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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Ugly men pretending to be ugly women, complaining about how a woman should look.

🤡 :messenger_ok:
Alberta Fact Checker. huh.

a lot of these gender bending male feminists are Canadian. there seems to be a big scene there. it is very strong in newspapers as well. is there a reason for this? im guessing since academia doesn't work for the military or finance sectors there as much as in the US, they spend all their time doing dumbass theory crafting and postmodernist social engineering, and the culture as a result is far more activist leftists than in the US.

but that's just my (probably bigoted) opinion.
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quick question: queer oppression honestly does not appear to be that big of an issue. what are these LGBQ rights that are in danger? i see this all the time, that "Republicans want to kill us", yet outside of this obvious delusional paranoia, what actual things are under attack for gay and queer people? what bills are happening? are they secretly planning to end gay marriage or something? what is the actual real danger?

gay marriage was made legal in the USA over a decade ago. it was a bipartisan effort between the GOP and Democrats. ironically, the Defense of Marriage Act that outlawed same sex marriage was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996. it took until George W Bush's second term for things to start going in a more progressive direction. it was not a top down federal thing, often it was done state by state, until by the end of Obama's second term, it was in all 50 states. people have now lived with national same sex marriage for 5 years and are the second year into a Trump-Pence presidency, and so far the GOP has not directly threatened their rights once it seems. correct me if i'm wrong?

so what more rights do they lack that a straight person has? what can i do that a gay person cannot? how are they more oppressed? what do they lack that straight people have? they have tons of tv and media and movies. marriage is legal in all 50 states. you can't force someone to make you a wedding cake, but that doesn't seem to be a huge deal. i can't do that and i'm straight. overall it doesn't appear to be much. are there any rights under attack from Trump? seriously, i don't know, yet i constantly see doomsaying bout "half the country wants us dead".

WTF persecution complex
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quick question: queer oppression honestly does not appear to be that big of an issue. what are these LGBQ rights that are in danger? i see this all the time, that "Republicans want to kill us", yet outside of this obvious delusional paranoia, what actual things are under attack for gay and queer people? what bills are happening? are they secretly planning to end gay marriage or something? what is the actual real danger?

gay marriage was made legal in the USA over a decade ago. it was a bipartisan effort between the GOP and Democrats. ironically, the Defense of Marriage Act that outlawed same sex marriage was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996. it took until George W Bush's second term for things to start going. it was not a federal thing, often it was done state by state, until by the end of Obama's second term, it was in all 50 states. people have now lived with national same sex marriage for 5 years and are the second year into a Trump-Pence presidency, and so far the GOP has not directly threatened their rights once it seems. correct me if i'm wrong?

so what more rights do they lack that a straight person has? what can i do that a gay person cannot? it doesn't appear to be much. are there any rights under attack from Trump? seriously, i don't know, yet i constantly see doomsaying bout "half the country wants us dead".

WTF persecution complex
"Religious people don't want us to exist" is the worst-case doomsaying that I've seen.

Yet the free pass Islam gets from the same circles makes me dismiss this out of hand because clearly there's some kind of disconnect there.


Everything is alt right these days.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
That mental health thread is nuts, there are so many problems with ResetEra and they can't even recognize and identify their own problems:

1. I'm assuming a lot of them live in developed countries, and yet they complain almost everything and look at the negatives to the point it affects them mentally. I think these people have not encountered real and actual problems (actual poverty, actual outbreaks of diseases, actual violence) so they create their own problems like from making very minor things into big ones (like this) to outright creating and overanalyzing their own bullshit. If they experienced actual problems, they won't be in this situation.

2. I believe mental health is real and I know people who have mental health problems (difficult to adjust, depression, thoughts of suicide) and it is very important to seek help. I know that the boomers tend to reject these as actual problems but it is important to seek help with the psychologist.

Unfortunately a lot of "woke" people consume too much negative media and focus too much on being careful what to say that it affects their mental health, and it doesn't help that their solution is to "seek help online with other likeminded individuals". Sometimes it seems like they're fostering their own depression.

My former friend has descended this path and now he's miserable and thinks the world is unfair (he's way too political, gets offended easily, claims he's woke) yet he's a spoiled brat who only works 6 hours with his dad doing light work and his parents give him a lot of money (he complains about his parents a lot too). Not many people like him and only his woke friends like him. I hate to say it but he's incredibly shallow and nihilistic.

3. Their encouragement of dogpiling, doxxing, and doing negative things to problematic people also affects the other people in their very own community. It's like you're on a bullying spree with this community and you come to realize that what you might be doing is wrong, and then your very own community turns against you because you don't think it's good.

4. Instead of looking for a solution, they blame it on politicians and claim they're authoritarian. Politicians are just politicians and it's really up to them if they want to see a better future (like actually working hard). Unless they live in an actual authoritarian country (here's a list), they're just creating their own problems again without actually doing anything and rather complain about work and how work is miserable.

5. They like to discuss how almost everything is racist. Truth be told, there is racism everywhere. Wouldn't it help to rather ignore it than fan the flames just to make it bigger and even worse?

Super old, but saw someone share this on Twitter today and thought of Era.

I'd say Religion is a choice or a way of life in several countries (I have a religion) but being over fanatical or extreme is bad and can do bad things to your point of view in life and how people will perceive you. Religion isn't bad but if it makes you a close minded self-righteous asshole, then it's bad. I'd say Era is an extremist religion.
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quick question: queer oppression honestly does not appear to be that big of an issue. what are these LGBQ rights that are in danger? i see this all the time, that "Republicans want to kill us", yet outside of this obvious delusional paranoia, what actual things are under attack for gay and queer people? what bills are happening? are they secretly planning to end gay marriage or something? what is the actual real danger?

gay marriage was made legal in the USA over a decade ago. it was a bipartisan effort between the GOP and Democrats. ironically, the Defense of Marriage Act that outlawed same sex marriage was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996. it took until George W Bush's second term for things to start going in a more progressive direction. it was not a top down federal thing, often it was done state by state, until by the end of Obama's second term, it was in all 50 states. people have now lived with national same sex marriage for 5 years and are the second year into a Trump-Pence presidency, and so far the GOP has not directly threatened their rights once it seems. correct me if i'm wrong?

so what more rights do they lack that a straight person has? what can i do that a gay person cannot? how are they more oppressed? what do they lack that straight people have? they have tons of tv and media and movies. marriage is legal in all 50 states. you can't force someone to make you a wedding cake, but that doesn't seem to be a huge deal. i can't do that and i'm straight. overall it doesn't appear to be much. are there any rights under attack from Trump? seriously, i don't know, yet i constantly see doomsaying bout "half the country wants us dead".

WTF persecution complex

A disproportionate number of hate crimes target gays. They comprise a statistically insignificant segment (which may, in fact, be greater if we were to consider those who don't identify as such) of the population, yet are the victimized in 1 out of 5 hate crimes. Having "rights" is much more than some civil guarantee enshrined in a piece of paper. It involves being free of a fear that your status will leave you targeted by the ignorant and hateful who walk among us.


Darkness no more
quick question: queer oppression honestly does not appear to be that big of an issue. what are these LGBQ rights that are in danger? i see this all the time, that "Republicans want to kill us", yet outside of this obvious delusional paranoia, what actual things are under attack for gay and queer people? what bills are happening? are they secretly planning to end gay marriage or something? what is the actual real danger?

gay marriage was made legal in the USA over a decade ago. it was a bipartisan effort between the GOP and Democrats. ironically, the Defense of Marriage Act that outlawed same sex marriage was signed into law by Bill Clinton in 1996. it took until George W Bush's second term for things to start going in a more progressive direction. it was not a top down federal thing, often it was done state by state, until by the end of Obama's second term, it was in all 50 states. people have now lived with national same sex marriage for 5 years and are the second year into a Trump-Pence presidency, and so far the GOP has not directly threatened their rights once it seems. correct me if i'm wrong?

so what more rights do they lack that a straight person has? what can i do that a gay person cannot? how are they more oppressed? what do they lack that straight people have? they have tons of tv and media and movies. marriage is legal in all 50 states. you can't force someone to make you a wedding cake, but that doesn't seem to be a huge deal. i can't do that and i'm straight. overall it doesn't appear to be much. are there any rights under attack from Trump? seriously, i don't know, yet i constantly see doomsaying bout "half the country wants us dead".

WTF persecution complex

My friends wife has two really good gay friends and suddenly became super concerned with gay rights after Trump got elected. While out with some friends for dinner the other night something came up about Trump and she started bitching about how he hates gay people and is trying to ruin them. I asked the question of how he was doing that exactly, got a blank stare and then a “well, nothing”. I think some of these people just end up repeating what they hear in the media all the time without actually thinking about or questioning it.


Fun fact: it was filmed in my home town.

Oh, nice! Some fella I worked with recommended to me over a decade ago. I couldn't believe I'd never heard of it before.

People I recommended it to looked at me differently afterwards.



The Tribe Has Spoken
My friends wife has two really good gay friends and suddenly became super concerned with gay rights after Trump got elected. While out with some friends for dinner the other night something came up about Trump and she started bitching about how he hates gay people and is trying to ruin them. I asked the question of how he was doing that exactly, got a blank stare and then a “well, nothing”. I think some of these people just end up repeating what they hear in the media all the time without actually thinking about or questioning it.
Yep. I’ve done that tons of times. Never gotten an answer.

Not once.

Trump is evil! - how?
Trump is destroying the world! - how?
Trump is racist! - why?
Trump is homophobic! - how?

Complete silence and/or stuttering.

Internet fantasy and reality don’t mix too well.


Yep. I’ve done that tons of times. Never gotten an answer.

Not once.

Trump is evil! - how?
Trump is destroying the world! - how?
Trump is racist! - why?
Trump is homophobic! - how?

Complete silence and/or stuttering.

Internet fantasy and reality don’t mix too well.

Trump isn't a racist? He said the screeching eunuchs who yelled "Jews will not replace us!" at the Unite The Right Rally in Charlottesville were "very fine people." His words.


Darkness no more
Not that I really wanted to bring politics into this thread...
Trump selected a VP who believes in conversion therapy. I mean, what more needs to be said about his feelings on LGBTQ?

Doesn't answer the question of what the administration has done to take away gay rights. Something Pence said in 2000 that never turned in to anything isn't worth getting hysterical over in 2020.

Trump isn't a racist? He said the screeching eunuchs who yelled "Jews will not replace us!" at the Unite The Right Rally in Charlottesville were "very fine people." His words.

Listen to the whole press conference and not just the sound bites the media runs with: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/a...neo-nazis_fine_people_heres_proof_139815.html


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Probably want Tifa to have a female dong the size of Cloud's Buster Sword.
The best is when the trans people tried to champion Cloud as a trans in the new FF7 remake because he wears a dress as a plot point to find where Tifa is.....what....?!?!


This reminds me of a joke in an old sitcom 'Spin City'
Trash the show all you want, but Michael J Fox is a national treasure and I will not accept abuse of his good name
I've always thought it was a decent political sitcom that gets progressively worse and increasingly less about politics-based humor for sitcom/workplace crap.

It's no Yes, Minister but what is amirite?
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My friends wife has two really good gay friends and suddenly became super concerned with gay rights after Trump got elected. While out with some friends for dinner the other night something came up about Trump and she started bitching about how he hates gay people and is trying to ruin them. I asked the question of how he was doing that exactly, got a blank stare and then a “well, nothing”. I think some of these people just end up repeating what they hear in the media all the time without actually thinking about or questioning it.

Did any of these proposals end up being made law? Even so, it isn't a great look

I mean, it doesn't exactly sound like he is pro gay rights to me.


Gold Member
Maybe I missed it, but you know how Reeeee has a guy on suicide watch, which one Gaffer posted a screen cap yesterday?

Turns out there was another suicide guy who posted on the weekend.

Who knows why, but the poster from last night got way more replies. lol

Saturday guy

Yesterday guy
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Did any of these proposals end up being made law? Even so, it isn't a great look

I mean, it doesn't exactly sound like he is pro gay rights to me.

All but that first one have to do with trans stuff... I'll never understand why LGB and T get lumped together. Their interests are not the same and often in conflict with each other.


All but that first one have to do with trans stuff... I'll never understand why LGB and T get lumped together. Their interests are not the same and often in conflict with each other.

All of those proposals can be applied to homosexuals. Basically, they are saying, if your religion dictates it, you can sack someone, or treat them differently, if they are gay.


Gold Member
All of those proposals can be applied to homosexuals. Basically, they are saying, if your religion dictates it, you can sack someone, or treat them differently, if they are gay.
I'm too lazy to read that link, but if what you say is the main message of it, it goes to show laws regarding acceptance can conflict.

You got two main issues which the gov wants people to accept, which can have swaths of whiners to boot.

1. Religious views. I want it my way due to religion x.
2. Gender/sexuality. I want my way due to personal sex/gender view x

So which one overrides which? Have fun.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
I've always thought it was a decent political sitcom that gets progressively worse and increasingly less about politics-based humor for sitcom/workplace crap.

It's no Yes, Minister but what is amirite?
I thought the same. Now "The Thick of It" was fantastic. Created the word omnishambles and there is no better line than


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Is Hecht basically the guy in charge of Resetera or what?

No, Hecht is an admin. They're pretty much like lead mods. Just a volunteer. B Dubs is the "general manager", and actually has some kind of IT-related duties (like "Nicole" before him) and is presumably compensated some modest amount. In addition he apparently gets to dictate moderation.

Nicole actually customized scripts and code for the site for free. Fuck that.


Neo Member
No, Hecht is an admin. They're pretty much like lead mods. Just a volunteer. B Dubs is the "general manager", and actually has some kind of IT-related duties (like "Nicole" before him) and is presumably compensated some modest amount. In addition he apparently gets to dictate moderation.

Nicole actually customized scripts and code for the site for free. Fuck that.

Imagine putting all of that work and effort into Resetera for free.
Imagine the kinds of people that attracts.
Suddenly it makes so much sense why the moderators are as bad as they are :p.
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