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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Ya'll seen this dude who is essentially posting to himself about his collection and slowly walling himself into his house?

I admit to going over the top with my purchases this generation because of the introduction of a bunch of limited run publishers so basically I buy the game now or I miss out, but even with that....I don't come close to this dude.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Certainly not Hobbes


RIP ERA, you're going to be incidented to death now w/o someone to manage em
Poor Hobbes can't even retain the titles Era gives him. :messenger_ghost:
What do the discords say?
I only caught the tail end of it and I’m not logged in all the time as the notifications are spastic with the election crap atm but it was something about special privileges/titles....I’m guessing they were alluding to protected people


Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Ya'll seen this dude who is essentially posting to himself about his collection and slowly walling himself into his house?

This is legitimately stressful to look at.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member

Excel Sheets' Canadian tantrum into American politics has been locked because people are beginning to question the bullying that mods allow some members to do to others without a ban.

We mustn't have our forum member discussing the inconsistent and heavy handed state of the moderation and the forum. Quick. Shut this shit down.
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Found the thread.

lmao ohhhhhhh shiiiitttt Stinkles I cant believe you’re a fuckin racist!!!

i mean I haven’t even read your comment but I’m going to listen to the (most likely) minority mod who banned you since...you know...we should ALWAYS take what they say as gospel.

just goes to show how even your greatest allies spread racist rhetoric....


Gold Member
incel spreadsheet seriously has my respect: creates a thread for politics in a country she doesnt even fuckin live in and leaves a pile of bodies while she walks out unscathed.

Almost every single type of minority and sjw got banned in that thread...except her.

incel spreadsheet - you truly are the final boss of RetardEra

Truly the Guardian ape of era

The first thing the Guardian Ape does is hit you. The second thing he does is hit you. This continues apace for eternity with an occasional pause so the Ape can literally fart in your face and then throw its shit at you.


Ya'll seen this dude who is essentially posting to himself about his collection and slowly walling himself into his house?

That dude fucks


Ya'll seen this dude who is essentially posting to himself about his collection and slowly walling himself into his house?

Aren't those screen caps from the movie The 40 Year Old Virgin?




Gold Member
Where does he get all the money for this crap?

Who knows. But it's really not that hard as long as someone is willing to spend it.

If someone has $100,000 lying around.... which many people do like me. Let's say an average game costs $20..... some more, but some you can get for like $5.

$100,000 will get you 5,000 games.

I'm not saying it's easy sifting through it all and doing a master checklist, and not saying collector's items are easy to get either. But for games that aren't those $1,000 - 10,000 ultra rare collector's items, buying mainstream games is doable. Going through the hassle of ordering these games and keeping track is I bet harder to do than worrying about the money if someone is rich.


Who knows. But it's really not that hard as long as someone is willing to spend it.

If someone has $100,000 lying around.... which many people do like me. Let's say an average game costs $20..... some more, but some you can get for like $5.

$100,000 will get you 5,000 games.

I'm not saying it's easy sifting through it all and doing a master checklist, and not saying collector's items are easy to get either. But for games that aren't those $1,000 - 10,000 ultra rare collector's items, buying mainstream games is doable. Going through the hassle of ordering these games and keeping track is I bet harder to do than worrying about the money if someone is rich.

That's fair enough, just seems like a bizarre thing to waste money on but it is his money to spend. Just seems pointless.

Kinda weird people on a gaming forum mocking a guy for buying games.
There's more than games in the pictures. His obsession with those games and figurines seems pretty creepy.

He isn't harming anyone, just seems odd.
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oh look at another thread of fans hating on fans. what a fucking surprise

yes everything wrong with the world is the result of fans and the media are all innocent angels who have done nothing wrong.

how about: if you want to avoid getting random messages on Twitter THEN DONT USE TWITTER!!!

and LOL @ Rian Johnson took creative risks, no you fucking knob, he started the internet flame war in the first place. he is toxic troll number one. not that you will ever admit this, it destroys your precious narrative, that all the fans are toxic, and Rian's farts smell like unicorns.
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Darkness no more
Where does he get all the money for this crap?

why does this guy block all his doors with the shelves


There's more than games in the pictures. His obsession with those games and figurines seems pretty creepy.

He isn't harming anyone, just seems odd.

That is fair, but even so, we all have different priorities in life and hobbies. Some people think nothing of driving around in a car worth 80k. Maybe he drives a banger and spends all his money collecting things like that. Whatever gets you through life, enjoy it.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Dude who's walled himself into the room with weeb shit is probably actually a fucking weirdo. But eh, whatever. I have a lot of games, too, and I also like anime boobs. There are worse predilections.


Gold Member
oh look at another thread of fans hating on fans. what a fucking surprise

Was just looking at this.

Yeah, fans can be toxic but this is the umpteenth confirmation of a sad truth about RE: you can guess the replys in a thread with 99% accuracy just from the thread title (just like you could on old GAF when those people were here), and this is true for most threads. There is nothing to read there after you’ve gone halfway through the first page, it’s the same lines repeated at nauseam and it’s always the same lines in half the threads there. So much for that inclusive community that wants to foster discussion...


oh look at another thread of fans hating on fans. what a fucking surprise

Is Rae Carlson really "harassed" because of her TROS novellization like some erans say, by the way ?

Just looked her twitter, either she's pro at erasing and blocking trolls, either 80% of messages are positive and the other 20 mostly having some digs at the movies story while recognizing her task to salvage that was hard.
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im just so sick of the same old lazy bullshit strawman talking points being dragged out time and time again and they just keep piling on the nonsense. just blame 100% of all the problems on the fans, im sure it had NOTHING to do with the industry itself being cruel or the media being cruel. nope. they are perfect angels, it was all the horrible fans:


- It wasn't the pressures of global fame on a 10 year old Jake Lloyd, nor the bullying from his schoolyard chums, it was fans. SURE! They also gave him schizophrenia because that is a thing you can give someone. Even though that is something he was born with, let's just blame millions of random people for giving it to him. It was the fault of me, an 18 year old filmgoer at the time, somehow, for Lloyd's classmates bullying him. That's on me. Because I'm a bad bad fan.
- Hayden Christiansen is still acting in movies, and never really stopped. So that's ENTIRELY an ass pull. Blaming the fans for something that didn't even happen.
- George Lucas wanted to sell for many many reasons, first and foremost, he was only going to make the sequel trilogy if he was able to film it in his own backyard, and he was attempting a massive expansion to Skywalker Ranch for this purpose. This was a huge issue in N Cali politics and ultimately his neighbors shut him down, making him unable to build the studio. This combined with low grosses for the prequel 3D re-releases meant the ST would be an uphill battle. The dude was getting old and tried to sell to Disney decades earlier, so he found a place for his legacy. Never once has George Lucas blamed the fans. Another ass pull.
- Daisy Ridley and Kelly both have made it clear they don't blame the fans. Go read the actual statements from the actresses, rather than hyperventalating white knights on twitter. They just wanted some privacy, or they were struggling with the internal workings of the industry (which is where the real racism/sexism is). Never has either actress said the main reason was the fans. It is 10000% bullshit.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member

Also Era: 7 pages thread that devolves into Star Wars fans criticizing the novelization of ROTS and ranting how it's the worst thing ever


I fucking love Era sometimes. You cannot create meta-comedy this good. We get to watch it for free.
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Also Era: 7 pages thread that devolves into Star Wars fans criticizing the novelization of ROTS and ranting how it's the worst thing ever


I fucking love Era sometimes. You cannot create meta-comedy this good. We get to watch it for free.


like here is someone saying the movie "sucks shit" on a thread, then an hour later, decrying "over-opinionated nerds", without a hint of self awareness


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Neighbours from Hell
Yeah, don’t beat around the bush just come out and say we don’t allow republicans or conservatives on this website.

I suspect after the election if Trump wins again there will be more bans than ever there. They are gonna be really butt hurt and sore losers and are gonna be wallowing in self pity, and anyone who makes a post that doesn’t say “Trump is Hitler, the country is racist, the world is ending!” Will be banned. Mark my words. You’re gonna see posts like “I fucking hate Donald Trump, but the reason he’s back on a second term is because the DNC couldn’t produce someone capable of taking him down” and “this fucking blows, but if we stick together we’ll get through it” perma banned. It’ll be full on implosion mode over there.
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I saw nothing misogynistic or transphobic in that post at all.

What I saw was someone put forth their own political leanings, and the crime was not aligning with the hivemind.
I agree with several things he said, a couple I view a bit differently. But nowhere in that post was anything ban worthy, this was a straight up murk. Ofc, the person who was asking was not doing so in good faith but then again if you’re not there to parrot their crap you don’t belong so there really isn’t any good faith there.

What a fucking joke smdh 🤬
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