we live in an anti Christian culture where abortion is openly considered cool, you are thought of as a weirdo or right wing but job for not being all for it. any Christians in pop media are usually portrayed as crazed muerdous cultists or greedy evangelists. the church is defined by its worse scandals (which exist in every other system as well Hollywood, politics, etc) and the cosmology exists onto to be mocked or ripped off and reinterpreted, horribly, by atheist male feminists. the academy (which produces much of the socialist theory) and legal system are all pagan based on Enlightenment era Humanism. itself kind of an empty pseudo intellectual way to revive Latin era technocratic supremacy to invent capitalist democracy and justify Imperialism and the human killing machines of the Industrial era. just as well it is ok to talk hate speech about Christianity and Christians just openly as if millennia of oppression have given you a free pass to act like a bigoted asshole too. arguments over abortion are never civil due to a general disrespect towards the Christian position. Mike and these other podcasters are for real modern Christians will are a thing that cannot exist in their straw man world view, so it’s expected that they reject them. More heretics to deplatform for the secular death cult. If they ever practiced what they preached and tolerance was a true goal then we would all arrive a lot quicker.