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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member

Surfinn... is a MALE?? :messenger_face_screaming::messenger_face_screaming:

Also... 25,000+ posts? I've been on another board since 2003 and I don't even have 12,000 posts there. Holy shit.


Gold Member

Community relations team??


Too funny. I cannot believe typing some words on a website for fucking video games generates this much drama. I also can't believe they are tripling down on this shit, I mean ......wow. Definitely seen an uptick on bans for those who are trying to ascend, but that's for pure visibility. Banning prolific posters who think they are prominent posters but it's all for optics. Until they ban the actual assholes and protected posters, it's transparent as fuck.

I also laughed at Jessie and some of those scenes in FFVII imagining the meltdowns as her crotch was frothing like a horses mouth at Cloud.

Dick Jones

Gold Member

Community relations team??

I know right. Imagine looking at this list and wanting to talk to any of them. They would ban you in a heartbeat.

So who is putting the white general manager bdubs racist comments into the black community moderation thread and asking for a response?🤔🤔🤔😂😂😂


Gold Member
Era members will now get banned for reporting posters who are part of minority groups. It's hilarious. :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Ignorance is now a bannable offense too!
Just skimmed through the whole thing and... LOL. Just... LOL.

Just where these people find "hate" on their thought-policing forum where no debate and no independent thinking is allowed is anyone's guess... yet they see a lot of it, apparently.

The part about missing dogwhistles is absolutely hilarious. As is the part about reverse racism.
How do you have race issues on a gaming forum where you use fake names. I don't know what race any of you are 🤣

I work for a large company that makes billions of dollars doing business around the world. I never seen meeting minutes as long as that.
It's a grand mystery, isn't it (well... not really... they're narcissists who feed on attention).

The internet is the perfect match for anyone who does not wish to be judged by their immutable traits. Male or female. Skincolor and ethnic backgrounds. Education level. Wealth level. Personal beliefs. All of those melt away. You are merely the persona as communicated by a hand-picked avatar and the written text you type on your keyboard. That's it.

Yet the normies handed it all away with Facebook, Twitter, etc as well as voice chat on the gaming systems and made the internet their new dwelling place. And at the same time they are whining for being judged by all the traits they were broadcasting openly, voluntarily, without anyone asking them.


Neighbours from Hell
Only will they be satisfied when straight white males are enslaved. And even then they will get mad that their privileged chains are too polished because colonial slaves only had rusty chains.
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this is funny, you can cross reference users complaining about Star Wars fans here:

and see the same users shitting on Star Wars itself here:


Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Oh wow, oh wow, oh wow.

The impetus for even more banning is laid bare. And right in time for the height of election season.

Get those buckets of mother fucking popcorn ready, lads. We are entering prime time. Strike that. Sweeps Week.

Where Narcissism, Superficial Virtue-peacocking, and Authoritarianism meet... we have a comedy goldmine.
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How do you have race issues on a gaming forum where you use fake names. I don't know what race any of you are 🤣

I work for a large company that makes billions of dollars doing business around the world. I never seen meeting minutes as long as that.

Well, on a forum that's home to not just gaming discussion but topics of an assorted nature, you're bound to walk into threads where some members insensitivity or outright hostility on matters of race will surface. Perform a search for the threads pertaining to an innocent black person gunned down by the police. Some members have been rightfully banned for siding with the police and treating the shootings as justified.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!

Hmmm can't wait for harsher moderation. Moderations team was clearly too lax until now.

So much to unpack in those posts.

Damn, they take that shit so seriously. It's a discussion forum and they aren't even paid. Shit, they aren't even given small tokens of appreciation for their time. A "Community Relations" (capitalized, because they're important!) team? Updating policies with long-ass verbose dissertation-esque posts? Cringe.

Minority members shouldn’t be getting banned for confronting bannable posts on the site itself.

Prepare for the return of hyper aggression from certain members. May as well give LionPride his account back.

For members who try to police black language, we’re going to be more actively actioning that kind of thing. Marginalized members shouldn’t have to feel like they need to talk differently on the site than they do in their real life.

When has anyone ever done that? What are they even talking about?

Members bringing up an intersectional issue in a thread shouldn’t be getting banned (unless they’re wholesale dismissing other minorities’ concerns) as this is an important part of the discussion. A complaint we’ve received from the Black community is that when an intersectional issue is brought up, their concerns are usually the first to be ignored or dismissed.

Sorry, you're part of a minority group. It's going to be routine that your concerns aren't going to be a concern for the majority. I am part of a minority group, I came to this realization at a young age and now deal with that reality like an adult. What the fuck do the mods want us to do, speak on shit like the concerns of the US black community when we don't know or care about it? When people try they get banned or warned for some dumbass reason anyway, that's why most people ignore those concerns in the first place.

There was also a lot of interest in moving the Black Culture Thread to the main Etcetera forum for this reason. As such, we will be granting this request, and also making the thread invisible to guests. This option is open to other sensitive / cultural community threads.

These are actually a good ideas, and probably something they should have been offering as an option to certain community threads to begin with.

For members that take part in harassment, we will permanently ban them, as long as the accuracy of the evidence, and the member's involvement, are verified beyond any reasonable doubt. A member taking part in harassment campaigns, be they on or off-site, is completely unacceptable and we will take strong action against anyone doing so.

Approved harassment will be allowed to proceed as per usual, though. We know it, they know it, they know we know it.

And as far as the reverse racism goes ...

"Reverse racism" is as made up as half of the ban reasons Reee mods supply.

We are always looking to recruit more moderators.

I.E. a few of our likewise socially challenged internet friends recently signed up for the Reee so they'll all be mods soon.

Haha, I can't believe I just wasted so much time reading all of that and given my impressions, but it is funny.


So much to unpack in those posts.

Damn, they take that shit so seriously. It's a discussion forum and they aren't even paid. Shit, they aren't even given small tokens of appreciation for their time. A "Community Relations" (capitalized, because they're important!) team? Updating policies with long-ass verbose dissertation-esque posts? Cringe.
It is honestly quite unnerving how much people on ERA view being a mod as come kind of interweb celebrity status, and how much the minions dote on them.
This whole thing is genuinely going to be something to watch and the body count is going to be staggering as well as the amount of people being bullied into silence.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
That they're attempting to listen is commendable, but I'm skeptical that the effort will bear a positive impact. That forum is home to a lot of "diet racists" (i.e. white liberals who are no less anti-black than their conservative counterparts). We'll see.

Have some receipts? If you mean that "diet racism", like calling black people "marginalized" (aka you are too dumb to handle real life) or something like hyper focusing on race (that thread with Hillar Duff), then I agree, aside from that I am not so sure if I understand what do you mean.

Plague Doctor

Gold Member
The white wokiest-woke-woke members of Era are realizing in real time:

1. African Americans aren't voting for the most progressive/regressive candidate. (which they are lowkey shaming them for EVEN after the historic Black Summit 2020)
2. The Youth Vote/Twitter sector doesn't fucking vote OR isn't representative of the feelings of the plurality of Democratic leaning voters.

Question: How can you claim to be on the right side of history when you are always fucking wrong... on practically everything?

Might want to retire that saying, chief.
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Have some receipts? If you mean that "diet racism", like calling black people "marginalized" (aka you are too dumb to handle real life) or something like hyper focusing on race (that thread with Hillar Duff), then I agree, aside from that I am not so sure if I understand what do you mean.

Claiming racism isn't as prevalent in Europe. Dismissing concerns of black members over misrepresentation in media. Attributing black members' reactions over racist video game depictions to "outrage culture." Painting black victims of police brutality as the offender. Stinkles was just banned for a racist presumption steeped in a long established stereotype over "angry" black women, and he's regarded as one of the most "liberal" and "progressive" members on the forum.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
So if I claim I'm black, I'll be protected and can get people I don't like banned? Like if I get into an argument with a fanboy, I can say that user is offending me and that user will be perma banned?


That's a loophole that can be easily abused.
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
So if I claim I'm black, I'll be protected and can get people I don't like banned? Like if I get into an argumenet with a fanboy, I can say that user is offending me and that user will be perma banned?


That's a loophole that can be easily abused.

And if you are black but don't preface all of your posts with "As a black person," or otherwise parade your identity around, you're going to be banned for questioning an enzom21.
I am confused, it is in principle off limits to call a black woman angry / easily provoked? Of course you should not state something like that wholesale about a group of people, but it can be a correct statement about an individual.
Dude it’s resetera there’s no rhyme or reason. Could you imagine if the angry Karen memes were for a black woman with a certain style hair. ERA would explode
So if I claim I'm black, I'll be protected and can get people I don't like banned? Like if I get into an argument with a fanboy, I can say that user is offending me and that user will be perma banned?


That's a loophole that can be easily abused.
Black men are at the bottom of the totem pole right above white men at ERA. So many black guys got banned in the Kobe threads just asking that we just don’t throw people in jail and look objectively at all the facts.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
So if I claim I'm black, I'll be protected and can get people I don't like banned? Like if I get into an argument with a fanboy, I can say that user is offending me and that user will be perma banned?


That's a loophole that can be easily abused.

I was cultivating my new troll account and saw they banned a black dude for racism by suggesting that the black voters he knows aren't well informed. So it depends. They're definitely given more leeway in how aggressive and trollish they can be. For example, BCC posters are infamous for their frequent drive by shit posting in serious threads, yet they are almost never actioned for it. It's really fucking rare. Try that as a white/asian/hispanic/whatever and see how far that gets ya.
How do you have race issues on a gaming forum where you use fake names. I don't know what race any of you are 🤣

I work for a large company that makes billions of dollars doing business around the world. I never seen meeting minutes as long as that.
I would lose my shit if my meetings were that insane and verbose. Holy shit.


Gold Member
Damn, remember that privilege pyramid thing from last week?

It DOES exist!!


...and did Redmercury just wish DEATH on potentially the next POTUS? Calling the FBI....agsin
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Now everyone on Resetera is going to claim they're black or a minority in some way or another to take advantage of these new rules. It seems everytime I think Resetera can't get any crazier, they prove me wrong.

And this from a forum that is constantly railing against "privilege".
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Gold Member
Now everyone on Resetera is going to claim they're black or a minority in some way or another to take advantage of these new rules. It seems everytime I think Resetera can't get any crazier, they prove me wrong.

And this from a forum that is constantly railing against "privilege".
If everyone claims they are a super niche special needs group, does that mean nobody can get banned anymore?


Gold Member
Still pending?

This has been a good 48 hours of secret meetings, which means hes been banned for two days.

I give it one more day, Stinkles will act like nothing happened, and mods won't bring it up. He'll be back by Thursday. If other users say what happened, a mod will say his punishment was enough and not worth talking about anymore.
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