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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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It's easy for a RACIST to deflect by calling another group racist.

Well done, here's a cookie. Why don't you make it easier and make a "Black people are never racist" topic for more pats on the back.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
What % of RE is white? 60%? 80%? An admin there himself validated that they have a lot of users who are racist.

Known racist haven resetera.com
Notable white supremacy website resetera.com
It just rolls off the tongue.


What % of RE is white? 60%? 80%? An admin there himself validated that they have a lot of users who are racist.

Known racist haven resetera.com
Notable white supremacy website resetera.com
It just rolls off the tongue.

we don't use % in this verse

this is biden country now


While the endless ERA bans are funny to watch the unfortunate side effect is a lot of them coming over here to spew their bullshit all over the place. The TDS uptick from these clowns in politics is off the charts recently and I can't even tell them apart, it's just the same screeching from all of them.


We all want to better ourselves.

Sane people do it by working harder and treating others how you would like to be treated.

But people from Resetera want to get ahead by tearing others down. And people there go along with it because they want affirmation from others. It’s an indicator of their own insecurity and unhappiness.


Gold Member
RedMercury is hilarious. Guy is begging for a mod position when he is clearly a troll. But because he strokes the mod ego's, they think he's ood or misguided bwahahaha. Waiting to get on that team and just imagine the bans he could phrase. I hope the mods let him on frankly. Post count would be down and bannings would be up.

It shows how much cowards the admins and the mods are, when none of them are having words with Nepenthe to stop throwing her faeces round the place and making everyone stupider. I bet if the mods/admins stopped posting and about 9/10 'prominent members', the places' atmosphere would improve in days.

Dick Jones

Gold Member
(She/they). Are we 100% sure this isn't Slayven? It's an attack on the English language as its either she/her or they/them not she/they. It has all the hallmarks of Slayven (incoherent and likely spelling errors/poor phrasing). Also non-binary is she?
What the fuck is a non-binary shapeshifter? A tip is to shift into better shape for starters.


Jelly Belly
Non-binary shapeshifters? Like lizard people?

Was reading the “all white people are racist?”thread and some comments are really on the edge of being cult-like.

They have been likened to a cult for some time now.
Arguably, their clique's behavior on NeoGAF leading up to the 2016 election and the 2017 split was showing signs of being a cult. The split itself was very much the all-too-common "separate yourself from the heathens" moment that inevitably comes for any ideologically-driven cult, and it has been downhill from there.

I'd say the starter pistol for the cult was around 2013/2014 as gaming media began preaching at its audience while putting incompetent female authors in the spotlight. I forget her name, but there was one Kotaku writer in particular who was infamous for crappy hot-takes that earned a lot of scorn. The incompetency wasn't the issue. It was the circling of the wagons around the incompetent writers with the excuse that she was being "harassed". It created a very distinct us vs them situation between the arrogant gaming media and any opinion they didn't want to hear. Anita Sarkeesian threw gas on the flames. Other (unrelated) stories like the Kane & Lynch Gerstmann firing, controversies about MGS4 and Call of Duty "review vacations" and swag, Dorito Pope, etc etc all played their role in undermining any trust in the gaming media. Then GamerGate happened, which was very much a response to what had been happening, not a spark in and of itself and the media response solidified the us vs them narrative they wanted to build.


Some groups may not fit the definition of a cult, but may pose potential risks for participants. Here are 10 warning signs of a potentially unsafe group or leader.

Absolute authoritarianism without meaningful accountability.
No tolerance for questions or critical inquiry.
No meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget, expenses such as an independently audited financial statement.
Unreasonable fear about the outside world, such as impending catastrophe, evil conspiracies and persecutions.
There is no legitimate reason to leave, former followers are always wrong in leaving, negative or even evil.
Former members often relate the same stories of abuse and reflect a similar pattern of grievances.
There are records, books, news articles, or television programs that document the abuses of the group/leader.
Followers feel they can never be "good enough".
The group/leader is always right.
The group/leader is the exclusive means of knowing "truth" or receiving validation, no other process of discovery is really acceptable or credible.

Rick Ross is executive director of the Ross Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements


Wait, fuck, am I not allowed to do the blackface in my winter parade next year? All I look forward to in life is my winter parade. Don’t y’all love the winter parade? How can we parade in the winter without the blackface we so diligently apply to ourselves to mock black people during our winter parade?

How will I continue on without the purest winter parade possible which necessarily includes blackface as a part of my white supremacy
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What % of RE is white? 60%? 80%? An admin there himself validated that they have a lot of users who are racist.

Known racist haven resetera.com
Notable white supremacy website resetera.com
It just rolls off the tongue.
Honestly, it’s closer to 90+%. Most of these online SJW groups are high majority white.


Its sad but i love watching this train wreck. Honestly i think there could be a great study done on Resetera as the ultimate form of projection practiced by a community.


Apparently other races are not racist towards other races it's only the whites? Thank you ReesetEra you have enlightened me.
you can't argue the numbers. the more white people a place has, the more racist /s

interestingly, this would mean that the American South, with it's much larger percentage of POCs, is less racist than the coastal elites.

Georgia has a 31% black population vs New York City only having 25%. that makes NYC mathematically more racist than GA.

hell, the state of Florida (16% black pop) has 3x more black people living in it than the entire country of Canada (3.5%). guess that makes Canada 3 times more racist than Florida.
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Shots fired! Wonder if the ban will be a pem?

Lol, and they're all rushing to defend her saying she never said that.... Protect the leader!

Lol, that OP is struggling hard with this question:

You are right. An evil person can be skillful. That is very easy to understand. But how does an evil person learn to use that skill to create something beautiful instead of something evil? Unless they learned it from before. Don't you need be able to feel a certain way before you can create beautiful art? E.g. to make romantic music you must need to be able to feel romance. If a person can't feel happy how can they create happy music? In the case of evil people, how can they feel the beautiful art that they create?


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