

Oh hell yeah bitch


I think you don't get why developpers "like" Era. It can be sumed in one word, gamergate.
They want safe places where they are protected by heavy moderation against "trolls", and where the "gamers are dead" turn of the industry most actors decided to support isn't contested.
They don't necessarily like Era, but originally it was seen as one of the rare forums where a developper won't encounter opposition to the kind of inclusive marketing the editors they work for favor.
And now they are there, they are just trapped, as the terrifying cancel power of the forum would lash at anyone in the industry defending the idea to migrate to a more sane place.


I think you don't get why developpers "like" Era. It can be sumed in one word, gamergate.
They want safe places where they are protected by heavy moderation against "trolls", and where the "gamers are dead" turn of the industry most actors decided to support isn't contested.
They don't necessarily like Era, but originally it was seen as one of the rare forums where a developper won't encounter opposition to the kind of inclusive marketing the editors they work for favor.
And now they are there, they are just trapped, as the terrifying cancel power of the forum would lash at anyone in the industry defending the idea to migrate to a more sane place.

The snowflakes that call themselves "gaming journalists" love it there because the pathetic scum there eat up their warped as hell hottakes, that they pretend is true criticism in gaming rather than the SJW gibberish it truly is. The mods there blanket protect "gaming journalism" from criticism.


Gold Member
The snowflakes that call themselves "gaming journalists" love it there because the pathetic scum there eat up their warped as hell hottakes, that they pretend is true criticism in gaming rather than the SJW gibberish it truly is. The mods there blanket protect "gaming journalism" from criticism.

That's just because Kotaku is their PR firm and helped market the split from GAF. If it wasn't for that press sneak fuck writing the Kotaku article the forum probably wouldn't have become as big as it did at first.


Dawkins isn't even saying that it's a good idea. He's speaking about the potentiality of it as a concept.

Absolutely, which is what makes it even funnier as they are completely unable to parse the abstract.

I still want a snail with hot legs though, legs for miles.

EDIT: Found one! My life is now complete.
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Oh the sweet, sweet irony of a mod posting about respecting an audience, and then going on to call people loveless losers for posting dumb threads about Waifus!

And to think this person helps run one of the most well known metal music related websites on the internet! You'd think they'd be less thin-skinned!
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Gold Member
This is a seriously amazing and accurate post. But I do expect it to be completely ignored and dismissed though sadly. The Era thread must go on cuz reasons. They are the sad and pathetic forum says the people who spend every day combing through the forum they claim to hate for content that they can link and complain about all while providing said forum clicks and revenue in the process lol
I would agree with you except

A. This is a single thread you can just ignore

B. Era is a hate site that ABSOLUTELY needs to be checked, lest it breed more wackos like the college student yelling about slitting throats. Because Era would never allow someone to contradict that guy in his descent into madness, we must do it and hope he reads this site (as most era folks do)

C. They orchestrate or amplify hateful and ideological attacks on real people via social media based on erroneous or misrepresented information, while deliberately denying anyone that questions the stampede. This also must be watched and mocked for the nonsense it is.


CliffyB's Cock Holster

Oh the sweet, sweet irony of a mod posting about respecting an audience, and then going on to call people loveless losers for posting dumb threads about Waifus!

And to think this person helps run one of the most well known metal music related websites on the internet! You'd think they'd be less thin-skinned!

The best bit is the "can't be normal" line. Oh, the irony.

Son Tofu

This is an out and out lie. Most skeletons used in medical classrooms (even at the university level) are those plastic skeletons.
There are some PhD programs that use actual cadavers, but the cadavers are usually bodies from people who have donated themselves for medical research -- said bodies typically dying of some sort of illness.

Maybe what he was talking about was happening 200+ years ago. It ain't happening today or for the better part of the past 75 years.
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I'm pretty much done with Reset. I've seen a lot of things over the years (especially recently) that have annoyed me there, specifically double standards and people being banned over frivolous things that basically equate to being censorship if the view you express isn't a popular one or extreme left leaning. There's a trend of it being perfectly acceptable to discuss white people in negative terms constantly, with even mods joining in, but if the same thing is done to any other race, it's an instant ban. No negative garbage spewing about any race is how it should be, but the constant looking the other way when it's about white people had really been getting on my nerves there.

They banned me for two weeks for calling out these double standards in a customer service thread where someone was banned for simply describing someone as black that talked about their ass, while not even a few posts down a mod goes on to describe interactions with white customers, but that's perfectly fine, The excuse used for the ban was even more ironic in more ways than one;"Inflammatory False Equivalence Around Race", when I guarantee the person that banned me was likely some white person that's still a good lifetime away from beginning to dictate anything about race (specifically my own) to me. When the black, left leaning guy is calling you out on your reverse racism shit, there's a real problem going on.

There's also other problems besides that too, like lack of transparency with bans (or basically a mod being able to be a coward and ban without having to actually own up to it or take responsibility when it's over petty personal things) but the reverse racism thing has been my breaking point. This place definitely has it's share of problems, but at the very least, I can say that's it's oversight doesn't try to censor or ban you for having views that stray from the majority. What's the point in ERA calling itself a discussion forum, if that's how they want to run things? That's not a discussion forum then, it's just a echochamber.

The dumb part is that they're just doing themselves a disservice by banning anyone that's voices any differing opinion or questions things. It's just pushing people like me, that are left leaning, away when that's the last thing that they need to be doing right now. It's just going to cause an implosion one day like what happened here back then, but for different reasons. I honestly used to just brush off the shit I'd see practically everywhere else about ERA, but over time I've started to see some of it wasn't too far off mark (though for different reasons).

I'm just going to ask for a self ban or not go back, but either way, I'm done with them.
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