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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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what must it be like eternally living up in the DNC's anus?


yes, people seem to think the massive system whose job it is to get millionaires elected every two years, which was given $500 million dollars a few months ago, is some kind of powerful organization. real crazy, i know.


if you shorthand refer to the Democratic party establishment as the DNC = you are a CoNsPiRaCy ThEoRiSt

damn look at these heroes going to be for their party not helping possible rape victims. explaining away the cowardice of why the media and party establishment should not lift a finger.

"DNC has no responsibility to investigate possible sexual abuse" is literally an argument for these sycophants lol
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Back in my day, I learned modding as a way of enhancing gameplay.

Now fast forward to 2020 and you have this idiot who only wants to make mods that shoehorn diversity.

Because we all know what's completely missing from WW2 or even Medieval (I assume European) history is that those games don't star a diverse cast of non-European people.

Making a game about King Arthur? You racist, you actually meant to make King Arthur into a fat transexual women person of color.


Guys and Girls... you really need to read this thread. The implosion and anger for ResetEra and the mods is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Some people requesting self-bans and some just leaving ResetEra lol!

Not long till the whole place blows up.

"In our effort to remove Trump from Office, everything is allowed just to remove him."
I mean the mental gymnastics they go through... whowe.

https://www.resetera.com/threads/we...t-sexual-assault-victims-on-this-site.181172/ (especially the last pages are a doozy)

EDIT: added a picture

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there are Biden fans. there aren't many but they are loud and stupid and obnoxious.



just a few dipshits enchanted because Biden said a catch phrase on a livestream. Biden told voters he would veto any Medicare 4 All act and clearly doesn't give a shit about lowering the age below 60 but because he said some magical hashtag, that's supposed to clue HiGh InFoRmAtIoN vOtErS into his secret progressive health care reform policy that doesn't exist.

if you don't buy Biden's bs then you are a "low information voter" or the dreaded "Sanders supporters".

these idiots have learned nothing from '16.
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Redefining racism and sexism so they can hate on white people and men is one of the main underlying ideas that props their bullshit ideology up. It's one of the reasons why everything that SJWs infest turns to dog shit sooner or later, with in-fighting amongst groups.

I'm a dreaded straight, white, "cis" male, but it's not good enough that I'm a good "ally". It's not good enough that I hate racism and sexism and that I think everyone should have equal rights enshrined in law and that we should do our best to try and ensure that nobody is persecuted or marginalised. I have to accept negative generalisations about me based on my skin colour and sex otherwise I might as well be KKK Hitler and nothing else I say or do matters.

The SJW idea of "equality" is to treat people differently based on characteristics that they have no choice about, rather than treating them like individuals, yet they can't see why that's wrong.


That, can't be real, surely!?

Well, as a white folk I wouldn’t really have the historical context of whether or not shitting on me for being white is a racist thing or not because false equivalences and such. I just am too dumb to get why me being white is a good reason to dismiss me while anything else is ok. Because me dumb white privilege with no empathy or struggles.

Me banned duration pending


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
Lol, wait so everything is duration pending for weeks because the mod staff is constantly in meetings? Can you imagine a free job as a mod where you are constantly in meetings?

You kidding they eat that shit up. Meeting of the kool kids krew to talk about how they can be the thought police and make sure that everyone minds their P's and Q's when discussing video games on a video game board.

For some of them *cough* Brazil *cough* this will be the only thing they do that matters in their entire lives.
Well, as a white folk I wouldn’t really have the historical context of whether or not shitting on me for being white is a racist thing or not because false equivalences and such. I just am too dumb to get why me being white is a good reason to dismiss me while anything else is ok. Because me dumb white privilege with no empathy or struggles.

Me banned duration pending
I'm not arguing the principle, I'm curious if its photoshopped. I haven't kept up with Resetera since it's inception and finding that hard to believe.



Imagine being such a fuckin simp that you would ask this question lmao



Imagine being such a fuckin simp that you would ask this question lmao
Latest example of the need to be able to report problematic poll results.


Latest example of the need to be able to report problematic poll results.

The real LOLs are to actually watch the video, it delivers in 30 seconds. I made it 10 minutes in and she's just looping around the same "I am very smart" talking points with just generalizations with no evidence only "The racist system white people are born into that they can't opt out of".

It's also 5 years old so there must be some high quality Trump related meltdowns in there as she's still uploading regularly.


Gold Member

Imagine being such a fuckin simp that you would ask this question lmao



You kidding they eat that shit up. Meeting of the kool kids krew to talk about how they can be the thought police and make sure that everyone minds their P's and Q's when discussing video games on a video game board.

For some of them *cough* Brazil *cough* this will be the only thing they do that matters in their entire lives.



Gold Member
Anecdote time, because the Resetera thread is infuriating.

I wanted to commit suicide numerous times while growing up. Gay kid in a conservative military household, small, short, scrawny, and weak as shit. The son of a white dad and a Korean mom. Easy target. I was the kid that got bullied all the time. I was the chink on the school bus.

You want to know who it was that ganged up on me, bullied me, beat me up, and made my life a living hell? The black kids. It wasn’t the white kids. It wasn’t the hispanic kids. It was the black kids. I still remember how they would also bully the German bus driver, yelling “scheissekopf” (shithead) and other words in his language. My dad was stationed in West Germany before the Berlin Wall fell, and I was there to see Germany unified. I went to a DODDS school.

So when I see discussions about racism applied to white people, as if they were the sole perpetrators of all the ills in the world, it triggers the shit out of me because I think back to those days growing up where I had nobody to turn to for help. Not my parents, not my teachers, not my peers. There wasn’t the internet for me. I was overseas in a foreign land, running away wasn’t an option. All I thought about was killing myself. I persevered and overcame things in the long run.

Fuck every last one of those pretentious Resetera members who push that allwhitepeople bullshit. It wasn’t white people that gave me bruises. It wasn’t white people that kicked my ribs in. It wasn’t white people that pushed me towards suicide.

I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but racism isn’t exclusive to white people. My memories of being beaten up and bullied by the black kids on the bus are a permanent, haunting reminder of that fact, no matter how many times woke Twitter wants to preach to me about my privilege because apparently I pass for white. Fucking assholes, all of them.
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