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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Taysan in almost any topic EVER as he feel the need to post in it just because it exists;

Topic: Lawns


Taysan: I don't have a lawn


He doesn't even have a house, he lives with his parents for $200 a month

Taysan said:
Yes. I'm fortunate enough to live with my parents and their generous rent. $250 a month.

I'm not concerned, but i wish i could receive my unemployment.
In the latest of Resetera's authoritarian puritanism:

Entertaining yourself while watching torture porn but advocating human rights in real life is kind of scary



In all the censorship debates, it is these people that need to be on watch lists. Normal functioning people can discern between fiction and reality - they can't.
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yeah they should have ignored the famous British actor and went with one of the many well known Sikh Hollywood superstars instead
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Nothin wrong with that. A lot of young people live with their parents and dont contribute jack. 200 is at least somethin 👍
Arizona isn't what is preventing him from getting rid of his racist lawn.

"just swallow it full"

well that's.... one way to defend a rape accusation 🤮

If only they were this understanding with other accusations...

In the latest of Resetera's authoritarian puritanism:



In all the censorship debates, it is these people that need to be on watch lists. Normal functioning people can discern between fiction and reality - they can't.
Lol, he wants to virtue signal so hard. Even when people explain it to him and he partially agrees he still screeches that they're missing they point.
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Gold Member
To be fair I never understood why it was Khan, but then again I don't care
Plus if you look at the change Montolban went from Kahn in the tv series (indian?) to Kahn in the movies (viking-esque?), lily-white Cumberbatch is just the next most logical step.





Gold Member
Goddamn Bidens denial of Reade is gonna destroy Reee. Now it's #don'tbeleivewomen, lots of "whataboutisms" of how at least Biden isn't trashing Reade like Trump did his accusers, downplaying the assault in a "boy's club behavior" manner, sheesh!
The declassified jfk files also point out that hitler survived ww2 and went to South America to fight communists.
Mind blowing document.

Go to the south pole and open the hatch you find there. Easy to know you're in the right place because it has a swastika on it. Inside the hatch is a long tunnel leading down (up?) into Hitler's hollow-earth Nazi empire.

You think those are aliens in the saucers?



lol imagine using “not in the chain of command” to hand wave hundreds of thousands of deaths

Mr_Antimatter said:
folks are trying to lay blame for the Iraq war on him, despite not being in the chain of command

Likewise for any deaths by the Obama admin, again despite not having any place in the chain of command.

hah 8 years as Vice President but no he doesn’t need to take any responsibility for the wars he voted yes on.
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In the latest of Resetera's authoritarian puritanism:



In all the censorship debates, it is these people that need to be on watch lists. Normal functioning people can discern between fiction and reality - they can't.
I'm not a fan of torture porn, because I think it's a lazy way to make a forgettable horror movie, but Jesus Christ these people.

Why can't you people just be normal!?
Their defense of Biden is really the epitome of hypocrisy. Usually they follow their (disgusting) #believewomen mantra - except when it doesn't fit their agenda.

I don't get it. If I was American, I would demand so hard NOW that Biden steps down as the Democratic candidate. Now is still time to choose a non-rapist (they exist, I assume ...).

Seriously, if Trump is re-elected, these phoney extremists have ZERO excuse to cry and complain. It'll be their own fault.


Gold Member
Why does Era want leakers of video game spoilers in jail? 30 minutes ago a thread was posted there on TLOU2 and 4 pages later it's loaded with people who want to see the leaker in court. Mind you, this is the same forum who facilitated the death of someone targeted by Zoe "borderline personality disorder" Quinn.


One of the replies to that "I don't understand why anyone wants to live!" thread: -

If you're giving yourself hours a day to sit around and ruminate on how awful the world is, maybe don't. Stay off the internet, don't watch the news. Your brain is primed to latch onto anything that will fuel your negative outlook. It's a nasty form of confirmation bias, and it's not healthy.

Indeed, and what better to latch on to than ResetEra if you're looking for fuel for your unhealthy negative outlook on life?


One of the replies to that "I don't understand why anyone wants to live!" thread: -

Indeed, and what better to latch on to than ResetEra if you're looking for fuel for your unhealthy negative outlook on life?

I made this point in a post on Resetera at the start of the year. You can feel the misery oozing out of that place. Anyone already feeling down is going to get swallowed up by its bleakness. Then I got banned 🤷‍♂️

Dick Jones

Gold Member
Hitler didn’t die in Germany. He left on a submarine. Ffs, watch the History Channel once in your life.
Didn't Bart Simpson ring him in the episode about Australia. Pity that wouldn't now cancel the fucking show
Taysan in almost any topic EVER as he feel the need to post in it just because it exists;

Topic: Lawns


Taysan: I don't have a lawn


If he didn't post all the time with nonsense you'd get posters like this looking for his valuable input.


That OP is a moron. Letting your grass grow wild would lead to it becoming full of ticks and other bugs, along with rats and more bad things. It would also not dry out well and become a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Not to mention just being a fire hazard.


“Aww, it’s so...average,” she said to him in a cold brick of passion
I usually just block out the noise or put threads on ignore these days when discussions get a bit ridiculous on Era, but what's going on in the Miami Teacher thread is just ridiculous to the point of borderline insanity. A university teacher got caught with porn bookmarked on his computer and was forced to resign over it. And since the title included "busty college girl" or something like that some people in there are trying to act like the dude is some kind of sexual predator or super perv because of it. It's insane.

I don't understand how there are still people in the world that have hang-ups about porn given the age of technology that we are in. Pretty much everyone watches it. Everyone has there own kinks and whatnot. Let people masturbate to whatever they want (as long as it's legal obviously) and leave them alone. Don't play armchair psychiatrist on someone based on the title of a porno they watched. Jesus.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I remember liking Dude Abides! Hope he didn't go full blamespace.

Yu Furealdo

Yeah it's not like people enjoy having lawns to make them feel less like they're in a concrete jungle every time they fucking walk outside. It also isn't nice to plant trees, flowers, bushes etc in front of your home. Cover everything in cement, racists!
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Ok,maybe I'm late to this, but I actually read the OP of the always hilarious "Why women criticize sexualization" thread and ... it's clinical insanity. Read this:

And now, a pre-emptive rebuttal to the shitty counter-arguments I can see coming from miles away:

  • "lol i love teh bewbs" good for you. fuck off
  • "lmao dumb feminazis trying to censor games" it's not censoring. it's criticism. it's asking to be treated like goddamn people.
  • "you're a prude" i'm a sex-positive feminist. that means i support women's right to control over their own bodies without judgement. that does not extend to 1000 year old loli dragons designed by and for men to get their nasty rocks off.
  • "wHaT iF sHe ChOsE tO wEaR iT????????" she's not fucking real you drooling bottomfeeder, she can't decide anything because she's a fictional construct!!!! she's a bunch of pixels!!!! she has no agency!!!!
  • "men are sexualised too" call me when we get dick physics in video games, then we'll talk about male sexualisation.
  • "vote with your wallet" gee it's almost like this is an epidemic in gaming and finding games in the genre we like, with gameplay we like, a story we like, characters we like, and no bullshit designs anywhere to be found is a fucking sisyphean task. fucking great games have this problem. skyrim? dragon age origins? boob armour. boob armour everywhere. if we voted with our wallets we wouldn't be able to play fucking anything
  • "my wife/girlfriend/sister/daughter/gardener/friend's cousin's sister-in-law's mother's dog's walker's chemist doesn't think it's sexist!" then she can come on here and make an account and speak for her own damn self, can't she? assuming she actually exists, of course
  • "lmao typical prudish americans, in MY sexually liberated country we don't care about these things!!" i'm not american. a vast proportion of the women in this thread are not american. this is a universal problem
  • "you don't speak for all women!!!!11!1!" neither do you. now what?

All those 'rebuttals' are so ... *weak*. Because they're so easily dismissed as wrong/delusional. This is what these people believe to be proper arguments? I'm in negative-awe.

@mods: I'd like to create a "Why men love sexualization in video games" thread, but I still don't have thread making privilege back. Could you create that thread if I provide the text and title? :eek:
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Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Ok,maybe I'm late to this, but I actually read the OP of the always hilarious "Why women criticize sexualization" thread and ... it's clinical insanity. Read this:

All those 'rebuttals' are so ... *weak*. Because they're so easily dismissed as wrong/delusional. This is what these people believe to be proper arguments? I'm in negative-awe.

@mods: I'd like to create a "Why men love sexualization in video games" thread, but I still don't have thread making privilege back. Could you create that thread if I provide the text and title? :eek:

GAF isn't a reaction forum for ResetEra.


Ok,maybe I'm late to this, but I actually read the OP of the always hilarious "Why women criticize sexualization" thread and ... it's clinical insanity. Read this:

All those 'rebuttals' are so ... *weak*. Because they're so easily dismissed as wrong/delusional. This is what these people believe to be proper arguments? I'm in negative-awe.

@mods: I'd like to create a "Why men love sexualization in video games" thread, but I still don't have thread making privilege back. Could you create that thread if I provide the text and title? :eek:

Whoever wrote that list of "rebuttals" was probably rocking back and forth so hard in his chair from anger while writing it that his fedora flew off and knocked his blunt katana off its sword stand.
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GAF isn't a reaction forum for ResetEra.

I know, although it's hard not to react often times.

I guess I wouldn't make the title a 1:1 mirroring, rather a topic where people can express what they like about attractive female designs, especially in light of Neill Druckman's speech that directly attacked other games (MGS5, DoA, etc) for their female designs.

Was an idea i had for some time, but I understand if you don't want such thread.


Ok,maybe I'm late to this, but I actually read the OP of the always hilarious "Why women criticize sexualization" thread and ... it's clinical insanity. Read this:

All those 'rebuttals' are so ... *weak*. Because they're so easily dismissed as wrong/delusional. This is what these people believe to be proper arguments? I'm in negative-awe.

Half of them contradict the other and the other half can be easily dismissed with a little googlefu.
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