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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member

They banned me for two weeks for calling out these double standards in a customer service thread where someone was banned for simply describing someone as black that talked about their ass, ....I'm just going to ask for a self ban or not go back, but either way, I'm done with them.

No worries, the second they read your post here they will "gift" you with a permaban.

Personally I would keep your account to save for a glorious death during one of their massive circlejerk lovefests. It's so easy to post just screenshots of their own prior posts to call out their hypocritical behavior, no one does because of fear of the banhammer but if you dont have that fear.....post away :p

Son Tofu

I'm pretty much done with Reset. I've seen a lot of things over the years (especially recently) that have annoyed me there, specifically double standards and people being banned over frivolous things that basically equate to being censorship if the view you express isn't a popular one or extreme left leaning. There's a trend of it being perfectly acceptable to discuss white people in negative terms constantly, with even mods joining in, but if the same thing is done to any other race, it's an instant ban. No negative garbage spewing about any race is how it should be, but the constant looking the other way when it's about white people had really been getting on my nerves there.

They banned me for two weeks for calling out these double standards in a customer service thread where someone was banned for simply describing someone as black that talked about their ass, while not even a few posts down a mod goes on to describe interactions with white customers, but that's perfectly fine, The excuse used for the ban was even more ironic in more ways than one;"Inflammatory False Equivalence Around Race", when I guarantee the person that banned me was likely some white person that's still a good lifetime away from beginning to dictate anything about race (specifically my own) to me. When the black, left leaning guy is calling you out on your reverse racism shit, there's a real problem going on.

There's also other problems besides that too, like lack of transparency with bans (or basically a mod being able to be a coward and ban without having to actually own up to it or take responsibility when it's over petty personal things) but the reverse racism thing has been my breaking point. This place definitely has it's share of problems, but at the very least, I can say that's it's oversight doesn't try to censor or ban you for having views that stray from the majority. What's the point in ERA calling itself a discussion forum, if that's how they want to run things? That's not a discussion forum then, it's just a echochamber.

The dumb part is that they're just doing themselves a disservice by banning anyone that's voices any differing opinion or questions things. It's just pushing people like me, that are left leaning, away when that's the last thing that they need to be doing right now. It's just going to cause an implosion one day like what happened here back then, but for different reasons. I honestly used to just brush off the shit I'd see practically everywhere else about ERA, but over time I've started to see some of it wasn't too far off mark (though for different reasons).

I'm just going to ask for a self ban or not go back, but either way, I'm done with them.
If only that type of idiocy was limited to Refart. I've was banned from a board where the mod gleefully admitted he was harassing me in threads because I didn't like Hillary. The guy eventually banned me because I called him out on his nonsense.
These people are far more ideological and dogmatic than anyone they claim to be against. It's funny to mock them for their silliness and childishness, but it's also really scary how the group think becomes so pervasive at some of these places.



Oh the sweet, sweet irony of a mod posting about respecting an audience, and then going on to call people loveless losers for posting dumb threads about Waifus!

And to think this person helps run one of the most well known metal music related websites on the internet! You'd think they'd be less thin-skinned!
"Exclusionary behavior, casual, or otherwise, is not tolerated"

But going around beating up Republicans is considered ok to them though.



No worries, the second they read your post here they will "gift" you with a permaban.

Personally I would keep your account to save for a glorious death during one of their massive circlejerk lovefests. It's so easy to post just screenshots of their own prior posts to call out their hypocritical behavior, no one does because of fear of the banhammer but if you dont have that fear.....post away :p

That's fine with me, although that's even more pathetic on their end when it just equates to them rushing to try to be 'that' person that has to be the first to say "NO, I broke up with you first!". I already know first hand about their overly thin skin, since they don't allow links to anyone/thing that has dared to say anything negative about them in the past, no matter how minor.

That's not a bad idea, but I'm kind of over it personally. The sad part is there are plenty of average, good people there that are afraid of saying anything outside of the hivemind because they fear being banned (I know this is 100% true, I've talked to multiple people like this so I'm sure there are plenty more).

Throwing bans at people as the first option to dissent questioning "authority" or expressing different views has basically turned them into the thing they claim to hate most. As much as I hate racist garbage and the like, I know trying to suppress someone's voice isn't any more likely to make them change, and definitely doesn't give someone else the chance to potentially change their minds about those views. Suppressing discussion just ironically just makes things worse, since it's closing dialog both ways that could change someone for the better (and suppressing crappy views like racism doesn't make them go away).
That's fine with me, although that's even more pathetic on their end when it just equates to them rushing to try to be 'that' person that has to be the first to say "NO, I broke up with you first!". I already know first hand about their overly thin skin, since they don't allow links to anyone/thing that has dared to say anything negative about them in the past, no matter how minor.

That's not a bad idea, but I'm kind of over it personally. The sad part is there are plenty of average, good people there that are afraid of saying anything outside of the hivemind because they fear being banned (I know this is 100% true, I've talked to multiple people like this so I'm sure there are plenty more).

Throwing bans at people as the first option to dissent questioning "authority" or expressing different views has basically turned them into the thing they claim to hate most. As much as I hate racist garbage and the like, I know trying to suppress someone's voice isn't any more likely to make them change, and definitely doesn't give someone else the chance to potentially change their minds about those views. Suppressing discussion just ironically just makes things worse, since it's closing dialog both ways that could change someone for the better (and suppressing crappy views like racism doesn't make them go away).

'Normal' people there can only keep their heads buried in the sand for so long. The 'wrongthink' bans are happening in every thread now, even threads you'd think would be safe. The usual provocaturs are baiting people into bans all over the place.

I really think they must feel once all the wrong thinkers are banned they'll have a utopia. It's just these few bad apples that are causing all the strife and problem. They have zero self awareness. It's sad.


This is an out and out lie. Most skeletons used in medical classrooms (even at the university level) are those plastic skeletons.
There are some PhD programs that use actual cadavers, but the cadavers are usually bodies from people who have donated themselves for medical research -- said bodies typically dying of some sort of illness.

Maybe what he was talking about was happening 200+ years ago. It ain't happening today or for the better part of the past 75 years.
yeah this is beyond stupid. the idea that "most medical schools" use real skeletons that are now hundreds of years old. they would have crumbled to dust from over-use long ago.

this person probably also thinks museum dinosaur bones are all the original bones too.
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What are you on about? Some girl
(who might be a POC herself) says " a black man told me I have a nice bootie" how does that in any way sound racist? It is SEXIST though. And nepenthe drops race AND gender of her "assailant" as if it matters AT ALL in a retail nightmare thread. It just goes to show she sees racism and sexism in EVERYTHING, totally unaware that maybe sometimes people are just dicks.
That he’s black is an irrelevant bit of trivia that she decided to mention for no other reason, one reasonably presumes, but to suggest that his behavior was because of his race. Nepenthe related an encounter with a white person who made an inappropriate comment that she interpreted to be racially offensive, hence the value of highlighting that this utterance came from the mouth of a white person. I s as m not defending Nepenthe’s read of what occurred; I’m merely trying to explain a context which the user who questioned Nepenthe’s “double standards” seemed to have missed.


I'm pretty much done with Reset. I've seen a lot of things over the years (especially recently) that have annoyed me there, specifically double standards and people being banned over frivolous things that basically equate to being censorship if the view you express isn't a popular one or extreme left leaning. There's a trend of it being perfectly acceptable to discuss white people in negative terms constantly, with even mods joining in, but if the same thing is done to any other race, it's an instant ban. No negative garbage spewing about any race is how it should be, but the constant looking the other way when it's about white people had really been getting on my nerves there.

They banned me for two weeks for calling out these double standards in a customer service thread where someone was banned for simply describing someone as black that talked about their ass, while not even a few posts down a mod goes on to describe interactions with white customers, but that's perfectly fine, The excuse used for the ban was even more ironic in more ways than one;"Inflammatory False Equivalence Around Race", when I guarantee the person that banned me was likely some white person that's still a good lifetime away from beginning to dictate anything about race (specifically my own) to me. When the black, left leaning guy is calling you out on your reverse racism shit, there's a real problem going on.

There's also other problems besides that too, like lack of transparency with bans (or basically a mod being able to be a coward and ban without having to actually own up to it or take responsibility when it's over petty personal things) but the reverse racism thing has been my breaking point. This place definitely has it's share of problems, but at the very least, I can say that's it's oversight doesn't try to censor or ban you for having views that stray from the majority. What's the point in ERA calling itself a discussion forum, if that's how they want to run things? That's not a discussion forum then, it's just a echochamber.

The dumb part is that they're just doing themselves a disservice by banning anyone that's voices any differing opinion or questions things. It's just pushing people like me, that are left leaning, away when that's the last thing that they need to be doing right now. It's just going to cause an implosion one day like what happened here back then, but for different reasons. I honestly used to just brush off the shit I'd see practically everywhere else about ERA, but over time I've started to see some of it wasn't too far off mark (though for different reasons).

I'm just going to ask for a self ban or not go back, but either way, I'm done with them.

This whiny claptrap misses the point. You attempted to draw an equivalency where none existed, became antagonistic towards a mod, and dared them to ban you. All because you couldn’t stomach seeing a black woman not get banned for describing how she was on the receiving end of a racist comment from a white customer. What did you think would happen?


This whiny claptrap misses the point. You attempted to draw an equivalency where none existed, became antagonistic towards a mod, and dared them to ban you. All because you couldn’t stomach seeing a black woman not get banned for describing how she was on the receiving end of a racist comment from a white customer. What did you think would happen?

Yeah, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. All I did was point out the double standard of being able to describe someone as white but doing so as black gets you banned. I didn't "antagonize" anyone, much less a mod or daring someone to ban me. If pointing out a double standard is daring for a ban, I'm glad to accept it. Hell, the ban that started all this for was pretty ridiculous anyways (Because it reinforces the 'stereotype' that black men like asses? That's it? If so, really?) And don't give me any garbage about there not being a double standard of that sort of things and other stuff, there's literally no shortage of examples I could pull where this type of thing is overlooked gladly as long as it's one way, but banned if it's the other.

And the nonsense about me wanting to see a black woman get banned (I'd probably be MORE against that than anything) is just flat out laughable, especially since the point I was making was against bans, not for them (for anyone).

At least know what you're talking about before you try to start shit.

Son Tofu

This whiny claptrap misses the point. You attempted to draw an equivalency where none existed, became antagonistic towards a mod, and dared them to ban you. All because you couldn’t stomach seeing a black woman not get banned for describing how she was on the receiving end of a racist comment from a white customer. What did you think would happen?
Consenual debate/discourse. Instead what he got was an authoritarian REEEEEEEEing all over the place because someone dared question her.


LOL "yay for this millionaire shouting down fans that are angry the "Rage Against the Machine" socialist political actvisits are charging an arm and a leg for their tickets". note that one of these "entitled assholes" is a disabled fan who can't afford seats in that section.


oh and guess what, OP doesn't even go to concerts!


so LOL you don't even care about the music you don't even go to concerts, you just like this woke rich guy dumping on people via Twitter

era in a nut shell really
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25 minutes ago
Rellodex said:
Is it just that these guys have been gone for long enough that an entire generation all of a sudden discovers the irony of a Marxist band making money as professional musicians?

People have been pointing this out for decades.

These guys are multiplatnum selling artists.
Click to expand...
The irony is less on them, more the way the system is set up though. It always seemed like a weird critique to me; one of the problem's is that if you're a fan or not, we are all tied into capitalism. Like even on the ground activists would like to take a vacay on a beach, etc
It’s just so weird to be going from “kill the rich” to “oh well we are all tied into capitalism” as if these rich famous musicians get a pass.

I see some “there is nothing they could do about it” takes and now I’m wondering about the activist power of a band called Rage Against the Machine who cannot even have a say in how much their own tickets cost.

besides it’s bullshit and price controls are possible on a large scale. have these people never heard of Fugazi? Ah I forgot Fugazi isn’t on Twitter so they may as well not even exist
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That he’s black is an irrelevant bit of trivia that she decided to mention for no other reason, one reasonably presumes, but to suggest that his behavior was because of his race. Nepenthe related an encounter with a white person who made an inappropriate comment that she interpreted to be racially offensive, hence the value of highlighting that this utterance came from the mouth of a white person. I s as m not defending Nepenthe’s read of what occurred; I’m merely trying to explain a context which the user who questioned Nepenthe’s “double standards” seemed to have missed.

You really didn't bother going through their post history after 'previous severe infractions'were pointed out by numerous people, did you?

Of course not.
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The white baby killer says "We have the moral highground by default. "


Who does the fucker think he is? Obi-Wan Kenobi?

The white baby killer says "We have the moral highground by default. "


Who does the fucker think he is? Obi-Wan Kenobi?

"We have the moral high ground because we know what's best for everyone including the simpletons".

Said every mob ever.


It’s just so weird to be going from “kill the rich” to “oh well we are all tied into capitalism” as if these rich famous musicians get a pass.

I see some “there is nothing they could do about it” takes and now I’m wondering about the activist power of a band called Rage Against the Machine who cannot even have a say in how much their own tickets cost.

besides it’s bullshit and price controls are possible on a large scale. have these people never heard of Fugazi? Ah I forgot Fugazi isn’t on Twitter so they may as well not even exist

To be fair, a lot of that varies on a lot of different factors, such as if they (musician) have exclusive contracts with promoters, who get to set the actual ticket prices (though this stuff is suppose to have been negotiated on both ends before). A lot of the times, depending on the artist, their contracts, how long their tours is, and other variables, they can come out of it damn near poorer than they started, though that's definitely not the case with the most popular acts.

The one constant evil are ticket vendors like Ticketmaster, they're the ones that are making prices and the over all experience shitty for everyone in a monetary sense (Well, except for themselves)


Yeah, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. All I did was point out the double standard of being able to describe someone as white but doing so as black gets you banned. I didn't "antagonize" anyone, much less a mod or daring someone to ban me. If pointing out a double standard is daring for a ban, I'm glad to accept it. Hell, the ban that started all this for was pretty ridiculous anyways (Because it reinforces the 'stereotype' that black men like asses? That's it? If so, really?) And don't give me any garbage about there not being a double standard of that sort of things and other stuff, there's literally no shortage of examples I could pull where this type of thing is overlooked gladly as long as it's one way, but banned if it's the other.

And the nonsense about me wanting to see a black woman get banned (I'd probably be MORE against that than anything) is just flat out laughable, especially since the point I was making was against bans, not for them (for anyone).

At least know what you're talking about before you try to start shit.

There was no contextual reason for her to describe the man’s race, no additional detail provided that justified the inclusion of that trivia in her one sentence anecdote. And, no, if someone related an experience in which she or he described a party as “black” while combining that detail with additional contextual layers that helped its entry in their account make sense, they would not have been banned. There was no double standard in this instance.

Coming into a thread where people are sharing uncomfortable experiences dealing with rude customers and typing “haha, yeah, there was this black guy who touched my ass when he was with his wife. EL Oh EL amirite???” Is racist.
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There was no contextual reason for her to describe the man’s race, no additional detail provided that justified the inclusion of that trivia in her one sentence anecdote. And, no, if someone related an experience in which she or he described a party as “black” while combining that detail with additional contextual layers that helped its entry in their account make sense, they would not have been banned. There was no double standard in this instance.

Coming into a thread where people are sharing uncomfortable experiences dealing with rude customers and typing “haha, yeah, there was this black guy who touched my ass when he was with his wife. EL Oh EL amirite???” Is racist.
Pretty interesting your summary of what they said is much longer and includes a lot of nonsense that the person never said. But yes that is exactly what they typed...


Coming into a thread where people are sharing uncomfortable experiences dealing with rude customers and typing “haha, yeah, there was this black guy who touched my ass when he was with his wife. EL Oh EL amirite???” Is racist.

Simply saying what race a person is isn't racist though. Was it unnecessary? No. I agree it didn't add anything, but it's not automatically racist to say what race someone is, even if it's not exactly needed. Have we gotten so sensitive that it's 'racist' to describe someone? It didn't seem to be racist when I've seen people randomly add in that someone was white in many other threads, when it added nothing to the discussion there. I'm 100% if it had been 'white' replaced with 'black' in that post, they wouldn't have been banned and that's my main problem. It should be fair both ways or neither (I'm more for the former, but at least be consistent). By trying to imply there's a "false equivalency" with this type of thing, it's implying that it's only racist if you do it when it's someone black or a minority and that's just as fucked up as the other way around.

I could care less if someone describes me as black when talking about a situation involving me, as long using a slur or to be negative. I agree that if it's not necessary, it'd be weird to mention it, but the first thing I wouldn't hop to is that it had to because it's 'racist'.
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Dr. Claus

Yeah, I can understand that to a point. But still you are getting your 'entertainment' from real people who are, at best virtue signalling poseurs and at worst are people with seriously fucked up lives and worldviews. And you're ok with this? Just sitting on the sidelines of the colosseum as these wretches perform for you? It just feels dirty and base after a point to enjoy it doesn't it?

Why the fuck wouldn't I be? Same reason people watch reality TV. Seeing fucking mental cunts acting like mental cunts.
The white baby killer says "We have the moral highground by default. "


Who does the fucker think he is? Obi-Wan Kenobi?


I thought he was a “she”?

Anyway, this entire dialogue is disturbing on so many levels. It is wildly disturbing that such individual is a mod.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Wow, Nepenthe is such a hateful, spiteful loser. The twenty-or-so black people earning over six figures that work in the same building with me (including one of my oldest friends) would tell her to grow the fuck up, stop feeling sorry for herself, and go get hers. Instead she just wants to wallow on the internet 24/7 and claim she's oppressed. lol. Pitiful. Shut the fuck up and go pay your 7% car loan.


Neighbours from Hell
Wow, Nepenthe is such a hateful, spiteful loser. The twenty-or-so black people earning over six figures that work in the same building with me (including one of my oldest friends) would tell her to grow the fuck up, stop feeling sorry for herself, and go get hers. Instead she just wants to wallow on the internet 24/7 and claim she's oppressed. lol. Pitiful. Shut the fuck up and go pay your 7% car loan.
She represents what many of the extreme left woke types are. I think deep down they all hate themselves so much that eventually it manifests into narcissism as a defense mechanism to cope with being so miserable.

They’re hateful losers who don’t wanna work for shit, are jealous, bitter, and resentful of successful people and think complaining and blaming the world for their problems will get other people to just give them what they want without having to work for it. It’s essentially just a series of adult child temper tantrums.

Ever have one of those friends when you were younger who’d be all pissed when the kid next door got a SNES but his family couldn’t afford one. And the kid is like “why does Rick get to have an SNES and I don’t, it’s not fair he doesn’t even deserve one!!!”

Same thing except these people are fucking adults. It’s really sad.
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Simply saying what race a person is isn't racist though. Was it unnecessary? No. I agree it didn't add anything, but it's not automatically racist to say what race someone is, even if it's not exactly needed. Have we gotten so sensitive that it's 'racist' to describe someone? It didn't seem to be racist when I've seen people randomly add in that someone was white in many other threads, when it added nothing to the discussion there. I'm 100% if it had been 'white' replaced with 'black' in that post, they wouldn't have been banned and that's my main problem. It should be fair both ways or neither (I'm more for the former, but at least be consistent). By trying to imply there's a "false equivalency" with this type of thing, it's implying that it's only racist if you do it when it's someone black or a minority and that's just as fucked up as the other way around.

I could care less if someone describes me as black when talking about a situation involving me, as long using a slur or to be negative. I agree that if it's not necessary, it'd be weird to mention it, but the first thing I wouldn't hop to is that it had to because it's 'racist'.

Most black people would raise their eyebrows to her comment. What, exactly, was the purpose of inserting his race? If she said “this Chinese guy touched my ass,” she would have been banned just the same. If a black member replaced “black” or “Chinese” with “white,” in the same kind of sentence, they would have been banned, too. Come on. The race of the other party in what Nepenthe shared was a central part of her story. Coming into that thread and saying “This black guy once touched my ass when he was with his wife” is racist as fuck.


Wow, Nepenthe is such a hateful, spiteful loser. The twenty-or-so black people earning over six figures that work in the same building with me (including one of my oldest friends) would tell her to grow the fuck up, stop feeling sorry for herself, and go get hers. Instead she just wants to wallow on the internet 24/7 and claim she's oppressed. lol. Pitiful. Shut the fuck up and go pay your 7% car loan.

You can be “oppressed” and make six figures at the same tome, unless we are using money as a bellwether r of justice?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
You can be “oppressed” and make six figures at the same tome, unless we are using money as a bellwether r of justice?

I think you're going to have to lay out your definition of oppression before anyone can continue.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Are you white? You're not oppressed.

Are you not white? You're oppressed.

Basically. I don't think anyone would deny that there are plenty of instances of unjust treatment, but there really needs to be an element of systemic targeted discrimination in an effort to "keep a certain people down" for it to be considered oppression in my opinion. If you're legally pulling in over $100k a year as an individual, you're not really being "kept down," at least in terms of career.
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I think you're going to have to lay out your definition of oppression before anyone can continue.

Lack men and women who are highly accomplished and still find themselves subject to racial profiling. Even a billionaire like Oprah was treated like a common criminal because of her race when shopping in Switzerland. She has more money than just about every woman on the planet, yet these shopkeepers refused to sell her one of their items because she looked like she couldn’t afford it.

Millionaire athletes who happen to be black are pulled over at gunpoint and suspected of stealing the luxury vehicles they’re driving.

Renowned academics at Harvard are escorted out of their own homes after being accused by neighbors of burglarizing the property.


Lack men and women who are highly accomplished and still find themselves subject to racial profiling. Even a billionaire like Oprah was treated like a common criminal because of her race when shopping in Switzerland. She has more money than just about every woman on the planet, yet these shopkeepers refused to sell her one of their items because she looked like she couldn’t afford it.

Millionaire athletes who happen to be black are pulled over at gunpoint and suspected of stealing the luxury vehicles they’re driving.

Renowned academics at Harvard are escorted out of their own homes after being accused by neighbors of burglarizing the property.

Maybe take that up with Switzerland

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Lack men and women who are highly accomplished and still find themselves subject to racial profiling. Even a billionaire like Oprah was treated like a common criminal because of her race when shopping in Switzerland. She has more money than just about every woman on the planet, yet these shopkeepers refused to sell her one of their items because she looked like she couldn’t afford it.

Millionaire athletes who happen to be black are pulled over at gunpoint and suspected of stealing the luxury vehicles they’re driving.

Renowned academics at Harvard are escorted out of their own homes after being accused by neighbors of burglarizing the property.

Switzerland? We're taking this global now? Because you'll certainly find situations in which people of all races experience discrimination based on their appearance or nationality depending on where they are. I'm white and I've been refused service in Japan before just for being obviously a foreigner. I've also been randomly questioned by police while I was near the Immigration Bureau. It would be laughable to say white people are oppressed in the country, though.
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Lack men and women who are highly accomplished and still find themselves subject to racial profiling. Even a billionaire like Oprah was treated like a common criminal because of her race when shopping in Switzerland. She has more money than just about every woman on the planet, yet these shopkeepers refused to sell her one of their items because she looked like she couldn’t afford it.

Millionaire athletes who happen to be black are pulled over at gunpoint and suspected of stealing the luxury vehicles they’re driving.

Renowned academics at Harvard are escorted out of their own homes after being accused by neighbors of burglarizing the property.

Again, that's more of discrimination. Absolutely possible for that to happen to someone, regardless of wealth, and does happen unfortunately.

Oppression though, implies more of a constant, systemic form of pressure, usually from authority or government systems. How blacks were treated back in the day during Jim Crow/Before Civil Rights act or how China or North Korea treats it's people today, THAT is true oppression.

Doesn't take away from how shitty discrimination is (had plenty of that in my lifetime), but it's not the same thing as oppression, at least in a modern sense.
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Maybe take that up with Switzerland
Not only that, but why is buying a $3 million bag up there on the oppression ladder? Are we suppose to believe Oprah's life was on the line because a shopkeeper missed out on a sale?

Call me old fashion, but I thought oppression was actually based on your ability to move up in life? Like all those Russian kids who starved under Communism. They had no control over where their next meal was coming from.


I guess the next social justice battle is telling billionaires they get to own everything, because that's the real crime against humanity am I rite?
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Lack men and women who are highly accomplished and still find themselves subject to racial profiling. Even a billionaire like Oprah was treated like a common criminal because of her race when shopping in Switzerland. She has more money than just about every woman on the planet, yet these shopkeepers refused to sell her one of their items because she looked like she couldn’t afford it.

Millionaire athletes who happen to be black are pulled over at gunpoint and suspected of stealing the luxury vehicles they’re driving.

Renowned academics at Harvard are escorted out of their own homes after being accused by neighbors of burglarizing the property.
You are making the argument that hurt feelings = oppression? Oprah ain’t oppressed friend.

The reality is if you are in the USA/UK or any modern society, you contribute to oppression. You and I using devices right now. Built by companies using labor not to hella widen their profits, but because consumers won’t buy with prices reflecting good labor practices.

Those million dollar athletes with Nike deals? Nike is selling you a shoe manufactured using shitty labor practices because consumers won’t buy that shoe priced reflecting good labor practices. And then they use that money they received from you to pay that Million Dollar Athlete so you can wanna be like Mike and buy a new shoe.

Why are PlayStation’s $400 using shitty labor practices? Because consumers won’t buy a Playstation at $800 with good labor practices raising the cost.

We are the beneficiaries of oppression, not the victims of oppression.


Most black people would raise their eyebrows to her comment. What, exactly, was the purpose of inserting his race? If she said “this Chinese guy touched my ass,” she would have been banned just the same. If a black member replaced “black” or “Chinese” with “white,” in the same kind of sentence, they would have been banned, too. Come on. The race of the other party in what Nepenthe shared was a central part of her story. Coming into that thread and saying “This black guy once touched my ass when he was with his wife” is racist as fuck.
Only because you're projecting your own racism. There is absolutely nothing racist about that statement at all. Also, if someone says something racist about white people on reeeetardera they will not get banned. Wtf are you on about?
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
If a black member replaced “black” or “Chinese” with “white,” in the same kind of sentence, they would have been banned, too.

Uhh... no. It would have multi-page hate fest of people posting about how white people are fucking terrible and basically not even human.
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Lack men and women who are highly accomplished and still find themselves subject to racial profiling. Even a billionaire like Oprah was treated like a common criminal because of her race when shopping in Switzerland. She has more money than just about every woman on the planet, yet these shopkeepers refused to sell her one of their items because she looked like she couldn’t afford it.

Millionaire athletes who happen to be black are pulled over at gunpoint and suspected of stealing the luxury vehicles they’re driving.

Renowned academics at Harvard are escorted out of their own homes after being accused by neighbors of burglarizing the property.

Here's the thing.

A: Nobody fucking knows Opra in Switzerland apart from movies/tv shows mentioning her. Why should she be immediatly recognizable? It's perfectly reasonable to NOT know her.

Which leads me to...

B: It's standard practice in a luxury store to ask twice and be skeptical. That applies if your white, asian or whateverthefuck. This was a non-story in switzerland pumped up by international media like its the biggest injustice ever. Opra is not that special regardless of what she believes herself to be.

Because really, are you fucking expecting us to recognize an american TALK-SHOW HOST on first look. Would an american recognize a german or a swiss talk-show host? Are you that dense?

And sorry if I'm getting personal but don't you dare call another country racist because we apparently have to immediatly recognize every foreign celebrity.
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Lack men and women who are highly accomplished and still find themselves subject to racial profiling. Even a billionaire like Oprah was treated like a common criminal because of her race when shopping in Switzerland. She has more money than just about every woman on the planet, yet these shopkeepers refused to sell her one of their items because she looked like she couldn’t afford it.

Millionaire athletes who happen to be black are pulled over at gunpoint and suspected of stealing the luxury vehicles they’re driving.

Renowned academics at Harvard are escorted out of their own homes after being accused by neighbors of burglarizing the property.
Man if I was in that scenario I would love to just whip out my phone and google my net worth and show the sales lady


Even a billionaire like Oprah was treated like a common criminal because of her race when shopping in Switzerland. She has more money than just about every woman on the planet, yet these shopkeepers refused to sell her one of their items because she looked like she couldn’t afford it.

A few years ago my boss (Who was responsible for one of the biggest franchisees in gaming and lived in an "Uncle Phil" mansion) decided one morning he's quite like to by a one of the new model Porsches. So he drives over to the dealership and asks for a test drive. They refused because "it didnt look like it would be in his price bracket". Just because he didn't look rich due to his old rocker aesthetic of worn jeans and T-shirt and general laid back attitude. He was white, in America.

There's nothing in that story to indicate Opra was refused service because she was black, only the narrative of the writer.
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