im just so sick of the same old lazy bullshit strawman talking points being dragged out time and time again and they just keep piling on the nonsense. just blame 100% of all the problems on the fans, im sure it had NOTHING to do with the industry itself being cruel or the media being cruel. nope. they are perfect angels, it was all the horrible fans:
- It wasn't the pressures of global fame on a 10 year old Jake Lloyd, nor the bullying from his schoolyard chums, it was fans. SURE! They also gave him schizophrenia because that is a thing you can give someone. Even though that is something he was born with, let's just blame millions of random people for giving it to him. It was the fault of me, an 18 year old filmgoer at the time, somehow, for Lloyd's classmates bullying him. That's on me. Because I'm a bad bad fan.
- Hayden Christiansen
is still acting in movies, and never really stopped. So that's ENTIRELY an ass pull. Blaming the fans for something that didn't even happen.
- George Lucas wanted to sell for many many reasons, first and foremost, he was only going to make the sequel trilogy if he was able to film it in his own backyard, and he was attempting a massive expansion to Skywalker Ranch for this purpose. This was a huge issue in N Cali politics and ultimately his neighbors shut him down, making him unable to build the studio. This combined with low grosses for the prequel 3D re-releases meant the ST would be an uphill battle. The dude was getting old and tried to sell to Disney decades earlier, so he found a place for his legacy. Never once has George Lucas blamed the fans. Another ass pull.
- Daisy Ridley and Kelly both have made it clear they don't blame the fans. Go read the actual statements from the actresses, rather than hyperventalating white knights on twitter. They just wanted some privacy, or they were struggling with the internal workings of the industry (which is where the real racism/sexism is). Never has either actress said the main reason was the fans. It is
10000% bullshit.