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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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This person is the biggest asshole on Reset it's fucking crazy at this point.
This is actually a good take... if you don't pay attention to the sociopath who wrote it.

Maybe someone is stealing his account, or he was really a troll all along.
Most likey is just the law of large numbers, the more nonsense you write, the more you have the probability to say something right.
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Ban wave incoming.
In 2 years:
-PC community lost for good;
-half of trans community gone in anger;
-lot of threads of complaining closed for modwhining;
-multiple threads of people want to commit suicide in a week;
-even inside that thread, lot o people saying Ree is a hate and negative place to stay;
-not counting the Etika, the pedo and other controversies i don't remember;

Ree response: "we don't think this is related to the way we run the forum, don't dare to accuse us!"
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In 2 years:
-PC community lost for good;
-half of trans community gone in anger;
-lot of threads of complaining closed for modwhining;
-multiple threads of people want to commit suicide in a week;
-even inside that thread, lot o people saying Ree is a hate and negative place to stay;
-not counting the Etika, the pedo and other controversies i don't remember;

Ree response: "we don't think this is related to the way we run the forum, don't dare to accuse us!"

- Cerium bailed out in less than three years.
- Most vip members avoid the website and trash it on Twitter...

It's even more ironic when you think about the following :

Those people (Resetera's staff and the usual protected members), tried to paint it like Neogaf was a shitty place because of EviLore EviLore

They decided to build their own Neogaf, with better moderation and more importantly, without EviLore. Guess what ? It didn't work. There is not a single month without a drama clusterfuck and their reputation is already dead. Reserera is worse than Neogaf ever was before the big departure... The problem for them is they can't put the blame on Evilore anymore. It's clear those people (Resetera's staff and those protected members) were the problems all along.
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Gold Member
So many problems right there. It's precisely why non-discriminatory policies are put in place. One blanket rule, if you start these threads, close it with links and a standard message. Everyone treated the same. You can't just have some airy fairy guidelines if you're going to tackle this problem. Commit properly or admit you're out your depth and it should be referred to off site friendships or professional help, not take place as public theatre, where all anyone has to do is post a boilerplate 'I'm here' or 'Don't do it' and show the world how they are doing something.

Someone pointed out two threads for the same thing above. One with many replies, one with not so many. How does that make the person with less replies feel - they matter less? They are less important to the community? Validates their anxiety and thoughts no one care about them. People can 'ignore' those threads - well, that would make everyone feel much better after getting zero replies thinking everyone had clicked 'ignore this thread' wouldn't it? Honestly, just engage your brains for one minute.

Its not a catch all solution. There is a difference between someone saying 'things are shit, I'm considering offing myself at the weekend' compared to 'I'm done, and I'm in a bath of water. See you on the other side'. Who holds the obligation now to respond in real time? It's a terrible thing to do informally and validates those who threaten for attention while reducing the issues of those that actually have problems.

Furthermore, maybe they should look at the correlation between the miserable, negative, intellectually stunted and emotionally embarassing posters with the highest post counts and the general atmosphere of the place. Also maybe do that exercise for the moderators as well.


Gold Member
quick question: queer oppression honestly does not appear to be that big of an issue. what are these LGBQ rights that are in danger? i see this all the time, that "Republicans want to kill us", yet outside of this obvious delusional paranoia, what actual things are under attack for gay and queer people? what bills are happening? are they secretly planning to end gay marriage or something? what is the actual real danger?
Republicans exist = LGBTQ people are in danger. It’s a tautology to them.

This is actually a good take... if you don't pay attention to the sociopath who wrote it.

Maybe someone is stealing his account, or he was really a troll all along.
Most likey is just the law of large numbers, the more nonsense you write, the more you have the probability to say something right.
Sooooo the famed “broken clock etc.” rhetoric they love to use for Trump, Republicans and religious people at large?

Too bad that post just shows a colossal lack of self awareness. The mods, and the people they protect the most, are the prime promoters of Era’s climate. What kind of climate do you expect to cultivate if you lock and ban any attempt at light-hearted fun, see and punish racism/ sexism/ bad faith/ boy’s club behavior/ voting republican/ hostility/ completely justified modwhining at every corner, never hide your distaste for what should be the primary audience of your forum (ie, gamers), and constantly show yourself as an insufferable, hypocritical, narcissistic, preaching little piece of shit? It truly boggles the mind, does it not?


Am I cynical to have fully expected that op who said they would be gone tonight would be posting hours later? I mean, most of the folk there shit on Etika for exactly that. They are creating an environment which sends people into spirals which feed these thoughts, then all want to be stepping in to be seen to 'help'. Treat the cause not the symptom.......and the people who set the tone for the site, the moderators like that asshole up above and the 'protected posters' that are above reprieve. But as always, locked thread, no reflection blah blah blah

I mean, of course.

There are 2 problems at work there.
First is that doing something like that on an anonymous forum is a consequence free way to cry for help.
Second is that the community there almost rewards people for declaring mental illness or suicidal thoughts etc.

For me, I can tell you that if I were to message someone close to me (siblings, parents, wife or closest friends) and said I was going to end it all? I would 100% get immediate help and support but there would also be some very impactful fallout from something like that.
Now, I get that plenty of people do not have anyone and that this can make existing issues even worse. So going to "the internet" might be all that someone has. Why this community though? There's lots of other places where real and useful help and advice can be gotten. Best case you are just going to get "don't do it, call this number".
It's a cry for help. It's also quite a calculated cry for help. Not serious enough to impact real life but just enough to get people's attention and a wee bit of a pep-talk.

I saw a segment on the news a while back where suicide was being discussed and they had some celeb on there saying "don't be afraid to speak up and share your experiences" etc. It made me think that this is actually maybe not a good idea.
In a sense by broadcasting this message you have people using social media as a way to out-compete each other in a "I've got mental health issues" contest.
You can get a pat on the back for "talking about it" at worst but at best you can go viral and everyone holds you up as the shining example.
It occurred to me though that deep down probably not much changes. You know that these people aren't professionals and you know that they are also strangers who wouldn't care that much if you were just gone. I mean, they are strangers.
Better to not broadcast your "mental health issues" to the world or your 500 followers or whatever. Better to find a good friend and just confide in them privately.
Of course there is no reward for doing that.
ResetEra is the kind of environment where declaring a mental health issue is seen almost as a route to avoid the heavy burden of privilege.
I could accept Trump is President and just get on with life but I've got a mental health issue so reeeeeeeeee.

Then of course there is the issue of declaring oneself suicidal and getting no traction but another user does the same and gets all the attention. This is likely to lead to all kinds of counter-productive thoughts.

Better to have a stock reply with some tips, resources and general help. Admin post that reply. Lock the thread and then hope for the best.

There is something darkly humorous about seeing a goofy avatar or whimsical username basically saying "I want to kill myself".
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Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I've always thought it was a decent political sitcom that gets progressively worse and increasingly less about politics-based humor for sitcom/workplace crap.

It's no Yes, Minister but what is amirite?

God tier comedy, right there. Still relevant to boot...

There's a sequel Yes, Prime Minister also rather enjoyable.


" I like to hit my hand with a hammer once in a while. Not a big one, but enough to break some bones. Helps me appreciate things"


"Oh, it's 7pm on Wednesday! Time for my weekly Internet browse to find footage of murders, suicides and accidents. After all, who doesn't need to test their empathy by watching gruesome deaths of actual people? Helps you appreciate life!"

I wonder if like before a big and exciting life event they watch a montage video of death just so they can appreciate things more.
Like having a wank before a date with a hot chick so that you don't come across as a desperate horny randy bastard. :)


you cant make this shit up. no wonder everyone is so fucking depressed all the time.


the pimple and ball shaving threads are also not long for this world.
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Neo Member
I am pretty sure that most women are made uncomfortable by overly protective and overly zealous men trying way too hard to be a white knight than anything this B-Dubs guy might be thinking of lol.
I don't think that most women feel comfortable around men trying so hard.
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Some of the dirtiest and raunchiest shit I have ever heard comes out of the mouths of women. I'm not sure they even know women. They are a diverse set of individuals. Some are going to be prudish while others are raunchy as fuck - just like men. Treat them with the respect they deserve and not like some weakling subset of humanity that needs to be coddled. It's embarrassing.


Neo Member

The funny thing is that their attitude is exclusionary in nature to anyone who isn't actively looking to be offended.
Gotta love the casual sexism too of implying that women are these easily offended flowers who fall into pieces because someone mentioned anything having to do with sex and womens bodies.
Women aren't really less vulgar than men are, they just tend not to be as vocal about it openly.


at least theyre not using the boys club reason anymore, did they realize that makes them look stupider than usual?

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member

Got to love the one guy basically equating the boys who lost as '4chan/Nazis' for not smiling on the podium.

Pro-Tip: 106lb weight division?
17 year old girl...

What kind of boys are 106lbs?

13 and 14 year olds!!

Congrats, an 18 year old senior female wrestler out wrestled a couple boys in 9th grade.

On the bright side tho, at least it's an ACTUAL biological girl!
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funny thing about "this thread is unlikely to lead to productive discussion". it actually encourages harmful threads. mods in the Mental Health thread are asking people to "make sillier threads", which is kinda the opposite of what this mod is saying.


he on the contrary wants "more silly and weird threads" and "more fun stuff"... just make sure the thread "is likely to lead to productive discussion"

its like the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing
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Got to love the one guy basically equating the boys who lost as '4chan/Nazis' for not smiling on the podium.

Pro-Tip: 106lb weight division?
17 year old girl...

What kind of boys are 106lbs?

13 and 14 year olds!!

Congrats, an 18 year old senior female wrestler out wrestled a couple boys in 9th grade.

On the bright side tho, at least it's an ACTUAL biological girl!
I can't wait for them to call the women "Terf/Cunts" when they don't smile when a Brave & stunning Transwoman beats them in sports.


Why do these white knights think that posts about tits and ass make women uncomfortable?

yep another Male feminist fine with posts about racism, rape, suicide, politics, etc.

no boobies tho. we don't want to make them feel uncomfortable. THA WOMENFOLK! SHEILD THINE EYES M'LADY!!!

ironically these male feminists erase the healthy desires lesbian & bi women entirely w this line of thought
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Why do these white knights think that posts about tits and ass make women uncomfortable?
Many reasons-
1- They aren't women
2- It makes THEM uncomfortable
3- Jealously
4- Someone woker then them told them that
5- They think woman need to be protected by evil tits and ass in video games (by men)
6- They probably think real women have beards and penises
7- They have nothing better to do
8- Makes them feel like they are "helping"
9- They are getting all their opinions on women from a small group of outraged women/ other men
10- they think that since *some* women who happen to be *woke* have a issue with the designs, it means ALL women do. Which isn't problematic at all.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
All of those proposals can be applied to homosexuals. Basically, they are saying, if your religion dictates it, you can sack someone, or treat them differently, if they are gay.

The only one that had to do with gays was the first one, and it was about allowing religious employers to use discriminatory hiring practices as long as they cited religious reasons. It's the same thing that allows a Jewish organization to hire only Jews, for example (from the article).

I'm not seeing how the other links you posted affect gays. For example, how exactly does reversing federal guidance saying that transgender students must be allowed unfettered access to gendered facilities (bathrooms, locker rooms) as long as they match the gender with which they identify affect gays? This whole topic of gender and gender identity is one of the very points that trans and gay are completely at odds with each other.
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Unconfirmed Member
wait whats wrong with the design?

Too much in the top half, not enough in the bottom half.

But really, nothing.

I've always thought it was a decent political sitcom that gets progressively worse and increasingly less about politics-based humor for sitcom/workplace crap.

It's no Yes, Minister but what is amirite?

Well, it has Connie Britton in it ❤❤. That's good enough for me!

Ron Mexico

Many reasons-
1- They aren't women
2- It makes THEM uncomfortable
3- Jealously
4- Someone woker then them told them that
5- They think woman need to be protected by evil tits and ass in video games (by men)
6- They probably think real women have beards and penises
7- They have nothing better to do
8- Makes them feel like they are "helping"
9- They are getting all their opinions on women from a small group of outraged women/ other men
10- they think that since *some* women who happen to be *woke* have a issue with the designs, it means ALL women do. Which isn't problematic at all.

11- Outrage has become a "game" in and of itself. The post reporting, the performances on display, the competition for woke points is all the same feedback loop. It's all a dopamine hit and like anything else, to keep that high going, you're going to need more and more. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Once more, into the Duffpocalypse.

Poor, poor Amanita.. at least they had the self-awareness to know they'd git ganked for this post.


.. and then DOUBLES DOWN ON... rationality?


No, no this is all getting too close to having the mods bias and overall shittiness exposed to the drooling masses... time to shut this shit down.


"Relative minimal amount of staff actions"
B B-Dubs says.


Holy Macaroni, Batman! The Hillary Duff photog thread was a BLOODBATH!

How dare someone have opinions during Black History month! Do we think Nepenthe or Slayven went on a banspree?












Nepenthe is seriously raging.


I am impressed I got 3 bans in one screen shot.



"the relative minimal amount of staff actions should communicate that we simultaneously believe the issues regarding photographer rights and etiquette, and Hillary Duff's contentious history with paparazzi harassing her and her family, were valid issues to discuss. "



advanced basic bitch
The only one that had to do with gays was the first one, and it was about allowing religious employers to use discriminatory hiring practices as long as they cited religious reasons. It's the same thing that allows a Jewish organization to hire only Jews, for example (from the article).

I'm not seeing how the other links you posted affect gays. For example, how exactly does reversing federal guidance saying that transgender students must be allowed unfettered access to gendered facilities (bathrooms, locker rooms) as long as they match the gender with which they identify affect gays? This whole topic of gender and gender identity is one of the very points that trans and gay are completely at odds with each other.
But but... they're killing them in the streets! They want to take away all their rights! Lol.

It's the danger of groupthink. They've told themselves that same shit over and over again their restrictive circle they actually believe it. They've got to justify their hate somehow.


Maybe I missed it, but you know how Reeeee has a guy on suicide watch, which one Gaffer posted a screen cap yesterday?

Turns out there was another suicide guy who posted on the weekend.

Who knows why, but the poster from last night got way more replies. lol

Saturday guy

Yesterday guy

I made a comment on that Mental Health thread about this and it went unnoticed, but I believe it's very possible that "Saturday Guy" actually went through with it after being talked down. Read the 2nd page, he says he's feeling better, then makes a post about reading some Discord/Chat/Twitter threads were Era members basically talked shit about "being too much of a pussy to do it" and that is his last reply on the site on Wednesday at around 8 PM.

Then everyone moves on to Yesterday Guy, even the last fucking post of Saturday Guy's thread is like "Hey look another one over here guys!" and straight up links to it and ends the discussion.

It's mind numbing how they allow these suicide threads to stay open, then expect everyone to just move on with their day. No follow-up by the OP, no mention of them again. Maybe they got better, maybe they actually did it but who will ever know?

Dick Jones

Gold Member
I made a comment on that Mental Health thread about this and it went unnoticed, but I believe it's very possible that "Saturday Guy" actually went through with it after being talked down. Read the 2nd page, he says he's feeling better, then makes a post about reading some Discord/Chat/Twitter threads were Era members basically talked shit about "being too much of a pussy to do it" and that is his last reply on the site on Wednesday at around 8 PM.

Then everyone moves on to Yesterday Guy, even the last fucking post of Saturday Guy's thread is like "Hey look another one over here guys!" and straight up links to it and ends the discussion.

It's mind numbing how they allow these suicide threads to stay open, then expect everyone to just move on with their day. No follow-up by the OP, no mention of them again. Maybe they got better, maybe they actually did it but who will ever know?
DM them if they are not online still. Saddening to read that.


The only one that had to do with gays was the first one, and it was about allowing religious employers to use discriminatory hiring practices as long as they cited religious reasons. It's the same thing that allows a Jewish organization to hire only Jews, for example (from the article).

I'm not seeing how the other links you posted affect gays. For example, how exactly does reversing federal guidance saying that transgender students must be allowed unfettered access to gendered facilities (bathrooms, locker rooms) as long as they match the gender with which they identify affect gays? This whole topic of gender and gender identity is one of the very points that trans and gay are completely at odds with each other.
the thing is, labor law in the US is so favorable towards the employers, that you can be fired at any time for any reason, really. in most states, anyways. sure, if someone purposely fires you because they find out you are gay and you have not let being gay affect your work in any ways and it isn't a shortage of work that resulted in you being laid off (which has happened to me many times) then you would have a personal case. but in general, employees don't have much say in their own employment.

as for bathrooms. i don't get to choose what bathroom i go in. i have to use the men's room, due to circumstances beyond my control. i am compelled by law to do this. why should someone have the opportunity to avoid this longstanding law simply because they decide they don't want to? it seems like giving them a privilege that i do not have. i can't just go into a women's restroom, as a cis man. it would be weird. i would make people uncomfortable, as we hear trans folk crow on about how uncomfortable heteros make them. my problem is that i am too concerned for the comfort of others, in this case. interesting, none of these concerns come up for the trans bathroom activist. it is all "me me me". when they cite safety concerns, it seems hypocritical, as they are more than happy to dismiss and mock the safety concerns of people not on the trans bandwagon in the first place.

personally i find it all exhausting and pointless. just use the same bathroom as the rest of us. put your civil rights bathroom struggle on hold, it only freaks out the normies. besides we never finished the first civil rights struggle, and black people are still fighting for their actual lives.
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