lol this is a funny take.
when you live in an alternate reality of white supremacy which is somehow against white people and they are the most fucked and society is against them even though it does their bidding.
What she is saying is that white people are on a downward trajectory of their own doing. Their culture and society is inherently retrograde, insular and stratifying, resulting in a high quality of life that is countered by a poorly knitted social fabric.
She is saying black people have nothing lose because they don’t, occupying the bottom rung of American society by design, emancipated from centuries of genocidal labor into Reconstruction that turned into Jim Crow, which was putatively turned over by the passage of civil rights legislation that only concealed the systemic racism and made the apartheid in which they lived an accepted facet of our society. So, acknowledging that, they do feel as if they don’t have mich to lose. It is why there are far less suicides in the black community, far less despondency than what’s seen in white communities razed by neoliberal policy. Whites have far more to lose, but have chosen, as she notes, cultural mechanisms that keep them from correcting what is actively harming their community. They would rather be “white,” as in the dominant race, than right, a contributing partner in the fight for an equal and just society.
Whites are a minority and their numbers are dwindling. Right now, there are far more black people on this planet than whites. More Asians on this planet than whites. By 2050, blacks and Asians are projected to add over a billion more to their numbers, while whites are projected to become majority minorities in major nations like ours.
That is what she was getting at with that statement. Whites are basically committing suicide all in the name of white supremacy, ironic as that is. Bernie would have helped stave it off, but a President for the actual people is too much, I guess.
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