this is how persecuted they see themselves. THEY ACTUALLY THINK THEY ARE AS OPPRESSED AS ENSLAVED PEOPLE.
i don't see how you can look at the history of slavery, forcing generations of people to unpaid labor and brutality, forced migration and the historical and cultural elimination of hundreds of nations, and compare all of that to thinking it is "skeezy" to be a man acting like a woman. how the fuck does that compare in any way? holy shit the ego on these people.
also way to just put things into JK's mouth and say that she said something she never said like "slavery is okay" and "certain races are bad". i love how this is a form of discussion. just making shit up and pulling it entirely out of your ass and acting like they would say it. holy fuck these disingenuous people.
no wonder they don't know what gender they are, they are willfully ignorant of objective truth.
they are bigoted against reality.