keep 1 thread open......trump appreciation threadI think there's a flaw in your plan,
If it redirected to then how would we see them lose their shit?![]()
keep 1 thread open......trump appreciation threadI think there's a flaw in your plan,
If it redirected to then how would we see them lose their shit?![]()
That patreon
So I thought I'd conduct an exercise in sadomasochism and see how long I could endure the GF thread on Reeeee after the latest shooting. Usual predictable 'ACAB! Guy who passed out in his car from being too drunk, refused sobriety test, resisted arrest, threw punches at officers, stole their taser and pointed it at police was a good guy who did nothing wrong!'
Anyway, it did lead to finding this doozie of a post to make it a semi worthwhile venture
Where's that ERA "we're your family now" post when ya need it? lolSo I thought I'd conduct an exercise in sadomasochism and see how long I could endure the GF thread on Reeeee after the latest shooting. Usual predictable 'ACAB! Guy who passed out in his car from being too drunk, refused sobriety test, resisted arrest, threw punches at officers, stole their taser and pointed it at police was a good guy who did nothing wrong!'
Anyway, it did lead to finding this doozie of a post to make it a semi worthwhile venture
what the fuck happened with the zoomer generation
So I thought I'd conduct an exercise in sadomasochism and see how long I could endure the GF thread on Reeeee after the latest shooting. Usual predictable 'ACAB! Guy who passed out in his car from being too drunk, refused sobriety test, resisted arrest, threw punches at officers, stole their taser and pointed it at police was a good guy who did nothing wrong!'
Anyway, it did lead to finding this doozie of a post to make it a semi worthwhile venture
Same Atlanta shooting thread. Someone banned for saying cops aren't taxis. Also
"Why the fuck did they even try to arrest him?! WHY!?!!!!!!!! He said he didn't want to drive and he even admitted he was drunk, JUST HELP HIM GET HOME! GOD FUCKING DAMNIT I'M TIRED OF THIS SHIT!!!! How fucking stupid do you have to be to be a police officer and encounter a situation like this that can be resolved without resorting to incarceration and then STILL DO IT ANYWAY after the man was trying to cooperate?!"
This dumbasses don't realize that there are consequences for illegal and dangerous actions. This guy drove to a Wendy's drunk, was so drunk he passed out in his car, and people just want the police to drive him home. What then if he gains access to someone else's car after the police drive him home and he then kills an entire family while driving drunk. It's on the cops then.
He needs to get out of my country. Seen him on other native forums behaving like a genuine cuck. Maybe if he wasn't such a brainwashed ignorant he would understand that the statement of being a civilian is the opposite of racist or evil, and thus there is not necessarily a contrasting opinion or action of having an adopted child from India either.So I thought I'd conduct an exercise in sadomasochism and see how long I could endure the GF thread on Reeeee after the latest shooting. Usual predictable 'ACAB! Guy who passed out in his car from being too drunk, refused sobriety test, resisted arrest, threw punches at officers, stole their taser and pointed it at police was a good guy who did nothing wrong!'
Anyway, it did lead to finding this doozie of a post to make it a semi worthwhile venture
Probably just put that in there as an added way of getting money from fat simps by allowing them to think they have a chance with her. Manipulation at its finest.Love fat people
how brave
LMAO what? Did they really want a drunk driver to be let go after driving drunk, a highly illegal act? That's like saying a murderer should be let go because he is begging and not killing at the moment of arrest.
This world.
I'm all for it though, let criminals completely run loose and it will be evident how quickly these idiots change their loony tune.
I following her (and lot of other cosplayers) but I never understood this. I'm following you for bo.. I mean high quality cosplay. Why post this?
BTW I have beer belly do you think I have a chance to have a date with her?I would even let her pay my bill
also, capitalism sucks
All men suck, but their money sure is welcome.All men, are what? Are welcome to her patreon?
It's not supposed to make sense. Really though, they add as many labels as possible because it gives them an opening and connection to those groups -- consistency be damned -- for the abillity to turn it into an advantage. The sad thing is that most are too lazy to see through the bullshit and keep enabling this predatory behaviour.She hates capitalism though ... so confusing.![]()
Twitter sure is something else.Zoomers getting raised on woke twitter is whats happening. Their generation is a joke.
Does anyone else find the prevalence of the "Karen" meme on the site kind of...strange? Seems like posters on there actually really like making fun of women so long as they are white...
I am convinced the Karen meme is a psyop from 4chan to make it fashionable to shit on women and be misogynistic.
I think you're right lol. On a site that strives to be as "politically correct" as possible, you can post this and not get moderated. This is the site that turned Colin Moriarty into Voldemort because he posted a Twitter joke about women talking a lot, and now we have people making posts like this. I mean really what is the joke here?
They deleted the thread lolJason Schreier is Feuding with Neil Druckmann, Cory Barlog, and Jeff Cannata on Twitter
This was being discussed in the Last of Us Review Thread, but we were asked to stop discussing it there so I figured it's own thread was warranted. Super condensed version: It started with Jeff Cannata's tweet here Jason Schreier replied with this Neil chimed in with
There’s no worthy discussion to be had in the majority of Era threads yet they remain open
They deleted the thread lol
Apparently it is forbidden to compare the tone and emotions one feels for certain medias with that of Schindlers List.
It is forbidden by law. Sjws have spoken.
How the hell did it go this far? How is Jason such a moron, and how are people defending him and attacking that comparison?
Apparently it is forbidden to compare the tone and emotions one feels for certain medias with that of Schindlers List.
It is forbidden by law. Sjws have spoken.
How the hell did it go this far? How is Jason such a moron, and how are people defending him and attacking that comparison?
How the hell did it go this far? How is Jason such a moron, and how are people defending him and attacking that comparison?
Jason forgot he's no longer working at Kotaku so these companies he's pissed off in the past no longer have to put up with it. Jason is so used to having an SJW army and Kotaku protection that he's starting to feel its absence. Nobody cares about that game section of Bloomberg.
But, but, but he's sticking it to the big bad guys at gawker or whatever by......working for bloomberg.
He comes across as a right little arrogant shit rag. Wasn't he a pure edgelord with questionable posts on forums way back when? Sure I saw one of you guys mention it before.
I following her (and lot of other cosplayers) but I never understood this. I'm following you for bo.. I mean high quality cosplay. Why post this?
BTW I have beer belly do you think I have a chance to have a date with her?I would even let her pay my bill
also, capitalism sucks
Apparently it is forbidden to compare the tone and emotions one feels for certain medias with that of Schindlers List.
Apparently it is forbidden to compare the tone and emotions one feels for certain medias with that of Schindlers List.
It is forbidden by law. Sjws have spoken.
How the hell did it go this far? How is Jason such a moron, and how are people defending him and attacking that comparison?
LMAO what? Did they really want a drunk driver to be let go after driving drunk, a highly illegal act?
"TLOU2 is as important as Schindlers Liste", he said playing the game it made him "feel like it". He didn't compare the two things, he compared the feelings he had while consuming them. Big difference.