Notice how effortlessly the socialism sneaks in as a response to the chaos. "Imagine a public servant fixing it for free! Imagine mental-health services provided by the government, just a dial away!"
Yet they forget (or ignore) these same concepts were used by dictators to lock people away and to control the populace.
Here's a good one that I came up with on my own. Pls rate out of /10, original virtue signal do not steal
Some stranger is doing something in public, somewhere.
...a populace of individuals who are taught from birth that we all carry a moral responsibility toward fellow humans, who are praised from birth when they act selflessly and help the community. So when real problems arise, these people step up, but otherwise everyone takes care of themselves and their own families.
iSn'T tHaT aDuLtHoOd?!
It's the language used and the nice friendly colors that gets me.
Someone calls you a cunt on the internet.
You call +311 and a trained Attitude Correction Squad pays them a visit.
1 hour later they are taken to a learning facility out of town where they will learn to be a better citizen.
isn't that public safety?
Your neighbor said "Orange Man not so bad".
You call +311 and a Special Snowflake Safe Space Officer gives you an instant, free, therapy session.
1 week later your neighbor hasn't been seen or heard from since the night you made the call.
isn't that public safety?
Your friend starts dating a woman that everyone describes as *trigger warning - misogyny* "really, really, hot".
An expertly trained Equality Assurance Unit visits her home and puts her on a specialized Force Feeding Program.
1 month later she is Healthy At Any Size.
isn't that public safety?
You find some old video games in your attic. Hitman. Grand Theft Auto V. God of War 3. You play for a few hours.
What are you!? Some kind of GamerGate Trash! Misogyny! Misogyny! Confiscate those abominations! Take him away!
1 month later you are a happy and healthy citizen who loves Raid Shadow Legends... aren't you... AREN'T YOU!?
isn't that public safety?