sundown is a term from the 50s and 60s when it was dangerous for black people to be out after dark in places of extreme racism. this idiot thinks America is still living in the 50s and 60s. like after the sun goes down it is open season on shooting minorities.
maybe he has watched too many MSNBC and Vice programs on white supremacists.
the funny thing is, Georgia has one of the biggest black populations in the country. more black people live there than in the state of California.
Sometimes I wonder if Reset/Social Justice Warriors even believe half the things they say.
If America was like he describes, even the act of speaking out against it would be extremely dangerous. People that actually lived in situations like he was describing, certainly could not play activist in their spare time for kicks.
I think it’s more about investing in this social economy where your allegiance to the cause, and playing up anything about you that can be used for oppression points, can reap great social wealth and status.
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