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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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It's ironic that they are so close to hitting the mark. The country is going through the wringer because of the progressive ideologues shredding our culture and our unity while shrieking "he will not divide us". We are indeed suffering from gaslighting, bigotry, anti-science, and ideological blindness, but it's coming from their own side.



yeah this person spitting some truth. alt right may have kicked up a stink about Mad Max or Black Panther but there wasn't an entire parasitic industry of Professional Mad Max Podcasters who drone on about "Toxic Mad Max Fans". or Black Panther. a handful of articles. not like Star Wars, where they are STILL, years later, complaining about the alt right. how big do you think that grievance industry is at this point?

the real funny thing about that whole thread is, the original Tweet in OP DIDN't blame fans, it blamed "the discourse". which is largely media driven. most of the discourse is driven by Twitter users and bloggers. the people that Retweeted it were Blue Checks, meaning they don't even see anonymous tweets. so they are literally complaining about their fellow Twitter uses. newsflash: most regular people don't use Twitter. that's mostly a media thing, or an Extremely Online thing.

but great deflection! just like when KMT complained about comments she got from within the industry, and the media took that and turned it into "The fans alone drove her away". they really love that line. professional star wars fans love nothing more than to hate on star wars fans.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
On a related point, the "retirement" of Chris Matthews is another proof that there is no reward for overall loyalty with the Regressive Left. (Like the Stinkles' ban)

You step out of lock step, and they will deplatform you. You have to 100% push their ever changing narrative and do so empathetically.

There is no sensible siding with them. It's just indoctrination and lack of independent thought.
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On a related point, the "retirement" of Chris Matthews is another proof that there is no reward for overall loyalty with the Regressive Left.

You step out of lock step, and they will deplatform you. You have to 100% push their ever changing narrative and do so empathetically.

There is no sensible siding with them. It's just indoctrination and lack of independent thought.
Behind the scenes there are interlocking layers of mutually-assured destruction among the powerful, from the more whimsical/esoteric Bohemian Grove clubs to the sinister Epstein-curated pedophelia cults to the Hollywood "casting couch" culture that is assuredly practiced beyond the obvious Harvey Weinstein-types.

This is not a profound statement. When you know someone's sins, you can leverage it against them and position yourself above them. It is the fundamental weakness of all organized human endeavors.


Real talk....

What the fuck is their logic in tossing out this ban. You literally banned a dude one month for a fucking opinion on movies?!

Is this what the right side of history looks like. Man, fuck Era. It's opinions on fucking movies...... fictional works.

Seriously, someone defend this... gleen in what rational world this is excusing harassment and so severe of excusing harassment that it merits a month ban?

They legit levied less time for perceived racism by other members and overt threats of physical violence.

So badwrongopinion on a movie > threats of physical violence?

My final ban before requesting account deletion was for having the balls to say Ghostbusters 2016 was legit a shit movie and advocating for the ability to discuss that without all the left/right politics.

That was dismissing representation concerns, 1 month. Represent this, bitches!


Poor Hobbes. He just wants to help out.

Come over to the dark-side Hobbes. DO IT, STRIKE THEM DOWN WITH ANGER.

Also fuck Hecht, acting the asshole as usual.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Regarding Hobbes, I truly believe he is only one ban away from permanent. The verification meant the bans were never permanent and now it's gone, I'm worried that we may lose his experience in managing incidents.


I am confused, it is in principle off limits to call a black woman angry / easily provoked? Of course you should not state something like that wholesale about a group of people, but it can be a correct statement about an individual.
There is nothing, at all, confusing if you stayed awake for a genuine history class (when actual history was taught).

It is simple really. Communism / socialism / whatever you want to call it, does not work because human nature is what it is. But thanks to human nature (EGO and power trips), some people inevitably decide it can work if everyone listens to them THIS TIME. Then when it starts to fail, those with power double down and start employing violence to try removing human nature from the humans, eventually removing the problematic humans when their re-programming fails. And eventually you have a shit show where power tripping people are wrecking havoc on society and individuals.

Now look at their community. How did it start? That is simple - it started here, and over the years this board's moderation team was taken over by people who think like them. When the opportunity arose, they then consolidated power by purging anyone who disagreed with certain narratives. Then a single, never proven allegation (propoganda) was used to convince the community to move to a different place where like minded individuals would hold all of the power. But do not worry comrade, because this new land is run by the people for the people.

Then human nature reared that ugly head again. Group A believed their opinion should rule the roost. But Group B was pissed, because they were the chosen people. But group C has the same beliefs. And here we are. It now looks like an absolute minefield of a discussion platform. Steer off the invisible safe path a mere six inches, and bam, you're banned. Why? Simple, because marxists took over, and abusing their power is the only way to keep these different groups from taking that power away.

Edit - there is one major difference between old school and new school marxists though, and it makes this parade of clown shoes absolutely absurd. They aren't fighting for power to be returned to workers. They now fight for power to be granted based on immutable characteristics, mental illness, welfare dependence, and poor life choices.
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Rodent Whores
Can someone please explain the Stinkles ban to me? I do not see what the racist rhetoric is supposed to be in there - and serious one at that apparently.
From what I can tell, S Stinkles was banned for employing the stereotype of the "angry black lady" in his criticism of Nina Turner. Using that stereotype to characterize his problems with Nina when she is not actually any more angry than any other average person would be unfair and "racist rhetoric" vis a vis the stereotype.

Is she more angry than your average person? I don't think so, but everyone's perception is different. Is it "angry black lady", or "strong, confident leader"?

You can judge for yourself.

Here she is talking with MSNBC because when they got mad at her calling Bloomberg an oligarch:

And here she is in a different setting, making the case for Bernie:



So this is the post that got Stinkles banned. Annnnnd, I have no idea what I'm reading.


Looks like someone complained he was talking about an angry black woman? I have no idea how to intrepret that.

But forget about that, how will Microsoft react if they found out they hired a racist?!?!? :messenger_fearful: :unsure::ROFLMAO:


If that guy had any sense he would immediately delete his account on ReetardEra and get it scrubbed entirely.

You've got an account on a message board that clearly states your employer and you are publicly getting banned for "Racist Rhetoric"?

Surely only a matter of time before someone sends that to your employer and you've got some explaining to do?

Also, how is it not an automatic permanent ban for being racist?

That's a thing I never really got with them.
On one hand it is a pretty serious accusation. Probably one of the things ReetardEra claims to stand against.
Yet you can get a ban for racism that is not permanent? Makes no sense.

Almost like it's more "step out of line again and you will be accused of being racist again" than it is "racism is completely unacceptable here so don't come back".

I just don't get how "racist rhetoric" is not an instant, permanent, ban.
I also do not understand how the guy is cool with having his identity and his employers name openly associated with that.

If I were that guy I'd be getting that account scrubbed before some smart-ass decides to show my employer that their name is being openly placed beside "Racist Rhetoric".


oof yeah i don't see anything racist there, not even dogwhistles. "combatative and angry" is there but it's like... i mean who isn't combatative and angry at this point?



ah, you have been called out for critizing a black woman by this white man.



another white man calling you out for being racist against black women

Dick Jones

Gold Member
From what I can tell, S Stinkles was banned for employing the stereotype of the "angry black lady" in his criticism of Nina Turner. Using that stereotype to characterize his problems with Nina when she is not actually any more angry than any other average person would be unfair and "racist rhetoric" vis a vis the stereotype.

Is she more angry than your average person? I don't think so, but everyone's perception is different. Is it "angry black lady", or "strong, confident leader"?

You can judge for yourself.

Here she is talking with MSNBC because when they got mad at her calling Bloomberg an oligarch:

And here she is in a different setting, making the case for Bernie:

Well the two don't compare (one a debate scenario and the other a pre taped speech). Personally, I don't think in either clip you linked she was angry. I don't have enough clips of her to form an opinion. Even though I have made jokes at Stinkles expense, the response to someone who is very liberal minded should have been more restrained that calling him a racist. Ask him to show examples of her overreacting to small almost pointless items before playing the race card. In his defence he mentioned she is a genius organiser and to concentrate on that. So reading it was discussing a person and not furthering racist rhetoric.
so...apparently you cant call out a black woman as angry, ever? even if they are?

and lmao at Hobbes, looks like it wasnt requested/coordinated as some here were speculating
No the verified tag wasn’t requested...the incident manager tag was what was called into question

He got a special reee upgrade

apparently there are a bunch of people on discord bitching about protected users and custom titles

Hopefully his side of fries (perma ban) comes soon so we can watch a Twitter meltdown

the discord is turning into a shithole...I had to turn it off as there is nothing but bitching in there
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
oof yeah i don't see anything racist there, not even dogwhistles. "combatative and angry" is there but it's like... i mean who isn't combatative and angry at this point?



ah, you have been called out for critizing a black woman by this white man.

I think Surfinn is a black-presenting person, actually! :pie_winking:
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
No the verified tag wasn’t requested...the incident manager tag was what was called into question

He got a special reee upgrade

apparently there are a bunch of people on discord bitching about protected users and custom titles

Hopefully his side of fries (perma ban) comes soon so we can watch a Twitter meltdown

the discord is turning into a shithole...I had to turn it off as there is nothing but bitching in there
Bitching about protected users? You mean the great unwashed complaining about special titles and treatment of verified (😷) users or certain protected users starting the purge?


so...apparently you cant call out a black woman as angry, ever? even if they are?

and lmao at Hobbes, looks like it wasnt requested/coordinated as some here were speculating

Oh no, you definitely can.
You will be accused of being racist though.

Welcome to identity politics. :)


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
I noticed someone posted my comment pages ago that got me a perma on resetera a few weeks ago.

I am a moderate Republican and said that while I would consider Biden or Mayor Pete, I would definitely vote Trump over Sanders.

I ended up having a civil discussion with some posters for awhile(I ignored replying to the ones calling me a fascist) after that but about an hour later was banned for that original post for "inflammatory support". To be fair, a fair number of posters did question why I received a ban(especially a permanent one) but of course others were like "good job mod, banning that Trump supporting trash"

I was a bit surprised since I had been posting there for a significant time and never received any bans or hell even a warning. However, like I said I was only a bit surprised. The politics discussion over there has largely become a Bernie supporting echo chamber. Even people supporting Warren, Biden, etc, or those who dare to be critical of socialism have received temporary bans.

Ah well, the crazy mod who perma banned me probably did me a favor. The place has become bitter, nasty hellscape, While I never really paid attention to who the Admins and mods were, I did notice the moderation and bans becoming much more harsh and often ridiculous than during the early days of the site.

If it’s anything like how the 2016 election went in the bad old days here, they’ll be stepping up their abuses of power majorly to shape thought in their desired direction.

Regardless, you can openly support the candidate you want at NeoGAF and we’ll treat you fairly. Stick around, it’ll be fun.
Also kind of ironic, that people who screaming "empathy", have absolutely zero empathy.
They're screaming "empathy" as a demand, that's what most folks don't seem to grasp yet. You're not dealing with emotionally stable people. They need the rest of the world to affirm their delusions -- whether it is their headcanon identity, their personal beliefs, their taste in sci-fi Disney franchises, whatever -- or they're thrown into a conniption fit.

Go through the list of Type B disorders and see how many Bingos you score:

Symptom of a luxurious and ultra-safe Western world. Even 100 years ago they would've been liquidated from society.
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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
They're screaming "empathy" as a demand, that's what most folks don't seem to grasp yet. You're not dealing with emotionally stable people. They need the rest of the world to affirm their delusions -- whether it is their headcanon identity, their personal beliefs, their taste in sci-fi Disney franchises, whatever -- or they're thrown into a conniption fit.

Go through the list of Type B disorders and see how many Bingos you score:

Symptom of a luxurious and ultra-safe Western world. Even 100 years ago they would've been liquidated from society.
I am not going to read that, because many thing can be applied to me, but I am not proud of that. I know that they are my faults.
I am not going to read that, because many thing can be applied to me, but I am not proud of that. I know that they are my faults.
lol no I didn't mean for yourself. I'm talking about those who demand empathy while giving none to others.

The fact that you can admit you share some of those faults indicates you have empathy.
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