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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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The near-immediate edit of Frank O Connor's profile on the Halo wiki should tell you they want to leverage his ban hard.

(reverted, but the nature of wiki is that edit history is public)


This thread is hilarious, you have a cheerleader trying to get brownie points by kissing up to the staff:

And not even one hour later, gets banned for...you guessed it: Racism.

I can't make this stuff up even if I tried. When I did this video, some might say I was taking liberties to exaggerate a bit. But turns out that reality is even crazier.



Unconfirmed Member

This thread is hilarious, you have a cheerleader trying to get brownie points by kissing up to the staff:

And not even one hour later, gets banned for...you guessed it: Racism.

I can't make this stuff up even if I tried. When I did this video, some might say I was taking liberties to exaggerate a bit. But turns out that reality is even crazier.

He said ya'll while being from Virginia. That is why he got that ban. Also anime poster. Obviously.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
That's it, I'm taking a whole day off November 3rd.

I don't care if I lose money, the U.S Election is by far the most entertaining event outside of WWE.

I want to see the meltdowns in real time. It's going to be NUCLEAR if Trump wins.

I wouldn't want Trump to win just for the reactions... amazing though they would be. Either way, though, the fireworks are going to be an absolute fucking *delight*.


ResetERA.com has always banned for saying bad things about the South collectively, a bunch of the staff are from there and get insulted, Nepenthe, Sweet Nicole was, etc.
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Gold Member
Aren’t the mods the actual racist ones always making connections? I wonder if u would get banned for racism for saying you hate fried chicken

Well, on a forum that's home to not just gaming discussion but topics of an assorted nature, you're bound to walk into threads where some members insensitivity or outright hostility on matters of race will surface. Perform a search for the threads pertaining to an innocent black person gunned down by the police. Some members have been rightfully banned for siding with the police and treating the shootings as justified.
Yet lots of people haven't been banned for literally condoning, advocating, and relishing violence against white people - and even PoC, when they don't have the "right" opinions (see: Etika).

Violence is ugly whatever the victim's color.



Yet lots of people haven't been banned for literally condoning, advocating, and relishing violence against white people - and even PoC, when they don't have the "right" opinions (see: Etika).

Violence is ugly whatever the victim's color.

Advocacy of violence towards innocent whites? That doesn't happen on Era, no. If you're talking about support of violence towards fascists, then, that's different. I don't have a problem with that, nor should anyone who's a decent human being.
the upshot of all this is that people are just not going to bother commenting.

Wherever race or gender is even tangentially connected to the subject you have only two choices. Either agree that the minority person in the story is infallible and automatically correct, in which case what is the point in posting in a thread where everyone says the same thing as you, or don't agree and eat the hammer.

Look at that announcement thread for the new rules. 16 replies. Because they only thing you can say is 'I agree, good job' without getting banned.

The consequence of that is that those sorts of threads are going to get zero traction in future. So while the mods think they are banning racism and transphobia from the forum, what they are actually doing is banning discussion of racism and transphobia, which I am not sure is the intention.


Still pending?

This has been a good 48 hours of secret meetings, which means hes been banned for two days.

I give it one more day, Stinkles will act like nothing happened, and mods won't bring it up. He'll be back by Thursday. If other users say what happened, a mod will say his punishment was enough and not worth talking about anymore.

More like

They'll get

Banned - 1 month. Mod whining, not respecting my authority. Prior history of serious infractions.


How shit is their site? Just from the layout to the off topic posts.

They talk about co-signing loans, making beds and RuPaul.

Like what the fuck?



What really baffles me is how many members WANT things to become bannable offenses. I can't even remember how often I have read people writing " This should be bannable imo" or " How is this user not banned? "

I fucking hate many posters on there, but not once have I thought: Wow they should be banned!
That word 'infractions' winds me up so much.

Sounds like something only a (US) cop would say but they claim to hate cops so why are they using that kind of language?
Infractions are usually excelsorifs discord hits quad trawling your post history and reporting past posts to form a narrative for a report

you ever wonder how some people that have never been banned or warned end up perma banned


Gold Member
the upshot of all this is that people are just not going to bother commenting.

Wherever race or gender is even tangentially connected to the subject you have only two choices. Either agree that the minority person in the story is infallible and automatically correct, in which case what is the point in posting in a thread where everyone says the same thing as you, or don't agree and eat the hammer.

Look at that announcement thread for the new rules. 16 replies. Because they only thing you can say is 'I agree, good job' without getting banned.

The consequence of that is that those sorts of threads are going to get zero traction in future. So while the mods think they are banning racism and transphobia from the forum, what they are actually doing is banning discussion of racism and transphobia, which I am not sure is the intention.
Not only that sort of threads. Gaming side has taken a hit too, and the board in general has become much less interesting in the last year or so ‘cuz no actual discussion can be had. As I said before, just take a look at how a thread title is formulated and you’ll know what kind of replies you’ll read on the first couple of pages. If you have a different opinion, why even bother? A “dissenting” opinion on the first three pages of any thread is likely to have a ban banner within 24 hours.

Legitimate threads will also often be derailed with the usual arguments. Oh, that JRPG has sold two million copies? But how about the misogyny, the boobs, the designs, the pervy camera shots, the anime tropes? What about those, huh? Surely you haven’t forgotten? Oh, you just liked the game? Banned for dismissing concerns about sexism and representation, tut tut.

I mean, this was inevitable getting closer to the 2020 election, but it’s still sad.
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Son Tofu

What really baffles me is how many members WANT things to become bannable offenses. I can't even remember how often I have read people writing " This should be bannable imo" or " How is this user not banned? "

I fucking hate many posters on there, but not once have I thought: Wow they should be banned!
I have left so many boards because of that type of rhetoric. These people are totalitarians claiming to be liberal. It's the craziest thing I have ever seen.


Advocacy of violence towards innocent whites? That doesn't happen on Era, no. If you're talking about support of violence towards fascists, then, that's different. I don't have a problem with that, nor should anyone who's a decent human being.

See, I would disagree,

Decent human beings should be against violence. Full stop.
Human beings with empathy ought to be able to understand why violence is bad.

Of course, sometimes violence is necessary as a last resort.
Again, decent human beings would see it as exactly that. A last resort when all other efforts have failed.

ReetardEra supports violence (or at least the look the other way) towards many people who I do not think you could convincingly describe as fascist and that throws your "decent human being" angle into serious doubt.

If violence is a last resort then I'd need pretty convincing evidence against someone before I could say "that's the only course of action now".
ReetardEra frequently fails to meet that standard of evidence.

Your representation of them is laughably naive.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
More like

They'll get

Banned - 1 month. Mod whining, not respecting my authority. Prior history of serious infractions.

User Banned (1 week): Insensitive commentary around race

The conclave has ended, Stinkles only got the week.
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Unconfirmed Member
Real talk....

What the fuck is their logic in tossing out this ban. You literally banned a dude one month for a fucking opinion on movies?!

Is this what the right side of history looks like. Man, fuck Era. It's opinions on fucking movies...... fictional works.

Seriously, someone defend this... gleen in what rational world this is excusing harassment and so severe of excusing harassment that it merits a month ban?

They legit levied less time for perceived racism by other members and overt threats of physical violence.

So badwrongopinion on a movie > threats of physical violence?

It's a "video game forum". NOT a place for movie discussion. That sort of thing would lead to a trashfire of freethinkers.

Another thread about not wanting kids including the classic line

This guy is only 23 though so not massively surprising he's not ready yet. However, multiple posters encourage him to have a vasectomy.

That is just terrible advice. Telling someone who is basically a kid themselves to have a vasectomy, which may not be reversible. Potentially something he may regret for the rest of his life. No bans for that genuinely irresponsible behaviour though.

Video game forum

How do you have race issues on a gaming forum where you use fake names. I don't know what race any of you are 🤣

I work for a large company that makes billions of dollars doing business around the world. I never seen meeting minutes as long as that.

Just so you know, I am a race around the world, between a hot air balloon and a family of squirrels.

What really baffles me is how many members WANT things to become bannable offenses. I can't even remember how often I have read people writing " This should be bannable imo" or " How is this user not banned? "

I fucking hate many posters on there, but not once have I thought: Wow they should be banned!

How is this user not banned? This should be bannable imo



M MaxB

You want to have a go at defending the post shown above.
I'd be interested to hear your take on it.

A post from a moderator on the site, no less.

M MaxB : "Advocacy of violence towards innocent whites? That doesn't happen on Era, no."

At least this is "looking the other way" as someone else advocates violence, no?

Let's hear your view on this.


yall remember all those Nazi marches in 2018? feels like you couldn't go a week without a giant Nazi march. 2018, yep, that was the year of Nazi marches. remember it well.
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