If that’s the case, then why has Druckmann become a virtue-signalling screecher who publically parrots REEE’s talking points? A master cuck?
In my opinion (and that's all it is), I think that Neil Druckmann wants to occupy the same tier as Kojima making cinematic games that aim to continue to resonate with you long after the game ends. He wants to be remembered. Druckmann has a more serious tone in his approach (U4 was not the Saturday morning serial like its predecessors).
Sony told Naughty Dog not to put Ellie front and centre on the game's box. You played three characters in the game, two are teenage girls. They had a main character who was gay, but it didn't define who she was. If the pronoun for Riley was never mentioned (it was late in the game but not dwelled on), who would have taken Riley to be a guy? There was a secondary character, Bill, who was also gay but it was when Ellie talked about the male porn mag in the car that I realised Bill was gay. This all happened pre Gamergate. This wasn't anything Resetera or Neogaf pushed for.
When U4 was being cast, he hired Laura Bailey to be Nadine. Later when the character was animated, and she was a black South African, he could have either changed Nadine's look or change the voice actor he did neither. Those dickheads in Resetera still go on about it, ignoring the fact if it came out in public that ND whitened a black character, or Laura Bailey could sue ND if sacked and any future white employee leaving on bad terms could claim their sacking was racially motivated.
You say Druckmann preaches Era's talking points, I don't agree. I do think when someone is in charge they want to see all sides when making it. They dont want to fail and will try everything to see if something new could be found. I'd say the Anita thing was done to get a fresh perspective on things for U4 but she wasn't brought back for TLOU2 so he probably saw through her FF scam for cash. Now this could all backfire on me when TLOU2 comes out and every scene is 'Hey did you know Ellie is a lesbian?' and her attitude is diluted to being offended that clickers target lesbians disproportionately or some goofy shit.
Apologies for long post.