all the wanna be Tone Police mods have fled to Era, this board is now a totally different beast.
fwiw i joined Neo back before the split. immediately started getting warnings because i don't like Hillary. soon i got a ban for posting in a Star Wars thread (iirc i disagreed that Jake Lloyd's harassment was solely "coming from the fans"). it was like a week long ban.
when i got back on, i revived a thread on a musician, and was perma banned for "reviving a dead thread" or something. my revival was 100% positive, so this puzzled me, but i soon figured out i was making some mod mad with my opinions, so they shut me down. the first ban, i was kinda being flippant, so i could see why someone would get upset, but the second ban was just me not knowing the insane rules of the board. i stayed away for years after that.
from what i can tell, all the mod nazis went over there. this place is way more chill nowadays.