If you’re developing a game in a country fast becoming a hellhole for LGBTQ+ folk, I don’t want to hear about how it’s important for people’s different “political sympathies” and opinions to be in the game. Not when it’s still pushing transphobic bullshit and fetishised imagery. Not while the...
Thank you so much CDPR. I’ll be buying the special edition now since you’ve managed to rile up all the pedos and dick choppers on retard era
edit: I love the “being apolitical is a political statementttttt

” crowd in there. Guess how many of these vermin have liberal arts degrees but no jobs.
They need to push that view because otherwise they can't try to cancel people who say "I don't care either way".
They aren't just saying "being apolitical is political" they are trying to get to "being apolitical is a BAD political view".
In entertainment media its a bit pointless as it is well known that many creators simply do not like allegory.
The other issue is that the "political" message in games is actual just the audiences own interpretation. These interpretations can be contradictory too so it's more like a game can be apolitical in itself but can give rise to many competing political interpretations.
Super Mario Bros 2 is a dream. Super Mario Bro3 3 is a stage play. So even in a game so simple you could easily come up with a ton of political interpretations.
What these ResetEra clowns are basically objecting to is the idea of the "ignorant gamer" who just wants to play a game. Maybe they see the game as a kind of toy or stress reliever.
They set themselves above such low "entertainment" as every game needs to be picked apart and examined for "problematic" elements so that the mob can be riled up.
They see Cyberpunk being touted as "not political" and are getting upset because this will have the effect of defending the game from their inevitable bullshit on release day.
They want to be the ones to decide if a game gets the green light or if its problematic.
Even something as tame as Paper Mario gets the treatment.
Paste Magazine is your source for the best music, movies, TV, comedy, videogames, books, comics, craft beer, politics and more. Discover your favorite albums and films.
"Videogames are saturated with decades of colonial, masculine, military violence and foster a dominant culture of design through its standards. Despite the charm and fun that is in
Origami King, it can’t imagine game design outside of the realm that corporate game development has engendered.
Unfortunately, this means there are implicit harmful politics within the game because it upholds these values."
Some people just CAN'T allow themselves to publicly admit to having fun. Maybe that's a big part of white guilt or something? Like they just can be see to be anything other than staunch deep thinkers ready to point out all the problematic things they see.
I wonder if they are so afraid of each other already they they kind of need to be very very cautious about enjoying some content incase they have to embarrassingly climb down when a peer points out how disgustingly transphobic or colonial or whatever the thing is.
I dunno. I'm imagining like a young kid who discovers a new song over the weekend and confidently swaggers into school playing it on their Walkman only for the much cooler kids to immediately shame them for liking such awful trash. Then it's like "haha you guys I was just kidding".