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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Arent you up Trump’s posterior? Hard to remember everybody. Seems you wouldn’t care about any of this but you post about it a lot.


advanced basic bitch
Wow, Audioboxer got banned eh? I guess they got tired of him making their boy Biden look bad with this incredibly valid and believable accusation. Someone reach out. He seems like a good dude.
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via reeratakes


Goofy nerd gaming commentators who use (gasp) swear words have been revised into literal Nazis.
I think Yahtzee said he hated that people adopted the PCMR meme. Also I'm pretty sure he's a liberal even if he makes "bigoted, sexist" jokes and "makes fun of the politically correct". Something that to this day RE is STILL unable to comprehend.
I'm also not sure what his point is with bringing up AVGN since he's one of the most wholesome people on Youtube. But I guess he makes jokes and doesn't like the Ghostbusters remake so off to the Gulag with him.
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yeah nep is in there claiming this poster was racist to people in the past across threads. def sounds like a grudge ban.
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MrConbon210 said:
Couldn’t the same thing about orcs be said about a mythical race like werewolves? Where even if they try to fit into accepted culture, they are still revenue creatures deep down?
Werewolves (and vampires in a slightly different way) are actually usually coded as negative connotations of LGBT people.
Ostensibly human people who, when the cover of night falls, cannot contain their "degeneracy".

.... YEAH. Let that sink in.

A gem that I think was missed in the Orc thread from the other day....


Morrigan got her fee fees hurt by someone posting a gallup poll of women's views on abortion. people keep saying "what about women" and pointing to abortion as if all women want it. it doesn't match her narrative so she is handwaving it as "moral relativism" and "well both sides"

here is the poll. it's from gallup. it literally demonstrates that women are pretty split on the issue of abortion.


i mean, a shame it isn't a poll from the Intercept or FOX News, they could call it RIGHT WING TRASH and try to ban the poster

but it's not. it's gallup. even facts don't matter in this brave new pro-rapist world

Let's be honest, I don't think Morrigan has to worry about her reproductive rights at all.


i mean we are 3 years into the Trump presidency, with a conservative supreme court. 2 years ago they put in a "famously anti woman" Trump pick for justice.

so why haven't they banned abortion yet? what is he waiting for?

if this is his grand plan to stick it to women by banning abortion, he is taking his sweet time.
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Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.

(post #4 in this woke thread)


A gem that I think was missed in the Orc thread from the other day....

For the sake of argument, this is a somewhat observable effect but, like goddamn everything, is magnified ten fold by the internet.
I've played with lots of groups and a lot of the tropes people go on about are true to one minor, anecdotal extent or another. At large groups and conventions, you'll notice a high number of vampire and werewolf players tend to be LGBTQ, the T part seems to favor Tiefling and anyone in the group who is an annoying know-it-all combines those with a martial arts class.


Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.

(post #4 in this woke thread)
this is a promising thread


Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.

(post #4 in this woke thread)
the weekly thread of getting banned in
Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.

(post #4 in this woke thread)

Bummer that it's not a thread demanding trans representation in AC.


Gold Member
That thread was loaded up and ready to go right. Pre-written and everything. I cannot believe the grown up men in there with 'thank you for educating me' posts.

Take a look at the reddit data from a year or so ago with identifying fliers for the assassinscreed sub. Then check something like animalcrossing

The thing they don't like is that women playing AC are probably outliers. Or a small enough number that it doesn't make sense to narrowly focus their marketing and protagonists at that demographic. Seriously, just apply like 10 IQ points to it you fucking nerds.
Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.

(post #4 in this woke thread)

So they're not demanding there be female representation anymore (they got that), now they are demanding MALE representation be REMOVED because that's the only way they can have true female represenation?

Da fuq?


Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.

(post #4 in this woke thread)

Imagine playing these games and having that be your problem with them. It's not a fucking dating sim you mong.
I think Yahtzee said he hated that people adopted the PCMR meme. Also I'm pretty sure he's a liberal even if he makes "bigoted, sexist" jokes and "makes fun of the politically correct". Something that to this day RE is STILL unable to comprehend.
I'm also not sure what his point is with bringing up AVGN since he's one of the most wholesome people on Youtube. But I guess he makes jokes and doesn't like the Ghostbusters remake so off to the Gulag with him.
i read from the other place one of the reason they hates him is because he made a joke about how sucking the penis of a transwoman was "gay", because apperently a man sucking a penis isn't gay if it's attached to a "woman".
side note, I'm surpised that Dunkey is allowed on Ree didn't he say the N-word?
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Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads

I'm a gay male, I was fine with what was done in Odyssey regarding the romance sections because the character's sexuality didn't matter! it wasn't relevant to the story in a meaningful way and in most stories the characters sexuality isn't important, , I was happy that we had the option.

Would have forcing everyone who bought the game to play as a gay character really have done anything to make my life better? NOPE! I can totally enjoy stories about straight people, it was totally drawn in with the family story in Origins and with Ezio's exploits in his trilogy.

There are far more women who are the leads in games than gay men, hell I don't think there has been one at least not in a game that I played and I'm not sitting here complaining about it, I couldn't care less. If the game is done well and fun to play that's all that should matter, you don't need to see your "face" or your perceived experiences reflected back at you in a product that's meant for the masses for crying out loud.
Good take but I can see this guy get banned for it lol


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
Definitely. While he's gay, he's still a male, so whatever victimhood points he gains from his homosexuality, he loses in being a male. Males always suck. Always.
Im glad he atleast level headed and tells everyone they shouldnt have to see their representation in every game and bitch about it etc


Neighbours from Hell
Im glad he atleast level headed and tells everyone they shouldnt have to see their representation in every game and bitch about it etc
Most homosexuals don't act the way they do on that site. Not even close. Just like most straight people, most gays are always completely normal. Any sane straight, gay, trans person who reads that site is horrified.


Just reported another spoiler thread account suicide.

Looks like resetera people trying to relive the glory of their 2016 rebellion.


Pull up the drawbridge

Honestly? Let them return.
The same trick isn't going to work twice. It'll be easy to see them trying to take over again and a more knowledgeable mod team can knock them down one by one. The actual crazies will filter themselves out and whats left is either people who can learn or people who weren't actually drinking the kool aid in the first place.

Personally, I'm done for the internet wide shitshow of them trying to rehome after this. It was hilarious the first time when the rest of the internet gave a hardy 'fuck off' when they tried.


You know what might be fun, ask them what to do in case of a fire knowing most fire fighters voted for trump. Probably could have the same fun with blood transfusions since republicans are more likely to donate blood.


Poor guy gets banned for 1 month for suggesting that you don't need a female protagonist in an Assassin's Creed game.

(post #4 in this woke thread)
This brings me back to the reaction to no FeMC announcement for vanilla P5. Sweet nostalgia.
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