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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Sex workers exist in a wierd space on Ree where they are "Strong, brave, financially independent women" but anyone using their services is an abusing white male pig.

I noticed that too. It's fine to sport fuck some woman in the face for cash, but god forbid you make some thread about how you find a certain woman attractive. The pearls shall be clutched.




>lives on $197 a month
>recovering alcoholic
>credit card fraudulently used on numerous occasions
>addicted to speed
>stays awake 5-7 days continuously to “network and build connections”
>sex worker
>rejected by a judge for disability 3 times

But also had to bring up that a judge misgendered him 3 times.

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>lives on $197 a month
>recovering alcoholic
>credit card fraudulently used on numerous occasions
>addicted to speed
>stays awake 5-7 days continuously to “network and build connections”
>sex worker
>rejected by a judge for disability 3 times

But also had to bring up that a judge misgendered him 3 times.


Well, that was an interesting read. Troll account?

Dr. Claus



>lives on $197 a month
>recovering alcoholic
>credit card fraudulently used on numerous occasions
>addicted to speed
>stays awake 5-7 days continuously to “network and build connections”
>sex worker
>rejected by a judge for disability 3 times

But also had to bring up that a judge misgendered him 3 times.


Obvious troll is obvious. Guy is so full of shit.


Fingerlickin' Good!
I'm a big fan of swearing but the way Excel swears is so amateurish

There is no emphasis being placed. It's just "I'm using a swear word so you know I mean business here'

Wind your fucking neck in you daft bitch
Autists don’t know how to natural language
Apparently that's not a troll, but tearsofash, who is best known for killing her ex-girlfriend's dog and getting banned from akaicon.



"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
It's interesting to watch the snake eat its own tail in their primary thread. The mods are clearly upset that Bernie isn't having a good night. Seeing lots of bans for "hostility" or "ignoring the staff post"
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
It's interesting to watch the snake eat its own tail in their primary thread. The mods are clearly upset that Bernie isn't having a good night. Seeing lots of bans for "hostility" or "ignoring the staff post"

I've kept my troll account out of the political threads entirely. You can be banned for any reason in them.

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Obvious troll is obvious. Guy is so full of shit.


I remember that person and cant remember the name.

The 'Noise artist who's canceled'

It's the Trans user who did shit to animals I think.
You can find their 'live sets' on Youtube


Sex workers exist in a wierd space on Ree where they are "Strong, brave, financially independent women" but anyone using their services is an abusing white male pig.
I noticed that too. It's fine to sport fuck some woman in the face for cash, but god forbid you make some thread about how you find a certain woman attractive. The pearls shall be clutched.
The Dualities:

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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
The Dualities:


It's like the Wonder Woman trailer. It's dripping in sexuality of the two main stars and that's fine. But make a thread about Tisa from Final Fantasy and you get perma'd. Make up your mind Era. It's either OK to find women attractive or it isn't.


It's like the Wonder Woman trailer. It's dripping in sexuality of the two main stars and that's fine. But make a thread about Tisa from Final Fantasy and you get perma'd. Make up your mind Era. It's either OK to find women attractive or it isn't.
It's okay for women to think they're attractive, and flaunt themselves. They are allowed to tell you how beautiful they are, but you're not allowed to tell them they're attractive, or compliment them in anyway.




>lives on $197 a month
>recovering alcoholic
>credit card fraudulently used on numerous occasions
>addicted to speed
>stays awake 5-7 days continuously to “network and build connections”
>sex worker
>rejected by a judge for disability 3 times

But also had to bring up that a judge misgendered him 3 times.


-wants welfare, free healthcare, and you deplatformed.



He went from a dog killing abduction fantasy kinkster to an a-sexual sex worker though. Also wtf at that video.....what the FUCK.

Enough internet for me today
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Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
He went from a dog killing abduction fantasy kinkster to an a-sexual sex worker though. Also wtf at that video.....what the FUCK.

Enough internet for me today

Clearly a 6'4 220lb tranny able to beat a soundboard with a hammer is unable to work.
Nope, no way they could dig a hole, stock a shelf etc.

Only thing one in that position can do.
Make bad music and have a Marlboro while you shake your lady dick for $8.
Clearly a 6'4 220lb tranny able to beat a soundboard with a hammer is unable to work.
Nope, no way they could dig a hole, stock a shelf etc.

Only thing one in that position can do.
Make bad music and have a Marlboro while you shake your lady dick for $8.
I fucking died reading this :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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Jelly Belly

Yeah that was pretty fucking bizarre lol. Its like the beginning of 2001; A Space Oddysey only then with terrible music and a different era.
The apes with the sticks remained
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Apparently that's not a troll, but tearsofash, who is best known for killing her ex-girlfriend's dog and getting banned from akaicon.

I remember these threads, holy shit.


Remember this too but had blocked it out.

Went down the rabbit hole afterwards out of curiosity.


It's like something Clive Barker would write. But NOT in a good way. I'm scarred.
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I remember these threads, holy shit.

Remember this too but had blocked it out.

Went down the rabbit hole afterwards out of curiosity.


It's like something Clive Barker would write. But NOT in a good way. I'm scarred.
Are you sure you've not been swayed by such catchy titles as "I'M GOING TO ERADICATE EVERY CISMALE FROM THIS EARTH"
holy shit ive seen more cleavage while in a church
I love how the mod just shuts down someone's opinion. Whats the point of this topic? All that matters is Morrigan's opinion on what vidya game girl is dressed properly or not. What kind of conversation can be had when someone with the power to ban you goes, "Nah, this is insultingly stupid, no defending it end of discussion"

and whose being fucking insulted because a peak of FUCKING tit? If the climate allowed it no doubt Morrigan would be on ERA shitting on any thin "attractive" woman daring to show a little skin in any form. She gets it out in the vidya game form. Im a woman and i cannot imagine feeling 'insulted" because vidya game tit. The smallest HINT of vidya game tit.

It kills me how aggressive the mods are. There's no discussion with them unless you are agreeing. They just go, "nope, this is that, if you think otherwise, you know whats next *wink*"



>marvel created a new superhero
>named them.....snowflake
>lmao omfg I cannot 😂😂😂
this is truly hilarious. fun to watch them bend over backwards to justify it too. "No, YOU'RE the snowflake!":


i dunno, maybe if your gender identity is the most important thing in the universe, basing it wholly around what you imagine youtube reactionaries would not like seems like a really dumb thing to do.

like what is it with these woke people basing everything they do around saying "fuck you" to some youtube trolls? normal people in normal society don't go around acting like an entitled jackass, how come that's suddenly a good thing to do?

do they really think this is going to change minds and win hearts? IMO it's more about an ego trip, you get a free card to yell "Fuck you" to the general public like an asshole.
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TIL Snowflake is a positive word. before bigots distorted it, everyone loved being called snowflakes!

props to facehugger for squeezing in some anti-Asian racism under a "40-something white guys" cover. you did a real good job lampshading your internalized xenophobia! nobody suspects you are racist, even though you are saying racist bullshit, because you point out that white people exist.
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The Dualities:


I just don't understand the reason to apply ANY of this to videogame characters.

Fundamentally the issue they seem to have is that traditionally, socially, videogames have been seen as "for boys" and so ANY hint of attractiveness or hotness or whatever needs to be ruthlessly shut down or else videogames are still "for boys".

Is there anything worse than the idea that a straight dude might look at one of these characters and... enjoy looking at them!? This will not stand!

I suppose that if this idea is hammered home over and over again it's possible to lose sight of the idea that different videogames can be created to appeal to different audiences.

So instead of looking at certain games and thinking "nah, not for me" and moving on every deviation from their perfect standard is seen as some affront to humanity.

Worse if a game is popular. They want the, very shallow and worthless, social "prestige" of being into the newest cool and popular thing while at the same time demanding that this thing conforms to their massively unpopular ideology.

For sure we should all want the videogame community to be welcoming but at the same time if someone in the community doesn't like a particular type of game or a particular aspect of some game then what can you say other than "don't play it then"?

Nobody does this with movies or books. If someone only likes romantic comedies then it's OK for them to not watch some gory violent horror film. Nobody is out there saying "right but what about people with anxiety or what about young kids, they might see this movie and feel left out because of the content". Just be selective about the content you view.


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Excel back to tell Americans they are mostly stupid. Guess their last thread didn't get enough attention.

"Reality is fucking meaningless"

this person is always preaching but wasn't this the same person crying in japan because Contapoints caught the terrible diease of "wrong think"? They can talk to people who they feel are lower then them any kind of way, but if anyone dares to say anything to them it's a crime agaisnt an vulernable person who can only give criticism but can't take it.


i mean is it no surprise people who don't know if they are a boy or girl have trouble groking reality?

once again a Canadian jackass references MSM to take a shit on Americans.

it's fucking fake news tbh. i just called my parents to check on them. both voted Trump. both are scared.

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this person is always preaching but wasn't this the same person crying in japan because Contapoints caught the terrible diease of "wrong think"? They can talk to people who they feel are lower then them any kind of way, but if anyone dares to say anything to them it's a crime agaisnt an vulernable person who can only give criticism but can't take it.

Claimed to be in Japan and said would post less.

Spent the entire time frothing at the mouth while posting though.

Gotta hit that post quota!
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