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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Just spit my coffee reading these. Exactly why I refuse to ever glance at ResetEra...
I stopped my own involvement in politics some 11-odd years ago and never turned back. I have no leanings, I don't care for any politicians, and why have it dominate a gaming forum.

I mean, what is ResetEra, really?

It's a board for mentally ill people to out-victim each other and whinge about how oppressed they are.


Just.... I don't know what to say anymore....



Just spit my coffee reading these. Exactly why I refuse to ever glance at ResetEra...
I stopped my own involvement in politics some 11-odd years ago and never turned back. I have no leanings, I don't care for any politicians, and why have it dominate a gaming forum. I mean, what is ResetEra, really?

Remember that group of odd looking rejects in high school? They all gathered on a 'gaming' forum, to hate on the world for great social justice.


more from the Boyega love session. Lifejumper decrying toxic SW fandom in support of Boyega today:


Lifejumper using digital blackface to call Boyega the n word (twice!) in response to his comments on social media 6 months ago:

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Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Some posters are just chasing the highs of indignant outrage and social justice. I wouldn’t expect too much logical consistency with something like Boyega or other issues like COVID-19 and the lack of social distancing with protesting.

You could spend a week digging up posts with people saying that COVID-19 was literally killing grandma and are now cheering on riots and protests.


Imagine starting this thread being an adult and asking if it’s ok to watch a certain streamer 😂😂😂



This Boyega 180 and arse kissing reminds me of another black "celebrity" they threw under the bus til it fit their narrative.


Also, what's this "stan" shit I keep seeing people fling about? All I can think of is the Eminem song? Are they saying people are super stalkers?
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Dick Jones

Gold Member
more from the Boyega thread. 6 months to go from trying to cancel him for a "sexist" joke towards a fictional character to calling him "King"



Maybe Jack_Package_200 finally understood the joke or was told that Finn was going to lay his female penis into Rey so we can have Star Wars first canon (except China and Russia) interracial lesbian couple.

Poor lad was hounded by the wrong Tico.

Side note: isn't Allison Brie of Community married to James Franco's brother. Has she called James out for his male toxicity? I thought not. Shouldn't Jack_Package_200 be banned for promoting sex offender apologists? #metoo


Also, what's this "stan" shit I keep seeing people fling about? All I can think of is the Eminem song? Are they saying people are super stalkers?

That is exactly where the term used for hardcore fans originated from yes. Basically to stan is being a huge fan of something.


That is exactly where the term used for hardcore fans originated from yes. Basically to stan is being a huge fan of something.

Well, that's just fucking wierd really.

"Hey I wanna be obsessed with you, not have you reply to my tweets and drive my car off a bridge with me and my body pillow in it."


Lets not forget; Lebron "Suck that chinese money dick" James.

Speak out against Chinese government torture, abuse and police brutality
= Lebron goes to commissionaire and calls you goof, defends china

Say something stupid about kneeling for anthem
= Lebron calls you a goof


Neo Member
Are these people simply incapable of seeing all the good will they're squandering with the way they're acting this week? The murder of George Floyd was not a contentious issue. Everybody on planet earth who saw the video agrees he was murdered. Everybody was cool with the protests. Then all this shit happens. Doxxing, literally forcing people to bend the knee, neighborhoods being invaded by looters, untold amounts of property damage, people getting shot to death by their fellow "protesters," FUCK WHITE PEOPLE amped up to 11, the anxiety they're causing with these nightly riots fresh off the heels of the coronavirus, agitating police officers, etc.

I'm done with this shit. This is not about George Floyd anymore.


Are these people simply incapable of seeing all the good will they're squandering with the way they're acting this week? The murder of George Floyd was not a contentious issue. Everybody on planet earth who saw the video agrees he was murdered. Everybody was cool with the protests. Then all this shit happens. Doxxing, literally forcing people to bend the knee, neighborhoods being invaded by looters, untold amounts of property damage, people getting shot to death by their fellow "protesters," FUCK WHITE PEOPLE amped up to 11, the anxiety they're causing with these nightly riots fresh off the heels of the coronavirus, agitating police officers, etc.

I'm done with this shit. This is not about George Floyd anymore.
everything after his death never was


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
What is "junior phase" there anyways? Many people signed up years ago but hardly ever engage, so they have like 150 posts in two years. Are they still considered junior?


Neo Member
What is "junior phase" there anyways? Many people signed up years ago but hardly ever engage, so they have like 150 posts in two years. Are they still considered junior?

Basically, someone has to subject themselves to that insanity long enough to hit 300 posts to remove the junior status from that website.

EDIT: I should elaborate. Not only subject themselves, but actually interact. That means trying to put out meaningful posts/threads without inciting a reee-rage.
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juniors are just an excuse to permaban people who post wrongthink opinions earlier for some reason
not that regular members have much more of a ban shield. its kind of a weird hazing


Imagine starting this thread being an adult and asking if it’s ok to watch a certain streamer 😂😂😂


Dick Jones

Gold Member
The junior thing was actually a GAF tradition. Juniors never fared well if they acted stupidly — like not understanding the board culture, etc

On Resetera though it’s a ban for WrongThink tool pretty much.
I always hated that. Hearing 'Shut up Junior' and knowing the vultures would circle the newer member and tell them off to feel morally superior. I remember having to bit my lip once because at the time you knew sending a 'How about fuck you?' would get you banned. That was the fake SJW mods here that lied about Evilore and fucked off over the ERA.


Gold Member
I tend to think of it as a forum who's members were all the last ones to be picked for team sports when in school.
They’re like Vince Vaughn’s team in Dodgeball.

They can only win against idiots, or teams they know will be disqualified for some reason.
They pick their fights very carefully, and will have a change of mind and heart when it’s convenient.
What is "junior phase" there anyways? Many people signed up years ago but hardly ever engage, so they have like 150 posts in two years. Are they still considered junior?
You can spend 5 bucks (probably less now) in certain places and get an account that’s already past junior

Always fun if you wanna blow off some steam


ALERT ALERT "so fucking sad" people said things to YAS QUEEN Rian Johnson during his Moment of Virtue Signalling


what are the horrible replies that made this sycophant "so fucking sad"? top reply:


a lady pointing out that Rian joked about leaving Finn in a coma for the whole movie because Boyega's character was literally an afterthought in the writing process. these are Rian's own words! THE HORROR!!!


a POC furry anti-cop activist who is upset Rian didn't bother giving Boyega the role he deserves.

LOL it must really be hard to try and pretend Rian Johnson doesn't have a racist bone in his body. it's like a 24 hour a day job for these people. is it really so fucking sad that people still speak out about whitest richest fattest bearded baby Rian doing a shit job with his POC characters?
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Can you imagine trying to explain to someone outside of this little bubble that the following is a BANNABLE offense:
"People should be hired based on talent and credentials. Not the color of your skin or race or sex."

For sure you could convince me it's getting a ban on some extreme right wing racist group that ONLY wants to see whites getting certain jobs.
Right? Maybe if you think an Indian doctor is the best man for the job he should get it. They'd say "NO this is 'murica, jobs for 'muricans only".

On a videogame forum? No way.

I wonder if a reason why so many of them seem a bit messed up is because of the constant effort required to believe two completely contradictory views of the world.

"Discrimination is bad and should be erased completely from the video game industry". Strongly agree. 10 Virtue Points.
"People should be hired based on talent and credentials. Not the color of your skin or race or sex." Strongly agree. Virtue Points Removed! BANNED!

It's quite funny because it actually reveals their own hidden racism.

Think about it.

Scenario One - White Guy and Black Lady both apply for the job at a mostly white company. White Guy is the less talented candidate but gets the job. Raises suspicions of prejudice in the workplace. At the very least hiring was NOT based on talent and credentials. ResetEra condemns this.

Scenario Two - White Guy and Black Lady both apply for the job at a mostly white company. White Guy is more talented candidate and gets the job. Hiring was based on talent and credentials. ResetEra also condemns this.

Unfortunately for these idiots they put themselves in a bit of a bind here.

WG - more talented. BL - less talented. "Most talented should get the job" = Banned from ResetEra
WG - less talented. BL - more talented. "Most talented should get the job" = All OK on ResetEra

It SHOULD be the case that the statement is a bannable offence only when the races of the candidates are known.
Think of that as Schrodinger's Bannable Offence.

However it is flat out just a bannable offence.

So the only way that "I think the most talented person should get the job" is a bannable offence on ResetEra is if ResetEra themselves actually believe that there is no way a non-white person can be the most talented candidate.

What's fucked up is that the extreme right stance is basically:
"We don't give a damn who is better, American jobs for Americans ONLY".
There's no racial "supremacy" there. They literally just want to discriminate.

The ReetardEra stance is:
"We think the white ones are all better but sometimes you have to give the less talented person a job for diversity".
They literally believe in white supremacy but they feel guilty about it.

How disturbing.

The far right white supremacists see themselves in some racial "battle" where they have to fight and do anything they can to prove they are better than an actually worthy opponent. They have this hatred and anger and horrible, toxic, bigotry but that is fed by holding other races up as this legitimate and capable threat. It's ugly, it's wrong, it's abhorrent and it has brutal consequences.

The far left whites on the other hand treat minority groups like your little brother who's rubbish at Smash Bros. You let him win sometimes anyway so he won't feel so bad and you probably feel better about yourself too. They don't actually hate people of other races, genders, etc but they sure as shit don't respect them. It's not immediately harmful so at least there is that.

ResetEra can at least say they aren't as bad as the extreme right wing racists. After all, your younger brother could grow into a very awesome Smash Bros player on his own which is obviously better than using blind, irrational, hatred to crush him entirely.

Doesn't exactly make you a paragon of virtue though.
This kind of stuff just makes them seem like nothing more than white supremacists with unbearable guilt.

The correct worldview for a fair and just and reasonable society is ACTUALLY:
"People should be hired based on talent and credentials. Not the color of your skin or race or sex."

In the US it's probably true that the people who end up in these videogame jobs and had a relatively wealthy family and lots of support and good learning facilities and decent equipment to learn on and good prep work for interviews and mommy probably ironed their suit the night before the interview and picked out the best tie blah blah blah were mostly white dudes.

Donate to programs that give less privileged people a leg up.
Volunteer your time.
Get in touch with government officials and keep badgering them about programs and grants etc.
Identify areas where people may have less opportunities and HELP THEM.

Or, you know, just talk a lot of shite online and ban anyone who wants to inject common sense into the conversation.


juniors are just an excuse to permaban people who post wrongthink opinions earlier for some reason
not that regular members have much more of a ban shield. its kind of a weird hazing

when I signed up, they told me I had to suck tranny dick to remove junior status. immediately banned for transphobia and inflammatory accusations.


this is just hilarious

one of the images from this "imagining a world with no police":


a city employee SIGNALS FOR YOU TO PULL OVER and then tells you to fix your brakes.

how will they signal for you to pull over? perhaps with some kind of flashing light on their car? perhaps a siren of some sort?

like LOL do these people not realize this is literally what cops - who are city employees - already do?

they're going to just replace cops with someone doing the exact same job? wow what a brave new vision this is :messenger_tears_of_joy:
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this is just hilarious

one of the images from this "imagining a world with no police":


a city employee SIGNALS FOR YOU TO PULL OVER and then tells you to fix your brakes

like LOL do these people not realize this is literally what cops already do? they're going to just replace cops with "a city employee"?


ah yes, lol, a trained professional will arrive at your house in 5 minutes

dude this shit is hilarious. "imagine" you are damn right cos there is no way this shit just magically happens the way it does on these cue cards.
Notice how effortlessly the socialism sneaks in as a response to the chaos. "Imagine a public servant fixing it for free! Imagine mental-health services provided by the government, just a dial away!"

Yet they forget (or ignore) these same concepts were used by dictators to lock people away and to control the populace.

Here's a good one that I came up with on my own. Pls rate out of /10, original virtue signal do not steal

Some stranger is doing something in public, somewhere.


...a populace of individuals who are taught from birth that we all carry a moral responsibility toward fellow humans, who are praised from birth when they act selflessly and help the community. So when real problems arise, these people step up, but otherwise everyone takes care of themselves and their own families.


iSn'T tHaT aDuLtHoOd?!

Scotty W

- SJW is a religion.
- virtue signalling is how they proselytize.
- "woke" politicians, corporations and mainstream media are the high priests.
- Climate Change is the apocalypse.
- "black lives matter" "metoo" "vote blue no matter who" etc. are the creeds and dogmas
- cis white males are the Original Sin
- all heretics (ex. Kanye) must be excommunicated and shunned
- excommunication = deplatforming
- every day they must find a new sacrificial victim for THE NARRATIVE & perform public humiliation rituals
- moral righteousness drives evangelical behavior

except the big different is that a religion typically has a moral foundation. this is more like a nihilist cult.

we see across many dimensions (for instance "#MeToo", so unthinkably important one year, a "right wing trap" (???) a few years later) these are not actual unbending ideologies but merely dogma they cherry pick and use to beat others into submission.
Earn your salvation through self hatred.


this is just hilarious

one of the images from this "imagining a world with no police":


a city employee SIGNALS FOR YOU TO PULL OVER and then tells you to fix your brakes

like LOL do these people not realize this is literally what cops already do? they're going to just replace cops with "a city employee"?


ah yes, lol, a trained professional will arrive at your house in 5 minutes

dude this shit is hilarious. "imagine" you are damn right cos there is no way this shit just magically happens the way it does on these cue cards.


I love the idea that you can cherry pick a few things that the cops have to deal with and be like "see, look how life would be so awesome without the cops".

The problem with all of that is you need the individuals within a society to exercise personal responsibility.

Possibly the only way you'd have a "no cops and no crime" human society would be to develop into some post-scarcity situation where everyone has everything they could ever want.

Do we even know the specific cause of certain other, more serious, crimes?

Sure it would be great if the city employee just fixes your car and all that.

What happens if my neighbor is knocking the shit out of his wife and kids? I need to go round there and get beat up too? Or is this new neighborhood pussy patrol going to go and sort it out? What if the guy just knocks the shit out of them too?

Or am I missing the point where this is more like a dystopian future where everything has nice colors and fonts but actually Mrs Smith who was behaving erratically gets taken away to the "Ministry of Safety" to "get the support she needs"?

These goddamn people.
Anyone who wants to understand the need for Law & Order just needs to think back on their high school days when the teacher left the room.
Some of those people NEVER grow up.
Look at how folks behaved with COVID-19. FFS the people MAKING the rules couldn't even obey them.
Anyone who ever had to use a public toilet knows why people can't just be left to do their own thing.

It's pretty ironic that the ONLY way this perfect Utopia could come into being would be through an EXTREMELY authoritarian system with the people being under CONSTANT surveilance.

Of course anyone who steps out of line will "get the support they need".


Notice how effortlessly the socialism sneaks in as a response to the chaos. "Imagine a public servant fixing it for free! Imagine mental-health services provided by the government, just a dial away!"

Yet they forget (or ignore) these same concepts were used by dictators to lock people away and to control the populace.

Here's a good one that I came up with on my own. Pls rate out of /10, original virtue signal do not steal

Some stranger is doing something in public, somewhere.


...a populace of individuals who are taught from birth that we all carry a moral responsibility toward fellow humans, who are praised from birth when they act selflessly and help the community. So when real problems arise, these people step up, but otherwise everyone takes care of themselves and their own families.


iSn'T tHaT aDuLtHoOd?!

It's the language used and the nice friendly colors that gets me.

Someone calls you a cunt on the internet.
You call +311 and a trained Attitude Correction Squad pays them a visit.
1 hour later they are taken to a learning facility out of town where they will learn to be a better citizen.
isn't that public safety?

Your neighbor said "Orange Man not so bad".
You call +311 and a Special Snowflake Safe Space Officer gives you an instant, free, therapy session.
1 week later your neighbor hasn't been seen or heard from since the night you made the call.
isn't that public safety?

Your friend starts dating a woman that everyone describes as *trigger warning - misogyny* "really, really, hot".
An expertly trained Equality Assurance Unit visits her home and puts her on a specialized Force Feeding Program.
1 month later she is Healthy At Any Size.
isn't that public safety?

You find some old video games in your attic. Hitman. Grand Theft Auto V. God of War 3. You play for a few hours.
What are you!? Some kind of GamerGate Trash! Misogyny! Misogyny! Confiscate those abominations! Take him away!
1 month later you are a happy and healthy citizen who loves Raid Shadow Legends... aren't you... AREN'T YOU!?
isn't that public safety?


this is just hilarious

one of the images from this "imagining a world with no police":


a city employee SIGNALS FOR YOU TO PULL OVER and then tells you to fix your brakes.

how will they signal for you to pull over? perhaps with some kind of flashing light on their car? perhaps a siren of some sort?

like LOL do these people not realize this is literally what cops - who are city employees - already do?

they're going to just replace cops with someone doing the exact same job? wow what a brave new vision this is :messenger_tears_of_joy:

Imagine a world... where the police are replaced by AAA.

I mean, what could go wrong?

Victim: Help! My car was stolen!

City Employee/AAA: Did you keep your tire pressure at the recommended PSI? That will help ensure that the thief will have optimal fuel economy.



one of the images from this "imagining a world with no police":

Imagine this things can actually happen.
Imagine your taxes and your bills rise up to 800% to cover the cost of these services.
Imagine this retarded complain on twitter about everything is too much expensive, thanks Obama!

Fox Mulder

this is just hilarious

one of the images from this "imagining a world with no police":


a city employee SIGNALS FOR YOU TO PULL OVER and then tells you to fix your brakes.

how will they signal for you to pull over? perhaps with some kind of flashing light on their car? perhaps a siren of some sort?

like LOL do these people not realize this is literally what cops - who are city employees - already do?

they're going to just replace cops with someone doing the exact same job? wow what a brave new vision this is :messenger_tears_of_joy:

lol pure crazy town.

there’s more progressive countries in the world and none of them are abolishing police. It’s fucking stupid.


oh my god that thread is just.. beyond stupid.

Most of the things on that list are already done.. by Police.

If they weren't done by Police. They would *always* need someone with the powers that police have to enforce - Because people aren't always the lovely flowers they should be.


> "Your friends are intoxicated & fighting but you don't want them getting in trouble - Imagine you call +311 and a crisis intervention team comes to your door"

Yes, also known as the Police. If some random city employee rocks up without the powers or oversight the police have then they'll be as useless as a wet fart.

> "You are experiencing partner violence"

Yes - You probably need the police to get you away from said partner and to protect you after. They can't do that WITHOUT THE SAME POWERS AS THE POLICE

> "Someone is behaving erratically & in harms way"

Again, you need SOMEONE WITH THE POWERS OF THE POLICE. Without the powers of the police to forcefully intervene & stop that.. What are they going to do exactly?

> "Someone seems to be snooping in car windows"

Holy christ they actually suggest that someone comes who is "trained in self-defence" and "De-escalates" the situation - HOW CAN THEY DO THAT WITHOUT THE POWERS OF THE POLICE. A hardened criminal would just laugh at someone who has no real powers to stop them.

It's like they watched Demolition Man and thought "Yes, lets copy the police in that"
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