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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Next step: Ads for ERA Clear members! Only the wokest will stop ERA from being the brokest!

All the mods aren't getting paid while their local McDonalds or Starbucks are shut down so they need cash somehow. Those who aren't banned will enjoy these ads or suffer a ban themselves.



LOL he is literally 2 points up from where he was a year ago.

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That is worthy of a ban? The dreaded "duration pending" (incoming permanent) at that? The mind boggles.

Not necessarily. My last duration pending got switched to a month after... two weeks? I don't remember. The wait on the update was however long the maximum amount of time a duration pending could sit as is before it has to be updated to a stated length.

Either way they don't always go perm, and I was a repeated offender too.

The insanity there though! Yeah. There's this one dude who outright says that all cops, literally and unambiguously all of them, cannot be trusted, and that shit flies.
Not necessarily. My last duration pending got switched to a month after... two weeks? I don't remember. The wait on the update was however long the maximum amount of time a duration pending could sit as is before it has to be updated to a stated length.

Either way they don't always go perm, and I was a repeated offender too.

The insanity there though! Yeah. There's this one dude who outright says that all cops, literally and unambiguously all of them, cannot be trusted, and that shit flies.

So that bit of nonsense flies but don't you dare say an officer helping out a homeless person was a nice gesture! Pure. Unadulterated. Lunacy. I can only imagine the hysteria this pandemic is causing among them.
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lol Excel made herself a thread to praise.... herself... for doing her own job lol


how fucking narcissistic do you have to be? this thread is wholly designed to make the OP out to be the savior of civilization :messenger_tears_of_joy:


"yeah yeah yeah other people are doing shit, BUT THIS IS ABOUT ME!!!!"

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lol Excel made herself a thread to praise.... herself... for doing her own job lol


how fucking narcissistic do you have to be? this thread is wholly designed to make the OP out to be the savior of civilization :messenger_tears_of_joy:
lol we need an updated version of this, except with platitudes about bagging groceries and restocking shelves

How different was gaf pre era era ? As far as i can remember, this place was trigger happy too for having a different opinion. Its amazing how some of the ''executives'' here suddenly change sides now that the tides have shifted.


lol Excel made herself a thread to praise.... herself... for doing her own job lol


how fucking narcissistic do you have to be? this thread is wholly designed to make the OP out to be the savior of civilization :messenger_tears_of_joy:


"yeah yeah yeah other people are doing shit, BUT THIS IS ABOUT ME!!!!"

It's got a job? Hiding in the stockroom posting on Ree all day? Or is it bullshit so excel can be the first on Ree to catch the virus?


How different was gaf pre era era ? As far as i can remember, this place was trigger happy too for having a different opinion. Its amazing how some of the ''executives'' here suddenly change sides now that the tides have shifted.

Which executives are you referring to?


Hahaha, I can just imagine the interaction.

- "thanks"

This working malarkey must be new for this middle-aged fruitcake considering their post-count.

Also bet you Mods won't change the thread title after the last "FUCKING VOTE" one was left alone.
Which executives are you referring to?
Isn't evilore the owner ? I dont know anyone here personally, only thing i know is that this place changed after the exodus and era was the new gaf. My question is, if evilore was ok with people getting banned before like they do now in era (for having an opinion), how is he now a totally different person ? I have seen his posts that (i assume) would get him banned on era. I assume that its always users who keep sites like this afloat and that the executives and the mods are made accustomed to it, but its personally weak of someone to suddenly their perspective on beliefs they priorly held firm on.
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Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
Isn't evilore the owner ? I dont know anyone here personally, only thing i know is that this place changed after the exodus and era was the new gaf. My question is, if evilore was ok with people getting banned before like they do now in era (for having an opinion), how is he now a totally different person ? I have seen his posts that (i assume) would get him banned on era. I assume that its always users who keep sites like this afloat and that the executives and the mods are made accustomed to it, but its personally weak of someone to suddenly their perspective on beliefs they priorly held firm on.
Isn't evilore the owner ? I dont know anyone here personally, only thing i know is that this place changed after the exodus and era was the new gaf. My question is, if evilore was ok with people getting banned before like they do now in era (for having an opinion), how is he now a totally different person ? I have seen his posts that (i assume) would get him banned on era. I assume that its always users who keep sites like this afloat and that the executives and the mods are made accustomed to it, but its personally weak of someone to suddenly their perspective on beliefs they priorly held firm on.
You need to have a read through the project justice thread

most of the bans were done in secret by certain mods...he has said there were some shortcomings in process and accountability which he has apologised and made changes but the proof in the pudding is the said bad eggs here went over and became mods over there

look how wonderful that place is now.....you see the pattern?


Isn't evilore the owner ? I dont know anyone here personally, only thing i know is that this place changed after the exodus and era was the new gaf. My question is, if evilore was ok with people getting banned before like they do now in era (for having an opinion), how is he now a totally different person ? I have seen his posts that (i assume) would get him banned on era. I assume that its always users who keep sites like this afloat and that the executives and the mods are made accustomed to it, but its personally weak of someone to suddenly their perspective on beliefs they priorly held firm on.

If you mean the old ban-happy mods, they're all gone. If that's what you mean?

There's a sticky about it at the top of the main forum.

EDIT: Beaten to it.
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Isn't evilore the owner ? I dont know anyone here personally, only thing i know is that this place changed after the exodus and era was the new gaf. My question is, if evilore was ok with people getting banned before like they do now in era (for having an opinion), how is he now a totally different person ? I have seen his posts that (i assume) would get him banned on era. I assume that its always users who keep sites like this afloat and that the executives and the mods are made accustomed to it, but its personally weak of someone to suddenly their perspective on beliefs they priorly held firm on.
I think you have it backwards, at least that’s my perspective anyway. Evilore seemed to generally like and have compassion for the mods and members here. Allowed rules of behavior bent because he knew the mod or member involved and let a standard of behavior slip believing their anger on a topic to be genuine and not for “profit” or “internet pats on the back”. He allowed himself to be pushed out of his own site instead of removing people who were (at least to him) friends.

That’s what I have gathered in the last few years reading his posts anyway. Again that’s my interruption of what I read.
Ah ok.. just went through it. I guess i take some of my words back. I just wish the accountability and Ban review came before this place imploded, though.

Edit: Im just happy that gaf is the way it is now and ill be doing my part (see some of my posts) to keep this place as it is, if not stronger now.
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Plague Doctor

Gold Member
Ah ok.. just went through it. I guess i take some of my words back. I just wish the accountability and Ban review came before this place imploded, though.

This place is a lot better. Simply having a difference of opinion of the prevailing groupthink doesn't get equated into ban worthy. Honestly, you have to be pretty antagonistic/obnoxious or outright criminal (any overt threats of violence, doxxing, etc) to get the ban hammer.

But disagreeing with a point and laying out your argument in a thoughtful way is very safe here (like it should be on other forums). Hell, I even think it's encourage at new GAF . (even by the people that are disagreeing with you)
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all the wanna be Tone Police mods have fled to Era, this board is now a totally different beast.

fwiw i joined Neo back before the split. immediately started getting warnings because i don't like Hillary. soon i got a ban for posting in a Star Wars thread (iirc i disagreed that Jake Lloyd's harassment was solely "coming from the fans"). it was like a week long ban.

when i got back on, i revived a thread on a musician, and was perma banned for "reviving a dead thread" or something. my revival was 100% positive, so this puzzled me, but i soon figured out i was making some mod mad with my opinions, so they shut me down. the first ban, i was kinda being flippant, so i could see why someone would get upset, but the second ban was just me not knowing the insane rules of the board. i stayed away for years after that.

from what i can tell, all the mod nazis went over there. this place is way more chill nowadays.
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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
How different was gaf pre era era ? As far as i can remember, this place was trigger happy too for having a different opinion. Its amazing how some of the ''executives'' here suddenly change sides now that the tides have shifted.

Night and day. It was awful, particularly in the couple of years leading up to the split. Granted, GAF was never nearly as bad as REE is now.

These days, GAF is more like it was pre-2010... which is to say, it's focused on vidya games and people are allowed to have fun. Which is how it should be.


Really we should be criticizing Evilore for trying to change things so that his staff can no longer take things into their own hands arbitrarily and against his wishes, when a more brilliant leader like Cerium simply has attempted to sever his public ties to the forum he continues to own and profit off of.


lol Excel made herself a thread to praise.... herself... for doing her own job lol


how fucking narcissistic do you have to be? this thread is wholly designed to make the OP out to be the savior of civilization :messenger_tears_of_joy:


"yeah yeah yeah other people are doing shit, BUT THIS IS ABOUT ME!!!!"



lol Excel made herself a thread to praise.... herself... for doing her own job lol

GAF > Resetera > GAF


Dick Jones

Gold Member
Aka anecdotal experience, if that

If China has taught us anything Slave labor is best labor,
If the Naughty Dogs thread have taught us anything, slave labour of non-minorities is a step too far. Now to complain about Neil Cuckmann (see what i did there 🙄, insulting whites is okay because reverse racism) not forcing his staff to work about 6 hours over the weekly 39 hours using my phone made with parts from factories employing slave labour.

So, Resetera will defend whites only when it involves exploitation of minorities from Asia. #fuckasiansnotamericans

Dick Jones

Gold Member
lol Excel made herself a thread to praise.... herself... for doing her own job lol


how fucking narcissistic do you have to be? this thread is wholly designed to make the OP out to be the savior of civilization :messenger_tears_of_joy:


"yeah yeah yeah other people are doing shit, BUT THIS IS ABOUT ME!!!!"

Okay, which one of ye fuckers hacked Excelspreadsheet's account? That is the grade A quality trolling. No one is that fucking stupid, so bravo. Was she password 'imretarded'?

Edit: ban incoming (all cops are bastards acab)
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
My final appearance for the night due to the cunt from Cuntaku.

This wanker tied himself to a pathetic joke of a man bitter about Naughty Dog who lied about a worker's illness (she fainted and he argued she was overworked, she clarified it was due to her period). Yes there is crunch in gaming, it should be called out when it is unbearable (all jobs have times where overtime is needed so there will be peaks, but not prolonged) but at least Naughty Dog didn't release an article showing animated child porn. Did Jason ever distance himself from his employers when they released an article showing child porn? I'm not saying guilt by association but the silence is deafening.
GAF > Resetera > GAF

Wonder what happens when you post a “lets thank our policemen and women for doing their job in this taxing time”

What would go first ...threadlock or I hate cops?
lol Excel made herself a thread to praise.... herself... for doing her own job lol


how fucking narcissistic do you have to be? this thread is wholly designed to make the OP out to be the savior of civilization :messenger_tears_of_joy:


"yeah yeah yeah other people are doing shit, BUT THIS IS ABOUT ME!!!!"

Not surprised one bit this dude works at a grocery store.


Gold Member

This shit really make me angry, dude hopes this doesn't get better by October so Trump doesn't win. It's amazing how these people don't give two shits about the millions who will lose their job, but hey if Trump doesn't win re-election all is good?

And these people are suppose to be the 'good guys' and the GOP are evil?
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"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."

This shit really make me angry, dude hopes this doesn't get better by October so Trump doesn't win. It's amazing how these people don't give two shits about the millions who will lose their job, but hey if Trump doesn't win re-election all is good?

And these people are suppose to be the 'good guys' and the GOP are evil?

I guess you're missing the posts where they're hoping Trump dies of Covid? I don't like Trump at all, but no one deserves to die like that. Retardera disagrees.


Wonder what happens when you post a “lets thank our policemen and women for doing their job in this taxing time”

What would go first ...threadlock or I hate cops?

Thread lock
Permaban for who started it.

Then probably dox the guy or girl and try and ruin their life.

Reading through this thread and I cant believe the racism, hate, bigotry, unfair treatment, etc..

That place needs to burn down and is honestly one of the sickest places on the internet. They are total pieces of shit.

I havent posted there since I got a week ban for just saying not all guys were bad a long time ago.

That place is so effed up..


Gold Member
LOL. All those people wanting Trump dead due to corona.

It's pretty obvious who you can tell is unemployed and broke and nothing to lose. Only someone like this would want the US Pres to die (from anything).

Markets are already down 30% in 3 weeks due to dropping business and interest rate cuts by the fed. If Donnie died, the Dow would probably drop 5000 pts alone.

And just like 2001 and 2008, tons of companies would start firing people, which includes people with shit jobs (most of Reeee people). People who are already unemployed have nothing to gloat about either because now you got other people out of a job. And in two years when things pick back up, they are the ones getting re-hired first. Not persistent losers like Reeee people.

In an economic slowdown, hourly people get hit the most. No work to do = the company might just lay you off and not care. Salaried people still get paid even if it means they have nothing to do but surf the net all day.

The type of people Reeee people hate the most (people with good jobs making good money) might get canned too. But guess what? Unlike people with crap jobs, they'll get good severance pay. I know if I get fired, I'll get about a year's worth of salary as severance and maybe even expected annual bonus if I negotiate a package well. I honestly don't care if I get fired. I'll take a payout and find another one.
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LOL. All those people wanting Trump dead due to corona.

It's pretty obvious who you can tell is unemployed and broke and nothing to lose. Only someone like this would want the US Pres to die (from anything).

Markets are already down 30% in 3 weeks due to dropping business and interest rate cuts by the fed. If Donnie died, the Dow would probably drop 5000 pts alone.

I think the idea of Pence replacing Trump as President would actually more than counteract the President dying from what was once thought to be a benign flu by the public.
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