In my opinion (and that's all it is), I think that Neil Druckmann wants to occupy the same tier as Kojima making cinematic games that aim to continue to resonate with you long after the game ends. He wants to be remembered. Druckmann has a more serious tone in his approach (U4 was not the Saturday morning serial like its predecessors).
I thought it was Rob Van Dam and his 100 girlfriendsThe trans giant destroying those muslim women in handball is all the justification I need to support transwomen in women's sports.
edit: ah, here it is:
oh man i didn't know there was video of it
of course, I'd watch Shaq destroying a junior high team too so I may not be the best judge here
The trans giant destroying those muslim women in handball is all the justification I need to support transwomen in women's sports.
edit: ah, here it is:
The trans giant destroying those muslim women in handball is all the justification I need to support transwomen in women's sports.
edit: ah, here it is:
Were you in any of the post in here, withing few pages back?Lol I got banned from that place for for comparing trans racial to transgender, With them both being a social construct you would think it wouldn’t be controversial. Oh well, I learned better than visiting an echo chamber with deranged moderators.
‘Member when in the final years of old GAF there was one single WaPo article about something that would get posted every. single. time its topic was discussed in a thread, and it was supposed to be taken as God’s gospel and shut down all and any discussion about that topic?They don't want to do that. All they do is say, "you are wrong! You are transphobic!!" And then they post a article backing them up, if you dare to post a article saying the opposite they'll try to get you to shut the fuck up. Say that article is fake news or go, "What are you really trying to say?"
it's a tough situation for sure but they don't want to discuss it for long unless you are on the right side.
“Care to elaborate?” is the most transparent banbait, LOL.I think that there are many Era posters who enjoy these kind of bloodbath threads as much as we do. Over there, ban baiting is a beloved pastime. I imagine this Squarehard character is have a great time, and will no doubt be back to check back on the extent of the baited posters ban:
Personally I think it's a real gray area.
On one hand, I am 105% certain there are a number of biological women athletes who could kick my ass at just about every sport, gender difference be damned. Would being a man give a 100% chance of winning all the time, everywhere? No, likely not. Also, the hormones/etc that they go on to actually transition due have some impact, and after "X" number of months/years, it could lessen the impact their biological male-ness has.
On the other hand, the new thing is IF YOU SAY YOU'RE A WOMAN, YOU'RE A WOMAN! So literally anyone can just say they're a woman and need to be placed against other woman. This opens it up to literally anyone, and I can't see how this would ever be at all fair.
That sounds fucking miserable. Who the fûck would EVER wanna be put in such a suffocating environment. Either you get eaten alive by rabid members or you get beaned without warning for arbitrary reasons.They don't care about changing hearts and minds. They care about keeping their respective groups happy and docile. The leadership knows they are one internal 'scandal' with a group like their trans members from a mass exile. And with the groups they cater to, it's a tight rope act and lots of 'customer servicing' to keep them placated. A ,mass exile would set off a chain reaction where the 'star developers' leave, the large amount of members silently pissed with their moderation will begin to spout loudly seeing them weak, and then the advertising evaporates.
This was always about power, control, and profit.
Unfortunately, the mob operates on the principle of "that which is loudest is true" so here we are.Being biologically male is an enormous advantage in almost all sports and athletics. This is so obvious it used to be impolite to say out loud, but these are the times we live in.
“Care to elaborate?” is the most transparent banbait, LOL.
Squarehard loves it. And surprise surprise... chibi girl avatar. But One Punch Man is baaaaaaaaaad!
that Williams sister's story is always funny, especially the guys attitude gotta get those smokes in.![]()
Battle of the Sexes: When the World No. 203 swept the Williams sisters - MARCA in English
A great deal of controversy was created recently when former tennis pro John McEnroe claimed that multiple major winner Serena Williams would not
Biden as rapist seems to be beyond the grasp of these BelieveWomen hypocrites.Classic Reset.
"You're nothing": Joe Biden rape victim comes forward in brave audio interview [up: she filed a criminal complaint]
This is the same DNC and Biden campaign that urged people to go out and vote during a pandemic. That it was okay. They won’t do anything unless under extreme pressure. Hopefully the news outlets will help with
Court of law doesn't matter. If you accuse someone of assault, you're guilty.
Does this mean I can accuse Resetera of sexual misconduct? Who are they to deny my claims?
Telling people they shouldn't vote this year is irresponsible and shows your privilege.
So there have been quite a few posts and threads recently of people saying “there's no good candidate” and to “not vote for anyone” or they are not going to vote if Joe Biden is nominated. I just wanted to remind these privileged few who don't have to vote that their non-vote is a vote
As you wish lolCan someone with an account post in that Biden thread “if you vote for a rapist then you ARE a rapist” for me?
Ah yes the magical words Trump uttered that killed someone. Can’t forget about those. Who knew that necromancers were real and hexes are real and that our president is a Sorcerer.His words literally caused the death of a young lady by a white supremacist.
Apparently your testosterone levels are the only thing that matters. Why would skeletal structure matter when you're over a foot taller and significantly bigger than the other person? What possible advantage could you have!?!?!that Williams sister's story is always funny, especially the guys attitude gotta get those smokes in.
The battles of the sexes is also really funny because I see people use it as some example of women competing with men in sports, Bobby Riggs was already in his 50's, he had to play in the doubles area , and he spent half the game wearing that sugar daddy jacket plus he did a similar stunt with the #1 ranked women's player earlier and won. Man Riggs was such glorious troll the man loved his money and didn't care how ridiculous he had to be to get it.
Just remember that ERA doesn't ban for cross-forum drama even though they watch this thread like a hawk.Oh no they caught one and only post and I got banned
i hope it's trolling because if not...![]()
Do you think the current pandemic should affect how reviewers rate Resident Evil 3?
Too keep this short, the world is going through a challenging time with the Corona Virus pandemic. And Resident Evil 3 deals with a virus outbreak that destroy the city of Raccoon City. There is no need to go through all the differences between the two virus, their effects and how fictional
This has got to be God level trolling. The wounds are still raw and it gives people a go around to mock Klepek and that tool who wrote the review about Half Life. God speed you troll.
The Biden thread is just getting worse. Proof there is partisan fucking hacks that is willing to place party before ethics.
that Williams sister's story is always funny, especially the guys attitude gotta get those smokes in.
The battles of the sexes is also really funny because I see people use it as some example of women competing with men in sports, Bobby Riggs was already in his 50's, he had to play in the doubles area , and he spent half the game wearing that sugar daddy jacket plus he did a similar stunt with the #1 ranked women's player earlier and won. Man Riggs was such glorious troll the man loved his money and didn't care how ridiculous he had to be to get it.
Why would a woman beat you? Are you elderly? Sick? Obese?
It’s been “whoever is offended is right” for a few years now. Is there any argument that doesn’t have people on both sides offended? The old religion way of thinking.Unfortunately, the mob operates on the principle of "that which is loudest is true" so here we are.
The people on ERA are so selfish, one thing I've noticed about the Wokest people is they genuinely do NOT care about anyone who suffers in their quest of wokeness. They don't care if women are speaking out agaisnt something if it goes agaisnt trans people, they don't care if someone they deem "Bad" gets hurt if they get hurt because of "wrong think". They don't care about black men/women if those people don't think/do what they want.
How many times have they whined about "cis white straight males" needing to step down and give a "trans queer person of color" or a "poc" the stage? If those people don't behave how they want? Guess what? They will be like, "What the fuck? Why is this bigot up here?"
They don't want to hear diverse opinions and voices. If they did, they'd see that not everyone is a WokeBot who believes the same thing. They'd see these groups of people don't all feel the same way.
The way the trans people speak for ALL transpeople, and assume anyone who thinks differently is "cis", or the black users speak for all black people and then people outside that group make assumptions that thats what everyone of that group thinks, is the most backwards shit i've ever seen in my life.
My favorite example of this is contrapoints, She spoke up and guess what? People flipped their shit, but I thought they wanted to hear these voices? I thought cis people weren't allowed to criticize transfolks on trans issues, but no one came in and told the cis users to shut the fuck up when they dogpiled Contra.
Funny how white cis males can shit on a black cis cop and no black users come in and tell them to shut the fuck up. Funny how transwomen on ree (which is 80% of the "women") can criticize women's bodies in games, or opinions but women can't do that to them, UNLESS it's a bad thought trans person then EVERYONE can shit talk them.
Real funny.
Feminism is as well. I'm firmly in the center when I used to be far left. Everything HAS to be for everyone but at the same time certain people within those groups get to be "Special" and cannot be challenged.Being "Woke" is a marketing angle for respective media platforms to gain or retain a targeted audience metrics to sell to advertisers while building social clout. They will be overtly deceptive and hypocritical to keep those numbers up. They will never follow their own purity test if it risks alienation of that audience.
So yes, it's all about money and power.
But they still must know. “Hey this guy is laughing at you now.” Even if they don’t read it (they do), their little carrier pigeons also have to feel some sort of problematic emotion.Oh I doubt they have to lurk on here that much. I'm sure there are several people who hang around here just to derail and report back to the mods over there for their good boy points.
are you saying TS Elliot was right?It’s been “whoever is offended is right” for a few years now. Is there any argument that doesn’t have people on both sides offended? The old religion way of thinking.
Millennials in America were the first generation to decide GOD wasn’t real. Decided church and that way of life wasn’t for necessary. But they didn’t realize that they clearly not only need it, but are still actively participating in what they walked away from.
They replaced GOD with a Political Party and Political ideas and kept it moving lol.
So we went from “I know my religion is right because how I feel and those around me feel” to “I know my politics is right because how I feel and those around me feel”. As soon as they removed GOD from schools, they moved in their politics for example.
Don’t know. Never heard of them.are you saying TS Elliot was right?
Didn't B-Dubs mysteriously log in again after people here started circulating screenshots of former crimes?
The trans giant destroying those muslim women in handball is all the justification I need to support transwomen in women's sports.
edit: ah, here it is:
They consider themselves an oppressed minority, so they feel they must defend other oppressed minority no matter what.Unfortunately, the mob operates on the principle of "that which is loudest is true" so here we are.
Yeah. Like his apology thread, he locked his account here like we don't have proof of his hatred. What a racist sack of shit.Didn't B-Dubs mysteriously log in again after people here started circulating screenshots of former crimes?
As you wish lol