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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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OMG that JK Rowling/Harry Potter shit......
Seems so weird that they focus on these obscure (non)issues in the US/UK/EU instead of fighting actual transphobia abroad (as in, people getting executed for it).

I truly hope the transpeople in Iran, Sudan or Pakistan get something out of it when 125 ERA users bravely refuse to buy the Harry Potter videogame and post "Fuck Terfs" on forums.

Can't speak for every country, but here (DE) transpeople get all the legal protection and medical support they need.
But the government really can't force people to stop thinking the whole thing is fucking weird.


OMG that JK Rowling/Harry Potter shit......
Seems so weird that they focus on these obscure (non)issues in the US/UK/EU instead of fighting actual transphobia abroad (as in, people getting executed for it).
The reality is, talking shit on the internet is easier than actually doing something against it...
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I managed to find the post that got me banned. I refused to log in cause fuck that. If you're easily offended look away.

How is it a false equivalency??? It's exactly the opposite omg


you're lucky it’s only two weeks, I got permanently banned for asking why this is acceptable

I took my ban as a blessing in disguse, haven't logged in since.


OMG that JK Rowling/Harry Potter shit......
Seems so weird that they focus on these obscure (non)issues in the US/UK/EU instead of fighting actual transphobia abroad (as in, people getting executed for it).

I truly hope the transpeople in Iran, Sudan or Pakistan get something out of it when 125 ERA users bravely refuse to buy the Harry Potter videogame and post "Fuck Terfs" on forums.

Can't speak for every country, but here (DE) transpeople get all the legal protection and medical support they need.
But the government really can't force people to stop thinking the whole thing is fucking weird.

Holland as well. They can get married, get same protections and rights as everyone else. There are ofcourse people looking down on them, as you always have people afraid of the unknown., but they won't get executed or anything for being who they are.

Its funny because whenever I saw something level headed they lecture me and call me a bigot while I live in a society that accepts them. I don't feel attracted to them, and not to guys for that matter either. But that doesn't make me a bigot lol. They are literally forcing you to love someone they want. How far off is that from arranged marriages in certain dictatorial cultures they seem to hate?
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I managed to find the post that got me banned. I refused to log in cause fuck that. If you're easily offended look away.


I lol'd

Thats blatant racism. In every way possible. First of all, he uses the phrase "white people"which means he's putting up a label. And no exception, but every single one of them. Should raise a huge red flag. Not banning that but banning Black People/Trans People/Female etc.. yeah thats some extremist shit.

That site is a gateway for all kinds of racists that aren't white of color and don't belong to a minority, basically. And I'm pretty sure they go with the "white people have never been opressed and suffered" rhetoric. Which is also false by the way.

I feel sorry for kids signing up there to discuss Apex or Fortnite, they'll leave brainwashed. Honestly, prominent gaming websites and promotors should cut ties with these loons right away. I understand their racism is harder to see because they're not average straight white guys, but they're still racist to the core and out for blood.
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Holland as well. They can get married, get same protections and rights as everyone else. There are ofcourse people looking down on them, as you always have people afraid of the unknown., but they won't get executed or anything for being who they are.

Its funny because whenever I saw something level headed they lecture me and call me a bigot while I live in a society that accepts them. I don't feel attracted to them, and not to guys for that matter either. But that doesn't make me a bigot lol. They are literally forcing you to love someone they want. How far off is that from arranged marriages in certain dictatorial cultures they seem to hate?

Actually a ton of people have to deal with people looking down on them, laughing at them in public.
Fat people, short people, disabled people, people that have been in accidents etc.
Every case is fucking tragic but let's not pretend random people on the street will ever stop staring or giving weird looks.

When it comes to trans people, it's just that a man in women's clothes will always stand out. Compared to the cases mentioned above, they will also be given less sympathy because transitioning is a choice. As opposed to getting your face burned in a car wreck.
I also believe that you can never force whole populations to believe "yeah, that's a women. Full stop.".
Having sex with a former man? No chance. Hell, I can also decide to never sleep with a women who is from Holland (lol) and nobody can make me change that stance.
IMO the sentiments of JK Rowling are perfectly fine.
What these people on ERA are trying to do is control my thoughts, I guess. Good luck!


Well, Dutch women have a big mouth and are upstanding. I wouldn't fault you.

But to be serious, I don't know if its a choice. You could say yes as they could decide not to transform. But generally they feel they're born in the wrong body and feel something about themselves is terribly off to the point of them being unable to be happy with themselves. Its tragic and something we can't picture. I would say its almost a necessity over a choice. Not in every case, but if you go so far as to cut your tools, then yeah, its serious.

Its a difficult subject regardless. But that doesn't mean they deserve a free pass to enforce their authoritarian ideologies like those tools over there do. If they seek acceptance from general public, i'd advise them to change their tune.

And Schreier, has he become their spokesperson or something? Smart move, to be associated with them. This is going to bite eventually. I think DF was wise to bail out.
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One problem with the website is they were cowed after they perm'd Ket-Cat.

She was banned for leaking DM's from either her girlfriends (Robin) or her account in a discord chat that was private for trans members.

The most vocal ones on the like FeistyBoots, Inceliosef (might have misspelled), Robin and Persephone, just constantly pick fights.

They mass report people and get them banned. This was allowed after the Trans summit when Ket-Kat was un-perm'd.

It's dumb and stupid, no matter what creed, race religion. sex, gender that you are. It's breaking the forum that they allowed it to happen

Assholes will always only just be assholes

EDITED: Wrong user name
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Fake story

Who talks like that.

Fake but also designed to serve a purpose.

They are not a “small fringe of dedicated voters,” they are your friends, neighbors, and unfortunately for some of you, your family.

An actual dog-whistle too as you can see how many other "I don't talk to a person close to me" examples are given to solidify the belief.

Abandon your family.
Join the cult.
We are your family now.

It's kind of understandable.
You have these inexperienced shut ins trying to have full blown political arguments with older and more experienced adults.
So they get absolutely trounced and then throw a hissy fit because arguing with people in real life has no "easy mode".
The cult then offers them an out. Join us and nobody will ever contradict you again. We all believe the same thing.

You see little comments like this:
"My older brother and his wife are more or less center/conservative Democrats. Thankfully, I only see them a small handful of times a year during family gatherings, Thanksgiving, and Christmas."

Even the center Democrats need to be shunned. Let the crazy run wild. Abandon anyone who might reel you back in.

LOL. "It's a shame my nieces are growing up estranged from me. But I give them comic books that promote diversity and by women creators."
Like a crazy religious uncle trying to slip Chick tracts or Christian Rock CDs to the kids.
Yup. He can't win a political argument with his centrist brother so instead he preys on their kids and tries to subvert them under the radar.
They think they are the good guys in this.

Man, I've been feeling more and more that the internet has just ruined people who spend to much time on it.
Like we just cannot accept being wrong anymore. We cannot accept any opinion that goes against our own.
You see these people who will get owned in a debate and they'll just vanish for a few days and come back again spouting the same shit.
People who won't answer direct questions because it will expose the weaknesses in their arguments.

Then it starts to seep into real life.
Mom and dad are centrists? Reeeeeeeee!
My older sister doesn't even vote! Reeeeeeee!
My younger brother wants to be a cop! Reeeeee!
I'll never talk to them again!

Honestly it's easier to just understand that people see the world differently to you.
Enjoy the sparring matches with your family but never take it too far and always make up in the end.
The only time I would say to make an exception is for something blatantly egregious.


One problem with the website is they were cowed after they perm'd Ket-Cat.

She was banned for leaking DM's from either her girlfriends (Robin) or her account in a discord chat that was private for trans members.

The most vocal ones on the like FeistyBoots, Inceliosef (might have misspelled), Robin and Persephone, just constantly pick fights.

They mass report people and get them banned. This was allowed after the Trans summit when Ket-Kat was un-perm'd.

It's dumb and stupid, no matter what creed, race religion. sex, gender that you are. It's breaking the forum that they allowed it to happen

Assholes will always only just be assholes

EDITED: Wrong user name

I remember that situation.

I am still of the belief that in ANY community I have EVER participated in someone using a personal relationship with an administrator to gain private access to confidential information to then leak this information to the public would be 100% forever banned.

It's such a horrible breach of trust, security and privacy that I just can't imagine anyone being allowed to get away with it.

Unless there is some kind of belief that ones identity exempts them from facing the consequences of awful actions.
"I abused my relationship to hack private data and then make it public BUUUUUUUUUT I am trans so it's OK?"

As a community they sort of seem to accept it.

Kind of like the "defund the police" thing.
Like, they definitely don't have an issue with authorities handing out heavy punishments
It's a feature of their own website actually.
Similarly they don't mind the police arresting people for crimes or putting people in jail for crimes.
However, they do think ones identity should possibly exempt one from feeling the full force of the law.

Some guy flew a "white lives matter" banner? Take his job! Take his girlfriends job! Get the cops to investigate this! Ruin his life!
Some guy gets pulled over for drinking and driving? Well... couldn't the police just drive the guy home and give him a pamphlet about alcohol abuse?
Man, I've been feeling more and more that the internet has just ruined people who spend to much time on it.
Like we just cannot accept being wrong anymore. We cannot accept any opinion that goes against our own.
You see these people who will get owned in a debate and they'll just vanish for a few days and come back again spouting the same shit.
People who won't answer direct questions because it will expose the weaknesses in their arguments.
I think the internet is a wonderful gift that likely saved us from a marxist uprising. Consider that instead of posting on Twitter or arguing in Facebook groups, tens of millions of people could be out there doing something in society, for good or evil. Instead of getting owned in a debate, seething for months and years, and then pulling the levers of The Party to eliminate the rival who embarrassed you, these zealots screech on comment-sections of videogame forums and knitting websites and never ever formulate any plans with any real consequences. Maybe because I've been reading 'Notes from Underground' and 'Demons' recently I feel as though we are not close to approaching the devious malice of Pyotr and Nikolai. They lack the impulse control necessary for true evil. They are narcissists (who almost always blow their wad before a truly big payoff).

When all the stops were pulled and every obstacle removed, CHAZ is the best they could larp. When all the brands were/are in their hands and all the lanes of communication policed, clumsily "banning" Alex Jones and putting out some razor commercial was the best they could manage. I remind myself of these things every day.

Said it before and I'll say it again: there will be a new "old Southern racist" stereotype made concerning these zealots. Instead of sitting on their porch screaming obscenities at innocent black kids walking by, they will screech at cis white kids. They will be the "racists" of the future, completely unable to handle the defeat of their ideology, clinging to the promises of the dead party, muttering "the progressives will rise again".
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Lol, this is such an ERA thread

Closed after three pages because of the reports. Can't wait to see who will get banned.

It has the usual: You can't be racist against whites stuff as a bonus.

Apparantly racism = prejudice + power, hence POC can't be racist.

Is this some new definition of racism that nobody but ERA uses?


Well, Dutch women have a big mouth and are upstanding. I wouldn't fault you.

But to be serious, I don't know if its a choice. You could say yes as they could decide not to transform. But generally they feel they're born in the wrong body and feel something about themselves is terribly off to the point of them being unable to be happy with themselves. Its tragic and something we can't picture. I would say its almost a necessity over a choice. Not in every case, but if you go so far as to cut your tools, then yeah, its serious.

Its a difficult subject regardless. But that doesn't mean they deserve a free pass to enforce their authoritarian ideologies like those tools over there do. If they seek acceptance from general public, i'd advise them to change their tune.

And Schreier, has he become their spokesperson or something? Smart move, to be associated with them. This is going to bite eventually. I think DF was wise to bail out.

I always thought the Dutch ladies were really fine looking. And I used to work in Münster (45min from Enschede) where I went to NED on the weekends a lot.

To be honest, I bet 90% of trans people out there are nothing like the fools on ERA and accept that most people have questions or reservations about what they are doing.

Oh yeah, Schreier is massive dickhead. It's only a matter of time until ERA digs up some dirt on him. Being a jew, Israel politics could be his downfall.

Dark10x is gone but that other dude Battaglia is still active on ERA, massive SJW cut too.
Looks like Neil Druckmann from Naughty Dog is being cancelled this morning because he is buddies with Colin Moriarty on twitter. Why is Colin hated so much over there? They make it sound like he participates in Klan rallies and kills minorities

Tuff McNutt

Looks like Neil Druckmann from Naughty Dog is being cancelled this morning because he is buddies with Colin Moriarty on twitter. Why is Colin hated so much over there? They make it sound like he participates in Klan rallies and kills minorities

He made a dad joke about the day without women hashtag.




Era up in arms and trying to cancel Neil Druckmann for being friends with Mr Moriarty. Garbage cunts. Piece of shit forum.
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I think the internet is a wonderful gift that likely saved us from a marxist uprising. Consider that instead of posting on Twitter or arguing in Facebook groups, tens of millions of people could be out there doing something in society, for good or evil. Instead of getting owned in a debate, seething for months and years, and then pulling the levers of The Party to eliminate the rival who embarrassed you, these zealots screech on comment-sections of videogame forums and knitting websites and never ever formulate any plans with any real consequences. Maybe because I've been reading 'Notes from Underground' and 'Demons' recently I feel as though we are not close to approaching the devious malice of Pyotr and Nikolai. They lack the impulse control necessary for true evil. They are narcissists (who almost always blow their wad before a truly big payoff).

When all the stops were pulled and every obstacle removed, CHAZ is the best they could larp. When all the brands were/are in their hands and all the lanes of communication policed, clumsily "banning" Alex Jones and putting out some razor commercial was the best they could manage. I remind myself of these things every day.

Said it before and I'll say it again: there will be a new "old Southern racist" stereotype made concerning these zealots. Instead of sitting on their porch screaming obscenities at innocent black kids walking by, they will screech at cis white kids. They will be the "racists" of the future, completely unable to handle the defeat of their ideology, clinging to the promises of the dead party, muttering "the progressives will rise again".
I don't know about that.

Marxism itself is very niche. Even the Nordic countries, which many liberals see as the ideal are heavily capitalist. It's easier to start a business in many of those countries than the US. They also have lower corporate tax rates.

There is still no long term Marxist state that we can say, hey that's great example lol.

I'm definitely more of a supporter of social democracy--strong free markets and strong safety nets. The stuff you see in the Nordic countries. But I think the recent appeal of Marxism seems to be a youth thing. It's a demographic that highly engaged online so they seem louder.
I don't know about that.

Marxism itself is very niche. Even the Nordic countries, which many liberals see as the ideal are heavily capitalist. It's easier to start a business in many of those countries than the US. They also have lower corporate tax rates.

There is still no long term Marxist state that we can say, hey that's great example lol.

I'm definitely more of a supporter of social democracy--strong free markets and strong safety nets. The stuff you see in the Nordic countries. But I think the recent appeal of Marxism seems to be a youth thing. It's a demographic that highly engaged online so they seem louder.
Christianity is niche, by these standards. 🤭


It was a matter of time before they would target Neil.

They dug up the casting thing, spun into a 100% racist cause. They dug up that Mankind was a sexist pitch. He pushed out that woman who went on to work on Star Wars which isn't going to fly either, I forgot her name. And there were the crunch issues at ND. He has sentenced for life worth of shit on his hands.

They also seem to try to deconstruct TLoU 2. Its going be their most overrated PS4 game at some point. It seems TLoU2 is actually fulfilling lots of their demands, but its never enough.
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Prevalence and acceptance of the ideology itself. Are you basing the "mainstream" status of an ideology on whether a country has officially adopted 'Marxism' as its foundations? C'mon now.
No. Definitely not.

Let's define the terms here. Are you talking more about the cultural variation of Marxism?
No. Definitely not.

Let's define the terms here. Are you talking more about the cultural variation of Marxism?
You mean Engels' half? Sure. What would you define as the "cultural variation of Marxism" as opposed to the economic/governmental/gears-of-history variation of Marxism?


You mean Engels' half? Sure. What would you define as the "cultural variation of Marxism" as opposed to the economic/governmental/gears-of-history variation of Marxism?

Because even amongst younger people there is an implicit appreciation of capitalism and its fruits. Smartphones, videogames, fashion, dining out, etc. You're getting all this stuff because of capitalism.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
you're lucky it’s only two weeks, I got permanently banned for asking why this is acceptable

Well you circumvented the old easy defense of “nobody says that, you’re making it up!”.

Since you brought receipts they had to take action of course.
I wonder how persistent that worldview could be or will it age out? Especially since it's contradictory.
Marxism has persisted for ~170 years and feasts on self-contradiction and the denial of cognitive dissonance. I don't see why recent contradictions would do anything to kill the ideology itself, only the most recent version/brand of it.

Academia is the root of it. Fix academia's cultish obsession with a secular utopia and then Marxism goes away.

Dick Jones

Gold Member

Era up in arms and trying to cancel Neil Druckmann for being friends with Mr Moriarty. Garbage cunts. Piece of shit forum.
Can people not realise his name is Cory Barlog not Balrog. There is a huge fucking difference. One is a Mike Tyson clone character in Street Fighter and the other directed God of War (2018).

Also, the aim to piss off the big names over stupid shit.
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