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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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The Tribe Has Spoken
As a side note, looks like China is the only place whose government doesn't take shit from Muslims.
I was about to mention, the number of terrorism acts in the name of Islam in other nations compared to China is kind of telling.

People may not like the method, but it’s hard to argue against its effectiveness.


The Kree also changed their username, thought the avatar looked familiar.

What a muppet.

It's just symptomatic of how ignorant and stupid they really are and of who they put in charge of the asylum.

Ree: Let's put you into witness protection, not because you're a dumb, hateful, idiotic fuck but because "Alt-right, Nazi trolls are just targeting you" REEEEEEEEE

Dumbfuck: But what about my "Brand" and followers?? It's the only reason I'm into this SJW bullshit to start with because I'd be totally ignored without my virtue signalling.

Let me just put a really subtle clue in my first posts so that only my "Followers" will get it and not those Nazi haters....


I was about to mention, the number of terrorism acts in the name of Islam in other nations compared to China is kind of telling.

People may not like the method, but it’s hard to argue against its effectiveness.

The Holocaust was certainly an effective measure for limiting the activities of Jews too. You might be on to something...
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Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
I was about to mention, the number of terrorism acts in the name of Islam in other nations compared to China is kind of telling.

People may not like the method, but it’s hard to argue against its effectiveness.
I mean your blaming the violent acts of some and using a wide brush and painting everyone as that. Thats like punishing all white Americans because of the idiotic redneck ones that do stupid things in America.


The Tribe Has Spoken
The Holocaust was certainly an effective measure for limiting the activities of Jews too. You might be on to something...
That’s an utterly pointless comparison. Were the Jews killing German civilians randomly in the name of Judaism?

I mean your blaming the violent acts of some and using a wide brush and painting everyone as that. Thats like punishing all white Americans because of the idiotic redneck ones that do stupid things in America.
I’m not doing anything except pointing out that their method is effective. Stop projecting.
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Gold Member
tbh white babies shouldn't be saved from burning buildings

-nepenthe, probably


2 seconds of digging came up with the dude publicly asking for the name change in a biden thread, its hardly a secret. dont look stupid trying to paint them as stupid, they can do that fine on their own, without your half-assed help
Nothing stupid about it, no one goes into every thread and reads every post. A lot of REE users probably wouldn't be in the know if it wasn't for the avatar.


2 seconds of digging came up with the dude publicly asking for the name change in a biden thread, its hardly a secret. dont look stupid trying to paint them as stupid, they can do that fine on their own, without your half-assed help
Thats 2 seconds more than I care to check. There's been more equally stupid self-outings anyway.



1 this is very stupid

2 this isn’t even correct. Jeff Bezos owns the Washington Post. He is in every news outlet in the world. He also owns Amazon meaning he is also in every country in the world. His boxes are likely in multiple rooms throughout your household.

so no, this point about his physical body having limits means really very little, and is entirely irrelevant considering his vast reach. what a pathetic attempt at owning someone

He also lives rent-free in all of their heads. :D

She mentions somewhere that her step-dad setup this deal.

I thought USAA had higher standards. :/
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Gold Member
They hate excelspreedsheet, they have him on ignore and have learned not to engage. To do otherwise is to have his discord mob mass report anyone that disagrees with him.
Modding excel would be a very quick way to bring the forum to its natural end due to the inevitable massive amount of permabans and complete radicalization of the survivors. I suspect this is a reason why excel isn’t a mod in spite of being probably the user with the highest post count on RE.

Your ...argue with one of these people and you will get banned list

Crossing Eden
subpar spatula
First thing you do if you ever get an account on RE is put these people on ignore immediately. I don’t like the abuse of the word toxic, but these people here deserve to be called so.


Modding excel would be a very quick way to bring the forum to its natural end due to the inevitable massive amount of permabans and complete radicalization of the survivors. I suspect this is a reason why excel isn’t a mod in spite of being probably the user with the highest post count on RE.

Excel was allowed to run wild here on GAF before. We need to send a Kyle Reese back to correct this timeline.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
That’s an utterly pointless comparison. Were the Jews killing German civilians randomly in the name of Judaism?

I’m not doing anything except pointing out that their method is effective. Stop projecting.
their method is also targeting innocent people that have no ill will to other people.....
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You have to remember that these are the same guys who banned someone in the UK General Election thread just for saying they were leaning towards supporting the Conservative Party. In a thread that had the rule "Do not attack a poster because of their party affiliation. We are above party partisan politics. Policies should, logically, dictate a poster's party affiliation". The poster in question had put forth a pretty reasonable approach in his decision making. But the ban hammer still came and went.

These moderators are unresonable people. You cannot reason with unreasonable people. They are so utterly blinkered, they don't see that they've become the very oppressors they claim to be "resisting"



He apologized and the OP appreciated his perfectly reasonable response;

Will he get unbanned? Who banned him? Who knows?

Be interesting to see the back peddling on this, if it even happens.

Must be having a summit to discuss this extremely transphobic poster.
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So what happened to that poster declaring that Era disavows any attacks towards women? Completely full of shit!

It’s cool, she is conservative, so bully the hell out of her and call her bitch and stuff. Just go nuts being toxic, it’s your safe space to openly be misogynistic.

Even Hobbes is getting in on the woman bullying act. Brave man!
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21 minutes ago
mORTEN said:
Don’t know her but I figure I would wholeheartedly disagree with her stance on weapons. That being said, that looked really horrible. Are those supposed to be the people I agree with, behaving like that?
I’m old...
Oh my, did you see how the Americans treated Nazis in world war 2? How terribly uncivil. Do we really want to agree with people like that?
You mean hire 1,600 of them and give them cushy US govt jobs like at NASA so that the Nazis could work for us now? Nazis made JFK’s moon shot from a dream into reality. Their expertise with chemical weapons was also put to use in the US Vietnam war. These things literally happened in reality.

Oh no, you mean the fantasy where we punched them all and they disappeared forever, Thanos style.

yeah that never happened. Put down your comic books and pick up a history book next time.
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You have to remember that these are the same guys who banned someone in the UK General Election thread just for saying they were leaning towards supporting the Conservative Party. In a thread that had the rule "Do not attack a poster because of their party affiliation. We are above party partisan politics. Policies should, logically, dictate a poster's party affiliation". The poster in question had put forth a pretty reasonable approach in his decision making. But the ban hammer still came and went.

These moderators are unresonable people. You cannot reason with unreasonable people. They are so utterly blinkered, they don't see that they've become the very oppressors they claim to be "resisting"

They have always been the oppressors, they are upset that someone is fighting back against them. The entire resistance movement is a bully throwing a tantrum that their victims punched back.


So what happened to that poster declaring that Era disavows any attacks towards women? Completely full of shit!

It’s cool, she is conservative, so bully the hell out of her and call her bitch and stuff. Just go nuts being toxic, it’s your safe space to openly be misogynistic.

Even Hobbes is getting in on the woman bullying act. Brave man!

This is a front page post on reddit right now too filled with ERA-like posts - OP of the thread has to be an ERA regular from the way they talk in the comments, the typical buzzwords being thrown all over with at least 5 types of phobes this woman apparently is. The tolerant left - don't make fun of anyone or bully anyone or we will destroy your lives online......... except if it's someone we don't like then it okay!

"Xenophobia. Transphobia. Holocaust revisionist. Islamophobic. Disdain for human rights and democracy. I guess it's up for debate whether she is alt-right, some say she's far-right, some say she's alt-right, some say she's just a conservative. But I am 100% positive that she is a gatekeeper for the alt-right, like Ben Shapiro."

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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
“Holocaust revisionist”

I looked into this claim directed at Kaitlin, and it seems to be because she claims that if the Jews all had guns, the Holocaust wouldn’t have happened:

(Not written by her, but her site)

And it’s debatable, sure, but that’s hardly Holocaust revisionism, and a lot of Israelis would side with her on that one.


“Holocaust revisionist”

I looked into this claim directed at Kaitlin, and it seems to be because she claims that if the Jews all had guns, the Holocaust wouldn’t have happened:

(Not written by her, but her site)

And it’s debatable, sure, but that’s hardly Holocaust revisionism, and a lot of Israelis would side with her on that one.
The irony of anti gun activists hijacking a phrase used to address the Holocaust and then her pointing that out somehow makes her a denier. Yet right in that first paragraph

Simply put, what Hitler did in the Holocaust is worse than any mass shooting

I can’t even. So ironic it’s nonsense.
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holy shit at gun girl's massive shit. how is that even possible lmao

I.. uh.. tried to look into it, and couldn't find anything conclusively linking that picture to her. I saw some people saying the image was actually posted to the internet a couple years earlier? I have no clue. Since the girl is laying facedown I don't know how you could prove it is (or isn't) her?

But that's a massive shite. I don't even know if that's possible from that angle?
I had to look up who this Kaitlin Bennett person is and.....


God damn, my kind of girl. No wonder she has the SJW's and Resetera triggered. They can't stand a woman who knows how to protect herself.

She seems fine, a little insufferable I suppose, but nothing worse than eye-rolling if I am being honest. A lot of her 'stunts' seem more about attention seeking/looking for controversy than about really advocating for any change or anything good. I don't hate the grift, I just don't think it's anything to applaud either. The Liberty Hangout website/twitter/etc also seems pretty low effort.

BUT she certainly riles up certain segments (which I think is her whole point), so whatever.

He apologized and the OP appreciated his perfectly reasonable response;

Will he get unbanned? Who banned him? Who knows?

Be interesting to see the back peddling on this, if it even happens.

Must be having a summit to discuss this extremely transphobic poster.

Hours later, still banned it seems, and exactly zero new posts in that thread. ResetEra doesn't care about TRANSRIGHTS!
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