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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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The stupidity is right there in the title "Trust him, he's an expert in the food industry".

Worked in "Food service" (McDonalds) for ten years. So now he's in his 30's.

"Weddings" Hired caterer help.

"Management" Supervisor.

"Until I get something better" you're an unskilled deadbeat with stupid ideas, didnt happen for ten years and aint gonna happen for the next.

"Delivery driver" Uber eats driver

Now with all the experience he's still not worked out that food is priced so high and with such great margins it's enough to cover any wastage. 10 pizzas didn't cost to make and deliver what the price on the receipt was.

Tuff McNutt

Now with all the experience he's still not worked out that food is priced so high and with such great margins it's enough to cover any wastage. 10 pizzas didn't cost to make and deliver what the price on the receipt was.

Also it doesn't make sense that a pizza place would actually cancel an order of 10 pizzas after they were already out for delivery and on time.

I'll take 'things that never happened' for 400.

Yup, I guarantee you that thread is made up of 100% grade-A bullshit. Real badasses don't need to proclaim they are, especially on the internet, and especially on a shit-tier video game forum like Era. These are people that regularly claim they are triggered and don't feel safe even in an echo chamber like Era, is anyone seriously believing they are going around beating people up?

My favorite though is the skinny midget furry Nepenthe dunking on someone? GTFO.
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This ones full of golden fan fiction and toxic masculinity.







Nepenth - Stuff I did at school becuse I've achived nothing as an adult.
LOL so most of the flexes are giving women money to kiss you? Are they that desperate for human contact? Getting a kiss is not a difficult or brag worthy story lol

Then we get to the furry midget, she DUNKED on someone? Unless her PE class was in a preschool the baskets are way too high for most kids who are tall to dunk in middle school. WTF is she talking about?

Her other flex is kicking someone in the face in front of their wife and kids during a class with combat? LOL]
Someone has never sparred if you think landing a strike is impressive lol

Didn't know a single kid that could kinda sorta dunk until the 9th grade and he was 6'4". I don't think very many kids are capable of dunking between the ages of 12-14 (Middle School).
Pretty much, we had a single kid who could dunk in middle school and he was well over 6ft in middle school. That's it. Some of us were pretty close to the rim but no one could dunk.
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Tuff McNutt

Post 51 lol

"We don’t need ‘best girl’ topics. See FAQ on ‘respect a diverse audience’. "

But if it was for going gay over man ass, it would be 1000 posts and stickied. Fuck these hypocrites. They are like Incelchief (jealous that they are not real women), hags (Morrigan), or landwhales (Peresphone). Or like 98.99% of their posters, beta white knights looking for woke points (Messyeggo).


Gold Member
"We don’t need ‘best girl’ topics. See FAQ on ‘respect a diverse audience’. "

But if it was for going gay over man ass, it would be 1000 posts and stickied. Fuck these hypocrites. They are like Incelchief (jealous that they are not real women), hags (Morrigan), or landwhales (Peresphone). Or like 98.99% of their posters, beta white knights looking for woke points (Messyeggo).

I think its funnier because its triggered a mod because Rin is trans I think?
Do those half-wits have varying degrees of bans for racism? Stinkles got what, 2 weeks for racism? Are they saying it's fine for him to be racist as long as he sits in the corner for two weeks to think about what he's done? So many questions.
NinjaBoiX NinjaBoiX 's post got me thinking. There's a ton of "the good old days" type of posts when it comes to returning Gaf members, but I wonder if some of the more radical Era members will ever feel that way about now.

Era is quite clearly on a path to get more and more extremist as time goes on, at least for what can be legally allowed. I wonder if, let's say someone like Morrigan, would think "man, I remember Era in 2020 when things weren't so serious". It's kind of crazy to think about because I feel like it's inevitable for those that don't continue down the rabbit hole.


The thread is really extremely entertaining. But week after week I wonder more and more if this is right. Sometimes it feels like making fun of mentally handicapped or severely disadvantaged people. Fortunately, the thought of this disappears again quite quickly, because fascists and hateful people have no disability bonus. But I am glad that more and more normal people turn their backs on Era.
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Gold Member
NinjaBoiX NinjaBoiX 's post got me thinking. There's a ton of "the good old days" type of posts when it comes to returning Gaf members, but I wonder if some of the more radical Era members will ever feel that way about now.

Era is quite clearly on a path to get more and more extremist as time goes on, at least for what can be legally allowed. I wonder if, let's say someone like Morrigan, would think "man, I remember Era in 2020 when things weren't so serious". It's kind of crazy to think about because I feel like it's inevitable for those that don't continue down the rabbit hole.

Morrigan warned me in 2018 for daring to suggest Era may be radicalising



Gold Member
It's amazing that ERA members think they're so loving, yet and thread that is about something they don't like they spew hatred like nothing else.

I mean they want that kid who just smirked at an Native to die, for being what was literally just a smart ass

TBH, they're the most vile type of person, preaching to others how to be good people, yet, they don't even take their own advice.
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These people are crazy.
So literally a mod is still a false narrative that he's hateful and a racist? Because someone else came up to him and the news lied about what happened? The amount that want to hurt or kill a child in that thread is disturbing.

Holy shit at this vomit of a title:


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Astral Dog

So literally a mod is still a false narrative that he's hateful and a racist? Because someone else came up to him and the news lied about what happened? The amount that want to hurt or kill a child in that thread is disturbing.

Holy shit at this vomit of a title:


Meh, they whine now but if its good most of them will end up buying that Harry Potter game the moment its released (why haven't they revealed it yet? 🤔) and a certain cyberpunkish one, its not like thats some random low budget indie developer ERA can afford to ignore for points, they will play it on their Harry Potter costumes just won't tell their friends or finish it and return it to the store to own the nazis
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Funniest Most tragic thing about this is that he thinks this would help anyone.

No, you moron. What you end up with is even more food wastage, less food produced and even less food into the hands of the people who need it to survive, because believe it or not food isn't a infinite resource you incredible twat.
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Yeah, it pretty clearly started to happen in mid-to-late 2018. Wonder what the catalyst behind the scenes was.

Honestly I believe they evaluated users and length on GAF as part of the warn or ban system before shit went super fucking crazy. Some of the older or more respected posters that ended up moving over were given some leeway till shit went full dictatorship. Era is missing the one key part of GAF and that is a gaming side with a soul. Mixing politics into everything then seeping into gaming pretty much mucked up the feeling and laid back views of a video game forum. Era left because of non gaming reasons and non gaming reasons are why video game discussions there do not exist. Writing was on the wall for a while but driving an entire PC community out to make another forum really is impressive as far as trying to be inclusive and "the premier video game forum" of the entire planet.


What a completely normal response. NOT.


All this over a smile.

Edit: Blatant anti-white racism coming from the administrator (no surprise who).

Yeah Jackswift, you should feel bad about harming a kid you fucking dipshit. That admin is equally stupid.Resetera really is a breeding ground for moronic dumbasses with violent fantasies. Thankfully they're mostly pathetic losers who wont act on any of the dumbshit they say.


The Ree shit def. started here. The difference is that the gaming side of GAF wasn't infested with it as much and I think woke culture wasn't as rampant in society as it is today. I found a lot of takes in offtopic and politics to be rather extreme. All those prominent members and some insiders were simply SJW, and they set the tone. And they all left to set up Ree.

But there were also lots of members like me, who left this place because of communities and ongoing activity. So at the very beginning Ree still had some sane posters and some okay mods, But I think its a matter of weeks before I realized they became even worse. Mods seemed to be replaced on a weekly basis and I guess only the most extreme fucks were deemed qualified. I think it was within mere months that we started to make fun of Ree's overly sensitive posts on another local forum some of us were also active. Their butthurt opinions and reactions on the most futile stuff were just insane.

I think that, if you stay active there at this point, you're either being brainwashed or just a rampant SJW. Or just trolling to rile them up. For any other kind of person there is no reason to stay there. Not even if you're in it solely for gaming discussions as I haven't seen a single gaming news topic not being derailed into extreme leftist political views and worse, asking for bans since like 2 months after the site went up. It just went worse over time.
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I think that, if you stay active there at this point, you're either being brainwashed or just a rampant SJW. Or just trolling to rile them up. For any other kind of person there is no reason to stay there. Not even if you're in it solely for gaming discussions as I haven't seen a single gaming news topic not being derailed into extreme leftist political views and worse, asking for bans since like 2 months after the site went up. It just went worse over time.

Absolutely, 100%.

Out of paranoia and just being plain idiots, the decent posters got banned or just left.

They can't even spot the blatant trolls as they're the ones stoking the flames of the shit-fest they started to begin with by simply agreeing with them.

Daffy Duck



Hersha Patel


Fucking morons.

hahah, hey dude! I’m so sorry I got you banned from era as well. 🤣

But on the topic of that post here in the U.K. that’s exactly how the packet instructions tell you to cook rice
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