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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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sundown is a term from the 50s and 60s when it was dangerous for black people to be out after dark in places of extreme racism. this idiot thinks America is still living in the 50s and 60s. like after the sun goes down it is open season on shooting minorities.

maybe he has watched too many MSNBC and Vice programs on white supremacists.

the funny thing is, Georgia has one of the biggest black populations in the country. more black people live there than in the state of California.

Sometimes I wonder if Reset/Social Justice Warriors even believe half the things they say.

If America was like he describes, even the act of speaking out against it would be extremely dangerous. People that actually lived in situations like he was describing, certainly could not play activist in their spare time for kicks.

I think it’s more about investing in this social economy where your allegiance to the cause, and playing up anything about you that can be used for oppression points, can reap great social wealth and status.
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Sometimes I wonder if Reset/Social Justice Warriors even believe half the things they say.

If America was like he describes, even the act of speaking out against it would be extremely dangerous. People that actually lived in situations like he was describing, certainly could not play activist in the spare time for kicks.

I think it’s more about investing in this social economy where your allegiance to the cause, and playing up anything about you that can be used for oppression points, can reap great social wealth and status.
I think they "believe" it in the sense that they believe the outcome they're hoping for (as a result of saying it and hammering on it) is a morally good outcome. At least it started a conversation ad nauseum.

As to the factual accuracy or soundness of each thing they're saying... well... I don't think most are self-aware enough to take it that far. It is why they are being preyed upon by their narcissistic cult leaders.


Good lord, they are tearing each other apart over Bernie dropping out. How glorious. I'm betting we will be seeing a bunch more Reefugess in the coming days.
Like this fucking gem



Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
Wonder how long that thread stays open before they lock it to run through the first wave of reports with a machete.


Is feistyboots still around? His posts were the best, if he wasn't trolling at least.

Wasn't trolling and seems to post far less but still crawls out occasionally. From memory and I stand corrected if wrong;

- Trans, grew up in a cult, kept a blog about escaping (this was backed up by a speech they made on YouTube which was, to be fair fairly fascinating). Watched it ages ago, dunno if it was taken down or I can't find again. Blog URL is dead.
- Viciously attacked other posters pretty much the same as Excel, with immunity.
- complained about their (ex) Therapist refusing to listen to them anymore and dropped them as a patient.
- Went on another angry rampage on the site. Lot's of "fuck you!" etc.
- Got Married.
- Complained then about being homeless in the weirdest posible way, can't remember the thread, something about the goverment. Apparently the husband has a child but who knows. Stories seem to change to fit whatever the new narrative is.


That's their public Twitter, I'm going by memory but no doubt there will be mentions about what I remember on it.


Related links to my previous post. They very obviously need help but if more than one Therapist tells you they won't deal with you, you gotta wonder.



Also this is all posted publically by them, if you simply Google the username you'll see far more abusive posts online.

Their story fluctuates depending on the thread to suit their agenda.
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Wasn't trolling and seems to post far less but still crawls out occasionally. From memory and I stand corrected if wrong;

- Trans, grew up in a cult, kept a blog about escaping (this was backed up by a speech they made on YouTube which was, to be fair fairly fascinating). Watched it ages ago, dunno if it was taken down or I can't find again. Blog URL is dead.
- Viciously attacked other posters pretty much the same as Excel, with immunity.
- complained about their (ex) Therapist refusing to listen to them anymore and dropped them as a patient.
- Went on another angry rampage on the site. Lot's of "fuck you!" etc.
- Got Married.
- Complained then about being homeless in the weirdest posible way, can't remember the thread, something about the goverment. Apparently the husband has a child but who knows. Stories seem to change to fit whatever the new narrative is.


That's their public Twitter, I'm going by memory but no doubt there will be mentions about what I remember on it.



Darkness no more
“I don’t feel safe in ResetEra anymore.”

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Currently Gif and Meme Champion
“I don’t feel safe in ResetEra anymore.”

I am not so sure, that you have "feel safe", but not being harassed over say you as man was raped, would be go
Bruh, that guy is member in here, pretty brave to do this.


advanced basic bitch
Wow, Re mods. Your oppressed people don't feel safe on your site anymore. What do you intend to do about this? Ban them all for speaking out? lol


A few too many dangerous freethinkers in the thread for this guy:

I thought I was reading GAF for a second. Do not give this man anything. Focus on his motivations and his actions. Everyone can do better in this context in retrospect but we are dealing with a fascist, who is hell bent on destroying democratic institutions for personal profit.

Do not let him be right. Ever.

To be fair maybe he's just trying to get a job at CNN.


this is interesting, Midnight Jon keeps stating that they are a victim of sexual assault as a reason why they can bully others about the topic. well they just kinda told on themselves, they were "coerced into sex for a month".


somehow makes them an expert on rape. 🤷‍♂️
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kind of amazing MJ thinks that because they had a bad 1 month long relationship that they didn't consider even abusive until after the fact they can speak up on issues of women being raped by their powerful bosses.

funny how if i don't consider these two to be both the same level of assault, I am the one minimizing it.

it just goes to show that all that matters is the checkbox. they checked off the victim box, no taking it away now.
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So Boris Johnson is to be held responsible for his father's alleged wrongdoings?

In recent times it's been pointed out how Wokism seems to have borrowed a number of religious features, notably from Christianity, whose bygone dominance over the Western world might help to explain the unparalleled popularity the movement enjoys in this corner of the world. It does seem like Wokism holds the secular equivalents of dogma, of excommunication and of eternal torment . To this dubious list one should now add the concept of having the sons pay for the sins of their fathers.

Deuteronomy 5:9: " You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, "

Everything is deemed permissible if aimed at Enemies of The People. Apparently, Johnson's father is a terrible human being, the son Boris inherited his wickedness and can now legitimately be hoped to die a painful death. People actually want, or at least declare they do, Trump to catch it as well and for covid-19 to take its virulent course.

Imagine how far gone one has to be, how removed from the bastion of humanity, how darkened a heart one has to have evolved to wish death upon one's mild democratically elected political opponents. Now, imagine these people getting hold of real power.

Next time someone goes for the popular GAF-is-just-like-Era trope, ask them when was the last time the admin over here cheered for or allowed others to cheer for the death of another human being, let alone a Prime Minister. You let them mull ove that.

No. GAF is not like ERA at all.


Era has dug its own hole of contradictions the members cant say anything that couldnt be construed as bannable.

Voting Trump is an endorsement of his behaviour! / voting Biden is endorsing a rapist

Era is created after Gaf owner drunkenly gets cock out and askd for sex.....now everyone is being told they must vote for someone who genuinely commited sexual assault......but not voting for them is a vote for Trump, and that itself is bannable for supporting a guy guilty of boys locker room talk.....and being a nazi or something.

How will they work this one out.

Vote Trump - vote for Hitler, think of the marginalised!
Vote for Biden - thinking of the marginalised but throwing #metoo and victims of sexual assault under the bus.
Dont vote - you're letting Trump you Nazi!

Aint noone winning this stand off.


Neighbours from Hell
Rooting for someone to die just confirms what most of us knew all along about them and it's that their beliefs and ideas have nothing to do with bettering society, it's all about spite, vindictiveness, bitterness, settling scores, and vengeance to quench bloodlust that is derived from self loathing.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I still hate, that I did not take screenshot when I mention that I was raped and Reee start to yell at me, that I should get a grip and when I starting to complain (in the thread) I was promptly banned for one week over hostility to "fellow members". It's amazing site, truly. I still catching breath over that thread if colapse of USSR was a bad thing.


Era has dug its own hole of contradictions the members cant say anything that couldnt be construed as bannable.

Voting Trump is an endorsement of his behaviour! / voting Biden is endorsing a rapist

Era is created after Gaf owner drunkenly gets cock out and askd for sex.....now everyone is being told they must vote for someone who genuinely commited sexual assault......but not voting for them is a vote for Trump, and that itself is bannable for supporting a guy guilty of boys locker room talk.....and being a nazi or something.

How will they work this one out.

Vote Trump - vote for Hitler, think of the marginalised!
Vote for Biden - thinking of the marginalised but throwing #metoo and victims of sexual assault under the bus.
Dont vote - you're letting Trump you Nazi!

Aint noone winning this stand off.

They've been building up to this for almost four years, they get 1/3 of the way into the final stretch and they know they have already lost. I'd have liked a close run only to see them fail on election night and the glorious meltdown. Now we just get to see them deny reality for the rest of the year.

Stay losing Era. It was all for nothing, but at least your making some cash for Cerium and B Dubs.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Era is created after Gaf owner drunkenly gets cock out and askd for sex.....now everyone is being told they must vote for someone who genuinely commited sexual assault......but not voting for them is a vote for Trump, and that itself is bannable for supporting a guy guilty of boys locker room talk.....and being a nazi or something.

That’s not what happened. I’d appreciate if you didn’t spread lies and rumors.
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