I am confused, it is in principle off limits to call a black woman angry / easily provoked? Of course you should not state something like that wholesale about a group of people, but it can be a correct statement about an individual.
There is nothing, at all, confusing if you stayed awake for a genuine history class (when actual history was taught).
It is simple really. Communism / socialism / whatever you want to call it, does not work because human nature is what it is. But thanks to human nature (EGO and power trips), some people inevitably decide it can work if everyone listens to them THIS TIME. Then when it starts to fail, those with power double down and start employing violence to try removing human nature from the humans, eventually removing the problematic humans when their re-programming fails. And eventually you have a shit show where power tripping people are wrecking havoc on society and individuals.
Now look at their community. How did it start? That is simple - it started here, and over the years this board's moderation team was taken over by people who think like them. When the opportunity arose, they then consolidated power by purging anyone who disagreed with certain narratives. Then a single, never proven allegation (propoganda) was used to convince the community to move to a different place where like minded individuals would hold all of the power. But do not worry comrade, because this new land is run by the people for the people.
Then human nature reared that ugly head again. Group A believed their opinion should rule the roost. But Group B was pissed, because they were the chosen people. But group C has the same beliefs. And here we are. It now looks like an absolute minefield of a discussion platform. Steer off the invisible safe path a mere six inches, and bam, you're banned. Why? Simple, because marxists took over, and abusing their power is the only way to keep these different groups from taking that power away.
Edit - there is one major difference between old school and new school marxists though, and it makes this parade of clown shoes absolutely absurd. They aren't fighting for power to be returned to workers. They now fight for power to be granted based on immutable characteristics, mental illness, welfare dependence, and poor life choices.