REeee of all places, not buying the latest and greatest game from NaUGhtY gODs for
Yeah, right

Absolutely zero chance of that ‘cuz of the following:
Also, people who never crunched lambasting crunch. I mean, what do you call what health care providers are doing right now due to the Coronavirus shit? When you gotta do the job, and you gotta do it the best you can, you crunch.
It’s actually “scopa”. Yeah, like
Let me guess, you’ve been to Tuscany, Emilia or some region in southern Italy. The life they live there is so different from the life in most northern regions, you couldn’t believe it’s the same country.
When you read English or American people longing for the idyllic, quiet lifestyle of the Italians, you know they’ve been to/live in Parma, Pisa or someplace like that