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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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From that thread:


lol. Dude proceeds to get banned on the next page for patiently explaining his views.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member

That whole thread is terrible.

When they say that the lives of racists having “no intrinsic value” on one hand but then cry and moan about how the justice system doesn’t coddle violent criminals and that the death penalty is wrong on the other - their priorities are completely out of line.

Their total effort to reform people they deem racist is “I don’t have the energy to educate you, go read this book”.


That whole thread is terrible.

When they say that the lives of racists having “no intrinsic value” on one hand but then cry and moan about how the justice system doesn’t coddle violent criminals and that the death penalty is wrong on the other - their priorities are completely out of line.

Their total effort to reform people they deem racist is “I don’t have the energy to educate you, go read this book”.

Yeah. And a guy who doesn't like that kind of punches because his friend was killed in such a manner is 'concern trolling'. Everyone in that thread is acting as a huge cunt against that member... but it is that member that gets banned.

Era is so empathic.
Blade Runner was problematic because Harrison Ford treated the robots like robots and not like living humans with FEEEELINGS

lol someone didn't read the book.

That was the crux of PKD's argument in the original Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep. He was emphasizing that no matter how lifelike replicants would be, they lacked the distinct part that makes us human. There's also the facet of Deckard's pursuit of an affordable fake animal to appease his neighbors. It is dark irony, something that plays a central role in every PKD book I've read.

The paranoia and intrigue was a part of the story, too, but not really the main focus. Deckard's religious transformation is the focus, with the apparent humanity of the replicants offering the backdrop.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
lol someone didn't read the book.

That was the crux of PKD's argument in the original Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep. He was emphasizing that no matter how lifelike replicants would be, they lacked the distinct part that makes us human. There's also the facet of Deckard's pursuit of an affordable fake animal to appease his neighbors. It is dark irony, something that plays a central role in every PKD book I've read.

The paranoia and intrigue was a part of the story, too, but not really the main focus. Deckard's religious transformation is the focus, with the apparent humanity of the replicants offering the backdrop.

Well all that goes against the current trend of devaluing humans as being slightly smarter apes so in that ethos replicants would have the same rights and value as humans. Those people believe that there is nothing extraordinary or unique about being human.

How do these people function? Who thinks about these things?


It‘s funny seeing him complain about racism. Someone should point out that his avatar supports a racist movie* that likes to stereotype Indian culture.


*I have no problem with the movie but would find it amusing to hear how he doesn’t see himself as a hypocrite.

I love that movie and even the sequel. My old home server was called Johnny-5.

Los Locos kick your ass! Los Locos kick your face! Los Locos kick your balls into outer space!

some middle school reject just shat this out

If you paint your nails, you ain't a "many man".
Last edited:

"We don't find that this thread meets our sourcing guidelines for sensitive topics. "
aka please don't post videos of black people looting and assaulting someone

If anyone needed proof on how the admins guide the narrative of that site, there it is. A discussion wasn't even able to get started. That is a topic completely worth discussing.


That whole thread is terrible.

When they say that the lives of racists having “no intrinsic value” on one hand but then cry and moan about how the justice system doesn’t coddle violent criminals and that the death penalty is wrong on the other - their priorities are completely out of line.

Their total effort to reform people they deem racist is “I don’t have the energy to educate you, go read this book”.

It's a basic failure to see the bigger picture whilst, in their usual contradictory way, being more than happy for a minority person to take all the risks for their gratification or entertainment.

As the banned poster correctly points out, if the guy who took the punch falls the wrong way or something else goes wrong then the person who punched him is about to have a severely negative and life changing experience. Could be jail time. Could be mental health issues from accidentally killing or giving some random stranger brain damage. Imagine having to stand in a court and explain in front of a dudes family how you ended up killing their loved one because he was being a bit of a prick one time.

This nutter was ranting on the tube so... I killed him.

They are not only fine with watching a POC take on all of that potential for a really negative outcome but they openly encourage more.

If course there is the strange contradiction of demanding leniency and empathy on most issues until the moment that it's someone they don't like and then it goes out the window.

Best to ignore crazies on the train. If you must confront them then be very very careful. Don't just go straight to violence as its always possible things go wrong and you fuck up your life. Big picture.

Imagine you've got your life in order. Working. Nice relationship. Maybe thinking about house and car etc. Then you are on the train and some twat is acting the maggot. So you hit him a dig and the guy falls and cracks his skull. Maybe he's blinded or brain damaged or something. You face criminal charges your GF is like "why the fuck didn't you just walk on" and you feel awful about what you've done.

These clowns are happy for someone else to take that risk of course.

Not to say the guy didn't deserve a slap. Just people need to be careful in a situation like that. Could have easily gone horribly wrong.


The whole lumping of Asians into one group by it's very nature supports the "Hive mind" they complain about. Asian covers so many countries and cultures that having an Asian mods not really fix anything other than a diversity hire "I'm not racist I've got black friends Asian mods".

You could have a Japanese person making decisions on what a Vietnamese person is offended about. Or to put it another way lots of us could just be grouped as "European" and if I raised an issue as a British person, Slav Elektro demon being asked for input and a decision because he's "European" as well.
It’s almost like these people can’t see past race...


From that thread:


lol. Dude proceeds to get banned on the next page for patiently explaining his views.

I mean, those dudes have been banned for essentially having the moral high ground while the mob is trying to cheer on some shitty behaviour. Admittedly it was done in response to other shitty behaviour and under obvious provocation but the main point still stands.

Youd have to imagine that most on there would be against the death penalty.

Yet if you promote the idea that all life is valuable or nobody has the right to take a human life on the wrong thread they will ban you for it.

There's a lot of messed up drunkards and junkies and mentally ill people shuffling about London on a daily basis and many of them will be shouting terrible shit or just annoying the public in general.

Not sure they deserve to be knocked the fuck out and for sure they don't deserve to be killed.


advanced basic bitch
If anyone needed proof on how the admins guide the narrative of that site, there it is. A discussion wasn't even able to get started. That is a topic completely worth discussing.
Yep. They refuse to allow anything that makes them look bad or not on "the right side of history"


apparently this poor soul is destroying his own life in search of wokeness. last year he declared himself "morally wrong" for having kids:


then he proceeded to leave his wife and kids. go woke... GET DIVORCED!!!


sounds like his life is a mess and he is lashing out.
Imagine even considering for second that having 2 kids with his SO is "morally wrong". These kids and the wife are probably better off without him.




Gold Member
Whats crazy is that you cant open the thread because its hidden but if you pass a oage parameter in the route it lets you access it....


Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
And locked.

This is going to be fun.



Getting exodus vibes here


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

First reply is about me, check.


Anyone got a link to the actual offending post they're up in arms about from redeye97? Can't figure out the specific context for why they're upset, I just saw the unban threads start popping up.


This is why discussion forums based on moral doublethink will always collapse. Eventually the doublethink becomes hard to parse and some will think one side is the “approved” interpretation and vice-versa. Then they fight.
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