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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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lol even RedMercury is getting in on the calling white people fragile. Maybe they'll think he's a good boy and pat his head.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Using logic when discussing a messageboard where 'accusations are evidence'™ 😉 I believe Wesley Snipes once said 'some motherfuckers are always trying to ice-skate uphill'
Who's a good dog? Yes you are. Yes you are.

Are you that Red Mercury wanker? If so get that mod spot and start tearing it down from the inside.

No, I've never had the pleasure of being targeted by that guy.



any trolls who want to do some damage over there, it looks like i found the method

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
That thread is making my head spin. It's white fragility to call the assertion that every white person is racist nonsense???

What planet do these people live on.

That's what you get when you think Critical Race Theory and Intersectional Feminism are the path to virtue and being on the right side of history.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again; it's extremely bizarre that someone with a hotep-like idealogy can become an admin on a supposedly "progressive" forum. A lot of "fuck white people" people are fringe even on the left despite what some people will tell you, and the ones that exist don't usually end up in any significant positions that aren't also fringe.

Nepenthe is basically one big living strawman created by far right assholes and I imagine a driving force behind the Resetera Takes twitter account being more liked than the site it's actually making fun of.


Neighbours from Hell
Do these people ever smile or have fun or do they constantly spend every day looking for reasons to be angry and victimized?

I have no idea who Nepenthe is or what their deal is, but I don't think I've seen one post from them that didn't have a grudge about something.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Do these people ever smile or have fun or do they constantly spend every day looking for reasons to be angry and victimized?

I have no idea who Nepenthe is or what their deal is, but I don't think I've seen one post from them that didn't have a grudge about something.
Angry black militant on the internet, but a quiet black furry midget from the middle class in real life. Nepenthe claims that she hates all whites (she must include her General Manager B-Dubs who has used the N-word on a few occasions) but she kissed the ring when he offered her admin once it all came out. Nepenthe is a racist, no question. It's likely she's a Republican as her family are middle class and she is a racist.

Also to use Resetera's logic, all ERA staff are paedophiles. Now, each Resetera staff can deny that they are a paedophile, but it's paedo-fragility. Also accusations are evidence so I don't need any proof.


Do these people ever smile or have fun or do they constantly spend every day looking for reasons to be angry and victimized?

I have no idea who Nepenthe is or what their deal is, but I don't think I've seen one post from them that didn't have a grudge about something.

She's short, black, a woman, a furry, abandoned by a deadbeat dad and short-tempered in real life. But everything that's bad that happened In Her life and her failure at success is becuse of white people.


She's short, black, a woman, a furry, abandoned by a deadbeat dad and short-tempered in real life. But everything that's bad that happened In Her life and her failure at success is becuse of white people.

Ahem, you forgot the capoeira and the ability to move furniture and they work the till in a pharmacy where white men ask how many children she has.

Whilst she jumps on a trampoline to get to eye level.

(Overwatch skills, yo)
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
I forgot her shit car loan. She actively got her father to negotiate worse terms than what was offered so she could save a few dollars a month.


I goddamn bet the underwriters of that loan (paid to the Father) have some white blood cells in them.

Absolutely typical, whats wrong with black blood cells?


advanced basic bitch
Do these people ever smile or have fun or do they constantly spend every day looking for reasons to be angry and victimized?

I have no idea who Nepenthe is or what their deal is, but I don't think I've seen one post from them that didn't have a grudge about something.
To be fair we have several posters like that. They always post in the politics section and never in gaming lol


Since nepenthe is a mentally deficient furry, could he answer the question if it is true that all Furries fuck the family dog?

If he protests, why is he so fragile regarding that question?


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Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
ah of course, a 4+ page thread of nothing but people calling Kanye a coon and an Uncle Tom.

feel like half of these are just excuses for people to be racist. once someone has the wrong opinion, it's open season, just go all out on the hatred.

lol, wow. I thought you were exaggerating, but uh...



I obviously don’t agree with any of Nepenthe’s commentary on race, but I think credit is due that the thread hasn’t become a graveyard full of bans. Yet. Dissenting voices are still being allowed.

That, I think, is a great thing. She gets to say her piece, others say theirs, conversation continues.

This reply isn't going to age well. Give it another 24 hours and see the ban hammer come down. That thread is in danger of becoming a "trash fire of free thinkers" and won't be tolerated.


well CNN is reporting it so you know it can't be racist. funny thing here is the OP blaming Trump for starting the virus in a Chinese lab.



way to go belittling the civil rights struggle

yes if only this black person would vote for the old senile cracker who once called Strom Thurmond "one of my closest person friends" then he would really be fighting the power.
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If I was a non-binary trans furry weaboo racist midget who, despite having a degree from a prestigious and expensive college, was scraping together a living by selling fursuits to weirdos and dog fuckers, I'd be mad at the world too, just like Nepenthe.

Love trumps hate though guys. Remember that.....


I obviously don’t agree with any of Nepenthe’s commentary on race, but I think credit is due that the thread hasn’t become a graveyard full of bans. Yet. Dissenting voices are still being allowed.

That, I think, is a great thing. She gets to say her piece, others say theirs, conversation continues.

Oh my poor naive friend.

You just don’t see it. You know those Magic Eye books? Just go back and look at that thread straight on at about 6 inches away from your eyes.

The image should then be pretty clear what is currently happening:



Do these people ever smile or have fun or do they constantly spend every day looking for reasons to be angry and victimized?

I have no idea who Nepenthe is or what their deal is, but I don't think I've seen one post from them that didn't have a grudge about something.

Many are masochists with a victim complex.

Truthfully, they could probably benefit from some of Kanye's advice on self-liberation. These clowns spend all day looking for shit to get offended by and then get upset when they're offended. I don't get it.


Gabriel Knight
well CNN is reporting it so you know it can't be racist. funny thing here is the OP blaming Trump for starting the virus in a Chinese lab.

the people on that site are absolute morons
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