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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Do you need to be logged in to view that or was it deleted?

You have to be logged in to view it. I just did. And it was 99.9% self-high-five bullshit by the Era thundercunts.

Predictably everyone called them out on their refusal for transparancy of moderation, and what was going to be a thread left open for several days was locked. :)


GAF needs summits, would be great.

Simply because people here have a sense of humour and aren't brittle beings.

First suggestion; was Elliot racist against E.T?

(He was white after all and E.T was an alien of colour).
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GAF needs summits, would be great.

Simply because people here have a sense of humour and aren't brittle beings.

First suggestion; was Elliot racist against E.T?

The world may never know, but the funniest line in that movie is when he calls his bro “penis breath” and the mom gets mad at him but also can’t stifle her laugh. Nowadays that’s too homophobic. But it’s still funny to me, dammit!


The world may never know, but the funniest line in that movie is when he calls his bro “penis breath” and the mom gets mad at him but also can’t stifle her laugh. Nowadays that’s too homophobic. But it’s still funny to me, dammit!

Haha don't remember that. Damn you Spielberg! :D

Dick Jones

Gold Member
You have to be logged in to view it. I just did. And it was 99.9% self-high-five bullshit by the Era thundercunts.

Predictably everyone called them out on their refusal for transparancy of moderation, and what was going to be a thread left open for several days was locked. :)
Why was it locked? Could you copy and paste the shite comment?
The world may never know, but the funniest line in that movie is when he calls his bro “penis breath” and the mom gets mad at him but also can’t stifle her laugh. Nowadays that’s too homophobic. But it’s still funny to me, dammit!
How is it homophobic as they never specified whether it is a male penis or female penis?

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Do you need to be logged in to view that or was it deleted?

Since not everyone can see it, I prepared a meal for everyone.

The Menu:



The Appetizers:





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The Dessert:



Why was it locked? Could you copy and paste the shite comment?
How is it homophobic as they never specified whether it is a male penis or female penis?
unfortunate reminder that Goonies has a 14 year old Chunk do a topless dance and then put a statue's penis in his mouth.


When you fail so much two times in less than a month (tags, asian summit) but you're still the General Manager. If BDubs is the best Resetera can offer, just imagine the other admins.


Since not everyone can see it, I prepared a meal for everyone.

The Menu:



The Appetizers:





The Main Course:




The Dessert:


To be fair it seems the Asians high jacked thier own summit to rightly complain about Eras moderation full stop. They are never giving up thier power, be transparent or accountable.

Good call out on the repeatedly racist Stinkles being let back in every time. He'll probably go into witness protection.


Jesus Christ at that post J-dubs.

Who the fuck is gonna read that?

I did try and failed, much like your post, Putting numbers on paragraphs? hahahahaha

(more proof they're brittle and read other sites, coincidence? I think not)

Hey Hecht
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B-Dub's lock comment from the Asian community thread lock post:

"As the thread has derailed off of the topic of takeaways from the meeting, we're just going to lock it. If you want to take issue with any specific moderation action or policy, feel free to PM a mod captain."

1) It's not a derailing when people's key complaint is the issue of moderation specifically when it comes to the treatment of Asian people
2) The thread was unstickied, thus will disappear into the ether. Convienent.
3) Unfortunate use of the word "takeaways", but thats me being immature.


Jesus Christ at that post J-dubs.

Who the fuck is gonna read that?

I did try and failed, much like your post, Putting numbers on paragraphs? hahahahaha

(more proof they're brittle and read other sites, coincidence? I think not)

Hey Hecht

It's a tactic these leftists use, make something so big and long people won't read it. But there so much loaded into it that the chances of pulling out a defence quote is high.

Remember that massive wall of text once the resolved taggate? Same thing in action.


It's a tactic these leftists use, make something so big and long people won't read it. But there so much loaded into it that the chances of pulling out a defence quote is high.

Remember that massive wall of text once the resolved taggate? Same thing in action.

You could nearly say it's the same thing conservatives are doing.



It's a tactic these leftists use, make something so big and long people won't read it. But there so much loaded into it that the chances of pulling out a defence quote is high.

Remember that massive wall of text once the resolved taggate? Same thing in action.
thing is most of it is TELLING US HOW THEY FEEL. for instance during tag gate i read some of B-Dubs posts and 50% were just "it is hard for me, to deal, blah blah blah, the mods work so hard around here, it is EMOTIONAL LABOR, wah wah wah, me me me" everything is this grand personal journey, lots of rhetoric based on justifying him not doing his job. it might sound high and mighty but it's mostly some guy being lazy and not good at his volunteer job.

that's the funny thing, these positions seem to be volunteer, and they are always going on about how horrible capitalism is, and how great socialism is, yet nobody has the follow through or the discipline to put in the work. they are too selfish, they don't want to sacrifice for the community, so they complain about not being paid for this "work". if they spent half the time they do typing paragraph long excuses as they did actually modding, maybe things would be better off. they would have to "work" less. community relations would be better.

yet they would miss out on the performative factor, which imo is the main reason people post. to wallow in the self. to be a performative character, to ACT (not be) like the Community Organizer/Moderator, don that crown, act like a big wig, luxuriate in compliments from board sycophants who just want to abuse the system, but you let them anyways, because it gets you public clout. just a giant cesspool of people using one another, really.
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Volcano High Alumnus (Cum Laude)
I don't think it's a stretch to point out that they say 'not all Asians are a monolith' but also 'it takes so long to mod this because we need to wait for the Asian mod to weigh in'.

So lucky to have a Pan-Asian mod on staff to make these decisions for them.


Imagine having to put up with the barrage of bullspit that comes alongside being an Era mod, and not even getting paid.
Why something is offensive to someone topics with posts 99% from white middle aged men are peak Resetera.
Women and lgbt of Gaf, don't you find offensive when you are told what you should like or dislike by someone who should have no voice In your opinions?
As a white hetero man, I hate when someone tells me what should offend me and what battles should I fight


They need a being rude to mods, summit.

These summits always work and never backfire. (nah the mods scratch their balls and feel happy) Other users srcatch their head

Honestly even the idea of a summit is so utterly hilarious.
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Gold Member
Since not everyone can see it, I prepared a meal for everyone.

The Menu:



The Appetizers:





The Main Course:




The Dessert:


Good to see B-dubs and KSweeley always battling each other for title of Top Attention Whoring Tard.

Even a verified EA employee called out B-dubs. You know it's bad when an industry person wants to pick sides grilling the site.
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Imagine having to put up with the barrage of bullspit that comes alongside being an Era mod, and not even getting paid.

It was the same being a mod over at Halo Waypoint for me. Shit tools, repeat problems, no real action by mods, crap rules by 343/MS/Xbox to follow. Unless you want to progress to a job or inside path to 343 it's a total waste of time TBH. I don't know why some people hold the idea of being a mod in such high regard. The same goes for some mods, such as many ERA mods, in that they treat it like some fix all role for their members. I appreciate the work mods do, when they're good people, but generally I've found they just have a hidden agenda or can't actually decide shit based on rules they have to enforce or the existing clique(s) within the mods/admins overruling everything. The latter being the worst offender.

GAF and mod team as it is now is far better, let members have at it, step in for the extreme situations and just a more hands off approach. Anyone looking to a forum or mods to resolve their world/personal issues is kidding themselves. Admins/mods as we see at ERA trying to make the world a better place are simply learning you have a global and diverse audience where the reality is not everyone is going to get along. What is funny to one culture is completely offensive to another, same goes for individuals. Best advice I ever received from the old man was to learn to laugh at yourself. ERA could do with some massive injections of that.

Bungie.net went the route of zero moderation after having fairly strict moderation for years and it shat the bed. The place turned into a hell hole. GAF 2.0 has a winning formula for now.
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The whole lumping of Asians into one group by it's very nature supports the "Hive mind" they complain about. Asian covers so many countries and cultures that having an Asian mods not really fix anything other than a diversity hire "I'm not racist I've got black friends Asian mods".

You could have a Japanese person making decisions on what a Vietnamese person is offended about. Or to put it another way lots of us could just be grouped as "European" and if I raised an issue as a British person, Slav Elektro demon being asked for input and a decision because he's "European" as well.


this is a crazy flash from the past. from during the early 2015 Republican primaries. hah its like an alternate dimension. it is weird to see them cheering him on because he is trolling the establishment Republicans.




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this is a crazy flash from the past. from during the early 2015 Republican primaries. hah its like an alternate dimension. it is weird to see them cheering him on because he is trolling the establishment Republicans.





But you don't understand that was before all of the LGBTQIA POC were being MURDERED in the STREETS.


Wait what? They are banning people that post in this thread over at Era? If so, they can just fuck off for all I care. My user name here is the same as over there and even the same avatar...lol.

In the last few weeks I have not posted no where near as much as I have in the past...I am just not liking it much there and aside from the dedicated OT Xbox Thread and perhaps the TV Thread I pretty much avoid all the other ones. I just dislike that when you report to a mod that a user is calling an Entire Community Nazi's and they ignore the report and the user continues to post such shit. The issue was a guy said anyone that posts here at Gaf are Nazi's and I reported it and asked the person why am I being called a Nazi. The MOD ignored my report and no action was taken. It is one thing if you want to call out a certain poster being a Nazi, but to paint an entire community and the MOD just ignore is just insane imho.
I haven't checked my account but I got banned for 3 days. When I posted it here it was extended to one month.

Now it's probably permanent.

Yes they do check here. Do you think it's in their nature not to find things to whine about?


I haven't checked my account but I got banned for 3 days. When I posted it here it was extended to one month.

Now it's probably permanent.

Yes they do check here. Do you think it's in their nature not to find things to whine about?
Congrats, you know its for the best


its always funny when they complain about people sexualizing trans women. cos every time i see a trans person in the media or in the news or in a protest or anywhere they are dressed like the biggest day glo whore you have ever seen.


its always funny when they complain about people sexualizing trans women.

I cant remember who it was but there was one of the Ree complaining about being sexualized while at the same time posting nudes (Just a fat man with his cock out wearing makeup) on instagram.

The actual complaint they are making is "Why are they not sexualizing ME!".
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